Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting for Antitrust Compliance

9 Jun 2023
25 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


Antitrust matters, and understanding why it is so important is essential for anyone responsible for the welfare of their business. At its core, antitrust law is designed to promote competition and protect consumers from unfair practices by imposing limits on companies and ensuring that businesses are not engaging in anti-competitive activities. Enforcing antitrust laws not only protects consumers, small businesses and workers against exploitation but also helps to promote economic growth.

Furthermore, antitrust laws guarantee fairness and justice by preventing companies from forming monopolies or engaging in other unfair practices. Without these rules in place there would be no incentive for businesses to innovate or compete, leading to higher prices for customers. This can make life harder for smaller businesses struggling to stay afloat, as well as damaging the interests of workers who may otherwise face wage-fixing or union busting attempts.

At Genie AI we are committed to helping businesses stay compliant with antitrust regulations while protecting their interests with our free template library that contains millions of data points on market standards when it comes to understanding powerplay between different firms. Our library enables anyone - regardless of whether they have an account with us - to draft customized legal documents quickly and effectively without having to pay a lawyer’s fee. With our step-by-step guidance you can access our template library today and save time dealing with complex issues around antitrust compliance - all without the need for any legal expertise!


Antitrust Laws: Laws that set out rules and regulations to prevent businesses from engaging in practices that could restrict competition, such as forming cartels and colluding with other businesses to fix prices.
Researching: Investigating and gathering information to gain knowledge.
Analyzing: Examining something in detail to identify its different elements or parts.
Examining: Looking at something closely and carefully in order to analyze it.
Assessing: Evaluating something in order to make a judgment.
Compliance: Adhering to certain regulations or standards.
Contracts: Legally binding agreements between two or more parties.
Pricing Structures: The methods used to determine the price of a product or service.
Restrictive Agreements: Contracts that limit the ability of one or more parties to do something.
Collusive Activities: Actions taken by two or more parties to gain an advantage over others.
Potential Risks: Possible dangers or problems that could arise.
Fines: Monetary penalties imposed by a court or regulatory body.
Legal Penalties: Consequences imposed by a court or regulatory body as a result of a violation of the law.
Key Personnel: People who are responsible for important decisions and tasks.
Comprehension: Understanding something.
Clauses: Parts of a contract that set out certain terms or conditions.
Verify: To confirm the truth or accuracy of something.
Investigate: To examine something in order to discover facts or information.
Corrective Action: Steps taken to address or rectify an issue.
Enforcing: Applying or implementing a rule or regulation.
Auditing: Examining something in order to assess its accuracy or validity.


  1. Understanding antitrust regulations and how they apply to your business
  2. Researching local, state, and federal antitrust laws
  3. Analyzing the impact of antitrust laws on your business operations
  4. Identifying areas of risk and potential issues with antitrust compliance
  5. Examining existing business models, pricing structures, and contracts
  6. Assessing compliance with applicable antitrust laws
  7. Evaluating the costs and benefits of compliance
  8. Analyzing potential risks of non-compliance
  9. Calculating the cost of compliance with antitrust laws
  10. Developing policies and procedures to ensure compliance
  11. Establishing a written policy on antitrust compliance
  12. Crafting procedures to ensure compliance with antitrust laws
  13. Establishing a monitoring program to verify compliance
  14. Designing a system to monitor compliance with antitrust laws
  15. Setting up processes to verify compliance and investigate any violations
  16. Training personnel on antitrust laws and regulations
  17. Identifying key personnel who need to be trained
  18. Creating a training program and materials to ensure comprehension of antitrust laws
  19. Drafting documents to ensure compliance
  20. Producing documents to ensure compliance with antitrust laws
  21. Developing contracts to ensure ongoing compliance
  22. Implementing and enforcing compliance policies
  23. Putting in place a system to ensure compliance with antitrust laws
  24. Ensuring personnel are following the policies and procedures
  25. Auditing and reporting to demonstrate compliance
  26. Conducting internal and external audits of compliance
  27. Producing reports to show compliance with antitrust laws
  28. Creating a plan for responding to potential antitrust violations
  29. Establishing a protocol for responding to potential violations
  30. Determining the necessary steps for rectifying any violations

