Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

End User Agreements: What to Watch Out For When Drafting Yours

23 Mar 2023
31 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


When it comes to executing any kind of business transaction, end-user agreements are an essential factor to consider. They are legally binding contracts that establish and protect the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both the parties involved. End-user agreements can also be used to reinforce intellectual property laws and regulations in order to safeguard the seller’s work or product.

At Genie AI, we appreciate how vital these agreements are for buyers and sellers alike. For this reason, we provide a free open source legal template library to help ensure that all end-user agreements are crafted with meticulous attention given to detail. This ensures that both sides can have confidence in the contract they’re signing - protecting their interests as well as safeguarding any intellectual property rights related to the transaction.

In addition, these documents can also play a role from a marketing perspective by specifying what is expected from customers when using your product or service - which in turn helps build loyalty and trust between you and them. Furthermore, through implementing these safeguards you’ll have recourse should any disputes arise in future; due process will have been established so you can feel secure in knowing that everyone concerned has been made aware of their respective roles beforehand.

At Genie AI we understand how important it is for our customers to draft high quality legal documents without having access to a lawyer – although it should be noted that while this guide provides insight into how best approach drafting such documentation, a Genie AI account is not required for its use. On top of that, if further guidance on end user agreements is needed then our community template library provides further support at no additional cost – giving users an abundance of options when tackling their legal needs head on! So if you’re looking for information regarding industry standards or wish for step by step instructions then make sure you read on below – giving yourself permission today to gain peace of mind tomorrow!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Liability and Indemnification: Legal responsibility and protection of the parties involved in an agreement.
Intellectual Property Rights: Rights of creators to protect their work or invention from unauthorized use.
Data Privacy and Security: Protection of data used by the user and the provider.
Dispute Resolution: Process for resolving disagreements between the parties.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A set of laws in the European Union that protect personal data.
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): A set of laws in California that protect the privacy of consumers.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): A set of laws in the US that protect the privacy of medical data.


  • Overview of the purpose and function of an end-user agreement
  • Explanation of the key legal terms and concepts relevant to end-user agreements
  • Defining relevant legal terms and concepts
  • Guidance on how to structure the agreement for maximum legal protection
  • Identifying key elements of the agreement
  • Creating an effective agreement structure
  • Advice on how to effectively incorporate clauses for privacy and security
  • Understanding privacy and security regulations
  • Incorporating relevant clauses into the agreement
  • Tips for avoiding common mistakes when drafting an end-user agreement
  • Researching mistakes commonly made by others
  • Identifying areas of potential risk
  • Discussion of dispute resolution options and how to include them in the agreement
  • Exploring dispute resolution options
  • Outlining the dispute resolution process
  • Information on relevant local and international laws that may affect the agreement
  • Researching applicable laws
  • Identifying laws that may impact the agreement
  • Strategies for ensuring the end-user agreement is effective and enforceable
  • Identifying enforceable clauses
  • Drafting clauses that are clear and unambiguous
  • Testing the agreement to ensure compliance with applicable laws
  • Exploring different methods of distributing the end-user agreement
  • Understanding the different delivery methods
  • Ensuring users have access to the agreement
  • Developing a plan for tracking and updating the agreement as needed
  • Establishing a system for tracking changes
  • Developing a process for updating the agreement

Get started

Overview of the purpose and function of an end-user agreement

  • Understand the purpose of an end-user agreement and why it is important
  • Learn the key components of a typical end-user agreement
  • Identify the different types of end-user agreements and when they should be used
  • Determine which information and terms should be included in an end-user agreement
  • How to create an effective and legally valid end-user agreement

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have a solid understanding of the purpose and function of an end-user agreement and the different types of agreements that can be used
  • When you have identified the important information and terms that should be included in an end-user agreement
  • When you have created a legally valid end-user agreement that covers all the necessary components

Explanation of the key legal terms and concepts relevant to end-user agreements

  • Research the basic legal principles behind end-user agreements, such as intellectual property rights, contract formation, and dispute resolution.
  • Understand the types of clauses and language that should be included in an end-user agreement, and when these clauses are legally required.
  • Review relevant case law to understand how courts have interpreted the various clauses in end-user agreements.
  • Draft an end-user agreement that complies with applicable laws.

