Alex Denne
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Drafting a Summons

23 Mar 2023
20 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Summons are a crucial part of the legal process and at Genie AI, we understand why they matter and how best to use them effectively. Summons serve as an official notice to the accused of the charges against them. This document, issued by a court and containing a copy of the complaint, a list of allegations, and the date and time of an appearance in court is then served to the defendant - allowing them to respond to the allegations.

Not only do summons offer protection for those accused by ensuring they are granted formal notice of any charges brought against them - but they are also essential for maintaining justice within the legal system itself. A fair hearing is provided for both parties with all involved given opportunity to defend themselves or challenge any claims that may have been made. This crucial step upholds both rule of law and due process, granting those accused with justice being fully served in its entirety.

Summons can be used in civil proceedings too; such as contractual disputes or divorce settlements - offering another party involved formal notification of what’s being claimed from them before any action takes place inside court. This gives both sides enough warning so as not to be unprepared if either challenged or requested for something specific during their appearance before a judge.

Ultimately, it’s clear that summons play an integral role within legal proceedings - offering protection to those charged while maintaining fairness throughout judicial systems throughout different countries worldwide today. Here at Genie AI, we provide free summons templates so you can draft high quality documents without needing assistance from a lawyer - meaning you can save time & money on costly legal fees! Read on below for our step-by-step guidance on how best make use of our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Summons: A legal document issued by a court or tribunal requiring an individual to appear before it and answer to the specified allegations.
Competent jurisdiction: The legal authority given to a court to hear and decide certain cases.
Cause of action: The legal basis for a lawsuit, which outlines the facts and laws that the plaintiff believes entitle them to relief.
Relief sought: The form of judgement being sought in a lawsuit, such as damages, an injunction, a declaratory judgement, or other form of remedy.
Process server: An individual authorized by law to serve legal documents, such as a summons or a subpoena.
Appeal: The process by which a defendant can challenge the judgement of a lower court by requesting that the ruling be overturned.
Contest: The process by which a defendant can challenge the allegations made in a summons by presenting evidence to the court.


  • Overview of what a summons is and its purpose
  • Explanation of the key components of a summons
  • Explanation of the applicable laws and regulations for issuing a summons
  • Instructions on how to fill out a summons form
  • Guidelines for filling out each section
  • Advice for correctly providing information
  • Strategies for responding to a summons
  • Outline of the different types of responses
  • Pros and cons of each response option
  • Tips for avoiding common mistakes when drafting a summons
  • Explanation of how to serve a summons
  • Overview of the different methods of service
  • Advice for ensuring proper service
  • Discussion of the process for appealing or contesting a summons
  • Overview of when and how to appeal or contest
  • What to expect during the appeal or contest process
  • Overview of the consequences of ignoring or failing to respond to a summons
  • Resources for additional information and help related to summons
  • Links to relevant websites
  • Organizations and legal professionals who specialize in summons

Get started

Overview of what a summons is and its purpose

  • Understand what a summons is: a document that is used to start a court action
  • Learn what purpose a summons serves: to notify a defendant of a lawsuit against them
  • Research the requirements for a summons in your jurisdiction
  • Make sure you have all the necessary information to properly draft a summons
  • Check off this step when you have a good understanding of what a summons is and its purpose.

Explanation of the key components of a summons

  • Identify the parties involved in the summons, including complainant and respondent
  • Describe the cause of action and the relief sought
  • Explain the applicable laws and regulations
  • Set out the court’s jurisdiction over the respondent
  • Establish the court’s venue
  • Include the date and time of the hearing
  • Make sure all deadlines are set out clearly

Once all of these elements are included in the summons, you can move on to the next step.

Explanation of the applicable laws and regulations for issuing a summons

• Research the laws and regulations in your jurisdiction that apply to issuing a summons.
• Understand the requirements for a summons to be valid.
• Ensure that the summons is in compliance with all relevant local and state laws.
• Confirm that the summons is appropriate for the type of case and contains all the necessary information.
• Once you have a clear understanding of the applicable laws and regulations, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step of instructions on how to fill out a summons form.