Get started

Understanding antitrust regulations and how they apply to your business

  • Review all relevant antitrust regulations that apply to your business
  • Understand the purpose and scope of each antitrust regulation
  • Research court cases related to antitrust violations
  • Familiarize yourself with the penalties associated with antitrust violations
  • Identify potential risks of antitrust violations in your company’s operations
  • Review your company’s policies and procedures for compliance with antitrust regulations
  • Create a plan to ensure ongoing compliance with antitrust regulations

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have completed research and have a clear understanding of the applicable antitrust regulations for your business.

Researching local, state, and federal antitrust laws

  • Identify and review the relevant local, state, and federal antitrust laws
  • Understand the scope of the antitrust laws and the areas they impact
  • Investigate potential violations of the antitrust laws
  • Analyze the law to determine any exemptions or defenses
  • Take note of any critical deadlines or requirements
  • Research case law and regulatory guidance related to the antitrust laws
  • Create a summary of the applicable antitrust laws

Once you have identified and reviewed the applicable antitrust laws, assessed their scope and impact, and noted any critical deadlines or requirements, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Analyzing the impact of antitrust laws on your business operations

  • Analyze the impact of antitrust laws on your business operations by examining the current legal and regulatory environment in which your business operates
  • Assess the potential risks and implications of antitrust laws on your business operations
  • Identify any potential areas of concern with the current policies and procedures in place
  • Make sure to research any potential exemptions you may qualify for
  • Identify any potential areas of non-compliance and make adjustments accordingly
  • Once you have completed this analysis, you can move on to the next step of identifying any areas of risk and potential issues with antitrust compliance.

Identifying areas of risk and potential issues with antitrust compliance

  • Review existing regulations and industry standards to determine areas of antitrust risk
  • Identify any potential anti-competitive practices and areas of overlap with antitrust laws
  • Analyze business operations and operations of competitors to determine areas of potential antitrust risk
  • Consult with legal counsel to discuss areas of potential risk and develop a strategy to address and mitigate any risk
  • When you have identified potential areas of risk and developed a strategy to mitigate those risks, you can move on to the next step.

Examining existing business models, pricing structures, and contracts

  • Review existing business models and pricing structures to identify any potential competitive concerns
  • Analyze existing contracts to determine their potential impact on competition and determine any terms that may be deemed anticompetitive
  • Identify any practices that may limit competition and consider any areas of potential antitrust risk
  • Check your company’s policies and procedures to ensure they comply with applicable antitrust laws

Once you have identified potential competitive concerns and assessed the compliance of your company’s policies and procedures, you can move on to the next step of assessing compliance with applicable antitrust laws.

Assessing compliance with applicable antitrust laws

  • Review and understand applicable antitrust laws and regulations, including the Sherman Act and Clayton Act
  • Analyze and assess the antitrust implications of any existing or proposed business models, pricing structures, and contracts
  • Identify and analyze any potential risks or violations of the antitrust laws
  • Make any necessary adjustments to existing or proposed business models, pricing structures, and contracts to ensure compliance with applicable antitrust laws
  • Document any changes made to ensure future compliance
  • When all necessary adjustments have been made and documented, you have completed assessing compliance with applicable antitrust laws.

Evaluating the costs and benefits of compliance

  • Understand the costs associated with compliance, including time and resources needed to comply with the applicable antitrust laws.
  • Understand the potential benefits of compliance, including potential cost savings, increased efficiency, and increased customer satisfaction.
  • Compare the potential costs and benefits of compliance, and weigh them against the potential risks of non-compliance.
  • Decide whether the costs and benefits of compliance outweigh the risks of non-compliance, or if other alternatives are more beneficial.
  • Document your findings and decisions to ensure that they are available for review and future reference.

You will know that you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have completed the evaluation of the costs and benefits of compliance and documented your findings and decisions.