You can check this off your list when you have a comprehensive understanding of the legal principles behind end-user agreements and are able to draft an end-user agreement that complies with applicable laws.

Defining relevant legal terms and concepts

  • Understand the concept of a “forum selection clause” and how to determine the most appropriate forum to litigate a dispute
  • Be able to identify the most relevant applicable laws and regulations to include in the agreement
  • Know what types of disclaimers, waivers, and indemnification clauses are appropriate to include
  • Understand the concept of “jurisdiction” and how to identify the appropriate jurisdiction for the agreement
  • Identify and understand the concept of “choice of law” and how it applies to your agreement

You can check this off your list when you have a solid understanding of the applicable legal terms, concepts, and definitions related to drafting an end user agreement.

Guidance on how to structure the agreement for maximum legal protection

  • Take time to read through any applicable laws, regulations, or standards that will apply to your agreement
  • Consider the roles and responsibilities of each party to the agreement, and make sure they are laid out clearly
  • Make sure the agreement is drafted in plain language so that it is easily understandable by both parties
  • Ensure the agreement contains provisions for dispute resolution, such as arbitration or mediation
  • Make sure the agreement states the governing law, jurisdiction, and venue for any legal action resulting from the agreement
  • Include a clause that requires any modifications to the agreement to be made in writing and consented to by both parties
  • Include a clause that requires all notices and communications to be sent in writing
  • Ensure the agreement clearly states when it will come into effect, and for how long it will be in force
  • Make sure you include a clause that outlines how any changes to the agreement will be communicated to the parties
  • Include a clause that states that the agreement will remain in full force and effect even if any of its provisions are found to be unenforceable
  • When you have completed these steps, you can be sure that your agreement will be legally binding and enforceable in a court of law.

Identifying key elements of the agreement

  • Understand the purpose of the agreement and the rights and responsibilities of each party
  • Consider key elements such as confidentiality, intellectual property, and dispute resolution
  • Ensure the agreement is written in clear, plain language and is legally compliant
  • Check the agreement against applicable laws and regulations
  • When you have identified the key elements, you can move on to creating an effective agreement structure

Creating an effective agreement structure

  • Determine the purpose of the agreement
  • Decide if the agreement will be written or verbal
  • Consider whether the agreement should be unilateral or bilateral
  • Structure the agreement in a clear and logical order
  • Include a signature line at the end of the agreement
  • Once you have determined the purpose, format, and structure of the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Advice on how to effectively incorporate clauses for privacy and security

  • Make sure to include clear, precise language in the agreement that covers the scope of data collected and the purpose for which it will be used
  • Mention any relevant privacy laws or regulations that you are abiding by
  • Ensure that the user is aware of their rights in terms of how their data will be used
  • Make sure to include a clause for data retention, stating how long data will be kept and how it will be securely stored
  • Clarify the conditions under which the user’s data may be shared with third parties
  • Include a clause that outlines the user’s right to withdraw consent or revoke access to their data
  • Make sure to include a clause that outlines the user’s right to access their data
  • When you are finished drafting these clauses, check to ensure that each clause is relevant and up to date with the latest laws and regulations
    Once you have checked that you have addressed all the necessary clauses, you can move on to the next step - Understanding privacy and security regulations.

Understanding privacy and security regulations

  • Research and understand the applicable privacy and security regulations relevant to your end user agreement, such as GDPR, HIPPA, and CCPA.
  • Learn the key components of these regulations in order to ensure your terms and conditions are compliant.
  • Consider seeking professional advice if you are unsure of any obligations you may have under the applicable regulations.
  • You can move on to the next step when you feel confident that you understand the applicable regulations and their implications for your end user agreement.

Incorporating relevant clauses into the agreement

  • Research the legal requirements of your industry and the type of services or products that are being provided
  • Familiarize yourself with the applicable state or federal laws
  • Make sure to include terms that are specific to your service or product, such as a limitation of liability clause, indemnification, and dispute resolution
  • Include a clause that covers the ownership of intellectual property in the agreement
  • Make sure that the agreement is compliant with the current privacy regulations
  • Once you have included all relevant clauses, review the entire agreement for accuracy and completeness
  • After you have reviewed the agreement and are confident that it is complete, you can move on to the next step in drafting your end-user agreement.

