Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting a Hold Harmless Agreement Form

23 Mar 2023
35 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Creating a Hold Harmless Agreement Form is one of the most important steps that any business or individual can take to protect themselves from potential legal liability. By signing a Hold Harmless Agreement Form, the parties agree to waive their right to sue or hold each other liable for damages or losses that could arise as a result of their relationship.

At Genie AI, we understand how crucial it is for businesses and individuals alike to draft high-quality legal documents that accurately reflect the terms and conditions agreed upon by all parties involved. That’s why we’ve developed an open source template library packed with millions of data points to help you create your own bespoke Hold Harmless Agreement Form quickly and easily.

A carefully-drafted agreement will not only protect both parties from potential liability in the event of a dispute, but can also help them avoid costly litigation fees resulting from either party taking legal action against the other. Furthermore, by agreeing to resolve disputes through arbitration or mediation rather than through court proceedings, both sides can save time and money while still ensuring they are fully protected under the law.

Hold Harmless Agreements can also provide additional protection in cases when one party has been negligent or has breached their contractual obligations towards the other – something that’s always important in business relationships where trust is paramount. By signing such an agreement, both parties agree to waive their right to sue each other or hold one another liable for any damages or losses associated with such negligence or breach of contract.

Finally, Hold Harmless Agreements have become increasingly popular among businesses globally due to the peace of mind they offer; knowing that you’re well-protected against unforeseen liabilities gives you confidence when entering into any type of contractual arrangement – whether it’s between two individuals, multiple entities, large companies, etc… And because Genie AI offers fast access to our extensive community template library at no cost whatsoever – there really isn’t any excuse for not having this essential document in place before commencing your venture!

In conclusion then: creating a high-quality Hold Harmless Agreement Form should be at top of every business’ list prior to entering into any kind of contractual arrangement with another party. Here at Genie AI we want nothing more than for you to be adequately prepared and protected should anything go wrong during your dealings; so why not take advantage our free template library today? Read on below for our step-by-step guidance and find out how easy it is get started drafting your perfect form right away!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Indemnifying Party: A party responsible for any losses or damages incurred by another party.
Indemnified Party: The party receiving protection from being held liable for any damages or losses incurred by another party.
Agreement Form: A document that outlines the terms and conditions of an agreement between two or more parties.
Scope: The range of activities or area of coverage included in an agreement.
Liability: The legal responsibility for any damages or losses that occur.
Waivers: A document that releases a party from the obligation to hold another party liable for any damages or losses that occur.
Notarizations: A document that has been signed and witnessed by a notary public, confirming its authenticity.
Enforcing: Taking action to ensure that an agreement is fulfilled.


  • Understanding the Definition and Purpose of a Hold Harmless Agreement Form
  • Researching Different Types of Hold Harmless Agreement Forms
  • Identifying the Necessary Components for a Hold Harmless Agreement Form
  • Drafting the Hold Harmless Agreement Form
  • Defining the applicable parties
  • Outlining the scope of the agreement
  • Identifying the liabilities and waivers
  • Including any applicable signatures, dates and notarizations
  • Negotiating and Executing the Hold Harmless Agreement Form
  • Communicating with the applicable parties
  • Clarifying any discrepancies or misunderstandings
  • Ensuring that any negotiated changes are reflected in the agreement
  • Legal Considerations for a Hold Harmless Agreement Form
  • Ensuring that the agreement is legally binding
  • Identifying any applicable local, state or federal laws
  • Confirming compliance with any applicable regulations
  • Enforcing a Hold Harmless Agreement Form
  • Clarifying the applicable remedies for breach of the agreement
  • Determining the applicable jurisdiction for enforcement
  • Following any required procedures for legal action
  • Examples of Hold Harmless Agreement Forms
  • Researching online templates
  • Requesting examples from professional organizations
  • Accessing relevant case studies
  • Documenting the Hold Harmless Agreement Form
  • Storing the agreement in a secure location
  • Setting up a system for tracking any changes or updates
  • Reviewing the Hold Harmless Agreement Form
  • Scheduling regular reviews of the agreement
  • Updating the agreement as needed
  • Ensuring that the agreement remains up-to-date and legally compliant

Get started

Understanding the Definition and Purpose of a Hold Harmless Agreement Form

  • Understand the legal definition of a Hold Harmless agreement and its purpose
  • Identify when a Hold Harmless agreement should be used
  • Understand the obligations and responsibilities of the parties involved in a Hold Harmless agreement
  • Research relevant state and federal laws related to Hold Harmless agreements
  • Research case law related to Hold Harmless agreements
  • When you have a strong understanding of the definition and purpose of a Hold Harmless agreement form, you can check this off your list and move on to researching different types of Hold Harmless agreement forms.

