Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting an Effective Arbitration Agreement

9 Jun 2023
35 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


No matter the dispute, arbitration agreements can be a valuable tool for businesses and individuals looking for an efficient and cost-effective way to resolve their issues. Through this agreement, parties can come to a consensus in regards to how any conflicts should be handled without relying on lengthy court proceedings.

Arbitration agreements offer numerous advantages over traditional court battles, such as a quicker resolution process and greater privacy. Companies with global operations will no longer have to worry about expensive legal fees associated with foreign court proceedings, while both sides are also given assurance that they’ll receive fair treatment due to the presence of impartial arbitrators.

The Genie AI team understands the importance of creating an effective arbitration agreement that works best for both parties involved. By leveraging our extensive open source legal template library – comprising of millions of data points – anyone is able to draft high quality legal documents at no extra cost. This step-by-step guide offers guidance on how you can use our template library today whilst ensuring your rights are protected throughout the process.

So if you’re looking for an alternative form of dispute resolution without having to involve lawyers or pay hefty court fees, consider using an arbitration agreement instead! With Genie AI’s template library at hand, secure your interests with ease and confidence today - read on below for more information!


Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): A process for resolving disputes outside of the court system, usually through a third-party mediator.
Arbitration: An ADR process in which parties to a dispute agree to resolve their differences through an independent third-party, who will make a binding decision that is legally enforceable.
Governing Law: The law of a particular country or state that applies to a dispute.
Neutral Venue: A place for arbitration that is convenient for all parties involved and is not biased towards either party.
Limitation of Liability: A clause in an arbitration agreement that limits the parties’ exposure to potential losses.
Limitation of Damages: A clause in an arbitration agreement that limits the amount of compensation that can be awarded in the event of a dispute.
Enforceable Terms: Legally binding terms in an arbitration agreement that are clear and valid.


  1. Explain what arbitration is and why it is important
  2. Identify the key elements of a valid arbitration agreement
  3. Parties to the agreement
  4. Dispute to be arbitrated
  5. Choice of law
  6. Choice of venue
  7. Appointment of arbitrator(s)
  8. Explain how to draft an effective arbitration agreement
  9. Drafting the agreement
  10. Negotiating the terms
  11. Executing the agreement
  12. Describe the benefits of arbitration for both parties
  13. Speed of resolution
  14. Lower costs
  15. Flexibility
  16. Confidentiality
  17. Provide advice on how to handle disputes that may arise
  18. Early resolution
  19. Seeking legal advice
  20. Choosing an arbitrator
  21. Court enforcement
  22. Offer guidance on how to protect the interests of both parties involved
  23. Enforceable terms
  24. Limitation of liability
  25. Limitation of damages
  26. Choice of governing law
  27. Discuss the impact of international business transactions on arbitration agreements
  28. Applicable law
  29. Choice of venue
  30. Recognition and enforcement
  31. Explain how to negotiate contracts and resolve disputes using arbitration
  32. Pre-arbitration negotiation strategies
  33. Structuring the arbitration process
  34. Determining the applicable law
  35. Selecting an arbitrator
  36. Outline the steps for enforcing an arbitration award
  37. Domestic enforcement
  38. International enforcement
  39. Explain the process for appealing an arbitration award
  40. Grounds for appeal
  41. Appealing a domestic award
  42. Appealing an international award

Get started

Explain what arbitration is and why it is important

  • Understand what arbitration is and why it is important: Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in which two or more parties agree to submit a dispute to a neutral third party (arbitrator) for a binding decision. Arbitration is an effective way to resolve disputes quickly and cost-effectively.
  • Learn why an arbitration agreement is important: An arbitration agreement is a contract between two or more parties that outlines the rules and procedures to be used in the arbitration process. The agreement helps to ensure that the parties understand their rights and obligations, and it helps to ensure a fair and impartial arbitration process.
  • Research and familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations regarding arbitration: It is important to understand the laws and regulations that govern the arbitration process, including any applicable state or federal statutes, as well as the rules and regulations of any arbitral institution.

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have a good understanding of what arbitration is, why it is important, and the laws and regulations that govern the arbitration process.

