Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting a Lease Renewal Agreement

23 Mar 2023
20 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


When it comes to safeguarding your interests as a landlord, tenant, real estate agent or Genie AI team member, drafting a lease renewal agreement is of utmost importance. Though often overlooked, the need for such an agreement cannot be underestimated; it creates a legally-binding document which holds all parties involved accountable and serves as a platform to set or adjust terms.

As an experienced Genie AI team member, I have seen first-hand the significance of having a lease renewal agreement in place. Not only does this document provide stability amidst the relationship between landlord and tenant but also ensures that rights and obligations are adhered to according to the terms established therein.

Having a written agreement outlining such particulars as whether or not there is room for rent increase by the landlord, as well as other important clauses and conditions is essential for both parties. This way any potential landlord breach can be easily avoided since each party has full knowledge of their rights pre-agreed beforehand.

Moreover, this type of documentation may also prevent costly legal disputes due to its capacity to resolve any possible issues that might arise between two parties - serving both sides with clarity concerning their individual rights should they need refer back to the initial framework outlined in this contract.

Overall, drafting a lease renewal agreement is an essential element which offers landlords and tenants alike protection against unexpected changes or problems while providing security through creating stable relationships based on agreed upon contractual parameters regarding tenants’ right to renew leases and terminate them before expiration date amongst other details crucial for successful tenancy relations.
With our step-by-step guide on how best draft your own lease renewal agreement and free access to our template library – enabling anyone without prior legal knowledge create high quality documents – we hope you feel confident enough now when it comes time review your rental contract! Read on below for further assistance!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Lease: A written agreement between two parties that grants temporary possession of a property to one party in exchange for money or other benefits.
Modifications: Changes made to an agreement or document.
Timeline: A specific period of time in which an event or task must be completed.
Negotiating: To discuss the terms of an agreement or contract in order to reach a consensus.
Drafting: Writing up a document or agreement.
Revising: Making changes or corrections to a document or agreement.
Finalizing: Completing a document or agreement.
Documenting: Recording information in writing or electronically in order to preserve it.
Evaluating: Examining a document or agreement in order to assess its value or quality.
Notifying: Informing someone of an event or situation.
Following Up: Checking in periodically to make sure something is being done.


  • Gathering Information
  • Collecting all necessary information about the lease, such as current terms, parties involved, and any modifications that need to be made.
  • Setting a Deadline
  • Establishing a timeline for when the lease renewal must be signed and agreed upon by all parties.
  • Negotiating Terms
  • Discussing any changes to the lease, such as modifications to rent, length of the lease, and any additional provisions.
  • Drafting the Agreement
  • Writing the first draft of the lease renewal agreement.
  • Revising the Agreement
  • Revising the agreement with the feedback from all parties.
  • Finalizing the Agreement
  • Drawing up the final contract and having all parties sign it.
  • Documenting the Agreement
  • Making sure the agreement is properly documented and stored in a secure manner.
  • Evaluating the Agreement
  • Evaluating the renewed lease agreement to ensure it meets all legal requirements.
  • Notifying All Parties
  • Notifying all parties that the lease has been renewed and is now in effect.
  • Following Up
  • Following up with all parties to ensure the lease renewal agreement is being properly followed.

Get started

Gathering Information

  • Research the current lease agreement and any modifications that have been made over the years.
  • Contact any other parties involved in the agreement and confirm their participation in the renewal agreement.
  • Collect all necessary information about the lease, such as current terms, parties involved, and any modifications that need to be made.
  • Ensure that all relevant documents, such as the original lease, any amendments, and other signed contracts, are readily available.
  • When all the necessary information is collected and reviewed, you can move on to the next step.

Collecting all necessary information about the lease, such as current terms, parties involved, and any modifications that need to be made.

  • Collect the current lease agreement, including any modifications made to it
  • Gather information on all parties involved in the lease renewal agreement, such as the landlord and tenants
  • Make sure to identify any modifications that need to be included in the renewal agreement
  • Research current laws and regulations regarding lease agreements in the jurisdiction where the property is located
  • Compile all of the above information in a comprehensive document

Once you have collected all of the necessary information, you can move on to the next step of setting a deadline for the lease renewal agreement.

Setting a Deadline

  • Talk to all parties involved and decide on a suitable timeline for the lease renewal to be signed and agreed upon.
  • Ensure that all parties involved have enough time to review the agreement and make any necessary changes before signing it.
  • Once the timeline has been agreed upon, make sure to communicate it to all parties involved.
  • This step is completed when the timeline for signing the lease renewal agreement has been established and communicated to all parties.

