Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting A Professional Recruiter Contract

23 Mar 2023
33 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Navigating the complexities of recruiting for an organisation can be a time-consuming and precarious process, with many potential legal liabilities. To avoid any unexpected pitfalls and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, having a well-drafted recruiter contract is essential. This document outlines the terms and conditions between an employer and a recruiter, protecting both parties in the process.

But how do you go about drafting one? It’s important to understand that while there are some standard clauses which are common across all contracts, the specific details of each agreement will vary depending on the particular needs of each organisation. When it comes to writing a legally binding contract, having access to comprehensive documentation that meets your exact requirements is key - but this can be expensive if you rely on lawyers or qualified professionals.

This is where Genie AI comes in: founded in 2017 as ‘the world’s largest open source legal template library’, Genie AI provides millions of datapoints which teach our AI what market-standard recruiter contracts should look like. With our dataset and community template library, anyone can quickly draft and customize high quality documents without spending thousands on expensive lawyers or consultants - all from the comfort of their own home!

When it comes to writing your contract, there are several components you should consider including; duties expected from the recruiter; payment terms; length of contract; scope of services provided; timeline for job search process; non-disclosure agreement (to protect your organisation from potential legal risk); background checks for recruiters prior to hiring them (to ensure they’re experienced in their field); clause updates when legislation changes etc. Of course these exact details will depend on your particular situation but using Genie AI as guide is guaranteed to put you in good stead - plus our templates are totally free so there’s no excuse not to give it a go!

At Genie AI we want to make sure everyone has access top quality legal documents quickly and cost effectively - traditionally only available through lawyers or costly consultants - so why not see what we have available today? All you need is internet access so take advantage now and read on below for step by step guidance plus information on how to access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Scope - The range of a task, project, or activity.
Expectations - A set of beliefs or standards about what should be done or achieved.
Contract - An agreement between two parties that is legally binding.
Compensation - Money or other forms of payment provided in exchange for services rendered.
Fees - A sum of money charged for a service.
Placements - The position of a person in an organization or group.
Criteria - Standards by which something, such as a person or a process, can be judged or evaluated.
Regulations - Rules or laws that are established to control or govern something.
Confidentiality - The state or quality of being secret or confidential.
Conflicts of Interest - A situation in which a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, financial or otherwise, and serving one interest could involve working against another.


  • Establishing the scope of the recruiter’s responsibilities
  • Clarifying the job description and required qualifications
  • Discussing the expectations for the recruitment process
  • Defining the terms of the agreement
  • Setting the duration of the contract
  • Outlining the recruitment process
  • Addressing any potential conflicts of interest
  • Specifying the compensation and payment terms
  • Agreeing on the fees for successful placements
  • Deciding on a payment schedule
  • Agreeing on the timeline and duration of the contract
  • Specifying the start and end date
  • Establishing a timeline for the recruitment process
  • Outlining the process for the recruitment of qualified candidates
  • Establishing the criteria for the recruitment process
  • Discussing the rules and regulations of the recruitment process
  • Discussing the rules and regulations of the recruitment process
  • Ensuring compliance with relevant laws
  • Addressing the confidentiality of the recruitment process
  • Addressing any potential conflicts of interest
  • Ensuring the recruiter does not have any conflicts of interest
  • Determining how conflicts of interest should be addressed
  • Establishing communication protocols
  • Specifying the frequency of communication
  • Defining the channels of communication
  • Establishing the process for terminating the contract
  • Clarifying the conditions that would lead to contract termination
  • Discussing the consequences of terminating the contract
  • Finalizing the contract with signatures
  • Verifying the accuracy of the contract
  • Obtaining signatures from both parties

Get started

Establishing the scope of the recruiter’s responsibilities

  • Clearly define the specific tasks that the recruiter will be responsible for
  • Outline the timeline for completion of those tasks
  • Specify the budget or payment expected for the recruiter’s services
  • Discuss the scope of the recruiter’s authority when making decisions
  • Establish the criteria for determining a successful outcome
  • Confirm that both parties are in agreement on the scope of the recruiter’s responsibilities

You can check off this step when you and the recruiter have agreed on the scope of the recruiter’s responsibilities, timeline, budget, and criteria for determining a successful outcome.