Identify the key elements of a valid arbitration agreement

  • Understand the applicable law governing the agreement - this will help to determine the applicable requirements for a valid agreement
  • Identify the parties to the agreement - this will determine the scope of the agreement and the parties who will be bound by the agreement
  • Include a valid arbitration clause - this should include the language necessary to set out the terms of the agreement and the intent of the parties to resolve disputes through arbitration
  • Spell out the scope of the arbitration - this should include the subject matters that will be handled in arbitration, the dispute resolution process, the venue, and any other terms relevant to the arbitration
  • Include a choice of law provision - this should specify the law that will be used to interpret the agreement
  • Include a clause for the enforcement of the arbitration award - this should include the process for enforcing the arbitration award, including the court or other body that will handle the enforcement.

Once all of these elements are identified, you can check off this step and move on to the next step.

Parties to the agreement

  • Identify all parties to the arbitration agreement; this may include individuals, organizations, and other entities
  • Ensure that all parties to the agreement have provided their legally binding signatures
  • Clearly list the names and addresses of all parties to the agreement
  • Verify that all parties to the agreement have the authority to enter into the agreement
  • Once all parties have provided their signatures and all necessary information is included, the arbitration agreement is now ready to move on to the next step in the process

Dispute to be arbitrated

  • Clearly define the nature of the dispute that will be arbitrated.
  • Include a statement that all related disputes arising out of the same contract, transaction, or relationship are subject to arbitration.
  • Specify any claims or issues that are excluded from arbitration.
  • Check your state laws for any mandatory arbitration clauses or prohibitions against certain types of disputes.
  • When you have completed this step, you will have a clear understanding of the dispute to be arbitrated.

Choice of law

  • Decide which legal system will be used to interpret the agreement
  • Consider factors such as the preferences of the parties, the legal resources available, and the applicable laws
  • Make sure the chosen legal system will be able to enforce the agreement
  • Include a clause in the agreement that specifies the governing law
  • Note any applicable international rules of conflict of laws
  • Check that the agreement complies with the chosen legal system
  • When you have finalized the choice of law clause, you can move on to the next step (Choice of Venue)

Choice of venue

  • Identify the country and/or state in which the arbitration should take place
  • Determine if the arbitration should occur in a specific court or a different venue
  • Choose the language(s) in which the arbitration should be conducted
  • Decide whether the arbitration should follow certain procedures or be more flexible
  • Establish the number of arbitrators that will be involved in the arbitration

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have determined the specific venue, language(s), and number of arbitrators for the arbitration agreement.

Appointment of arbitrator(s)

  • Decide whether you want a single arbitrator or a panel of three
  • If choosing a panel, identify and agree on the names of the three arbitrators
  • Ensure that the arbitrators chosen have the necessary qualifications and experience needed to handle the dispute
  • Include details such as the language they are expected to use and the maximum time they are allowed to take in making their decision
  • When the list of arbitrators is finalized, make sure to include their names and contact information in the agreement

Once this is complete, you can move to the next step - Explaining how to draft an effective arbitration agreement.

Explain how to draft an effective arbitration agreement

• Decide whether the arbitration agreement should be a stand-alone agreement or incorporated into another contract.
• Determine the parties to the arbitration agreement, including the names of each party and their respective roles.
• Establish the scope of the arbitration agreement, including any claims or disputes to be resolved by arbitration.
• Choose the applicable law governing the arbitration, including any applicable statutes, rules and regulations.
• Include the language of the arbitration agreement, including any applicable rules, procedures and remedies.
• Specify the venue of the arbitration, including any applicable jurisdictional requirements.
• Include any applicable limitations of liability, including any restrictions on damages, costs and fees.
• Specify any applicable confidentiality requirements for the arbitration proceedings.
• Include any applicable provisions for the enforcement of the arbitration agreement, including any applicable remedies for breach.
• Sign and date the arbitration agreement.

Once the arbitration agreement has been drafted, the parties should review the document to ensure that all of the relevant terms have been addressed. Once the document has been reviewed, it can be signed and dated by the parties and the arbitration process can begin.

Drafting the agreement

  • Draft an agreement that outlines the scope of the arbitration, including the parties involved, the types of claims to be arbitrated, and the process for dispute resolution
  • Make sure the agreement is detailed and comprehensive to avoid disputes in the future
  • Clearly define the process for selection of the arbitrator and the applicable rules of arbitration
  • Outline the procedure for sharing documents and evidence between the parties involved
  • Include a section that outlines the costs of arbitration
  • Specify the jurisdiction in which the arbitration will take place
  • Once the arbitration agreement is drafted, have all parties involved sign off on it
  • You can check this off your list and move onto the next step once all parties have agreed to the terms of the arbitration agreement.

