Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting B2B Performance Guarantees

9 Jun 2023
25 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


Performance guarantees are a fundamental part of any B2B contract, offering a legally binding assurance that one party will make good on their commitments. With the confidence that comes from this assurance, both parties involved have a greater sense of trust in each other, and any losses incurred as a result of failing to meet performance guarantees can be recovered through legal action. Consequently, when drafting these guarantees for any business agreement, it’s important to consider several key aspects.

First and foremost, the performance guarantee should be tailored to the specific services outlined in the agreement. This means that all contingencies or unforeseen circumstances must also be taken into account - these should be specified as part of the guarantee itself. It’s equally vital that the performance guarantee is explicit; providing details on exactly what constitutes an acceptable level of output and what remedies might be available if it isn’t met. Finally, dispute resolution should always feature within performance guarantees; this typically takes place via mediation or arbitration.

The Genie AI team understand how important performance guarantees are and they’re here to help ensure you get them right. With millions of datapoints teaching its AI what constitutes market-standard documents and access to an extensive library community templates, anyone can draft high-quality contracts without paying an expert lawyer fee - no account required! For more information on drafting B2B Performance Guarantees using Genie AI’s template library click ‘read on’ below for our comprehensive guide or access our free templates today for simple yet effective document protection!


Performance Standard: A set of criteria or rules that must be followed to achieve a desired outcome.

Minimum Acceptable Performance Level: The lowest level of performance that must be achieved to meet the requirements of the performance standard.

Remedies: Actions taken to address a problem or issue.

Compensation: Payment or reward given to someone for completing a task.

Responsibilities: The duties or obligations that someone is required to fulfill.

Consequences: The outcome of an action or event.

Review: A close examination of something to make sure it is accurate or meets certain standards.

Agreement: A formal agreement between two or more parties to do or not do something.

Monitoring: Observing or tracking something to make sure it is functioning correctly.

Action Plan: A set of steps taken to achieve a specific goal or solve a problem.

Training: A process that teaches someone new skills or knowledge.

Development: The process of improving something or making it more advanced.

Documentation: Written or recorded information about something.

Reporting: Presenting information in an organized way.

Auditing: Examining something to make sure it is accurate or meets certain standards.

Dispute Resolution: The process of resolving a disagreement between two or more parties.

Termination: Canceling or ending something.

Renewal: Restarting or continuing something.


  1. Establishing Performance Standards
  2. Outline the performance standard that both parties agree to
  3. Define the minimum acceptable performance level
  4. Establish a timeline for when the performance standard must be met
  5. Developing Remedies
  6. Identify the types of compensation the other party will receive if the performance standard is not met
  7. Outline specific remedies for when the performance standard is not met
  8. Drafting the Agreement
  9. Clearly define the responsibilities of each party
  10. Clearly outline the consequences of failure to meet the performance standard
  11. Finalizing the Agreement
  12. Review the performance guarantee for accuracy
  13. Both parties should sign the agreement before it becomes legally binding
  14. Monitoring Performance
  15. Establish a system for regularly reviewing the performance of both parties
  16. Create an action plan for addressing any performance issues that arise
  17. Training and Development
  18. Establish training and development programs to ensure that both parties are meeting the performance standard
  19. Ensure that both parties are aware of their responsibilities and the consequences of failure to meet the performance standard
  20. Reporting and Documentation
  21. Document all performance standards and updates
  22. Create a system for reporting on the performance of both parties
  23. Auditing of Performance
  24. Establish an auditing process to ensure that all performance standards are being met
  25. Identify any areas of non-compliance and develop an action plan to address them
  26. Dispute Resolution
  27. Establish a dispute resolution process for resolving any disagreements between the parties
  28. Outline the process for addressing any disputes that arise
  29. Termination and Renewal
  30. Establish the conditions for terminating or renewing the performance guarantee
  31. Determine the process for terminating or renewing the performance guarantee

Get started

Establishing Performance Standards

  • Determine the specific performance parameters or criteria that must be met for the performance guarantee to be successful.
  • Examples of performance parameters may include customer satisfaction ratings, delivery times, quality of goods or services, etc.
  • When the performance parameters are identified, both parties need to agree on what constitutes satisfactory performance for each parameter.
  • Establishing this standard will help to determine when the performance guarantee has been satisfied.
  • Once both parties have agreed on the performance standard, it should be documented in a legally binding agreement.
  • When this step is complete, you can move on to outlining the performance standard that both parties agree to.