Analyzing potential risks of non-compliance

  • Identify and assess risks of antitrust laws violations, such as for pricing and market control.
  • Analyze the potential costs of non-compliance, including fines, damages, and reputational harm.
  • Develop a risk assessment strategy to prioritize antitrust compliance and identify areas of greater risk.
  • Utilize tools such as third-party audits, due diligence reviews, and internal audits to identify potential antitrust risks.
  • When you have identified the potential antitrust risks and developed a strategy to address them, you can move onto the next step of calculating the cost of compliance with antitrust laws.

Calculating the cost of compliance with antitrust laws

  • Conduct a cost analysis of the resources required to comply with antitrust laws
  • Assess the costs associated with potential changes to existing business practices, such as hiring consultants or lawyers
  • Evaluate the financial costs of any fines or other penalties that may result from non-compliance
  • Calculate the total expected costs of compliance
  • Once the costs of compliance have been calculated, you can move on to developing policies and procedures to ensure compliance.

Developing policies and procedures to ensure compliance

  • Draft a policy and procedures manual that outlines the company’s antitrust compliance program
  • Establish a designated antitrust compliance officer to ensure the implementation of the policy
  • Create internal and external reporting procedures for any potential antitrust violations
  • Develop a compliance training program for all employees to ensure they are aware of the policy and procedures
  • When all of the above is completed you can move on to the next step of establishing a written policy on antitrust compliance.

Establishing a written policy on antitrust compliance

  • Draft a written policy on antitrust compliance that outlines the company’s objectives, expectations and procedures for ensuring compliance
  • Ensure that the policy is clearly communicated to all employees, contractors and agents
  • Provide employees with training materials and resources to help them understand the policy
  • Schedule regular reviews of the policy to ensure it is up-to-date and reflects current antitrust laws
  • When the policy is drafted, communicated and reviewed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Crafting procedures to ensure compliance with antitrust laws

  • Create an antitrust compliance program that outlines the procedures to be implemented by the company.
  • Document the compliance program in a written document and make it available to all employees.
  • Establish a system for assessing the risks associated with antitrust laws and ensure that employees are aware of those risks.
  • Provide periodic training for employees on antitrust laws and the company’s compliance policies.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the compliance program on an ongoing basis.

Once these steps have been completed, move on to the next step of establishing a monitoring program to verify compliance.

Establishing a monitoring program to verify compliance

  • Develop a plan to monitor antitrust compliance within the company
  • Include a checklist of items to regularly review
  • Establish a timeline for conducting periodic antitrust compliance reviews
  • Assign roles and responsibilities for conducting the reviews
  • Establish a procedure for documenting the reviews
  • Determine the frequency for conducting reviews
  • When the monitoring system is in place, review and update it on an ongoing basis

Once the monitoring program is established, you can check it off your list and move on to the next step.

Designing a system to monitor compliance with antitrust laws

  • Identify the areas of antitrust law relevant to your business.
  • Create a system or process that will monitor your business’s compliance with those laws.
  • Establish checks and balances to ensure that all members of the organization are aware of and understand antitrust laws.
  • Develop a reporting system that will allow you to easily review the results of your compliance monitoring.
  • Set up a system to review and address any violations of antitrust law.

Once you have designed a system to monitor compliance with antitrust laws, you can check this off your list and move on to setting up processes to verify compliance and investigate any violations.

Setting up processes to verify compliance and investigate any violations

  • Create a policy and procedure outlining how any potential violations of antitrust laws will be handled
  • Establish a review process for situations that may be in violation of antitrust laws
  • Develop a timeline for when to review suspected violations and when investigations should be completed
  • Outline the roles and responsibilities for personnel involved in the review process
  • Establish a communication process to update personnel on any investigations taking place
  • Designate a compliance officer to oversee and manage the entire process
  • Once all of the above is set up, check off this step and move onto training personnel on antitrust laws and regulations.

Training personnel on antitrust laws and regulations

  • Create a comprehensive training program on antitrust laws and regulations
  • Create a training schedule to ensure that all employees understand the antitrust laws and regulations
  • Provide a variety of learning methods, such as in-person or online training sessions, presentations, and group discussions
  • Invite external experts to provide additional knowledge and understanding of the antitrust laws and regulations
  • Ensure that all personnel are aware of their responsibilities under the antitrust laws and regulations
  • Assign personnel to be responsible for monitoring and enforcing antitrust laws and regulations
  • Monitor personnel training to ensure all personnel understand the antitrust laws and regulations
  • Document all personnel training sessions and activities
  • When all personnel have been trained and all training has been documented, check off this step and move on to the next step.