Negotiating the terms

  • Identify all parties involved in the arbitration
  • Establish the rules and procedures that will be used in the arbitration
  • Negotiate any additional terms you may want to include in the agreement
  • Make sure all parties involved in the arbitration agree on the terms of the agreement
  • When all parties have agreed on the terms, you can move on to the next step of drafting the agreement.

Executing the agreement

  • Exchange the agreement with both parties, ensuring that all necessary parties have signed the document
  • Make sure both parties have received a copy of the agreement and that all signatures are legible and valid
  • Save a copy of the agreement in a secure location for future reference
  • Check that all parties are satisfied with the document and that all terms have been agreed to
  • When all parties have signed the agreement and all terms have been agreed upon, you can move on to the next step.

Describe the benefits of arbitration for both parties

• Explain the advantages of arbitration to both parties, which include privacy, cost effectiveness, speed, and efficiency.
• Outline the process of how the arbitration process works and how binding it is.
• Make sure to explain that both parties will have the opportunity to present their case, as well as to cross-examine witnesses and present evidence.
• Explain that all proceedings are confidential and that an arbitrator’s decision is binding and enforceable in most jurisdictions.
• Explain that the decision of the arbitrator is final and cannot be appealed.

Once both parties have a clear understanding of the benefits of arbitration, they are ready to move on to the next step: executing the agreement.

Speed of resolution

  • Outline the expected timeline for the arbitration process, including the number of hearing sessions, the dates of the hearings, and the deadline for delivering the award
  • Establish a timeline for the parties to exchange documents, present evidence, and respond to each other’s claims
  • Include a provision on how to handle delays and extensions of the timeline, such as when a party fails to comply with the timeline
  • Include a provision on the consequences for failing to meet the timeline
  • When you’ve outlined the timeline for the arbitration process and the consequences for any delays, you’ve completed this step and can move on to the next step.

Lower costs

  • Consider which type of arbitration will be most suitable for your agreement. Options may include ad hoc arbitration, institutional arbitration, foreign arbitration, or a combination of the three.
  • Develop a cost-sharing arrangement that works for both parties; this should include who is responsible for paying the arbitrator, filing fees, and other costs associated with the arbitration.
  • Identify whether the process should be confidential or public, as this will factor into the costs.
  • When you have settled on the most cost-effective arrangement, you can consider this step complete.


  • Consider including a clause in the arbitration agreement that allows for the parties to change the terms of the arbitration agreement as necessary.
  • Explore the possibility of adding a clause that allows for an additional party to join the arbitration agreement if needed.
  • Allow the parties to mutually agree to modify the agreement if circumstances arise that require modification.

Once you have considered flexibility in the arbitration agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to considering confidentiality.


  • Establish a confidentiality clause that will protect the parties from disclosing confidential information that is shared during the arbitration process
  • Specify the information that is to be kept confidential
  • Outline the consequences for breach of confidentiality
  • Make sure the agreement is legally binding
  • Once these points have been addressed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next one.

Provide advice on how to handle disputes that may arise

  • Set out who will be responsible for resolving any disputes that may arise between the parties to the agreement.
  • Discuss the types of disputes that may arise and the legal principles that will be applied when resolving them.
  • Consider whether a specific dispute resolution process should be used, such as mediation, arbitration or a formal court process.
  • Set out the criteria for when a dispute should be referred to an external third party, such as an independent arbitrator or mediator.
  • Consider setting out a timeframe for resolving the dispute and how the parties will communicate with each other during the dispute resolution process.
  • Decide who will bear the costs of resolving the dispute.
  • When the dispute resolution process is complete, the parties should document their agreed outcome.

Once you have completed this step, you can move on to the next step of drafting an effective arbitration agreement: Early Resolution.

Early resolution

  • Determine whether to include a clause in the arbitration agreement stipulating a requirement for early resolution of disputes.
  • Consider whether to include certain provisions, such as a requirement for parties to engage in mediation prior to resorting to arbitration, or a requirement to submit disputes to a third party for resolution.
  • Decide whether to include a provision that requires parties to make a good faith effort to resolve disputes without initiating arbitration proceedings.
  • Consider whether to include a provision requiring parties to submit disputes to private arbitration, rather than public court proceedings.
  • Determine whether to include a provision that allows the parties to opt out of the arbitration process if they cannot agree on a resolution.
  • You will know you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have established the terms of the arbitration agreement that will govern the early resolution of disputes between the parties.

