Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting Brand Licensing Agreements

23 Mar 2023
33 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Brand licensing agreements are an essential part of any successful business strategy. By entering into a brand licensing agreement, companies can expand their reach, increase their value and maximize their potential for success while also protecting themselves from legal issues and monetizing their brands.

At the heart of a brand licensing agreement is a contract between two parties, usually a licensor and licensee. The licensor grants permission to the licensee to use its brand name and associated assets, such as logos or trademarks, in exchange for a fee or other considerations. The terms of the agreement will often outline specific requirements related to marketing tactics, product creation or quality standards that must be adhered to by the licensee.

By formalizing the terms of the agreement, both parties are able to protect the integrity of the brand whilst ensuring that the licensee is not infringing upon any rights held by either party. A well-drafted license agreement should provide clear guidance on how both parties should act moving forward and could even include provisions relating to termination or dispute resolution if needed.

Entering into this type of agreement helps businesses expand their reach by tapping into new markets and reaching out to new customer bases which could ultimately lead to increased sales or profits as well as greater overall recognition for your brand. As with all contracts it’s essential that you seek advice from qualified experts who can help draft an appropriate document that meets your specific needs – but if you want an easier option then look no further than Genie AI’s community template library!

With millions of data points teaching our AI what makes up a market-standard license agreement, we provide free templates for anyone looking for high quality documents without having to pay costly legal fees – plus our open source library makes it easy for users customize these documents however they like!

If you’re looking for more information on how Genie AI’s team can help with drafting your next brand licensing agreement - read on below for our step-by-step guide! With free access granted today you’ll soon see just how easy it is get everything you need in order with minimal effort required - so why wait? Start exploring Genie AI’s template library now!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Licensee: A person or organization that has permission to use something owned by another person or organization.
Licensor: A person or organization that owns something and allows another person or organization to use it.
License Fee: A payment made by a licensee to a licensor in exchange for the right to use something owned by the licensor.
Permitted Uses: The specific uses or activities that a licensee is allowed to do with something owned by a licensor.
Royalty: A payment made by a licensee to a licensor in exchange for the right to use something owned by the licensor.
Terminate: To end or cancel a contract or agreement.


  • Defining the scope of the licensing agreement
  • Identifying the purpose of the agreement
  • Outlining the type of license granted
  • Specifying the permitted uses of the license
  • Identifying the parties involved in the agreement
  • Naming the licensor and licensee
  • Providing contact information for each party
  • Establishing the financial terms of the agreement
  • Setting the license fee
  • Defining payment methods
  • Establishing any additional fees or royalties
  • Drafting the agreement and its terms
  • Outlining the rights and obligations of each party
  • Negotiating the agreement
  • Discussing any changes to the terms of the agreement
  • Obtaining all necessary signatures
  • Ensuring that all parties have read and agreed to the agreement
  • Registering the agreement with the applicable authorities
  • Submitting the agreement to the relevant government agency or other governing body
  • Ensuring ongoing compliance with the agreement
  • Monitoring the agreement for any violations or other issues
  • Resolving any disputes that arise
  • Terminating the agreement
  • Outlining the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated
  • Ensuring that all parties are aware of the termination
  • Executing the agreement
  • Finalizing the agreement and making it legally binding

Get started

Defining the scope of the licensing agreement

  • Identify the party responsible for producing the licensed goods and services
  • Establish the geographic area in which the licensed goods and services can be sold
  • Determine the length of the licensing agreement
  • Specify the terms for renewal of the licensing agreement
  • Decide what types of goods and services the agreement covers
  • Describe the quality standards that the licensed goods and services must meet
  • Outline any other conditions that the parties must meet in order to comply with the license agreement

You have completed this step when you have identified the parties responsible for producing the licensed goods and services, established the geographic area in which the licensed goods and services can be sold, determined the length of the licensing agreement, specified the terms for renewal of the licensing agreement, decided what types of goods and services the agreement covers, described the quality standards that the licensed goods and services must meet, and outlined any other conditions that the parties must meet in order to comply with the license agreement.