Identifying key personnel who need to be trained

  • Identify a team of key personnel who need to be trained on antitrust laws and regulations. This could include members of the legal team, the executive team, and/or other employees in positions of influence.
  • Document the list of personnel who need to be trained.
  • When all key personnel have been identified, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Creating a training program and materials to ensure comprehension of antitrust laws

  • Determine the type of training that is necessary for personnel to comprehend antitrust laws (e.g. online training, in-person training, or a combination of both)
  • Ensure that all materials created for the training program are accessible and up-to-date
  • Get feedback from personnel to ensure that they have properly understood the materials
  • Once feedback is received and you are confident that personnel have adequately learned the material, the program is ready to be implemented
  • Document the training program and materials in case of future reference or audit

You’ll know that you can move on to the next step when personnel have successfully completed the training program and have demonstrated adequate understanding of the material.

Drafting documents to ensure compliance

  • Identify the documents needed to ensure compliance with antitrust laws and the requirements of each document
  • Create a template for each document that includes language to meet antitrust legal requirements
  • Outline the processes to be followed in the preparation, review, and approval of each document
  • Set up a system to track changes made to each document
  • Provide a list of resources and guidelines for staying up to date with antitrust compliance
  • Ensure that all documents comply with antitrust laws
  • You will know you can move on to the next step when all documents are drafted, reviewed, and approved to meet antitrust legal requirements.

Producing documents to ensure compliance with antitrust laws

  • Research relevant antitrust laws and regulations to ensure documents are compliant
  • Create a document outlining antitrust compliance policies and procedures
  • Ensure employees understand and adhere to antitrust laws and the policies outlined in the document
  • Monitor and update antitrust compliance documents as needed
  • When all necessary documents are produced and in place, you can move on to the next step: Developing contracts to ensure ongoing compliance.

Developing contracts to ensure ongoing compliance

  • Draft contracts that include clear language outlining that the parties will comply with all applicable antitrust laws and regulations
  • Include provisions that address frequent antitrust issues, such as pricing, market allocation, and exclusive dealing
  • Consult with legal counsel to ensure the contract meets all relevant legal requirements
  • Have all parties sign the contract to make it legally binding
  • Keep a record of the contract in an easily accessible place
  • Test the effectiveness of the contract by periodically reviewing it and making sure it is properly enforced

Once you have drafted the contracts, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step of implementing and enforcing compliance policies.

Implementing and enforcing compliance policies

  • Create a written antitrust compliance policy and distribute it to all employees
  • Invest in training programs to ensure employees understand the antitrust compliance policy and the importance of complying with antitrust laws
  • Monitor compliance regularly and ensure that employees follow the antitrust compliance policy
  • Enforce the antitrust compliance policy and take appropriate disciplinary actions for any violations
  • Monitor changes in the law and update the antitrust compliance policy and training programs accordingly
  • When all employees understand the antitrust compliance policy and are following it, you have successfully completed this step and can move on to the next step.

Putting in place a system to ensure compliance with antitrust laws

  • Establish a system to monitor and track antitrust compliance, such as a database or a software application.
  • Identify which personnel need to be trained in antitrust laws and ensure they receive the necessary training.
  • Establish a procedure for regularly reviewing and updating antitrust policies and procedures.
  • Create a system to track antitrust compliance documents and records.
  • Establish a procedure for communicating antitrust compliance requirements and monitoring compliance.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the system for monitoring and tracking antitrust compliance is in place.
  • When personnel have been trained in antitrust laws.
  • When procedures are in place for regularly reviewing and updating antitrust policies and procedures.
  • When a system to track antitrust compliance documents and records is in place.
  • When a procedure for communicating antitrust compliance requirements and monitoring compliance is established.