Seeking legal advice

  • Consult with a legal expert to determine what language should be included in the arbitration agreement
  • Ensure that the language is clear, concise, and addresses all issues that could arise between the parties
  • Check to make sure that any state or federal laws are taken into account and included in the agreement
  • Review the agreement with the other party to make sure that it is mutually agreed upon by both sides
  • When both sides have agreed to the language of the agreement, it is time to move on to the next step of choosing an arbitrator.

Choosing an arbitrator

  • Research potential arbitrators to ensure you are choosing someone impartial and qualified for the case.
  • Consider the arbitrator’s experience and qualifications, as well as their availability and cost.
  • Check the applicable laws in the state or country where the arbitration will take place, as there may be certain requirements or regulations that must be followed.
  • Discuss the potential arbitrator’s availability and fees with them, and have them sign a contract before proceeding.
  • Once all the details have been agreed upon and a contract has been signed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Court enforcement

  • Review applicable laws and regulations
  • Identify the court where the arbitration agreement can be enforced
  • State that any resolution of the dispute must be enforced in the identified court
  • Outline the process for enforcing the arbitration award in the identified court
  • Specify the timing for enforcement of the arbitration award
  • Once all the above provisions have been included, the court enforcement step of the arbitration agreement is complete.

Offer guidance on how to protect the interests of both parties involved

  • Ensure that the arbitration agreement clearly sets out the rights and obligations of both parties.
  • Draft the agreement in plain language that is easily understandable and enforceable.
  • Consider the benefits of selecting an impartial third-party mediator or arbitrator to help resolve any disputes that may arise.
  • Consult a lawyer to review the agreement and help ensure that the interests of both parties are protected.
  • Make sure that the agreement is properly executed by both parties and is properly witnessed.

Once the agreement is drafted and reviewed, both parties can sign it, making it legally binding.

Enforceable terms

  • Ensure that the language of the agreement is clear and unambiguous
  • Ensure that any terms that are agreed upon are enforceable by both parties
  • Specify the governing law and jurisdiction for the agreement
  • Include a clear statement of the parties’ agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Include a clause outlining the procedures for resolving and enforcing any disputes
  • Ensure that the agreement is signed and dated by both parties

Once you have completed these steps, you can be assured that you have included enforceable terms in your arbitration agreement and you can move on to the next step.

Limitation of liability

  • Include a clause that explicitly limits the liability of each party for any breach of contract or any other damages or losses that may arise from the agreement
  • Make sure to clearly identify what types of losses and damages are covered, and what types of losses and damages are excluded
  • Specify the maximum amount of damages that may be recovered by either party, if any
  • When possible, include a limitation of liability clause that prevents either party from recovering punitive damages
  • When you have finished drafting the limitation of liability clause, review it carefully and make sure it accurately reflects the intentions of both parties.

Once you have reviewed the limitation of liability clause and are confident that it accurately reflects the intentions of both parties, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Limitation of damages

  • Identify the maximum amount of damages that the parties can be responsible for in the event of a dispute.
  • Determine if the damages should be limited to direct damages and/or indirect damages.
  • Specify what constitutes a breach of the agreement for the purposes of calculating damages.
  • Make sure the limitation of damages clause is clearly written and unambiguous.
  • When complete, ensure the damages limitation clause has been added to the arbitration agreement.

You can check this off your list once you have created a clause that limits the damages that the parties can be responsible for in the event of a dispute.