Clarifying the job description and required qualifications

  • Identify the job title, job description and key qualifications for the job
  • Determine the skills and qualifications that are absolutely necessary for the job
  • Establish measurable criteria for the job description and qualifications
  • Consider the experience and education required for the job
  • Decide whether the position requires specific certifications or licenses
  • Establish the job duties and responsibilities for the job

When you have established the job description and required qualifications, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Discussing the expectations for the recruitment process

  • Clarify the timeline for the recruitment process and agree on a timeline for each step of the process
  • Discuss any additional resources you may need to complete the recruitment process
  • Establish the criteria for evaluating candidates
  • Agree on the communication process for both parties during the recruitment process
  • Set expectations for the contract term and job duration
  • Outline the responsibilities of the recruiter
  • Establish any other expectations you have for the recruitment process

When you can check this off your list: Once all expectations for the recruitment process have been discussed and agreed upon by both parties.

Defining the terms of the agreement

  • Discuss the scope of the recruitment services to be provided, including any specific roles to be filled and the timeline for these roles
  • Establish the fees and payment terms for services rendered
  • Define the criteria for successful recruitment, such as any hiring goals or objectives
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of each party, such as who will be responsible for posting job listings and conducting interviews
  • Outline any non-solicitation or confidentiality requirements
  • Discuss any applicable laws or regulations that may impact the agreement
  • Specify the process for terminating the agreement

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when all of the items listed have been discussed and agreed upon.

Setting the duration of the contract

  • Establish the length of the contract, including start and end dates.
  • Decide on the minimum time frame for the agreement (e.g., 6 months).
  • Include language that allows for either party to terminate the agreement if necessary.
  • Specify the conditions in which the contract can be terminated.
  • When all these points have been established, create an official document that contains all the agreed upon details.

Once all the details have been agreed upon, this step can be checked off the list and you can move on to the next step.

Outlining the recruitment process

  • Define the roles and responsibilities of the recruiter and the client
  • Outline the recruitment process, including any methods, resources, and systems to be used
  • Note the timeline and expected outcomes of the recruitment process
  • Specify the process and timeline for providing feedback to the recruiter
  • Establish the process for resolving any disputes related to the recruitment process
  • Include a clause for the frequency of payment and any other financial arrangements

Once all of the above points are included in the contract, you can move on to the next step of addressing any potential conflicts of interest.

Addressing any potential conflicts of interest

  • Identify any potential conflicts of interest that could arise when working with a professional recruiter
  • Research any current or past relationships the recruiter has with your organization or with any of the candidates they may source
  • Discuss any potential conflicts with the recruiter and determine the best way to address them, if necessary
  • Include a provision in the contract that addresses the potential conflict of interest and how it will be managed
  • Sign and date the contract to make it official

Once you’ve identified and addressed any potential conflicts of interest, you can move on to specifying the compensation and payment terms.

Specifying the compensation and payment terms

  • Discuss the salary, compensation, and any bonuses that the recruiter will be entitled to for their services.
  • Agree on the payment terms, such as whether it will be a flat fee or a commission-based system.
  • Specify when the recruiter will be paid and any applicable deadlines.
  • Describe any additional benefits the recruiter will receive for successful placements.
  • Put the terms of payment and compensation into the contract.

Once you have discussed and agreed upon the payment and compensation terms, you can move on to the next step, which is agreeing on the fees for successful placements.

Agreeing on the fees for successful placements

  • Discuss the fees that will be charged for any successful placements made by the recruiter
  • Determine if the fees will be a percentage of the employee’s salary, a flat fee, or a combination of both
  • Agree on the maximum fees that the recruiter can charge for each placement
  • Set a timeline for when the recruiter will be paid for any successful placements
  • Outline a plan for resolving any disputes that may arise regarding the fees for successful placements

When you can check this off your list:

  • When both parties have agreed on the fees that will be charged for any successful placements.

Deciding on a payment schedule

• Decide on whether the payment will be based on a flat fee or a commission structure.
• If a commission structure is chosen, discuss the percentage of commission to be paid for successful placements.
• Agree on the payment schedule, whether it will be paid for each placement, quarterly, or annually.
• Ensure that any late payments are addressed in the contract.
• Incorporate any agreed-upon payment bonuses (for successful placements within a certain time frame, etc.) into the contract.

You can check this step off your list once you and the recruiter have agreed on a payment schedule and the details are included in the contract.