Identifying the purpose of the agreement

  • Determine the primary purpose of the agreement, such as:
  • Distribution and sale of goods
  • Manufacturing and production
  • Promotion and marketing
  • Advertising
  • Technology
  • Identify the scope of rights that the licensor will grant to the licensee.
  • Establish the type of license that the licensor will grant to the licensee:
  • Exclusive, meaning the licensor will not grant any other party similar rights
  • Non-exclusive, meaning the licensor can grant similar rights to other parties
  • Address the term of the agreement, including the start date and expiration date
  • Outline the geographical scope of the agreement, such as the countries or regions where the licensee can exploit the licensed rights
  • Verify that all parties involved in the agreement are legally capable of entering into the agreement and understand the terms and conditions
  • When all the purpose and scope of the agreement have been established, the agreement can be ready for review and negotiation.

Outlining the type of license granted

  • Consider what type of license should be granted: exclusive, non-exclusive, sole, or transferable
  • Determine the duration of the license and the agreement period
  • Decide whether the license is limited to certain products, geographic regions, channels of distribution, or other defined areas
  • Establish any restrictions regarding the licensee’s ability to sublicense the rights and any other clauses that the parties may wish to include
  • Record the license grant and any limits in the agreement

You will know when you can check this step off your list when you have clearly outlined the type of license granted and all related clauses in the agreement.

Specifying the permitted uses of the license

  • Identify the scope of the products and services that can be marketed and sold under the license
  • Specify all the ways the licensor’s intellectual property can be used, including trademarks, logos, and copyrights
  • Outline any restrictions on the use of the licensor’s intellectual property, such as only allowing use for a specific purpose or time period
  • Specify any limitations on the use of the licensor’s intellectual property, such as only allowing use for a specific purpose or time period
  • Specify any restrictions on the types of products or services that can be marketed and sold under the license
  • Outline any additional requirements related to the permitted use of the licensor’s intellectual property, such as requiring the licensee to maintain a certain level of quality in their products or services
  • Specify any additional use requirements that must be met, such as making sure all products or services are labeled correctly

You’ll know you can check this off your list when you have specified the scope of products and services that can be marketed and sold under the license, identified all the ways the licensor’s intellectual property can be used, outlined any restrictions on the use of the licensor’s intellectual property, specified any limitations on the use of the licensor’s intellectual property, specified any restrictions on the types of products or services that can be marketed and sold under the license, outlined any additional requirements related to the permitted use of the licensor’s intellectual property, and specified any additional use requirements that must be met.

Identifying the parties involved in the agreement

  • Identify the licensor, i.e. the party that owns the licensed property
  • Identify the licensee, i.e. the party that is granted the rights to use the licensed property
  • Obtain contact information for each party, such as full name, mailing address, email address, and phone number
  • When you have identified the licensor and licensee and obtained the contact information for each party, you can move on to the next step of naming the licensor and licensee.

Naming the licensor and licensee

  • Determine the full legal name of the licensor and the licensee
  • Include the address for each party
  • Include the legal representative for each party, if applicable
  • Double-check that the details are accurate
  • When you are satisfied that all relevant information has been included and is accurate, move onto the next step (Providing contact information for each party).

Providing contact information for each party

  • Obtain the contact information for the licensor and licensee, such as name, address, email address, and phone number
  • List and provide the contact information for each party in the agreement
  • Once you have the contact information for both parties, you can move on to establishing the financial terms of the agreement

Establishing the financial terms of the agreement

• Clarify the royalty fee structure – what the licensee will pay for the license, at what intervals, and how the fee is calculated
• Determine the payment method – whether it is a fixed amount for the entire term or a percentage of sales
• Agree upon the payment terms – when the licensee must pay the licensing fee and the consequences for late payments
• Establish any additional fees that the licensee may need to pay, such as administrative fees
• Establish the minimum guarantee – a minimum amount the licensee will pay regardless of sales
• Include provisions on tax liabilities

You’ll know you’ve completed this step when you have a clear outline of the financial terms and payments of the agreement.

Setting the license fee

  • Determine the amount of the license fee based on the type of license agreement, the cost of the license, and the expected profits of the licensee
  • Review the current market rates for similar license agreements
  • Negotiate the license fee with the licensee
  • Specify the time period in which the license fee must be paid
  • Define the currency in which the license fee must be paid
  • Confirm that both parties have agreed on the license fee and its terms

Once you have determined the amount of the license fee, agreed upon the payment terms, and confirmed the agreement with the licensee, you can move on to the next step.