Researching Different Types of Hold Harmless Agreement Forms

  • Research online to find examples of completed Hold Harmless Agreement Forms
  • Look at different variations of the form to get an idea of what is typically included
  • Compare the language, clauses, and conditions of the form to understand the scope of the agreement
  • Once you have a good understanding of the different types of Hold Harmless Agreement Forms available, you can move on to the next step.

Identifying the Necessary Components for a Hold Harmless Agreement Form

  • Research and identify the elements that must be included in a Hold Harmless Agreement Form
  • Understand the purpose and intent of a Hold Harmless Agreement
  • Determine if the agreement should include a Mutual or Unilateral clause
  • Identify the parties involved in the Hold Harmless Agreement
  • Define the scope of the agreement (including the risks and liabilities that are covered)
  • Include a section outlining the limitations of the agreement
  • Add a termination clause that outlines when the agreement may end
  • Include a signature line for all parties involved in the agreement
  • You know you can check this off your list when you have all of the necessary elements for a Hold Harmless Agreement Form identified.

Drafting the Hold Harmless Agreement Form

  • Begin by drafting the agreement form by utilizing a template, if available.
  • Make sure to include all of the necessary components identified in the previous step.
  • If a template is not available, draft the form from scratch.
  • Use language that is clear, concise, and specific.
  • Include a section that outlines the exact responsibilities of each party.
  • Add a section that explains any possible indemnity clauses.
  • Include a section that outlines the applicable law that the agreement is to be interpreted under.
  • Include a signature line at the end of the form.

You’ll know you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have completed the draft of the Hold Harmless Agreement Form and it includes all necessary components identified in the previous step.

Defining the applicable parties

  • Identify the parties to the agreement - the “Indemnifying Party” and the “Indemnified Party.”
  • Make sure that the applicable persons and entities are accurately identified, including any legal names, aliases and addresses.
  • Include any third-party beneficiaries of the agreement.
  • Once you have identified all applicable parties, you can move on to the next step.

Outlining the scope of the agreement

  • Consider the type of agreement you need to draft, such as a full liability release or a limited liability release
  • Identify the parties to the agreement, including the indemnitor, indemnitee and any other relevant parties
  • List the services or activities that are covered by the agreement, being as specific as possible
  • Specify the geographic area and duration to which the agreement applies
  • Outline any other terms or conditions that should be included in the agreement
  • Check that the agreement is in accordance with applicable laws
  • Ensure that all parties have signed and dated the agreement

When you have outlined the scope of the agreement, you can consider moving on to the next step: identifying the liabilities and waivers.

Identifying the liabilities and waivers

  • Review the scope of the agreement and identify any potential liabilities that need to be addressed
  • Establish clauses that address potential liabilities and waivers of responsibility, such as the waiver of any consequential damages in the event of a breach of contract
  • Make sure the language in the clauses is clear, direct, and unambiguous
  • Include language that specifies the parties who bear responsibility for any losses, damages, or other liabilities
  • When all potential liabilities have been addressed, the agreement will be ready to move on to the next step
  • Check that you have identified all potential liabilities and waivers before moving on to the next step

Including any applicable signatures, dates and notarizations

  • Have both parties to the agreement sign the form and include the date of signing.
  • Have the appropriate parties notarize the agreement if necessary.
  • Check to make sure all the required signatures, dates and notarizations are included on the form.
  • Once all the required signatures, dates, and notarizations are included, check off this step and move on to the next step.