Agreeing on the timeline and duration of the contract

  • Decide on a timeline/duration of the contract that works for both parties
  • Make sure to include specific start and end dates in the contract
  • Consider any renegotiations for the contract after the agreed-upon end date
  • Ensure that both parties are comfortable with the timeline and duration of the contract
  • Incorporate any deadlines or other specific dates into the contract
  • Once both parties agree on the timeline and duration of the contract, add it to the written document
  • When all relevant parties have signed off on the timeline and duration, you can move on to the next step

Specifying the start and end date

  • Agree on a start date for the contract that is mutually beneficial for both parties
  • Establish an end date for the contract that allows for ample time to complete the recruitment process
  • Decide if the contract should be terminated early if either party is unsatisfied
  • Make sure that the start and end dates are specified in the contract
  • Once the start and end dates are specified, this step is complete and you can move on to the next step.

Establishing a timeline for the recruitment process

  • Establish the timeline for the recruitment process by determining the target start and end dates.
  • Develop a timetable outlining the specific tasks that need to be completed during the recruitment process, such as the posting of job ads, reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and making offers.
  • Assign a timeline to each task and set milestones for progress.
  • Determine what methods you will use to track progress and indicate when each milestone has been achieved.
  • Once the timeline is established, review it with all parties involved and ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities according to the timeline.
  • When the timeline has been agreed upon, document it in the contract.
  • This step is complete when the timeline has been agreed upon and documented in the contract.

Outlining the process for the recruitment of qualified candidates

  • Identify the type of candidates you want to recruit
  • Define the recruitment process, such as the methods you will use to source and screen candidates
  • Set up a recruitment plan, including recruitment goals and objectives
  • Determine the recruiting metrics and KPIs to track progress
  • Implement a system to track the progress of recruited candidates
  • Establish a timeline for the recruitment process
  • Establish the criteria for the recruitment process, including minimum qualifications and preferences
  • Draft a professional recruiter contract, outlining the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the recruitment process
  • Finalize the recruiter contract and obtain all necessary sign-offs
  • When all steps are completed, you’ll know that you have successfully outlined the process for the recruitment of qualified candidates.

Establishing the criteria for the recruitment process

  • Establish a timeline for the recruitment process, including when to begin, how long it will take, and when it will end
  • Identify the desired qualifications for the recruitment process, such as education, experience, and certifications
  • Determine the selection criteria for the recruitment process, including the criteria for selecting the top candidates
  • Set a minimum number of candidates that must be considered for the recruitment process
  • Specify the number of interviews that will be conducted and how they will be conducted
  • Outline any other criteria that will be used to assess candidates
  • Once the criteria has been established and agreed upon, the recruitment process can begin
  • Check off this step when the criteria for recruitment is finalized and agreed upon by both parties.

Discussing the rules and regulations of the recruitment process

  • Review and discuss the rules, regulations, and responsibilities of both the recruiter and the organization.
  • Establish the regulations regarding payment and other compensation.
  • Ensure that the contract is compliant with all relevant local, state, and federal laws.
  • Agree on the terms of the contract, such as the timeline and the scope of the recruitment process.
  • Outline the process for termination of the contract.
  • Agree on a timeline and milestones for the recruitment process.
  • Create any necessary additional documents to support the contract.
  • Sign the contract, and have both parties keep a signed copy for their records.

You will know when this step is completed when both parties have signed the contract and all necessary documents have been created to support it.

Discussing the rules and regulations of the recruitment process

  • Ensure you and the recruiter agree on the terms and conditions of the recruitment process.
  • Outline the policies and procedures for hiring, such as screening and selection criteria.
  • Discuss the responsibilities of the recruiter, such as conducting background checks, interviewing candidates, and providing feedback to the hiring manager.
  • Establish deadlines for the recruiter to complete his or her tasks.
  • Make sure the recruiter understands the ethics and confidentiality of the recruitment process.
  • Finalize the agreement with the recruiter, including the agreed-upon fees, method and timing of payment, and the length of the contract.

Once you have discussed and agreed on the rules and regulations of the recruitment process with the recruiter, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Ensuring compliance with relevant laws

  • Research and review applicable laws in the geographical area of the recruitment process
  • Ensure that all terms in the contract are in compliance with relevant laws
  • Consult with a lawyer to ensure all terms in the contract are legally sound
  • Once you’ve completed your research, reviewed the applicable laws, and consulted with a lawyer, you can move forward with the next step of addressing confidentiality.