Defining payment methods

  • Identify what types of payment methods you will accept
  • Consider any restrictions on the type of payment you will accept (e.g. no cash)
  • Determine how often payment will be made
  • Determine the payment date
  • Include payment method information in the license agreement
  • Check for accuracy and make sure all payment details are included in the agreement

Once all payment details have been determined and included in the agreement, you can move on to the next step of establishing any additional fees or royalties.

Establishing any additional fees or royalties

  • Research any fees or royalties that may be expected from the deal
  • Discuss with the brand owner if additional fees or royalties are necessary
  • Note any additional fees or royalties to be included in the licensing agreement
  • Make sure the additional fees or royalties are reasonable and agreed upon by both parties
  • When complete, add the additional fees or royalties to the agreement and be sure both parties understand its implications.

Drafting the agreement and its terms

  • Draft the agreement by setting out the rights and obligations of both parties
  • Outline the terms of the agreement, such as the duration, territory, and any exclusivity
  • Include any additional fees or royalties associated with the licensing agreement
  • Clarify the ownership of the intellectual property rights
  • Specify any restrictions on how the licensee can use the intellectual property
  • Outline the termination and renewal terms of the agreement
  • Once the terms of the agreement are finalized, have both parties sign the agreement
  • After the agreement is signed, you can move on to the next step in drafting the licensing agreement

Outlining the rights and obligations of each party

  • Identify and define the rights and obligations of each party in the agreement
  • Ensure that the agreement clearly outlines all restrictions and limitations placed on the licensor and licensee
  • Ensure that the agreement identifies who is responsible for what expenses, and when they are due
  • Specify the duration of the agreement and any renewal requirements
  • Define the roles and responsibilities of each party in the agreement
  • Make sure that the agreement complies with applicable laws and regulations
  • When all relevant rights, obligations, and restrictions are outlined, you can move on to negotiating the agreement.

Negotiating the agreement

  • Identify an experienced negotiator to represent each party
  • Negotiate the terms of the agreement, including the scope of the license, the length of the term, any restrictions, and payment of royalties
  • Make sure to document each agreed-upon term in writing
  • When both parties have agreed on all terms, the negotiation process is complete
  • Confirm the agreement with a signature from both parties

Discussing any changes to the terms of the agreement

  • Schedule a meeting with the parties involved in the agreement to discuss any potential changes or revisions to the terms of the agreement.
  • Carefully review the agreement and make sure that any changes are in accordance with both parties’ interests.
  • Make sure that all changes are properly documented for both parties’ records.
  • Once all of the changes have been discussed and agreed upon, each party should sign the agreement to signify their consent.
  • When all of the changes have been discussed and agreed upon, and all necessary signatures have been obtained, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Obtaining all necessary signatures

  • Gather all necessary signatures from all parties involved in the agreement
  • Contact each signatory to arrange for the necessary signatures to be collected
  • Ensure that each signatory has read and understood the agreement prior to signing
  • Request the signatories to provide a copy of their identification to prove who they are
  • Collect all signatures and keep the original agreement in a safe place
  • Once all necessary signatures have been obtained, the agreement will be finalized and ready to use.

Ensuring that all parties have read and agreed to the agreement

  • Obtain written confirmation from all parties that they have read and understood the agreement
  • Ensure that all parties have signed a copy of the agreement
  • Go through the agreement with each party to answer any questions and clarify any misunderstandings
  • Make sure all parties have a copy of the agreement
  • Ask all parties to provide written confirmation that they have read and agreed to all terms and conditions of the agreement

When this step is completed, you will have confirmation from all parties that they have read and agreed to the agreement, and all signatures will be obtained.

Registering the agreement with the applicable authorities

  • Contact the appropriate government agency or other governing body to determine any registration requirements for the agreement.
  • Ensure that all parties have correctly filled out and signed any required registration forms.
  • Submit the agreement and registration forms to the appropriate government agency or other governing body.
  • Monitor the registration process to ensure that it is completed in a timely manner.
  • Once the agreement has been approved and registered, you can move on to the next step.