Outline the performance standard that both parties agree to

  • Identify the objectives of the performance guarantee
  • Agree on the metrics or criteria that will be used to measure success
  • Establish the performance standard the two parties agree to for the guarantee
  • Document the agreed-upon performance standard in a written agreement

When all the objectives and metrics for the performance guarantee have been agreed upon and documented, you can move onto the next step of defining the minimum acceptable performance level.

Define the minimum acceptable performance level

  • Determine the minimum expectations for the performance of the product or service
  • Identify any performance parameters that must be met in order for the guarantee to be valid
  • Agree upon a minimum satisfactory level of performance
  • Decide if additional performance guarantees or incentives should be provided in order to reach the minimum acceptable level
  • Document the minimum acceptable performance level and any additional guarantees or incentives in the contract
  • Once all parties have agreed to the minimum acceptable performance level, the next step can begin

Establish a timeline for when the performance standard must be met

  • Research applicable laws and regulations that may impact the timeline
  • Set reasonable timeframes that allow for the service to be performed, and time for businesses to react to any changes
  • Consider variables such as seasonality, weather, and other factors that may impact performance
  • Make sure the timeline is included in the guarantee
  • Check to ensure that the timeline is reasonable, and consider the customer’s perspective
  • When complete, the timeline should be included in the guarantee document
  • Once the timeline is established, you can move on to developing remedies.

Developing Remedies

  • Establish a timeline for when the agreed-upon performance standard must be met.
  • Identify potential remedies that could be implemented if the performance standard is not met.
  • Determine the types of compensation the other party will receive if the performance standard is not met. This could include a combination of monetary and non-monetary remedies.
  • Draft the performance guarantee and include the agreed-upon remedies and timeline.
  • Have the performance guarantee reviewed and approved by both parties.
  • Once the performance guarantee is approved, both parties should sign it and keep a copy for their records.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once you have established the timeline for when the performance standard must be met, identified potential remedies, determined the types of compensation, drafted the performance guarantee, and had it reviewed and approved by both parties, you can move on to the next step.

Identify the types of compensation the other party will receive if the performance standard is not met

  • Research the industry standard for performance guarantees
  • Consider the type of compensation that would be appropriate in the event the performance standard is not met
  • Negotiate with the other party to determine the best type of compensation for the situation
  • Document the types of compensation that the other party will receive if the performance standard is not met

When you can check this off your list:

  • When the other party has agreed to the compensation for when the performance standard is not met, and the agreement has been documented.

Outline specific remedies for when the performance standard is not met

  • Identify the performance standard that was not met
  • Determine the type of remedy that should be implemented to resolve the issue and make up for the missed performance standard
  • Draft a clause that outlines the specific remedy that will be implemented
  • Include language that explains how the remedy will be determined
  • Ensure that the remedy is fair and reasonable for both parties
  • When complete, review the clause to confirm accuracy and legality

You can check this off your list when you are confident that the clause includes all relevant information and is accurate and legal.

Drafting the Agreement

  • Draft the performance guarantee agreement, taking into account the outline of specific remedies established in the previous step
  • Include the legal language necessary to ensure the agreement is legally binding
  • Make sure to include details such as the date of the agreement, the parties involved, the performance standard, and any other necessary specific details
  • Once the agreement is drafted, review it with all parties involved to ensure that everyone is in agreement
  • When all parties have signed the agreement and it is legally binding, you can move on to the next step

Clearly define the responsibilities of each party

  • Outline expectations of each party in the agreement.
  • Identify which party will be responsible for providing the services and/or goods in the agreement.
  • Specify the quality standards of the services and/or goods to be provided by each party.
  • Include provisions for both parties to make sure the performance standards are met.
  • Establish the timeline for when services and/or goods must be provided and/or delivered.