Choice of governing law

  • Determine the best jurisdiction for the arbitration process
  • Consider the most appropriate law for the agreement, such as the law of the country where the arbitration is to take place
  • Consider any laws that may be applicable to the agreement due to the parties’ relationship or the subject of the agreement
  • Decide whether the law of the arbitration is to be the same as the law governing the agreement
  • Consider any special rules that may be applicable, such as rules of the International Chamber of Commerce
  • Include a clause in the arbitration agreement that clearly states the governing law

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once you have determined the best jurisdiction, the applicable law, and the governing law for the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Discuss the impact of international business transactions on arbitration agreements

  • Understand the different laws that apply to international business transactions
  • Consider the differences between the governing law and the applicable law
  • Research the different international arbitration rules and regulations
  • Assess the advantages and disadvantages of each jurisdiction
  • Negotiate the choice of governing law and applicable law with the other party
  • Draft the arbitration agreement to reflect the chosen governing law and applicable law

Once you have discussed the impact of international business transactions on arbitration agreements, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Applicable law

  • Determine which country’s laws should apply, taking into account the countries in which the signatory parties are based and the type of transaction, if any, that is party to the arbitration agreement
  • Consider whether it would be beneficial to specify a particular body of laws that should apply to the arbitration agreement, such as international conventions or the laws of a specific country
  • Have the parties agree on the applicable law and add it to the arbitration agreement
  • Once the parties have agreed on and added the applicable law to the arbitration agreement, you can move on to the next step of choosing a venue.

Choice of venue

  • Consider the geographical location of the parties and, if applicable, the governing law.
  • Determine the most appropriate venue for the dispute resolution, taking into account factors such as the arbitration rules that will govern the process, the costs, the language of the arbitration, and the local laws and regulations.
  • Consider whether the chosen venue has an effective legal system that can effectively enforce the result of the arbitration.
  • Draft the arbitration agreement to include a clause on the choice of venue.
  • Ensure that the clause is clear and unambiguous, including relevant details such as the law governing the arbitration, the language of the arbitration, and the applicable arbitration rules.

Once you have considered the geographical location and other factors, determined the most appropriate venue, and drafted the clause in the arbitration agreement, you can move on to the next step of the process.

Recognition and enforcement

  • Understand the enforceability of the arbitration agreement in the country where the arbitration will take place and in other countries
  • Research applicable international and domestic laws related to recognition and enforcement of the arbitration agreement
  • Draft provisions in the arbitration agreement that comply with applicable laws, including any special provisions required by the local law
  • Consider the need for any special procedures in the agreement that may be necessary to ensure enforcement
  • Include a clause in the arbitration agreement that both parties agree to enforce the award in accordance with applicable laws
  • When you are confident that the arbitration agreement is enforceable, you have completed this step and can move on to the next step.

Explain how to negotiate contracts and resolve disputes using arbitration

  • Research the pros and cons of arbitration vs. traditional litigation
  • Become familiar with the laws related to arbitration agreements in your jurisdiction
  • Consider the costs and benefits of arbitration compared to other methods of dispute resolution
  • Understand the requirements of the arbitration process, such as filing fees and deadlines
  • Review the language of the arbitration agreement, making sure it meets all applicable legal requirements
  • Negotiate the terms of the agreement, such as the types of disputes that can be resolved through arbitration, the selection of an arbitrator, the venue for the arbitration hearings, and the rules of evidence
  • Discuss the potential for appeals or other forms of post-arbitration dispute resolution
  • When you and the other party have agreed to the terms of the arbitration agreement, sign and date the document
  • Once the agreement is signed, you can move on to the next step in drafting an effective arbitration agreement.

Pre-arbitration negotiation strategies

  • Research the opposing party’s interests and goals
  • Discuss concerns and interests openly with the opposing party
  • Be willing to compromise to meet both parties’ needs
  • Consider the cost of arbitration and other costs associated with the dispute
  • Identify any potential legal issues that could arise during the process
  • Develop an agreement that is fair and agreeable to both parties
  • Create a timeline for when each step of the process should be completed

Once the pre-arbitration negotiation strategies have been discussed and an agreement has been reached, you can move on to the next step of drafting an effective arbitration agreement: structuring the arbitration process.

Structuring the arbitration process

  • Define the scope of the dispute that will be subject to arbitration
  • Establish the rules for the arbitration process, such as the rules of evidence, the applicable procedural law, and the forms to be used
  • Set the number of arbitrators to be used and the method of selection
  • Choose the location of the arbitration and the language to be used
  • Decide the timeline for the arbitration process
  • Agree on the method of dispute resolution, such as binding or non-binding arbitration
  • Determine the fees and costs associated with the arbitration
  • Agree on the enforcement method, such as the court or other authorities authorized to enforce the arbitration award

When you have completed these steps, you will have an effective arbitration agreement in place.