Instructions on how to fill out a summons form

  • Review the applicable laws and regulations for issuing a summons to ensure that all requirements are met before continuing.
  • Gather all of the necessary information to fill out the summons form, such as the name and address of the person being summoned.
  • Determine the type of summons being issued.
  • Fill out the summons form using the gathered information.
  • Check the summons form for accuracy and completeness.
  • Sign and date the summons form.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the summons form is filled out, signed, and dated, you can move on to the next step of the guide, which will provide guidelines for filling out each section.

Guidelines for filling out each section

  • Read the instructions for each section carefully
  • Carefully fill in all of the required information
  • Make sure to provide accurate information in the correct sections
  • Double-check the information you have provided and that all sections have been filled in
  • When you have completed all sections, you can move on to the next step in the guide.

Advice for correctly providing information

  • Gather all information needed for the summons, such as names, addresses, and contact information
  • Make sure all information is accurate and up-to-date
  • Make sure all information is provided in the correct format
  • For example, all dates should be provided in the American MM/DD/YYYY format
  • When all the information is provided correctly, you can move on to the next step.

Strategies for responding to a summons

  • Carefully read the summons to determine the purpose, the parties involved, and any deadlines
  • Understand the legal implications of the summons and the possible outcomes
  • Research any legal precedents for cases similar to yours
  • Determine the best course of action, such as contesting the summons or filing a motion to quash
  • Prepare a response based on your research and the advice of your attorney
  • File the response in court and provide copies to all of the parties involved
  • Check to make sure the response was received by the court and all of the parties
  • Once the response is filed, you can move on to the next step in the guide: Outline of the different types of responses.

Outline of the different types of responses

  • Identify the types of responses available: uncontested, contested, conditional, or default
  • Identify the pros/cons of each response type: uncontested (quickest resolution with no court appearance); contested (opportunity to challenge the summons and/or provide evidence to support your defense); conditional (acceptance of the summons with certain conditions); default (admission of the summons without contest)
  • When you have identified the different types of responses and the pros/cons of each, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Pros and cons of each response option

  • Review each response option and determine the pros and cons.
  • Consider which option is most likely to succeed and provide the best outcome.
  • Think about which response option is most efficient for the summons.
  • When you have evaluated each response option and determined which is best, you can move on to the next step.

Tips for avoiding common mistakes when drafting a summons

• Check the jurisdiction to ensure the summons is issued in the correct court.
• Make sure the summons is valid and complete in accordance with the applicable local rules.
• Ensure accuracy of the contact information for both the plaintiff and the defendant in the summons.
• Include all the relevant details regarding the lawsuit such as the cause of action, the relief sought, and the date of the filing.
• Be sure to include the date of the summons, the date of service, and the date of return.
• Double check all formatting to ensure that all of the necessary information is presented in a clear and concise manner.
• Have someone else review the summons for accuracy and completeness prior to filing.

You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have double-checked the summons for accuracy and completeness, and have had someone else review the summons.

Explanation of how to serve a summons

  • Understand which method of service is applicable in the situation. Common methods of service include personal service, substituted service, or alternative service.
  • Consider if you need to provide notice of the summons to other parties, such as the defendant’s spouse.
  • Draft a summons that includes the court’s name, the title of the action, the case number, and the time and place of the hearing. Also include the name and address of the plaintiff and defendant.
  • Make sure to include any other necessary information, such as an affidavit of service, or an affidavit of mailing.
  • Verify that the summons was properly served. Make sure the summons was delivered to the correct address, and that all required documents were included.

You’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have verified that the summons was properly served.

Overview of the different methods of service

  • Understand the various methods of service that are available and are valid under the law
  • Determine which method of service is best suited for the particular situation
  • Go over the relevant laws that dictate which method of service is applicable
  • Make sure the summons is served in the manner required by law
  • When the summons has been successfully served, make sure to document it
  • Check off this step and move on to the next step when you have finished assessing the various methods of service and decided which is the best method to use.