Ensuring personnel are following the policies and procedures

  • Ask personnel to review and sign a document confirming they understand and agree to abide by the policies and procedures
  • Make sure personnel have access to the policies and procedures and are aware of the consequences of non-compliance
  • Provide periodic training to ensure personnel remain up-to-date on the policies and procedures
  • Monitor personnel compliance and take immediate action if any violations are identified
  • Establish a system to track personnel compliance, such as weekly or monthly reports

Once you have completed these steps, you can be sure that your personnel are following the policies and procedures and you can move on to the next step, which is auditing and reporting to demonstrate compliance.

Auditing and reporting to demonstrate compliance

  • Develop a process to audit compliance with antitrust policies and procedures.
  • Identify key personnel to be responsible for conducting regular audits.
  • Develop an audit checklist to be used to ensure compliance.
  • Designate personnel to be responsible for compiling, analyzing and reporting audit results.
  • Establish a process to track and record audit results.
  • Establish a timeline for conducting audits of compliance.
  • Ensure that all audit results are reported to the appropriate personnel.
  • Create a compliance report to be distributed to all personnel.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all personnel have been identified and assigned roles for conducting regular audits.
  • When an audit checklist has been developed and is being used to ensure compliance.
  • When a process to track and record audit results has been established.
  • When a timeline for conducting audits of compliance has been established.
  • When all audit results have been reported to the appropriate personnel.
  • When a compliance report has been created and distributed to all personnel.

Conducting internal and external audits of compliance

  • Establish a plan for conducting internal and external audits that will ensure compliance with antitrust laws
  • Assign a team to carry out the plan and complete the required reports
  • Ensure that all necessary documents, such as contracts and agreements, are available for review
  • Review internal documents and processes to identify any potential violations of antitrust laws
  • Examine customer and supplier relationships to determine if any pricing practices could be considered anti-competitive
  • Consult with external experts to review any areas of potential antitrust violations
  • Draft a written report of the audit findings and recommendations for any changes that need to be made
  • Submit the report to the appropriate legal and/or regulatory authorities
  • Implement changes to ensure compliance with antitrust laws
  • When all reports and changes have been completed, the task of conducting internal and external audits of compliance will be completed.

Producing reports to show compliance with antitrust laws

  • Compile internal and external audit results into a report
  • Check the report for any potential violations or areas of concern
  • Use the report to identify any gaps in antitrust compliance
  • Create a timeline for addressing any violations or areas of concern
  • Develop a plan for ongoing monitoring of antitrust compliance
  • Monitor any changes in antitrust laws and regulations
  • Produce regular reports to document compliance with antitrust laws
  • Ensure all reports are accurate, updated, and compliant with the law
  • Keep reports on file and make them available to internal and external stakeholders as needed
  • Once the report is produced, reviewed, and approved, it can be checked off the list and the next step can be taken.

Creating a plan for responding to potential antitrust violations

  • Take inventory of existing laws and regulations related to antitrust compliance
  • Identify potential risks associated with antitrust violations
  • Create a plan to respond to potential antitrust violations
  • Outline procedures for following the plan
  • Identify team members responsible for implementing the plan
  • Train team members on the plan
  • Establish a process for monitoring and evaluating the plan
  • When the plan is in place and all team members are trained and knowledgeable about it, this step can be checked off the list and the next step can be started.

Establishing a protocol for responding to potential violations

  • Consult with your legal team to create a protocol for responding to potential antitrust violations
  • The protocol should include the steps that need to be taken in the event of a potential violation, including determining the severity of the violation and the steps needed to rectify it
  • Ensure that the protocol is regularly reviewed and updated as needed
  • When the protocol is established, this step is complete and you can move onto the next step

Determining the necessary steps for rectifying any violations

  • Identify the relevant antitrust laws that were violated
  • Determine the appropriate corrective measures to rectify the violations
  • Implement any necessary structural changes to ensure compliance with the antitrust laws
  • Develop an action plan to address any potential violations
  • Monitor the implementation of the corrective measures to ensure compliance
  • Check to ensure that potential violations have been addressed and rectified
  • Document the steps taken to address any violations and ensure ongoing compliance
  • When all of these steps have been completed, you can move on to the next step.


