Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting a Professional Recording Agreement

23 Mar 2023
15 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Creating a professional recording agreement is an essential part of the music industry, as it ensures that both the artist and the label are fairly compensated for their work and that they are protected from any exploitation. A recording agreement provides a legal framework for the recording process, setting out the rights and responsibilities of each party and laying out how royalties will be shared. It also serves as a contract between the artist and label, making it legally binding so both parties are obliged to stick to its terms.

At Genie AI we understand how important this document is; our team of experts has created an open source legal template library which uses millions of datapoints to teach AI what a market-standard recording agreement looks like. This means anyone can draft these documents without having to pay for expensive lawyers. Plus, our community template library allows you to customize your recordings further – providing additional protection from exploitation or misappropriation.

This extra layer of security provided by recording agreements also means labels have their interests taken into account, with control over their recordings’ copyrights and ownership assured. Understanding your rights in this case is essential - but navigating the complexities of legally binding agreements doesn’t have to be difficult! The Genie AI team can offer step-by-step guidance on how best to protect yourself when drafting a professional recording agreement – plus we provide free templates so you don’t need an account with us in order to benefit from our expertise.

So whether you’re an artist or record label looking for reassurance that your interests will be taken into account during production, or just want peace of mind when entering into such agreements - read on below for more information on accessing our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Duration of the Agreement: The length of time the recording session will take place and the artist or producer has exclusive access to the recording studio, equipment, and services.
Scope of Rights Granted: The rights the artist or producer has over the master recording, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, and publish it.
Producer’s Fee: The amount the producer will be paid for their services, usually in advance of the session and based on a percentage of royalties.
Royalties and Payments: The money the artist or producer will receive from the sale of the master recording.
Other Rights and Obligations: Additional rights and obligations the artist or producer may have in relation to the master recording, such as the right to veto a song.
Copyright Laws: Laws that protect the rights of the artist or producer to their original works.
Contract Laws: Laws that govern the formation and enforcement of legal agreements.
Intellectual Property Laws: Laws that protect the rights of the artist or producer to their creative works.


  • Introduction to recording agreements
  • What they are and what purpose they serve
  • Overview of the different types of recording agreements
  • Master Recording Agreements
  • Production Recording Agreements
  • Joint Recording Agreements
  • Sync License Agreements
  • Explanation of the key terms and concepts in a professional recording agreement
  • The duration of the agreement
  • The scope of rights granted
  • The producer’s fee
  • Royalties and payments
  • Other rights and obligations
  • Discussion of the legal requirements for a recording agreement
  • Copyright laws
  • Contract laws
  • Intellectual property laws
  • Discussion of the process of negotiating and drafting a recording agreement
  • Identifying the parties involved
  • Negotiating the terms of the agreement
  • Drafting the agreement
  • Explanation of how to ensure that the agreement meets all relevant legal requirements
  • Researching applicable laws
  • Consulting a lawyer
  • Discussion of the importance of having a lawyer review the agreement
  • Ensuring accuracy
  • Identifying potential issues
  • Advising on the best course of action
  • Tips for successful agreement negotiation
  • Research fair market practices
  • Prepare a list of questions in advance
  • Negotiate in good faith
  • Understanding the implications of signing a recording agreement
  • Ensuring that the agreement is in the best interests of both parties
  • Knowing the long-term consequences of signing the agreement
  • Conclusion

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Q: What are the differences between drafting a professional recording agreement in the US and Europe?

Asked by John on May 7th, 2022.
A: When drafting a professional recording agreement, it is important to be aware of the differences between the legal systems of the United States and those of Europe. In the US, there are generally more restrictions on contracts, such as contract duration and royalty rates. In Europe, the law is much more flexible and allows for more creative contracts. Additionally, in Europe, copyright protection can extend to sound recordings, but not in the US.

Q: When should I draft a professional recording agreement?

Asked by Sarah on February 6th, 2022.
A: The ideal time to draft a professional recording agreement is before any recordings are made. This will help ensure that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the rights and obligations of each party with regards to the recordings and any associated royalties. Additionally, if any changes need to be made to the agreement at a later date, they can be done so without having to redraft the entire agreement.

Q: What should I consider when drafting a professional recording agreement?

Asked by Joseph on August 15th, 2022.
A: When drafting a professional recording agreement, it is important to consider all aspects of the recordings that will be made and associated royalties. These include rights to use the recording (exclusive or non-exclusive), ownership of any copyrights, rights to use samples or features from other recordings, royalty rate structure and duration of contract. Additionally, it is important to make sure that all parties involved understand their obligations under the agreement and have agreed in writing.

Q: Are there any special considerations for SaaS companies when drafting a professional recording agreement?

