Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting Administration Orders

23 Mar 2023
15 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Administration orders are a crucial tool for businesses and creditors, who are either struggling to stay afloat or trying to recoup losses from debtors. By ordering the court protection of such orders, businesses and their creditors can reorganize finances and come to an amicable agreement. In this blog post, the Genie AI team will explain why these administration orders are vital, describe the two types available (voluntary and compulsory), and detail the benefits they can offer.

Firstly, it is important to recognize why administration orders have become so substantial. Primarily, these court-ordered arrangements provide space for businesses or creditors to take control of their finances without suffering liquidation or bankruptcy – both of which can have serious implications for organizations in terms of economic standing or future prospects.

Secondly, differentiating between voluntary and compulsory administration orders is key in understanding their advantages and disadvantages: whilst voluntary applications allow negotiation on terms – often more expensive due to actively seeking out an order - compulsory administration orders (imposed without consent) may be less time consuming but typically involve non-negotiable conditions; consequently not always yielding favourable outcomes for involved parties.

Finally, it is worth putting emphasis on the multiple benefits that accompany obtaining an administration order; providing much needed breathers for both business/creditor while offering security in repayment plans with good-standing assurance being maintained by both parties’ respective interests being protected throughout proceedings.

In conclusion, administration orders are essential tools when navigating through financial hardships; allowing breathing room while granting confidence in achieving mutually beneficial agreements between business/creditors alongside protecting each party’s interests amid negotiations. To read on further about how Genie AI’s step-by step guide provides assistance with drafting these documents as well as information about accessing our up-to date template library today – all without needing a Genie account – click below!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Administration Order: A legally binding agreement between a debtor and creditor that outlines the debtor’s payment obligations, issued by a court.
Jurisdiction: The area or region in which a law or set of laws applies.
Draft: A preliminary version of a document or agreement.
Checklist: A list of items or steps to be accomplished or considered.
Signatures: A written or stamped mark made by a person to signify permission or agreement.
Authorization: Permission or official approval to do something.
Modifications: Changes or adjustments to a document or agreement.
Legal Challenges: Objections or arguments made in court against a legally binding agreement.


  • Gathering a comprehensive understanding of the legal definition of an administration order
  • Identifying the necessary documents and information required for an administration order
  • Conducting research on the applicable laws governing administration orders
  • Constructing a draft version of the administration order
  • Creating a checklist of all the items that must be included in the administration order
  • Acquiring the appropriate signatures and other forms of legal authorization for the administration order
  • Submitting the administration order for approval
  • Tracking the progress of the administration order
  • Making any adjustments or modifications to the administration order that may be necessary
  • Being prepared to respond to any legal challenges that may arise from the administration order

Get started

Gathering a comprehensive understanding of the legal definition of an administration order

  • Research and familiarize yourself with the legal definition of an administration order
  • Understand the differences between an administration order and other types of court orders
  • Understand the purpose and implications of an administration order
  • Learn about the different types of administration orders
  • Check with local, state, and federal laws to ensure you are in compliance
  • When you feel confident that you understand the legal definition of an administration order, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying the necessary documents and information required for an administration order

  • Consult applicable statutes and regulations related to administration orders to identify the documents and information which must be included in the filing
  • Review case law to identify any additional documents or information which may be needed for the filing
  • Make a list of all of the documents and information required for the filing, such as the debtor’s name, contact information, financial information, and other pertinent documents
  • Check off the list once all of the documents and information have been gathered and verified
  • Move on to the next step of conducting research on the applicable laws governing administration orders.

Conducting research on the applicable laws governing administration orders

  • Review the relevant statutes and court decisions, to determine the legal requirements for an administration order.
  • Gather any additional information on the specific facts of the case, including any relevant state laws.
  • Research any court decisions that provide guidance on similar issues.
  • Search legal databases and other sources, to find additional relevant laws and court decisions.
  • When finished, you will have a full understanding of the legal requirements necessary to create an administration order.

Constructing a draft version of the administration order

  • Start by creating a blank document in a word processing program
  • Begin writing out the order in the document, making sure to include all relevant information such as the date of filing, names and addresses of parties involved, and the court’s jurisdiction
  • Research and include all applicable laws, regulations, and statutes that are relevant to the administration order
  • Make sure that all of the items in the order are stated in the clearest and most concise language possible to ensure ease of understanding
  • Once the order is completed, review it for accuracy and make any necessary changes
  • Once you are satisfied with the order, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step in the process.