Submitting the agreement to the relevant government agency or other governing body

  • Determine which government agency or governing body is responsible for overseeing the agreement
  • Gather all required documents and information for submission
  • Submit the agreement to the relevant government agency or other governing body
  • Monitor the status of the submission, and follow up with the agency as needed
  • Verify that the agreement has been accepted by the agency
  • Update the agreement as needed to ensure ongoing compliance
  • Re-submit the agreement and related documents to the agency as needed
  • Receive confirmation that the agreement is accepted, and check it off your list to move on to the next step

Ensuring ongoing compliance with the agreement

  • Monitor the agreement for any violations, such as non-payment of royalties, or infringement of the rights granted to the licensor
  • Ensure that the licensee is adhering to any restrictions or requirements outlined in the agreement, such as the limitation in geographic scope or the approval of any modifications to the licensed product
  • Track any amendments or modifications to the agreement and evaluate the impact they may have on compliance
  • Provide regular reports to the licensor outlining any compliance issues, or areas of non-compliance
  • Ensure the licensee has taken any necessary steps to protect the licensed intellectual property
  • When you have verified that the licensee is adhering to the terms of the agreement and taking necessary steps to protect the licensed intellectual property, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Monitoring the agreement for any violations or other issues

  • Establish a system for tracking performance on the agreement
  • Monitor progress to ensure the licensee is fulfilling their obligations
  • Keep records of any communications between the parties
  • Schedule regular meetings to review the agreement and its performance
  • Make sure to document any changes to the agreement
  • Ensure that the agreement remains in compliance with all applicable laws
  • Review the agreement regularly to ensure it is still in line with the goals and expectations of both parties

You can check off this step when you have established the system for tracking performance on the agreement, kept records of all communications, and scheduled regular review meetings.

Resolving any disputes that arise

  • Establish a dispute resolution procedure, such as arbitration or mediation, to address any disputes that may arise during the agreement
  • Have a clear timeline and process for the dispute resolution procedure
  • Ensure both parties understand the potential outcomes of the dispute resolution
  • Notify the other party in writing of the dispute and the applicable dispute resolution procedure
  • Make sure both parties adhere to the dispute resolution process and timeline
  • Once a resolution is reached, document it in writing and have both parties sign it
  • Once a resolution is reached, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Terminating the agreement

  • Review the agreement to determine the conditions that will lead to the agreement being terminated
  • Determine the notification process that will be used when one party wishes to terminate the agreement
  • Include the required notice period in the agreement
  • Outline the steps that will be taken to wind down the agreement
  • Include any provisions for the transfer of intellectual property or other assets after termination
  • Ensure that the agreement clearly states the consequences of terminating the agreement
  • When the agreement is finished, review it with the other party to ensure that both parties understand the termination process
  • Once both parties are in agreement, sign the agreement to finalize the termination process
  • Check this off your list and move on to the next step: Outlining the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated.

Outlining the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated

  • Identify the primary conditions that would lead to the agreement being terminated, such as if either party breaches the terms of the agreement.
  • Include a clause that outlines what must happen if either party wishes to terminate the agreement.
  • Specify the amount of notice that must be given before the agreement is terminated.
  • Make sure to include any other relevant information, such as the penalties for terminating the agreement early.

When you have outlined the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Ensuring that all parties are aware of the termination

  • Ensure that the licensee and licensor are both aware of the terms of termination set in the agreement, including any time limits or conditions for terminating the agreement.
  • Draft an explicit termination clause in the agreement, setting out the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated, any applicable termination fees, and any consequences of the agreement’s termination.
  • Draft a clause that describes any notice requirements that must be met prior to the termination of the agreement.
  • Make sure that all parties to the agreement are aware of the termination clause and its terms.

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you have ensured that the licensee and licensor are both aware of the terms of termination set in the agreement and drafted an explicit termination clause in the agreement.

Executing the agreement

  • Sign the agreement by all the parties involved
  • Make sure that each party has a copy of the signed agreement
  • Make sure that all the relevant signatures are present in the agreement
  • Create a record of the date when the agreement was executed
  • Ensure that all the parties involved have agreed to the terms outlined in the agreement
  • Once all the parties have signed the agreement and the agreement is legally binding, the process of execution is complete.

Finalizing the agreement and making it legally binding

  • Ensure that all the required signatures are obtained from both licensor and licensee
  • Execute the agreement in front of a notary or by using an electronic signature
  • Confirm that all the parties involved have received a copy of the agreement
  • Once all of the above steps are completed, the agreement is legally binding and can be enforced in a court of law
  • You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once all signatures have been obtained and all parties have received a copy of the agreement.


Q: What do I need to include in a brand licensing agreement?