Tips for avoiding common mistakes when drafting an end-user agreement

  • Read clauses from other agreements similar to yours to get an idea of what is common and what you should include
  • Make sure to consult with an attorney if you are unsure how to best word something
  • Ensure you are using the most up-to-date legal terminology
  • Verify that all language is clear and concise to avoid any potential misunderstandings
  • Check that the agreement is in compliance with all applicable laws
  • Once you have reviewed the agreement and made any changes necessary, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Researching mistakes commonly made by others

  • Review existing end user agreements from competitors and other businesses in the same industry
  • Read legal blogs and articles related to common mistakes made when drafting end user agreements
  • Reach out to experienced legal professionals in the area for advice on what to look out for
  • Make sure to check for any changes in laws or regulations that could affect the agreement

When you’ve done your research, you can move onto the next step of identifying areas of potential risk.

Identifying areas of potential risk

  • Brainstorm potential areas of risk, such as intellectual property, confidentiality, and ownership of content
  • Review the agreement language to ensure it adequately addresses the identified areas of risk
  • Consider seeking legal advice to verify that the agreement is enforceable and mitigating potential risks
  • Once you have identified the areas of risk and addressed them in the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Discussion of dispute resolution options and how to include them in the agreement

  • Research various dispute resolution options available, such as arbitration and mediation.
  • Consider the pros and cons of each option, such as cost, speed, and enforceability.
  • Create clauses in the agreement that outline when and how disputes will be resolved.
  • Establish how the dispute resolution process will be handled, such as who will pay the fees.
  • Check with local laws and regulations to ensure the agreement complies with all applicable laws.
  • Once all this is done, you can move on to exploring other dispute resolution options.

Exploring dispute resolution options

  • Research applicable laws and regulations that could have an impact on dispute resolution in your agreement
  • Look into alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options such as arbitration, mediation, and other forms of negotiation
  • Draft clauses that outline the process for dispute resolution and the remedies available
  • Evaluate the costs associated with each dispute resolution option
  • Ensure that the agreement meets the requirements of applicable laws
  • Review the agreement with a lawyer or legal expert to ensure it is legally binding and meets all respective laws
  • Once you’ve explored dispute resolution options and drafted clauses outlining the process and remedies available, you will have completed this step and can move on to the next.

Outlining the dispute resolution process

  • Outline the dispute resolution process, including how disputes will be handled, the timeline for resolving them, and the expected costs
  • Identify the appropriate forum for dispute resolution, such as a court, arbitration or mediation
  • Specify the governing law for the dispute resolution process
  • Determine who will bear the costs associated with dispute resolution
  • Establish a timeline for resolving disputes, such as a specific number of days or weeks to reach an agreement
  • Make sure any dispute resolution process is enforceable
  • Once you have outlined all of the necessary details, you can move on to the next step in drafting your end user agreement.

Information on relevant local and international laws that may affect the agreement

  • Research and consult applicable local and international laws that may affect the content and structure of your end user agreement
  • Read up on applicable laws and regulations that may apply to the agreement, such as consumer protection laws and data privacy regulations
  • Consider the jurisdiction in which the agreement will be enforced, and research the relevant laws in that jurisdiction
  • Consult a lawyer to ensure that the agreement is compliant with applicable laws and regulations
  • Once you have determined the relevant laws and regulations, you can move on to the next step - researching applicable laws.

Researching applicable laws

  • Review local laws governing contracts and agreements in the jurisdiction that the agreement will be used
  • Familiarize yourself with regulations and laws that may be applicable to the agreement, such as data privacy and consumer protection laws
  • Look into any industry-specific laws or regulations that may affect the agreement
  • Research the laws of other countries that may have an impact on the agreement
  • Look into any international treaties that may be relevant to the agreement

Once you have researched all applicable laws and regulations, you can move on to the next step of identifying laws that may impact the agreement.