Advice for ensuring proper service

  • Confirm that the summons recipient has been properly identified and the correct address is being used for service.
  • Consider the most appropriate method of service for the particular summons recipient, based on the type of legal proceedings and the jurisdiction of the court.
  • Research applicable laws and regulations governing service in the jurisdiction of the court to ensure the summons is served according to the court’s rules.
  • Hire a process server or enlist the help of the court sheriff or marshal to serve the summons.
  • Request proof of service from the process server, sheriff or marshal, which will be needed in court to show that the summons was properly served.

You can check this step off your list when the summons has been served according to the rules of the court, and you have obtained proof of service.

Discussion of the process for appealing or contesting a summons

  • Research the local jurisdiction’s rules on how to appeal or contest a summons
  • Determine the appealable issues in the case and draft a summons to initiate the appeal
  • This summons should include the grounds for the appeal, the legal authority that supports the appeal, and the relief that is sought
  • File the summons with the court and serve the opposing party with a copy
  • You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when the summons has been filed and served properly.

Overview of when and how to appeal or contest

  • Understand who can appeal or contest the summons.
  • Research the applicable statute, court rules, and local court procedures.
  • Determine the time limits for filing an appeal or contesting a summons.
  • Review the summons to decide which type of appeal or contest is appropriate.
  • Consider the cost of appealing or contesting a summons.

Once you have reviewed all of these components, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

What to expect during the appeal or contest process

  • Understand the process of appealing or contesting the summons: reading and understanding the law, hiring an attorney, researching relevant cases, and writing the argument
  • Know that the court will consider your argument and the evidence you provide, and decide whether to uphold or reject the summons
  • Expect to attend a hearing to present your argument and evidence before the court
  • Understand that the court’s decision is final, and you will need to abide by the court’s decision

You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have a clear understanding of the steps involved in the appeal or contest process and what to expect during it.

Overview of the consequences of ignoring or failing to respond to a summons

  • Understand the potential consequences of not responding to a summons.
  • Ignoring or failing to respond to a summons can result in a default judgement, which can lead to wage garnishment, a lien on your property, or even jail time in certain circumstances.
  • Consult your lawyer or research the laws in your state to understand the specific consequences of disregarding a summons.
  • Once you have determined the potential consequences of not responding to a summons, you can move on to the next step.

Resources for additional information and help related to summons

• Research local and state court websites for more information on how to file a summons.
• Look into articles, blog posts, and government websites that discuss the legal process of filing a summons.
• Consult a lawyer for more information and advice on how to draft a summons.
• Reach out to people in your network who have experience dealing with summons.

Once you’ve completed your research and gathered resources, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next one.

Links to relevant websites

  • Research and compile a list of relevant websites related to drafting a summons
  • Visit each website to determine whether the information it contains is helpful or not
  • Make note of any websites that contain helpful information and save them for later
  • When you have a list of helpful websites, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Organizations and legal professionals who specialize in summons

  • Review local law directories to find a list of organizations and legal professionals who specialize in summons
  • Contact the organizations or legal professionals to get quotes on their services and a timeline of when they can complete the summons
  • Once you have a few quotes, compare the services and timelines to decide who you will hire
  • Once you have selected a legal professional or organization, sign any necessary contracts and pay the necessary fees
  • Check this step off your list once you have hired a legal professional or organization and all paperwork is finalized.


Example dispute

Suing a Company:

  • A plaintiff may choose to raise a lawsuit against a company, citing a summons in the complaint.
  • The summons is an official court document that orders the defendant to appear in court and answer the complaint.
  • The complaint should include the facts of the case, including details about the legal claims and the damages sought.
  • The plaintiff should provide evidence to support their claims, such as contracts, emails, and other documents.
  • The court may order the defendant to respond to the complaint, and if the defendant fails to do so, the plaintiff may be granted a default judgment.
  • The court can then decide if the plaintiff is entitled to damages and if so, how they should be calculated.
  • The court may order the defendant to pay the plaintiff a certain amount of money or other forms of compensation.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to request a settlement out of court, if the defendant is willing to negotiate.

Templates available (free to use)

Dispossessory Summons Evictions Georgia
Eviction Summons New Jersey
Praecipe For Writ Of Summons Pennsylvania
Summons New York
Summons With Notice New York
Third Party Summons New York
Writ Of Summons Pennsylvania
Writ Summons

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