Establishing a timeline for when the lease renewal must be signed and agreed upon by all parties.

  • Draft a timeline for when the lease must be signed and agreed upon by all parties.
  • Include a deadline in the timeline for when the lease must be agreed upon and signed.
  • Consider any required notices, such as a notice of intent to renew, that need to be sent to the other party.
  • Make sure all parties involved in the renewal process understand the timeline.
  • When all parties have agreed to the timeline and signed the lease, the timeline can be checked off the list.

Negotiating Terms

  • Brainstorm and discuss the key terms and conditions that need to be addressed in the lease renewal agreement, including changes to rent, length of the lease, and any additional provisions.
  • Discuss the changes and negotiate with the other party to come to an agreement.
  • Once you have agreed to the terms and conditions, you can check off this step and move on to the next step.

Discussing any changes to the lease, such as modifications to rent, length of the lease, and any additional provisions.

  • Meet with tenant to discuss potential changes to the lease.
  • Negotiate the terms of the lease renewal, such as the rent amount, length of the lease, and any additional provisions.
  • Make sure both the tenant and landlord are in agreement with the changes to the lease.
  • When both parties are in agreement, this step is complete and the next step is to draft the agreement.

Drafting the Agreement

  • Gather necessary documents, including the original lease, any changes to the lease, and any additional provisions to include in the agreement
  • Draft the agreement based on the original lease, any changes, and the additional provisions
  • Include all the necessary information, such as the address of the property, the parties, the dates, and the terms of the lease
  • Make sure all the legal language is correct and that all parties agree to the terms
  • Once you have a complete draft you are satisfied with, you can check this step off your list and move on to writing the first draft of the lease renewal agreement.

Writing the first draft of the lease renewal agreement.

  • Gather all documents related to the current lease terms, such as the original lease agreement, any amendments, and all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Create a document containing all of the necessary information and clauses from the current lease agreement.
  • Include all necessary components, such as the terms of the lease extension, rent costs, any additional charges, and other important details.
  • Review the document to make sure it accurately reflects the tenant and landlord’s wishes and meets the legal requirements of the area.
  • When the document is complete and meets all requirements, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step of revising the draft agreement.

Revising the Agreement

  • Carefully review the first draft of the lease renewal agreement to ensure that all terms and conditions are acceptable for all parties.
  • Make any necessary adjustments to the agreement and document the changes.
  • Obtain the signatures of all parties to the agreement.
  • Once all parties have signed off on the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Revising the agreement with the feedback from all parties.

  • Meet with the landlord and tenant to discuss the feedback from all parties
  • Make appropriate changes to the agreement based on the feedback
  • Ensure that all changes are documented in the agreement
  • Make sure that the changes are legally binding
  • Once all parties agree to the changes, the agreement is ready to be finalized
  • You will know that you are done with this step when all parties are in agreement with the changes made to the agreement.

Finalizing the Agreement

  • Check that the agreement includes all key terms, any requested changes, and that all parties are in agreement
  • Secure signed versions of the agreement from all parties
  • Confirm that the lease renewal date is correct
  • Make sure all parties have received a copy of the agreement
  • You have completed this step when all parties have signed the agreement and you have received a copy of the signed document.

Drawing up the final contract and having all parties sign it.

  • Create a hard copy of the agreement for each party to sign.
  • Have each party review and sign the agreement.
  • Collect the signed documents from all parties and store them securely.
  • Send a copy of the signed agreement to each party.

Once all parties have signed the agreement and all copies of the agreement have been distributed, you can check this step off your list and move on to documenting the agreement.

Documenting the Agreement

  • Make a copy of the signed lease renewal agreement and store it in a secure location.
  • Ensure that all parties involved receive a copy of the agreement.
  • Keep a record of the date and time the agreement was signed, as well as the names of all parties involved.
  • Make sure to update the lease renewal agreement in your records and databases.

When you have completed all of the above steps, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Making sure the agreement is properly documented and stored in a secure manner.

  • Scan a copy of the lease renewal agreement and store it on a secure server.
  • Make sure to save the original hard copy of the agreement in a secure filing cabinet or locked drawer.
  • Ensure that the document is accessible to all relevant parties.
  • Once the document has been stored in a secure manner, the step can be marked as completed.