You can check this step off your list once you have written a clear outline of the responsibilities of each party in the agreement and when the services and/or goods must be provided and/or delivered.

Clearly outline the consequences of failure to meet the performance standard

  • Assess the potential consequences of non-performance and craft language that outlines the penalties for failing to meet the performance standard, such as any economic damages, penalties, or other remedies that might apply
  • Consider the limitations of any remedies, such as any limitations on remedies due to applicable law, industry custom, the size or type of business involved, or any other considerations
  • Draft language that explains how each party will bear the costs of any remedies outlined in the agreement
  • Make sure the language is clear and concise, and that it addresses any potential disputes that may arise
  • Check that the agreement clearly outlines the consequences of failure to meet the performance standard
  • Once all of the above has been completed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Finalizing the Agreement

  • Ensure the performance guarantee agreement is in writing, signed, and dated by both parties
  • Review the performance guarantee for accuracy and completeness
  • Make sure both parties understand their obligations, and that you have the authority to enter into the agreement
  • Ensure all costs and fees associated with the performance guarantee are clearly outlined
  • Check that all required fields are completed and all necessary signatures are collected
  • Once all of the above steps have been completed, you can move on to reviewing the performance guarantee for accuracy.

Review the performance guarantee for accuracy

  • Carefully review the performance guarantee and ensure that all details are accurate
  • Confirm that all parties understand the guarantee and are in agreement with its terms
  • Look for any discrepancies and make sure to clarify them with the other party
  • Make necessary changes to the guarantee, if any, and have both parties sign it
  • Once the agreement is reviewed and agreed upon, both parties can sign it to make it legally binding.

Both parties should sign the agreement before it becomes legally binding

  • Obtain signatures from both parties on the performance guarantee.
  • Once both parties have signed the performance guarantee, the agreement is legally binding and enforceable in court.
  • Verify that both parties have signed the agreement before moving on to the next step.

Monitoring Performance

  • Arrange regular meetings between both parties to discuss and review performance
  • Set a timeline to review performance - this could be monthly, quarterly, or annually
  • During the meetings, review performance indicators and KPIs that are relevant to the agreement
  • Make sure there is a system in place to track and review the performance of both parties
  • Keep track of any changes to performance that arise during the meetings
  • When both parties have agreed to a satisfactory performance review, it is time to move on to the next step.

Establish a system for regularly reviewing the performance of both parties

  • Determine how often the performance of both parties should be reviewed; this could be monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
  • Establish a timeline for when reviews should occur and set reminders for both parties.
  • Communicate the review procedure and timeline to both parties.
  • Once the review procedure and timeline is agreed upon and communicated, you can check off this step and move on to the next step.

Create an action plan for addressing any performance issues that arise

  • Determine the root cause of the performance issues.
  • Assess the impact of the performance issues on the project.
  • Develop a plan to address the issues and achieve the desired performance level.
  • Identify the resources needed to implement the plan.
  • Implement the plan and monitor its effectiveness.
  • Adjust the plan as needed.
  • Document the plan and any changes made.

Once the action plan has been developed and implemented, you can move on to the next step of training and development.

Training and Development

  • Assess and evaluate current performance of all employees
  • Establish training and development needs based on evaluation
  • Develop targeted training and development plans
  • Outline the resources that will be used to facilitate training and development
  • Identify any external partners or contractors that will be used to facilitate training and development
  • Set a timeline for completion of training and development
  • Track progress of training and development
  • Provide feedback on training and development
  • Monitor progress and performance of employees post-training

Once all training and development plans have been developed, resources identified, and timelines set, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Establish training and development programs to ensure that both parties are meeting the performance standard