Asked by Susan on July 3rd, 2022.
A: Yes, there are some special considerations for SaaS companies when drafting a professional recording agreement. It is important for SaaS companies to consider issues such as ownership of any copyrights created from recordings made with their software, royalty structure for any recordings distributed through their platform and whether they will allow users to share or resell their recordings through their platform. Additionally, SaaS companies should ensure that they have adequate insurance coverage in case of any issues arising from their users’ recordings.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when drafting a professional recording agreement?

Asked by Richard on March 21st, 2022.
A: Some common mistakes to avoid when drafting a professional recording agreement include not including all necessary terms and conditions relating to ownership of copyrights and royalties; failing to adequately define what constitutes “use” or “distribution” of the recordings; not making clear who owns or controls any master tapes; and not including provisions for dispute resolution should a disagreement arise between parties involved in the agreement. Additionally, it is important to ensure that all parties involved are aware of their obligations under the agreement and have signed off on them in writing prior to making any recordings or distributing them.

Q: How long does it take to draft a professional recording agreement?

Asked by Michael on June 30th, 2022.
A: The time it takes to draft a professional recording agreement can vary depending on the complexity of the project and any special considerations that need to be taken into account when doing so. Generally speaking, it can take anywhere from several days up to several weeks to complete the process. It is also important to note that if changes need to be made at a later date due to unforeseen circumstances or changes in industry standards, then additional time may need to be taken into consideration as well.

Q: What kind of fees may be included in a professional recording agreement?

Asked by Jessica on April 5th, 2022.
A: Fees that may be included in a professional recording agreement can vary depending on the project and its specifics but may include royalties for use or distribution of recordings; fees for mastering services; fees for studio rental; fees for artwork or photography; fees for manufacturing CDs or other physical media; fees for digital delivery services; fees for distribution services; fees for advertising or promotion; legal fees; or other miscellaneous expenses associated with producing or releasing recordings into commercial markets. It is important for both parties involved in an agreement to make sure that all applicable fees have been discussed and agreed upon prior to signing off on an agreement.

Q: What is copyright law and how does it apply when drafting a professional recording agreement?

Asked by Christopher on September 12th, 2022.
A: Copyright law is designed to protect original works from being copied without permission from its creator(s). When drafting a professional recording agreement, copyright law should be taken into consideration in order ensure that all parties involved have an understanding of who owns the rights associated with any recordings produced under said agreements (e.g., exclusive rights vs non-exclusive rights). Additionally, copyright law also applies when distributing or licensing recordings as well as in cases where one party wishes to sample material from another party’s recordings without permission from said party’s owner(s).

Q: What should I look out for when signing an international contract?

Asked by Jennifer on November 1st, 2022.
A: When signing an international contract related to music production or distribution rights, there are some key elements that should always be taken into consideration such as whether both parties understand each other’s language(s); whether both parties understand which country’s laws will apply (i.e., which country has jurisdiction); whether both parties are aware of any applicable taxes or tariffs; whether both parties understand who owns copyright over any works produced under said agreements (e.g., exclusive rights vs non-exclusive rights); whether both parties understand currency exchange rates; and whether both parties understand which party is responsible for paying legal fees associated with said agreements if necessary (e.g., attorney’s fees). It is important for both parties involved in an international contract related music production/distribution rights to make sure that all applicable elements have been discussed and agreed upon prior signing off on said contract(s).

Q: What are some best practices when entering into negotiations with record labels?

Asked by David on October 18th, 2022.
A: When entering into negotiations with record labels related music production/distribution rights agreements there are some key elements that should always be taken into consideration such as understanding your rights (i.e., what you own vs what record labels own); understanding how much money you would like/need up front versus how much you would like/need per unit sold (royalty rate); understanding what type of distribution channels you want your music available through (digital streaming services vs physical media stores); understanding what type of promotion you want your music available through (radio vs television vs online); understanding what type of control you want over your music (e.g., who owns copyright over works produced); understanding what kind of budget you need upfront vs recoupable expenses (money paid back after album/single sales/streaming numbers reach certain levels); understanding what kind of deals record labels offer (e.g., advances versus percentages versus flat fee); understanding what kind of contracts record labels require (e.g., exclusive vs non-exclusive); understanding what kind of timelines record labels require (how long before album/single releases etc.). It is important for those entering into negotiations with record labels related music production/distribution rights agreements make sure that all applicable elements have been discussed and agreed upon prior signing off on said contract(s).

Example dispute

Suing a Record Label Over a Recording Agreement

  • File a lawsuit citing a breach of contract regarding the recording agreement.
  • Provide evidence of breach of contract, such as failure to pay royalties or other obligations.
  • Show that the record label failed to fulfill its obligations as outlined in the recording agreement.
  • Demonstrate that the failure to fulfill the terms of the recording agreement has caused the plaintiff harm, such as lost income or damages.
  • Seek an injunction to prevent the record label from further breaching the recording agreement.
  • Seek damages for any losses incurred due to the breach of contract.
  • Seek a court order for the record label to comply with the terms of the recording agreement.

Templates available (free to use)

Recording Agreement

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