Evaluating the Agreement

  • Carefully review the entire lease agreement and ensure all parties involved have agreed to the terms.
  • Make sure the lease renewal agreement is in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws.
  • Make sure the lease renewal agreement does not contain any illegal provisions that are not enforceable.
  • Make sure the lease renewal agreement does not contain any discriminatory language.
  • Verify that the new agreement is consistent with the original agreement, and that all changes are documented.

When you have reviewed the agreement and are confident that it meets all legal requirements, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Evaluating the renewed lease agreement to ensure it meets all legal requirements.

  • Carefully review the agreement to ensure it is legally compliant
  • Verify all terms and conditions are in compliance with applicable laws
  • Check that the legal framework of the agreement is in compliance with all relevant regulations
  • Cross-reference the agreement with any prior contracts to make sure there are no conflicting terms
  • Ensure all parties have fully understood the agreement and are in agreement with the terms
  • When you have confirmed the agreement meets all legal requirements, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Notifying All Parties

  • Send a copy of the signed lease renewal agreement to all parties involved in the lease.
  • Notify all parties that the lease has been renewed and is now in effect.
  • Provide each party with a copy of the renewed lease agreement.
  • Follow up with each party to ensure that they have received and accepted the renewed lease agreement.
  • Once all parties have accepted the renewed lease agreement, the process is complete.

Notifying all parties that the lease has been renewed and is now in effect.

  • Send a written notification to all parties that the lease has been renewed and is now in effect.
  • Include a signed copy of the lease renewal agreement in the notification.
  • Make sure to provide a timeline in the notification outlining when the parties must complete their obligations.
  • You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when all parties have received the notification and signed copy of the lease renewal agreement.

Following Up

  • Contact each party involved in the lease renewal agreement to ensure the terms are being followed.
  • Ask for updates, and check for any issues that may have arisen that need to be discussed and addressed.
  • Make sure all parties are in agreement with the terms and conditions of the renewed lease.
  • Once you have confirmation that all parties are satisfied with the lease renewal agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Following up with all parties to ensure the lease renewal agreement is being properly followed.

  • Keep track of pertinent deadlines in the lease renewal agreement and ensure all parties are aware of them.
  • Send reminders to all parties regarding deadlines, both before and after they have passed.
  • Track any changes or requests from either party, and ensure they are updated in the agreement.
  • Keep all parties informed of any progress or changes in the agreement.
  • Make sure all parties agree to and sign the final renewal agreement.
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: How does the process of drafting a lease renewal agreement differ from drafting a new agreement?

Asked by Madison on 15th April 2022.
A: Drafting a lease renewal agreement is different from drafting a new agreement because it requires the tenant and landlord to agree on any changes made to the original agreement before it can be updated. The agreement should also take into account any changes in the tenancy since the original agreement was signed. This process can be time consuming and require specialist knowledge, so it’s important to ensure that you have the right legal advice to make sure you understand the implications of any changes made.

Example dispute

Lawsuit referencing Lease Renewal Agreement:

  • The plaintiff may raise a lawsuit referencing a lease renewal agreement if they feel they have been wronged. This could be due to a breach of the lease agreement, or an unjust term or condition in the agreement that is not in accordance with applicable state or federal laws.
  • The plaintiff must be able to provide evidence that they have been wronged in order to win the case. This may include proof that the lease renewal agreement was not in accordance with the laws of the state or federal government, or that the landlord acted in bad faith when renewing the lease.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to win if the landlord failed to give them proper notice before renewing the lease, or if the renewal was for an unreasonable amount.
  • If the plaintiff is able to prove their case, the landlord may be required to pay damages for any losses suffered, such as rent overpayment or loss of use of the property. The court may also order the landlord to change the terms of the lease renewal agreement to ensure the plaintiff’s rights are protected.
  • Settlement of the case may involve the landlord agreeing to change the terms of the lease renewal agreement to satisfy the plaintiff and to avoid further costly litigation. If damages are awarded, the court may order the landlord to pay the plaintiff an agreed-upon amount to compensate them for their losses.

Templates available (free to use)

Defendent Landlords Reply To Unopposed Lease Renewal Claim
Defendent Tenants Acknowledgment Unopposed Lease Renewal Claim
Landlords Details Of Unopposed Lease Renewal Claim
Landlords Particulars Of Claim For Opposed Lease Renewal Proceedings
Standard Lease Renewal
Tenants Details Of Unopposed Lease Renewal Claim

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