Negotiating and Executing the Hold Harmless Agreement Form

  • Negotiate the terms and conditions of the agreement with the applicable parties
  • Make sure that all parties agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Draft a final version of the agreement that reflects all of the agreed-upon terms and conditions
  • Verify that all parties have reviewed and approved the agreement
  • Execute the agreement by having each party sign the agreement or have a notary public notarize the agreement
  • Check to make sure that all parties have signed the agreement and that it is properly notarized, if applicable
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement, you can check it off your list and move on to the next step.

Communicating with the applicable parties

  • Reach out to the other parties involved in the agreement to communicate the details of the agreement.
  • Make sure that all parties are in agreement on the terms before moving forward.
  • Obtain the contact information for all applicable parties and ensure that all parties understand their rights and responsibilities.
  • Once all parties are in agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to clarifying any discrepancies or misunderstandings.

Clarifying any discrepancies or misunderstandings

  • Reach out to all involved parties to discuss any discrepancies or misunderstandings that have arisen during the process of drafting the agreement.
  • Ask each party to explain their interpretations of the agreement and why they believe it should be included in the document.
  • Address any potential conflicts in interpretation and reach a consensus on the language to be included in the agreement.
  • Once all parties have agreed on the language and details of the agreement, move on to the next step of ensuring any negotiated changes are reflected in the agreement.

Ensuring that any negotiated changes are reflected in the agreement

  • Review and edit the initial draft of the Hold Harmless Agreement Form to ensure that it reflects all negotiated changes.
  • Make sure that all changes are made in writing and that all parties have signed the form.
  • Check the form to make sure that all necessary information is included, such as the parties involved, the scope of the agreement, the amount of compensation, and any other relevant information.
  • Test the agreement to make sure that it is legally binding and enforceable.
  • Once you have ensured that all changes have been made and the form is legally sound, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Legal Considerations for a Hold Harmless Agreement Form

  1. Research applicable laws and regulations in the area where the agreement will be enforced.
  2. Consider the type of relationship and nature of the activities that will be included in the agreement.
  3. Take into account any potential liability issues that could arise from the activities in the agreement.
  4. Ensure the agreement is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.
  5. Consider adding specific language regarding indemnification, including any limitations or exclusions.
  6. Ensure that any relevant parties are aware of their obligations and liabilities under the agreement.

Once you have completed these steps, you can move onto the next step and ensure that any negotiated changes are reflected in the agreement.

Ensuring that the agreement is legally binding

  • Consult an experienced attorney to review and approve the agreement for compliance with relevant laws.
  • Have all parties involved review the agreement and sign it.
  • Make sure each party has a copy of the agreement.
  • Ensure that all information and language is accurate, up-to-date, and legally binding.
  • Make sure the agreement contains language that clearly outlines the responsibilities of each party and the terms of the agreement.

Once you have consulted with an attorney, have all parties review, sign and receive a copy of the agreement, and ensure that all information and language is accurate, up-to-date, and legally binding, you can move on to the next step.

Identifying any applicable local, state or federal laws

  • Research local, state, and federal laws relevant to the agreement.
  • Consult with a lawyer to ensure the agreement does not violate any applicable laws.
  • Make any necessary modifications to the agreement to comply with any applicable laws.
  • Update the agreement to reflect any modifications.
  • Once the agreement is compliant with any applicable laws, check this step off your list and move on to confirming compliance with any applicable regulations.

Confirming compliance with any applicable regulations

  • Review the applicable local, state and federal laws to ensure that the Hold Harmless Agreement Form is compliant with any regulations.
  • Consult with a lawyer to ensure that the agreement is in compliance with all applicable laws.
  • Once you have confirmed that the Hold Harmless Agreement Form is compliant with all applicable regulations, you can move on to the next step.

Enforcing a Hold Harmless Agreement Form

  • Draft a clause in the agreement form that provides for an enforcement mechanism, such as a court of law, to settle any potential disputes or breaches of the agreement.
  • Draft a clause that stipulates any legal fees associated with enforcing the agreement will be borne by the party in breach.
  • Ensure that the agreement form clearly states the jurisdiction of enforcement.
  • Incorporate the relevant governing law into the agreement form.
  • Sign and date the agreement form and have both parties sign and date the form.

Once all of the above steps are completed, you can check off this step and move on to the next step of clarifying the applicable remedies for breach of the agreement.