Identifying laws that may impact the agreement

  • Research and review laws applicable to the agreement, including consumer protection laws and any laws governing how you can collect or use personal data
  • Identify any additional laws that may apply to your particular situation, such as ones governing the particular products or services you offer
  • Consider any state or country-specific laws that may affect the agreement, such as those governing the language you use in the agreement
  • When you have identified all the applicable laws, check to see if they require any specific language or special provisions to be included in the agreement
  • Make sure you have included any language required by law in the end user agreement
  • You can check this step off your list once you have identified all laws that may impact the agreement and have included any language required by law in the agreement

Strategies for ensuring the end-user agreement is effective and enforceable

  • Consult a lawyer to ensure the agreement complies with all applicable laws and regulations
  • Use plain language to ensure the agreement is understood by all parties
  • Avoid overly technical language and overly broad terms
  • Clearly explain any legal rights and obligations of the parties
  • Incorporate appropriate disclaimers and limitation of liability clauses
  • Ensure all terms are legally enforceable
  • Periodically review and update the agreement
  • Keep the agreement as short and concise as possible

Once you have consulted a lawyer, used plain language to explain the legal rights and obligations of the parties, incorporated appropriate disclaimers and limitation of liability clauses, and ensured all terms are legally enforceable, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying enforceable clauses

  • Understand the legal implications of the clauses you are including in the agreement
  • Research the applicable laws in your jurisdiction to ensure that the clauses you are including are enforceable
  • Consult a lawyer to ensure that the clauses comply with local laws and regulations
  • Make sure the clauses are reasonable and not too one-sided
  • Check that the clauses are not overly restrictive or unfair to the end user
  • When you are satisfied that all the clauses are enforceable, you can move on to drafting the clauses that are clear and unambiguous.

Drafting clauses that are clear and unambiguous

  • Carefully review the language for each clause in the agreement to ensure that it is clear and unambiguous
  • Avoid the use of jargon, abbreviations, and legalese
  • Choose words that are precise and use terms that are commonly understood
  • Structuring the agreement in a logical order can also help to make the language clearer
  • When in doubt, consult with a lawyer to ensure the language is clear and enforceable
  • Once you have confirmed that the language is clear and unambiguous, you can move on to testing the agreement to ensure compliance with applicable laws.

Testing the agreement to ensure compliance with applicable laws

  • Review all terms and conditions for compliance with relevant state and federal laws
  • Hire a lawyer to review the agreement for legal accuracy
  • Ensure the agreement is written in plain English so that clients can understand it easily
  • Test the agreement with a few end users to ensure it is user-friendly
  • Check the agreement for any inconsistencies between the written contract and any related policies
  • Once you’re satisfied that the agreement is legally compliant and user-friendly, you can move on to exploring different methods of distributing the end-user agreement.

Exploring different methods of distributing the end-user agreement

  • Consider ways to make the end-user agreement accessible to the users, such as email, website, or app
  • Identify any legal requirements for how the agreement should be distributed
  • Determine if the agreement must be accepted electronically or if there is an option to accept the agreement in writing
  • Research different software solutions that can help automate the distribution of the agreement
  • When you have explored the different methods and considered any legal requirements, you can move on to the next step.

Understanding the different delivery methods

  • Review the various methods for delivering the end-user agreement, such as in-app, email, or physical delivery
  • Consider the pros and cons of each delivery method, including how user-friendly and legally compliant they are
  • Decide which delivery method is best suited to your business, factoring in cost and timeline
  • When you have decided on the final delivery method, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Ensuring users have access to the agreement

  • Make sure the agreement is easily accessible for users.
  • Consider posting it on your website or sending a link to it via email.
  • Ask users to click a checkbox confirming they have read and agreed to the terms.
  • Ensure users can access the agreement any time they need to view it.
  • Keep a record of users who have agreed to the terms.


  • Agreement is easily accessible
  • Agreement posted on website or sent via email
  • Users click checkbox to confirm they have read and agreed
  • Agreement accessible any time
  • Record of users who have agreed

Developing a plan for tracking and updating the agreement as needed

  • Identify what changes may need to be tracked in the agreement, such as the addition of new services or changes in terms.
  • Determine the best method for tracking changes, such as using a version number, date, or color coding.
  • Develop a system for making updates to the agreement and keeping track of them.
  • Establish a timeline for regular reviews of the agreement to ensure it is up to date.
  • Check to make sure users are aware of any changes made to the agreement.