  • Outline the training and development program needed to ensure that both parties are meeting the performance standard
  • Identify the resources needed to develop and implement the training and development program
  • Develop a timeline for the implementation of the program
  • Set a budget to cover the cost of implementing the program
  • Provide the necessary tools and resources to ensure the program is implemented successfully
  • Monitor the progress of the program to ensure the performance standard is met
  • Once the program is completed and the performance standard has been met, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Ensure that both parties are aware of their responsibilities and the consequences of failure to meet the performance standard

  • Identify and agree on the performance standard and the consequences of not meeting it
  • Make sure both parties understand the roles and responsibilities associated with the performance standard
  • Document the agreed upon performance standard, roles and responsibilities, and consequences of not meeting the standard
  • Ensure both parties have signed off on the agreement
  • Check that both parties have received and understood the agreement

You can check this off your list once you have documented the agreement, ensured both parties have signed off and received the agreement, and verified that both parties understand their roles and responsibilities and the consequences of not meeting the standard.

Reporting and Documentation

  • Create a system for regular reporting on performance standards
  • Set up a schedule for when reports are due, who is responsible for creating the report, and who will review it
  • Include information about performance standards, actual performance, and any necessary corrective action
  • Document any updates to performance standards, along with a timeline for implementation
  • Keep a record of all performance standards, reports, and updates in an easily accessible location
  • When all of these steps are completed, you can move on to the next step of documenting all performance standards and updates.

Document all performance standards and updates

  • Define the performance standards in measurable terms
  • Establish how often the performance standards will be reviewed
  • Identify the parties responsible for updating the performance standards
  • Set a timeline for when performance standards will be reviewed and updated
  • Create a system for logging any updates to the performance standards
  • Develop a process for informing all parties of any updates to the performance standards

Once all these points have been completed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Create a system for reporting on the performance of both parties

  • Develop a system for both parties to report on their performance, keeping in mind the standards and updates outlined in the previous step.
  • Ensure the system is regularly monitored and that both parties are held accountable for their performance.
  • Agree on the frequency of reporting (e.g. monthly, quarterly) and format (e.g. online/email, in-person).
  • Create a system for both parties to track and analyze performance data over time.
  • When the system for reporting is established, you can move on to the next step of auditing performance.

Auditing of Performance

  • Determine the metrics and parameters that need to be audited in order to ensure performance standards are being met
  • Establish a frequency for the audit process that is suitable for the business arrangement
  • Come up with a process for documenting and verifying the audit results
  • Create a system for tracking and reporting on the audit results
  • When the audit system is in place, you will be able to check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Establish an auditing process to ensure that all performance standards are being met

  • Create an audit plan outlining the performance standards that need to be monitored
  • Identify the metrics that will be used to measure performance
  • Set a timeline for when the audits will be conducted
  • Assign responsibilities for conducting and recording the audits
  • Establish a process for regularly reviewing the results of the audits
  • Document any areas of non-compliance
  • When all of the above steps have been completed, you can move on to the next step.

Identify any areas of non-compliance and develop an action plan to address them

  • Review performance standards to identify any areas of non-compliance
  • Identify the root cause of any non-compliance
  • Develop an action plan to address any non-compliance
  • Ensure any action plan is comprehensive and addresses the root cause of the non-compliance
  • Ensure any action plan includes measurable goals and objectives
  • Allocate appropriate resources to complete the action plan
  • Monitor the action plan to ensure it is being implemented effectively

You can check this off your list and move onto the next step when you have identified any areas of non-compliance, developed an action plan to address them, and allocated resources to implement the action plan.

Dispute Resolution

  • Establish criteria for when a dispute should be escalated to a dispute resolution process
  • Identify the most suitable dispute resolution process for the agreement, such as arbitration or mediation
  • Make sure that the dispute resolution process is fair and balanced and is in line with the agreement
  • Include a clause in the agreement that outlines the dispute resolution process and the process for escalating a dispute
  • Establish a timeline for when each party must respond to the dispute resolution process
  • Specify any costs associated with the dispute resolution process
  • Ensure that both parties are aware of their rights and obligations when entering into a dispute resolution process

When you have completed the above steps you will have established a dispute resolution process for resolving any disagreements between the parties.