Determining the applicable law

  • Research relevant international laws and regulations that may apply to the arbitration agreement.
  • Identify any domestic laws that could be applicable.
  • Consider any national or international conventions that could be relevant.
  • Consider the laws of the parties’ home countries.
  • Consider whether the parties need to agree on a body of law to apply.
  • Be sure to consider the laws of the country in which the arbitration will take place.
  • Make sure to note any specific laws that must be followed.

Once you have considered the applicable laws, you can check this step off your list and move on to selecting an arbitrator.

Selecting an arbitrator

  • Research the qualifications and experience relevant to the arbitration proceedings
  • Make a list of potential arbitrators who meet the qualifications and experience criteria
  • Contact the potential arbitrators and request their availability and fee structure
  • Evaluate the responses to determine the best arbitrator for the arbitration proceedings
  • Once a suitable arbitrator is chosen, contact them to confirm the appointment
  • Check off this step and move on to the next step (Outline the steps for enforcing an arbitration award)

Outline the steps for enforcing an arbitration award

  • Determine the applicable law: Determine which country’s law will govern the enforcement of the award.
  • Draft the arbitration agreement: Draft the arbitration agreement to include the specific details of how the award should be enforced.
  • File the arbitration agreement: File the arbitration agreement with the appropriate court or other relevant body.
  • Seek enforcement of the award: Seek enforcement of the award with the local court or other relevant body.
  • Monitor the enforcement process: Monitor the enforcement process to ensure that the award is properly enforced.

You’ll know that you can check this step off your list when the award has been successfully enforced.

Domestic enforcement

  • Draft an arbitration agreement that specifies the applicable law and venue for any domestic arbitration proceedings
  • Define the scope of matters covered by the agreement, such as what disputes are subject to arbitration and any limitations on the remedies available
  • Describe the process for initiating and conducting arbitration, including the procedure for selecting arbitrators and the deadlines for filing claims and documents
  • Determine how any legal fees and costs incurred during arbitration will be allocated
  • Specify how the award will be enforced in the event of non-compliance
  • When you are confident that the agreement meets all applicable legal requirements, ensure that all parties have signed the agreement and it has been properly executed
  • You can check this step off your list when all parties have signed and the agreement has been properly executed.

International enforcement

  • Research the international treaties and laws that may affect your arbitration agreement and the enforcement of any resulting awards.
  • Consider whether the courts of any countries that could be involved in the dispute should be included in the agreement.
  • Draft language in the arbitration agreement that specifies the governing law and any international conventions that may affect the agreement.
  • Include a clause that outlines the ways in which an award will be enforced in any foreign countries.
  • When you have completed your research and drafting, review the language of your arbitration agreement to make sure it is clear and comprehensive and that it meets the requirements of any applicable international laws or treaties.

You will know you have completed this step when you have completed the research and drafting process and have reviewed the language of your arbitration agreement to make sure it is clear and comprehensive.

Explain the process for appealing an arbitration award

• Know the applicable law. Each jurisdiction has different laws governing the appeal of an arbitration award, so familiarize yourself with the applicable law.

• Review the arbitration agreement. Check the arbitration agreement for provisions that may govern the appeal of an award.

• Know the grounds for appeal. Generally, an award can be appealed on the grounds of either procedural or substantive flaws in the arbitration process.

• Draft a statement of appeal. This document should include the facts of the case and the grounds for appealing the award.

• Serve the statement of appeal. Serve the statement of appeal on the other party, either by mail or email.

• File the statement of appeal. File the statement of appeal with the court or other tribunal that has jurisdiction over the appeal.

• Attend any hearings. Attend any hearings related to the appeal of the award and provide any documents or evidence necessary to support your case.

• Await the decision. Once all of the necessary steps have been taken, await the court’s decision on the appeal.

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you have successfully drafted a statement of appeal and served it to the other party.

Grounds for appeal

  • Identify the statutory law and case law that will provide the grounds for appeal
  • Analyze those laws to determine which grounds for appeal are available
  • Consider any applicable rules or standards of review that may be imposed
  • Draft language that identifies the specific grounds for appeal
  • Ensure that the agreement provides a clear process for filing an appeal
  • Check that the agreement provides a timeline for filing an appeal
  • Make sure that the agreement specifies the process for responding to the appeal
  • Check off this step when you have drafted language that clearly identifies the grounds for appeal and the appeal process.