When you have a plan for tracking and updating the agreement as needed, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing a system for tracking changes

  • Decide on the format of the system you’ll use to record and track changes to the agreement
  • Create a document where changes to the agreement will be tracked
  • Establish a system for numbering each version of the agreement
  • Assign a staff member (or team) to be responsible for tracking changes to the agreement
  • Set up a process for regularly reviewing the agreement and any changes to it
  • When all changes have been logged, you can move on to the next step.

Developing a process for updating the agreement

  • Decide who will be responsible for managing the agreement
  • Decide how often the agreement needs to be updated
  • Decide how you will communicate updates to users
  • Set up a system to track and monitor changes to the agreement
  • Create a process for users to accept the changes and updates
  • Set up a system to store the updated agreements and track when they were accepted


Q: What is the difference between a UK and US end user agreement?

Asked by Olivia on 5th May 2022.
A: End user agreements may vary depending on the jurisdiction in which they are being used. Generally speaking, UK agreements will be subject to the laws of England and Wales, while US agreements will be subject to the laws of a particular state. End user agreements in the EU may also be subject to different laws depending on which member state they are being used in. It is important to make sure that the agreement you are using is appropriate to the jurisdiction in which it is being used.

Q: How can I protect my company’s intellectual property when drafting an end user agreement?

Asked by Noah on 8th June 2022.
A: When drafting an end user agreement, it’s important to ensure that you adequately protect your company’s intellectual property. This can include things like trade secrets, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade dress. To do this, you should include provisions that limit how your users can use your intellectual property and that specify who owns it and how it can be used. You should also consider including provisions that require users to indemnify your company for any losses or damages resulting from misuse of your intellectual property.

Q: What should I consider when drafting an end user agreement for a SaaS business?

Asked by Emma on 15th July 2022.
A: When drafting an end user agreement for a SaaS business, there are a few key points to consider. First, you should make sure that you clearly define the scope of services provided by your business and what users are entitled to receive in return for their subscription fees. This can help to avoid any confusion or disputes down the line. Additionally, make sure that you include provisions that limit your liability in case something goes wrong with your service or if your users suffer any losses as a result of using it. Finally, you should also include provisions that specify how users can terminate their subscription and how refunds will be handled should they wish to do so.

Q: How do I ensure compliance with GDPR when drafting an end user agreement?

Asked by Madison on 22nd August 2022.
A: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of regulations designed to protect personal data and privacy in the European Union (EU). When drafting an end user agreement, it’s important to make sure that you comply with GDPR requirements. This includes things like making sure that you obtain consent from users before collecting any personal data, ensuring that data is securely stored, and providing users with access to their data upon request. You should also include provisions in your end user agreement which outline how users can exercise their rights under GDPR and what actions you will take if there is any breach of data security or privacy rights.

Q: How do I ensure my end user agreement is enforceable?

Asked by Elijah on 29th September 2022.
A: When drafting an end user agreement, it’s important to make sure that it is legally enforceable so that it has binding legal force should a dispute arise between you and one of your users. To make sure your agreement is enforceable, make sure that it is written in plain language so that both parties understand its terms and conditions clearly; use unambiguous language throughout; include provisions which explain how disputes will be resolved; and make sure all parties have signed the agreement before it comes into effect. Additionally, check with local laws and regulations to ensure that your agreement complies with legal requirements in your jurisdiction before using it.

Example dispute

Suing a Company Over Violation of an End User Agreement

  • A plaintiff can raise a lawsuit against a company for violating an end user agreement if they can prove that the company was in breach of the agreement.
  • The agreement must be legally binding, and the plaintiff must provide evidence that the company was aware of the agreement and its terms and conditions.
  • The plaintiff must also provide evidence that the company failed to adhere to the agreement and that this failure had a direct, measurable impact on the plaintiff.
  • If the plaintiff can prove their case, they may be eligible for damages, including monetary compensation or other remedies, such as a court order demanding the company to follow the terms of the agreement.
  • The court may also order the company to pay the plaintiff’s legal fees, which can be substantial if the case is complicated or drawn out.

Templates available (free to use)

End User Agreement

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