Creating a checklist of all the items that must be included in the administration order

  • Gather the relevant information and documents needed to draft the administration order
  • Analyze the situation and determine the order’s scope, purpose, and required components
  • Create a checklist of all the components that must be included in the administration order
  • Check for any local or state laws that may apply to the administration order
  • Double-check the checklist for accuracy and completeness

Once all of the above steps have been completed, you can move on to the next step in the process – acquiring the appropriate signatures and other forms of legal authorization for the administration order.

Acquiring the appropriate signatures and other forms of legal authorization for the administration order

  • Collect signatures from all the necessary parties
  • Ensure that all the signatures are on the same document
  • Obtain the required legal authorization forms
  • Collect other documents necessary for approval, such as a certificate of authority to transact business
  • Check that all the signatures and documents are in order
  • When all documents have been collected and verified, you can proceed to the next step.

Submitting the administration order for approval

  • Compile all necessary documents associated with the administration order, including signatures and legal authorizations.
  • Submit the compiled documents to the court for review and approval.
  • Check the court’s website periodically for the status of the application.
  • Once the administration order is approved, you will receive an official notification from the court.

Tracking the progress of the administration order

  • Monitor the progress of the administration order to ensure it is being properly processed
  • Contact the relevant authority to enquire about the status of the administration order, if necessary
  • Check for any updates or notifications regarding the status of the administration order
  • Record any relevant details related to the progress of the administration order
  • When the administration order is approved, you can check off this step and move on to the next step of making any necessary adjustments or modifications.

Making any adjustments or modifications to the administration order that may be necessary

  • Review the administration order to ensure that it is accurately reflecting the situation and any changes that need to be made
  • Contact relevant parties to make any adjustments or modifications that may be necessary, such as to the payment plan or payment amounts
  • Once any modifications or adjustments have been agreed upon, ensure that these changes are properly documented in the administration order
  • Verify that the administration order is up to date with all necessary changes and adjustments before submitting it
  • You will know it is time to move on to the next step when the administration order is accurate and up to date with all necessary changes and modifications.

Being prepared to respond to any legal challenges that may arise from the administration order

• Research relevant case law and precedents to ensure that the administration order is in accordance with applicable laws.
• Consult with legal counsel to ensure that the order is sound and will stand up to any legal challenges that may arise.
• Develop a plan of action should any legal challenges arise.
• Have a team of experts in the relevant legal field ready to respond to any legal challenges that may arise.
• Monitor the progress of any legal proceedings and make adjustments to the administration order as necessary.
• When all legal challenges have been addressed, the administration order can be considered finalized.


Q: What are the requirements for drafting an administration order?

Asked by Chris on 3rd July 2022.
A: In order to draft an administration order, you must first determine whether the matter falls within the jurisdiction you are working in. Each jurisdiction has its own legal requirements for an administration order, so it is important to research these thoroughly before proceeding. Additionally, if the matter involves multiple jurisdictions, you must also consider any relevant international laws that may apply. Furthermore, you need to be aware of any additional requirements that might be particular to your industry or sector. For example, if you’re working in a SaaS business model or a technology-based sector, you may need to account for additional rules and regulations that may not apply elsewhere.

Q: How do I ensure that my administration order is legally valid?

Asked by Steve on 15th August 2022.
A: It is important to make sure that your administration order is legally valid and compliant with all applicable laws. When drafting the document, make sure to include all necessary information and requirements as specified by the jurisdiction you are working in. Additionally, it is important to double-check with legal counsel to ensure that all relevant laws have been taken into account. Once the document has been drafted, it should be reviewed by a lawyer or other legal professional to ensure accuracy and legality before being submitted for approval.

Q: What are the implications of not following an administration order?

Asked by Angela on 7th October 2022.
A: If an administration order is not followed, there can be serious consequences. Depending on the jurisdiction and the specifics of the case, failure to adhere to an administration order can result in fines or other sanctions being imposed on those responsible for not following it. Additionally, non-compliance can result in a loss of trust on behalf of clients or customers and may lead to legal action being taken against those who have failed to adhere to the rules set out in the administration order. Therefore, it is important to understand your obligations and take steps to ensure that you comply with any rules or regulations set out in an administration order.

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Breach of Administration Order

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit against a company for breach of an administration order if the company failed to comply with the order or acted in bad faith.
  • The lawsuit should reference the relevant administration order, detailing which terms of the order were breached and how.
  • The plaintiff should provide evidence of the company’s breach of the order, such as documents, emails, or witness testimonies.
  • The plaintiff may seek damages, including any financial losses or other losses incurred as a result of the company’s breach of the order.
  • The plaintiff may also seek an injunction to prevent the company from continuing to breach the order.
  • Settlement of the lawsuit may be reached through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration, or the case may be decided by the court.

Templates available (free to use)

Witness Statement Supporting Administration Order

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