Q: How does the antitrust compliance process differ in the US, UK and EU?

Asked by Bruce on April 18th, 2022.
A: The antitrust compliance process differs from country to country. Generally speaking, the US has a more lenient antitrust policy than the EU, but both are more lenient than the UK’s policy. In the US, businesses are allowed to pursue collaborations and mergers that create efficiencies, while in the EU and UK, companies must meet certain criteria before engaging in similar activities. Additionally, antitrust laws in the US and EU are enforced by different agencies and have different penalties for non-compliance. For example, in the US, antitrust laws are enforced by the FTC and could result in civil or criminal penalties depending on the severity of the violation. In contrast, EU laws are enforced by the European Commission and can result in fines of up to 10% of a company’s worldwide turnover.

Q: Are there any particular industries or sectors which require special attention when drafting antitrust compliance plans?

Asked by Madison on June 12th, 2022.
A: Yes. Certain industries or sectors may require special attention when drafting antitrust compliance plans due to their unique characteristics. For example, technology companies tend to have complex business models and operate in a rapidly changing market. As such, they need to stay up-to-date with current regulations and ensure their processes are compliant with relevant laws. Additionally, companies that engage in online services such as web hosting or software as a service (SaaS) need to be especially vigilant when it comes to antitrust compliance as online services can be particularly prone to anti-competitive practices.

Q: What kind of information should be considered when creating an antitrust compliance plan?

Asked by Cynthia on September 4th, 2022.
A: When creating an antitrust compliance plan it is important to consider all relevant information as it will help ensure that the plan is comprehensive and effective. This includes understanding the relevant laws and regulations for your industry or sector, conducting a risk assessment to identify areas of potential non-compliance, establishing internal policies and procedures for complying with legal requirements and monitoring changes in relevant laws or regulations. Additionally, you should consider any specific circumstances that may affect your company’s ability to comply with legal requirements such as changes in technology or customer preferences. It is also important to consider how you will ensure that your employees are aware of their obligations under relevant laws and how you will investigate potential violations.

Q: What kind of training do employees need to receive to help ensure compliance with antitrust laws?

Asked by Bobby on November 15th 2022.
A: Employees must receive comprehensive training on how to identify potential anti-competitive behavior and comply with relevant laws. Training should cover topics such as understanding applicable laws and regulations, identifying prohibited activities such as price fixing or market sharing agreements, implementing internal policies for complying with legal requirements and understanding how changes in technology or customer preferences could affect their ability to comply with legal obligations. Additionally, employees should be made aware of any specific circumstances that may make them particularly vulnerable to anti-competitive behaviors such as working for a large company with significant market power or operating in an industry where competition is limited. Training should also include resources for employees who have questions about their obligations under applicable laws and procedures for reporting potential violations.

Example dispute

Antitrust Lawsuit

  • Plaintiff must prove that the defendant has engaged in a practice considered to be an antitrust violation. This may include price-fixing, bid-rigging, or other anti-competitive behavior.
  • Plaintiff must prove that the defendant’s actions have caused injury to the plaintiff, either through direct harm or lost opportunities.
  • Plaintiff must be able to provide evidence of how much the injury has cost. This may include lost profits or other economic damages.
  • Plaintiff may choose to seek injunctive relief, which is a court order requiring the defendant to stop the anti-competitive behavior.
  • Plaintiff may seek punitive damages, which are meant to punish the defendant for their actions.
  • Settlement may be reached through negotiation or mediation, or a judge may decide the case in court.

Templates available (free to use)

Antitrust Compliance Manual
Antitrust Guidelines Dos Don Ts
Antitrust Litigation Interrogatories Defining Relevant Market
Antitrust Litigation Interrogatories Establishing An Contract Under Section 1 Of The Sherman Act
Antitrust Merger Analysis Information Request Manufacturing
Antitrust Warnings For Trade Association Meetings
Clean Team Contract Antitrust
Document Creation Antitrust Dos Don Ts
Joint Venture Antitrust Compliance Guidelines

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