Asked by Alex on January 1st 2022.
A: A brand licensing agreement should include terms that cover the scope of the license, the duration of the license, compensation for the licensor, the quality control provisions, and any other terms required by the parties. Additionally, it’s important to include provisions for terminating the agreement, as well as any other relevant clauses. Depending on the nature of the agreement and the industry involved, there may be additional clauses that should be included. It’s important to consult a lawyer who is experienced in drafting brand licensing agreements, as they will be able to advise you on what should be included in your particular agreement.

Q: How can I make sure my brand licensing agreement complies with UK law?

Asked by David on February 1st 2022
A: A brand licensing agreement must comply with UK law in order to be valid and enforceable. It’s important to ensure that all relevant legislation is taken into account when drafting the agreement. Additionally, it’s important to consider any specific requirements in the industry in which the brand will be licensed. A lawyer experienced in drafting brand licensing agreements in the UK will be able to provide advice and guidance on how to ensure that your agreement complies with UK law.

Q: What is a quality control provision?

Asked by Emily on March 1st 2022.
A: A quality control provision is a clause included in a brand licensing agreement which sets out how the parties will ensure that goods or services bearing the licensed brand are of a certain quality. Quality control provisions typically set out requirements for inspections of products or services, as well as any labeling or packaging requirements for goods bearing the licensed brand. Quality control provisions are important for protecting both parties’ interests and ensuring that goods or services bearing the licensed brand remain of a consistent quality.

Q: Are there any restrictions on how I can use my licensed brand?

Asked by Michael on April 1st 2022.
A: Yes, there may be restrictions on how you can use your licensed brand depending on the terms of your agreement. Generally speaking, it’s important to ensure that you use the licensed brand only for purposes approved by both parties and that you don’t use it in a way which might mislead consumers or damage either party’s reputation. Additionally, depending on your agreement, there may be restrictions on how you can advertise or promote goods or services bearing your licensed brand, or where you can use it geographically. It’s important to read your agreement carefully and consult with your lawyer if you have any questions about what is permitted under your particular agreement.

Q: Can I transfer my rights under a brand licensing agreement?

Asked by Jessica on May 1st 2022.
A: Generally speaking, it is possible to transfer rights under a brand licensing agreement provided that both parties agree to such a transfer and it is specified in the terms of the agreement. However, it’s important to note that some brands may not be transferable due to specific regulations or industry rules governing their use. Additionally, transferring rights under an existing agreement may require negotiations between both parties as well as amendments being made to the existing contract. As such, it’s important to consult with a lawyer experienced in drafting and negotiating such agreements before attempting to transfer any rights under an existing contract.

Q: How do I terminate a brand licensing agreement?

Asked by Joshua on June 1st 2022.
A: Terminating a brand licensing agreement typically requires written notice from one of the parties and must comply with any termination provisions set out in the original contract. Depending on your contract, there may also be specific rights and obligations that arise upon termination of the agreement which must be observed by both parties. It’s important to read your contract carefully and consult with a lawyer who is experienced in drafting such agreements if you have any questions about terminating your contract.

Q: How do I negotiate better terms in my brand licensing agreements?

Asked by Ashley on July 1st 2022.
A: Negotiating better terms in a brand licensing agreement requires an understanding of both parties’ needs and objectives as well as an understanding of relevant laws and regulations governing such agreements in your jurisdiction. It’s important to remember that negotiation is a two-way process between two parties seeking an outcome that is mutually beneficial for both sides - so it’s important to ensure that both sides are open and honest about their needs and expectations during negotiations and are willing to compromise where necessary in order for an agreeable outcome to be reached. Additionally, consulting with a lawyer who is experienced in negotiating such agreements may help provide valuable insight into how best to negotiate better terms for yourself or your client during discussions with another party.

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Violating a Brand Licensing Agreement

  • Plaintiff must be able to prove that the defendant was in breach of the brand licensing agreement.
  • Plaintiff must be able to show that the defendant had knowledge of the agreement, either through direct communication or by having reasonable access to the agreement.
  • Plaintiff must be able to show that the breach of the agreement caused them to suffer some kind of damages.
  • Plaintiff must be able to demonstrate that the damages were caused by the defendant’s breach of the brand licensing agreement.
  • Plaintiff must be able to show the exact terms of the agreement that were violated, and how they were breached.
  • Plaintiff may be able to seek damages for any lost profits or other losses caused by the breach of the brand licensing agreement.
  • Plaintiff may be able to seek injunctive relief, requiring the defendant to comply with the terms of the agreement.

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