Addressing the confidentiality of the recruitment process

  • Ensure that the contract includes provisions to protect the confidentiality of the recruitment process.
  • Make sure that the contract clearly defines who is responsible for keeping confidential information about the recruitment process.
  • Include a clause in the contract that states the recruiter must not disclose any confidential information about the recruitment process.
  • Ensure that the contract includes a provision that allows the recruiter to be held liable for any breaches of confidentiality.
  • Once all the above criteria have been addressed and agreed upon, you can move on to the next step in the process.

Addressing any potential conflicts of interest

  • Draft the contract with clauses that ensure the recruiter has no conflicts of interest and that they declare any potential conflicts they have identified
  • Specify in the contract that the recruiter will not recruit any candidates that they have a personal or professional relationship with
  • Have the recruiter sign a statement of understanding that they will not recruit any candidates with a conflict of interest
  • Have the recruiter provide evidence of any conflicts of interest in writing to the company

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the recruiter has signed the statement of understanding and provided evidence of any conflicts of interest in writing to the company.

Ensuring the recruiter does not have any conflicts of interest

  • Ask the recruiter for a conflict of interest check
  • Obtain a signed and dated declaration from the recruiter that they do not have any actual or potential conflicts of interest
  • Obtain a signed and dated declaration from the recruiter that they will not seek to gain any personal benefit through the recruitment process
  • Ensure the declaration clearly states that the recruiter has disclosed any actual or potential conflicts of interest
  • Verify the recruiter’s conflict of interest check with any other relevant parties

Once all declarations are signed and dated, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Determining how conflicts of interest should be addressed

  • Look over the contract and identify potential conflicts of interest that could arise between the recruiter and employer.
  • Discuss the potential conflicts of interest with the recruiter and agree on a plan to address them. This could include a code of conduct, a non-disclosure agreement, or another method of ensuring that the recruiter’s actions do not conflict with the employer’s interests.
  • Include any relevant provisions in the contract which address the conflicts of interest.
  • Review the contract with the recruiter to ensure that both parties understand the expectations and the plan to address any potential conflicts of interest.
  • When both parties are in agreement, you can move on to the next step of establishing communication protocols.

Establishing communication protocols

  • Establish communication protocols for how the recruiter and company will communicate with each other, including timelines for response and methods of communication.
  • Discuss what the working hours are, and who the main contact person at the company will be.
  • Agree on how the recruiter will communicate progress, updates and changes on the recruitment process.
  • Once all aspects of the communication protocols have been discussed and agreed upon, document these details in the contract.
  • All parties should review and sign the contract to ensure that everyone is in agreement.

Once all aspects of communication protocols have been discussed and agreed upon, and documented in the contract, it will be possible to move on to the next step.

Specifying the frequency of communication

  • Outline the frequency of communication between the recruiter and hiring manager in the contract.
  • Specify whether communications should be daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • Include a timeline that indicates when the recruiter should provide updates on their progress.
  • Set expectations for when the recruiter should provide feedback on interviews or progress on the search.
  • Make sure to specify the best contact methods for both parties.
  • Include any additional communication protocols that should be followed.

Once you have added all the necessary communication protocols to the contract, you can check off this step and move on to the next.

Defining the channels of communication

  • Make sure that all communication between the recruiter and the hiring company is clear and concise
  • Identify the communication channels that will be used to communicate (e.g., email, phone, video call, etc.)
  • Agree on the specific protocols for each communication channel (e.g., when emails should be responded to, when phone calls will be made, etc.)
  • Establish an emergency protocol for urgent situations
  • Outline the frequency of communication for each channel
  • Make sure all parties have contact information for each other
  • Specify that all communication must be professional

Once all the communication channels have been identified and the protocols and frequency of communication have been established, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Establishing the process for terminating the contract.

Establishing the process for terminating the contract

  • Draft a clause that outlines the conditions under which the contract will be terminated.
  • Consider who can terminate the contract, the consequences for terminating it, and when the termination will take effect.
  • Specify what notice is required for termination, and whether any fees or penalties apply.
  • Include a ““termination for convenience”” clause, which allows either party to terminate the contract without cause.
  • When you are done, the clause should be included in the contract.
  • Check off the step when the clause is included and you are able to move on to the next step.