Establish a dispute resolution process for resolving any disagreements between the parties

  • Determine who will handle dispute resolution (e.g. an independent third-party arbitrator, a mediator, etc.)
  • Outline the process for resolving any disputes that arise (e.g. timelines, deadlines, etc.)
  • Include a clause in the contract outlining how disputes will be handled
  • Agree to the dispute resolution process with the other party
  • When done, document the dispute resolution process in the contract

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the dispute resolution process is agreed upon, documented, and signed by both parties.

Outline the process for addressing any disputes that arise

  • Agree on a timeline for responding to disputes
  • Identify a contact person who will be responsible for handling any disputes
  • Establish a clear and defined process for resolving any disputes
  • Consider the use of mediation or arbitration options to resolve disputes
  • Clearly outline in the performance guarantee any fees associated with dispute resolution
  • When all parties have agreed to the dispute resolution process, document it in the performance guarantee

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have established a dispute resolution process and documented it in the performance guarantee.

Termination and Renewal

  • Include the conditions under which either party can terminate the performance guarantee
  • Establish the notice period that must be provided in advance, if either of the parties wishes to terminate the performance guarantee
  • Specify the conditions under which the performance guarantee can be renewed, including any renewals fees that may apply
  • Check that all conditions of termination and renewal have been clearly outlined in the performance guarantee
  • Once all conditions of termination and renewal have been established and verified, move on to the next step.

Establish the conditions for terminating or renewing the performance guarantee

  • Review any existing contracts and terms of service to determine if they have provisions for a performance guarantee termination or renewal
  • Determine what conditions must be met in order to terminate or renew the performance guarantee
  • Outline how the termination or renewal conditions will be put into effect
  • Document the conditions clearly and ensure all parties understand the terms
  • Once these conditions have been established and documented, you can move on to the next step.

Determine the process for terminating or renewing the performance guarantee

  • Decide on the process for terminating or renewing the performance guarantee. Consider a review period between the two parties to ensure the performance guarantee is still valid.
  • Set a timeline for the termination or renewal process.
  • Draft the process in writing and have both parties sign off on the agreement.
  • When both parties have signed off, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: Does a performance guarantee need to be in writing?

Asked by Lily on October 3rd 2022.
A: Yes, performance guarantees should always be in writing, as verbal agreements may not be enforceable in court. You may also find that you have additional legal protections if a guarantee is written down and signed by the parties involved. It is important to note that the language used in a performance guarantee should be unambiguous and free of any legal jargon. To ensure enforceability, the performance guarantee should also comply with relevant local laws and regulations.

Q: Is there a difference between a performance guarantee and an indemnity?

Asked by Jack on April 15th 2022.
A: Yes, there is a difference between a performance guarantee and an indemnity. A performance guarantee is a contractual commitment to meet certain standards of performance or to provide a specific level of service, while an indemnity is an agreement to compensate another party for any losses or damages incurred as a result of the breach of contract. Indemnities are typically broader in scope than performance guarantees and can provide additional protection for the parties involved.

Q: How long should a performance guarantee last for?

Asked by Emma on July 5th 2022.
A: The length of the performance guarantee should be based on the specific terms of the agreement between the parties involved and should take into account the industry, sector, or business model in question. Generally speaking, it is best practice to include an expiration date in the contract so that all parties are aware of when the guarantee will no longer be valid or enforceable.

Q: Can I include penalties for breach of contract in my performance guarantee?

Asked by Daniel on January 12th 2022.
A: Yes, you can include penalties for breach of contract in your performance guarantee if you wish. It is important to note that the terms and conditions of any penalty clause must be clearly stated in your agreement and should take into account any relevant local laws and regulations. It is also important to ensure that any penalties imposed are reasonable and do not exceed any financial limits set out by relevant legislation or regulation.

Q: Is it possible to limit liability under a performance guarantee?

Asked by Ashley on June 8th 2022.
A: Yes, it is possible to limit liability under a performance guarantee as long as this limitation is stated clearly within the agreement itself. Limitations on liability may include caps on financial losses or damages incurred as a result of breach of contract, as well as excluding certain types of losses or damages altogether (such as consequential losses). Limitations on liability should always comply with relevant local laws and regulations before being included in the agreement.