Appealing a domestic award

  • Research the applicable laws for appealing a domestic award in the jurisdiction where the arbitration took place
  • Review the applicable legislation, arbitration laws, and rules of the arbitration institution
  • Identify any specific grounds for appeal that are recognized in the applicable law
  • Gather evidence to support any grounds for appeal identified
  • Draft a notice of appeal and make sure it meets the requirements of the applicable law
  • Submit the notice of appeal to the court or tribunal that has the jurisdiction to hear the appeal
  • Once the notice of appeal has been filed with the appropriate court, the appeal process is considered complete and you can move on to the next step of drafting an effective arbitration agreement.

Appealing an international award

  • Understand the country’s laws and regulations related to the arbitration agreement, including any laws governing the enforcement of foreign awards
  • Determine what type of appeal you will be making, such as a challenge on the grounds of public policy or an appeal for a new hearing
  • Review the arbitration agreement and the award to identify any errors or inconsistencies
  • File a notice of appeal with the court in the country that issued the award
  • Prepare an appeal brief that outlines your legal arguments supporting the appeal
  • File the appeal with the court and serve it on the other parties to the arbitration
  • Follow any local rules, such as filing deadlines, that apply to the appeal
  • Participate in any hearings related to the appeal and provide any additional evidence or argument necessary
  • Monitor the status of the appeal and take any additional steps necessary to protect your rights

You will know you have completed this step when you have filed the notice of appeal and prepared and filed the appeal brief with the court.


Q: What are the key elements that should be included in an arbitration agreement?

Asked by Don on August 16th 2022.
A: An effective arbitration agreement should include a number of key elements to ensure it is legally binding. These include the parties involved, the dispute resolution method, the process for each party to appoint a representative, the governing law, any applicable rules of procedure, and any applicable provisions for costs and fees. It is important that all of these elements are clearly outlined in the agreement for it to be effective.

Q: How do I know if an arbitration agreement is necessary for my business?

Asked by Don on August 16th 2022.
A: Whether or not an arbitration agreement is necessary for your business depends on a few factors. Firstly, the jurisdiction in which you operate may have certain laws that require businesses to have certain dispute resolution processes in place. Secondly, if you have customers or partners spread across multiple jurisdictions, it may be beneficial to have an arbitration agreement in place so that any disputes can be resolved more efficiently. Finally, if you operate in a sector where disputes are common and you would like to ensure that disputes are resolved fairly and efficiently, then having an arbitration agreement in place may be a good idea.

Q: How does an arbitration agreement work when two parties are based in different countries?

Asked by Donna on August 16th 2022.
A: A well-drafted arbitration agreement can provide structure and clarity when two parties are based in different countries. The governing law should be clearly stated in the agreement, along with which country’s laws will be used to interpret the agreement and resolve any disputes. The rules of procedure should also be outlined so that both parties understand how any disputes will be resolved. In addition, there should be provisions for appointing arbitrators and dealing with costs associated with the process.

Q: Is there a difference between an arbitration agreement and a mediation agreement?

Asked by Don on August 16th 2022.
A: Yes, there is a difference between an arbitration agreement and a mediation agreement. Arbitration is a form of dispute resolution where both parties agree to submit their dispute to a third-party arbitrator who will review the evidence and render a binding decision on the outcome of the dispute. In contrast, mediation is a voluntary process where both parties try to reach an amicable settlement with the assistance of a neutral mediator who helps facilitate negotiations but does not render any decisions or judgments.

Q: How do I ensure my arbitration agreement is enforceable?

Asked by Donna on August 16th 2022.
A: To ensure your arbitration agreement is enforceable, it is important to ensure that all key elements are included and clearly outlined so that both parties understand their obligations under the agreement. It is also important to ensure that all parties have adequately consented to the terms of the agreement and that all documents are properly executed and signed by all involved parties. Finally, it is important to make sure that the governing law is clearly stated so that there can be no ambiguity about which laws apply in case of dispute.

Q: When should I consider using mediation instead of arbitration?

Asked by Don on August 16th 2022.
A: Mediation can often be preferable to arbitration if both parties prefer a less formal process and are willing to work together collaboratively towards finding a solution that works for both sides. Unlike arbitration where one party’s decision will prevail over the other’s, mediation offers both sides more room for compromise as they try to find common ground and come up with mutually agreeable solutions. It can also often be faster and less expensive than arbitration as there will not be a need for costly legal fees or delays caused by scheduling hearings or appeals processes.