Clarifying the conditions that would lead to contract termination

  • List out the specific conditions that would lead to the contract being terminated and ensure that both parties agree to them
  • Include details such as performance standards, timelines, and expectations
  • Ensure that both parties agree that the termination of the contract is legal and binding
  • Check that both parties have a clear understanding of the conditions outlined in the contract
  • When the conditions have been established and agreed to by both parties, you can check this step off the list and move on to the next step.

Discussing the consequences of terminating the contract

  • Discuss in detail the consequences of terminating the contract, such as the financial and legal implications
  • Ensure that both parties are on the same page about the consequences of terminating the contract
  • Include provisions for any early termination fees or costs
  • Document these details in the contract

You can check off this step and move to the next when all parties have agreed to the consequences of terminating the contract and they have been included in the contract.

Finalizing the contract with signatures

  • Have both parties sign the contract in the presence of a witness
  • Make copies of the signed contract and distribute to both parties
  • Ensure that each party is in compliance with the contract
  • Have each party keep a copy of the signed contract for their records
  • Check that all the signatures are valid and all the information is correct
  • You will know you have completed this step when you have received the signed contract back from both parties and have verified that it is accurate.

Verifying the accuracy of the contract

  • Review the contract to ensure all the details are accurate and have been agreed upon by both parties
  • Ensure that all details including job duties, compensation, and other relevant information are written in a clear and specific manner
  • Double check that the contract reflects the discussions and agreements made between the recruiter and the employer
  • Verify that all signatures are present and that the contract is dated
  • Once you have verified the accuracy of the contract, you can move on to the next step of obtaining signatures from both parties.

Obtaining signatures from both parties

  • Ask both parties to physically sign the contract in the presence of a witness (if legally required in your jurisdiction)
  • Have each witness sign and date the contract as well
  • If the contract needs to be notarized, arrange for a notary to witness each signature
  • Once all signatures are obtained, make sure to keep a copy of the signed contract for your records
  • You will know you can check off this step and move to the next step once all signatures and notarizations (if necessary) are obtained.


Q: What are the key differences between drafting a recruiter contract in the UK, USA, and EU?

Asked by Emma on 15th April 2022.
A: Drafting a recruiter contract in the UK, USA, and EU all involve different legal considerations. Generally speaking, the UK has a more flexible approach to recruitment contracts than either the USA or EU, which are both subject to more stringent regulations. In particular, EU law includes the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which requires companies to protect any data they collect from potential recruits. The USA also has its own set of labor laws which must be taken into account when drafting a recruitment contract. It is important to make sure that any contract is compliant with local laws in each region.

Q: What should I consider when drafting a recruiter contract for a technology or SaaS business?

Asked by Owen on 4th November 2022.
A: When drafting a recruiter contract for a technology or SaaS business, it is important to consider the specific needs of the business. For example, if the business is dealing with sensitive customer data then there may be additional clauses that need to be included in the contract in order to ensure that data is handled securely and in accordance with applicable laws. Similarly, if the recruitment process involves software development then it is important to make sure that any intellectual property rights are adequately protected. It is also important to consider any applicable employee rights and ensure that they are properly addressed in the contract.

Q: How can I ensure that my recruiter contract meets my specific needs?

Asked by Mason on 8th June 2022.
A: In order to ensure that your recruiter contract meets your specific needs, it is important to clearly define those needs before beginning the drafting process. This will help you to identify any additional clauses or terms which may be required in order to meet those needs. It is also important to make sure that any specific requirements are clearly outlined in the contract so that both parties understand their obligations and responsibilities under the agreement. Finally, it can be helpful to consult with an experienced lawyer who can provide advice and guidance on how best to draft a recruiter contract which meets your unique requirements.

Example dispute

Suing a Recruiter for Breach of Contract

  • Review the contract for the specific recruitment services the recruiter was hired to provide.
  • Identify any actions or inactions the recruiter took that violated the contract.
  • Determine if the breach caused any damages to the plaintiff.
  • Establish the amount of damages that have been suffered by the plaintiff.
  • File a lawsuit in civil court and serve the recruiter with a summons and complaint.
  • Present evidence in court to demonstrate the recruiter breached the contract.
  • Request damages in the form of compensation for the breach.
  • Negotiate a settlement with the recruiter or receive a judgment from the court.

Templates available (free to use)

Corporate Recruiter Contract
Recruiter Contract

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