Q: What remedies are available if a party breaches their performance guarantee?

Asked by Michael on March 28th 2022.
A: If a party breaches their performance guarantee, there are several potential remedies available depending on the specific circumstances of each case. These can include monetary damages (which may be limited according to any limitation clause included in the agreement), specific performance (which requires that the breaching party fulfill their obligations under the contract), or rescission (which cancels out all obligations between the parties). In some cases, it may also be possible to pursue injunctive relief (which requires the breaching party to take certain actions or refrain from taking certain actions).

Q: Are there any differences between US and UK law regarding drafting B2B Performance Guarantees?

Asked by Matthew on December 15th 2022.
A: Yes, there are some differences between US and UK law when it comes to drafting B2B Performance Guarantees. These can include differences in how liability is limited (for example, US law may put greater emphasis on contractual remedies such as liquidated damages rather than capping liability), how disputes are resolved (such as whether mediation or arbitration is needed), and what constitutes sufficient evidence for enforcement (such as whether an affidavit is required). It is important to research relevant local laws before drafting your B2B Performance Guarantee in order to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.

Q: Is there any particular language that needs to be included in my B2B Performance Guarantee?

Asked by Jessica on February 21st 2022.
A: Yes, there are certain language requirements for B2B Performance Guarantees which must be met in order for them to be legally binding and enforceable. These requirements can include clear definitions for terms used within the document (such as “guarantee” or “performance”), explicit consent from all parties involved, provisions which outline how disputes will be resolved, and language which clearly outlines how remedies will be provided if one party breaches their obligations under the contract. It is important to ensure these requirements are met before entering into any Performance Guarantee agreement.

Q: Do I need legal advice when drafting my Performance Guarantee?

Asked by Tyler on August 26th 2022.
A: While it is possible to draft a Performance Guarantee without legal advice, it is generally recommended that you seek professional legal advice before doing so in order to ensure that your document meets all applicable regulations and complies with local laws regarding contracts and guarantees. This will help protect both parties involved from potential future problems which could arise due to an inadequate agreement or misunderstanding of terms within it.

Q: What happens if I need to make changes after signing my Performance Guarantee?

Asked by Sarah on November 11th 2022 .
A: Any changes made after signing your Performance Guarantee must be agreed upon by both parties involved before they come into effect. This may involve creating an amendment document which outlines all changes made since signing the original agreement, signing off on these changes by both parties, and ensuring that these changes comply with all relevant laws and regulations before they become legally binding…

Q: Is it possible to opt out of certain parts of a Performance Guarantee?

Asked by Joshua on May 18th 2022 .
A: Yes, it is possible to opt out of certain parts of your Performance Guarantee if both parties agree to do so prior to signing the document itself. For example, you may choose not to include limitations on liability or waive certain remedies if both parties agree beforehand that these provisions are not applicable or necessary for their particular situation. It is important to note however that opting out of certain parts may make your Performance Guarantee less enforceable in court so it should only be done after careful consideration has been given to all potential consequences before signing off on any changes…

Example dispute

Suing a Company Based on a Performance Guarantee

  • Review relevant legal documents, such as contract clauses detailing the performance guarantee, or relevant consumer protection or civil laws that may be applicable in the case.
  • Gather information and evidence that shows that the company has failed to meet the terms of the performance guarantee in question.
  • File a lawsuit and present the evidence gathered in court.
  • If the court rules in favor of the plaintiff, they may be entitled to damages, depending on the severity of the breach of contract.
  • Damages may be calculated based on the difference between the expected performance and the actual performance, any associated costs, or any other losses the plaintiff may have suffered as a result of the failure to meet the terms of the guarantee.
  • Settlement may be reached by the defendant offering to provide compensation to the plaintiff, or by the plaintiff and defendant agreeing to modify the terms of the performance guarantee.

Templates available (free to use)

Guarantee For Performance Of Obligations Commercial Contract

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