Q: What happens if one party fails to abide by an arbitration agreement?

Asked by Donna on August 16th 2022.
A: If one party fails to abide by an arbitration agreement then it could lead to serious consequences depending on the jurisdiction in which it was entered into as well as any applicable laws regulating such agreements. Generally speaking, failure to abide by an arbitration agreement could lead to legal action being taken against them such as being held liable for breach of contract or even contempt of court depending on the circumstances surrounding their failure to comply with its terms and conditions.

Q: Are there specific rules or regulations regarding international arbitration agreements?

Asked by Don on August 16th 2022.
A: Yes, there are specific rules and regulations regarding international arbitration agreements depending on which country’s laws apply as well as which court system has jurisdiction over any potential disputes arising from such agreements. In some countries, such as those within the European Union (EU), international commercial agreements are subject to certain rules set out in EU Regulation 593/2008 (the Rome I Regulation) while other countries may have their own set of rules governing such agreements within their jurisdiction. It is important to familiarise yourself with these rules prior to entering into any international commercial agreements involving arbitration clauses as they may vary significantly from one jurisdiction to another.

Q: What type of documents should I prepare before entering into an arbitration agreement?

Asked by Donna on August 16th 2022.
A: Before entering into an arbitration agreement it is important to ensure you prepare all relevant documents such as your business’s balance sheet, financial statements, contracts with customers/suppliers/partners etc., as well as any other relevant documents which may become relevant during any future disputes arising from your contractual relationship(s). Additionally, you should also prepare any other documents required according to applicable laws such as witness statements or expert opinions which may become necessary during future proceedings or hearings related to your dispute resolution process outlined in your arbitration agreement.

Q: Are there certain types of disputes which cannot be settled through an arbitration agreement?

Asked by Don on August 16th 2022.
A: Yes, there are certain types of disputes which cannot be settled through an arbitral process due to their complexity or because they involve matters that are outside its scope such as matters related to criminal law or family law issues in some jurisdictions where these matters must go through court proceedings instead of being arbitrated privately between two parties. Additionally, some types of disputes such as those involving intellectual property rights may require specific expertise from legal professionals who specialise in this area and therefore would not be suitable for private arbitrations either due to their complexity or because specialised knowledge is required from those handling them professionally .

Q : How much does it cost to enter into an arbitration agreement?

Asked by Donna on August 16th 2022.
A: The cost associated with entering into an arbitration agreement will depend largely upon what type of dispute resolution process you choose (arbitration vs mediation) and how complex your case might become during proceedings (which might require specialist lawyers or experts). Generally speaking though, costs related to entering into an arbitral process tend to vary depending upon factors such as how many days/hours need scheduling for hearings or appointing experts etc., but they can range anywhere from $1,000 - $100,000 or even more depending upon these factors mentioned above plus other related costs associated with filing fees etc…

Q : Do I need legal representation when drafting an effective arbitration agreement?

Asked by Don on August 16th 2022.
A: It is always recommended that you seek legal advice prior to entering into any form of dispute resolution process such as drafting an effective arbitration agreement so that you can make sure all aspects relevant to your particular needs are properly addressed within its terms and conditions before signing off on it legally binding both parties involved into its obligations outlined therein . Having said this though, if you feel confident enough when drafting your own contract then it might not necessarily require professional legal representation but it is still highly recommended that at least one lawyer reviews it prior for accuracy purposes prior signing off on it legally binding both parties involved into its obligations outlined therein .

Example dispute

Suing a Company Over Breach of an Arbitration Agreement

  • Plaintiff can bring a lawsuit against a company that has breached an arbitration agreement.
  • The plaintiff must prove that the company has failed to comply with the terms of the agreement.
  • The plaintiff must also prove that they suffered damages as a result of the breach.
  • If a court finds that the company has violated the agreement, it may award damages to the plaintiff.
  • The court may order the company to pay the plaintiff’s attorney fees and court costs.
  • The court may also order the company to pay punitive damages as a form of punishment for the breach.
  • In some cases, the court may order the company to comply with the arbitration agreement and proceed with arbitration.
  • If the court finds that the company has acted in bad faith, it may also order the company to pay additional damages.

Templates available (free to use)

Employment Arbitration Agreement

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