Clarifying the applicable remedies for breach of the agreement

  • Research the applicable remedies for breach of the agreement such as compensatory damages, injunctive relief, or specific performance
  • List the remedies that you want to include in the agreement
  • Specify the amount of damages to be paid in case of breach
  • Describe under what circumstances the remedies can be enforced
  • You can check this off your list when the remedies for breach of the agreement have been clearly specified in the agreement and you are satisfied with the amount of damages to be paid in case of breach.

Determining the applicable jurisdiction for enforcement

  • Research the applicable laws and regulations for each jurisdiction which is potentially involved in the agreement
  • Consider the laws of the location of the parties, and any other relevant laws, when determining the applicable jurisdiction
  • Consider the terms of the agreement, and the potential impact of each jurisdiction’s laws on enforcement
  • Assess the potential cost and complexity of enforcing the agreement in each jurisdiction
  • Once the applicable jurisdiction has been identified and the appropriate laws have been researched, the next step can be completed.

Following any required procedures for legal action

  • Identify the legal requirements in the state/jurisdiction where the Hold Harmless Agreement will take effect
  • Gather the information needed to complete the form, such as the parties involved and the scope of the agreement
  • Research any laws or statutes that may apply to the drafting of the agreement
  • Consult a legal professional or lawyer if necessary to ensure that all the necessary requirements are met
  • Draft the agreement form, taking into account any relevant laws or statutes
  • Review the agreement form, ensuring that all parties have agreed and that all the necessary information is included
  • Sign the agreement form, ensuring that each party has a copy for their records
  • Once all the steps are complete, the Hold Harmless Agreement is legally binding and enforceable in the applicable jurisdiction
  • Check off this step and move on to the next step, which is reviewing examples of Hold Harmless Agreement Forms.

Examples of Hold Harmless Agreement Forms

  • Reviewing online examples of Hold Harmless Agreement Forms, such as those available on the US Small Business Administration website and the US Legal Forms website
  • Comparing the language and structure of different forms to find one that is most suitable for your needs
  • When you find a template that is suitable for your needs and you understand the language and terms in the form, you can check this step off your list and move on to researching online templates.

Researching online templates

  • Search online for examples of Hold Harmless Agreement Forms
  • Look for a template that meets your requirements and is applicable to your situation
  • Review the templates carefully to determine which one is right for you
  • Make a copy of the template to use as a guide when creating your own form
  • Once you have a template to use, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Requesting examples from professional organizations

  • Contact relevant professional organizations and request examples of Hold Harmless Agreement Forms
  • Ask if they have any case studies on how to draft a Hold Harmless Agreement Form
  • Request any other relevant information or resources they may have to help you with this process
  • Compare the examples to the online templates you have already researched and make any necessary alterations
  • Once you have the necessary information and resources, you can move on to the next step of accessing relevant case studies.

Accessing relevant case studies

  • Researching relevant case studies to learn more about Hold Harmless Agreements and their content
  • Examining case studies for key language and clauses to include in the Agreement
  • Determining which elements are necessary and which are optional
  • Collecting information from case studies to help develop the Agreement
  • Checking off this step when you have examined the case studies and feel comfortable with the language and elements of a Hold Harmless Agreement.

Documenting the Hold Harmless Agreement Form

  • Gather any relevant information needed to draft the agreement, such as names of parties, date of execution, and purpose of agreement
  • Draft the agreement using language that clearly defines and outlines the rights and responsibilities of all parties
  • Ensure the agreement is legally binding and compliant with any applicable laws or regulations
  • Include a signature line at the end of the agreement
  • Check the agreement for accuracy and completeness
  • When the agreement is finished and properly signed by both parties, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Storing the agreement in a secure location

  • Choose a secure location to store the agreement, such as a locked filing cabinet
  • Make sure that only those with clearance to view the agreement are given access
  • Create a backup of the agreement in case the original is lost or damaged
  • Make a note in the system of the location of the agreement
  • Once the agreement is stored, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Setting up a system for tracking any changes or updates

  • Create a spreadsheet or document to log any changes made to the Hold Harmless Agreement Form.
  • In the spreadsheet or document, list the date of the change, the description of the change, and the initiator of the change.
  • Once you have set up the system for tracking any changes or updates, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Reviewing the Hold Harmless Agreement Form

  • Carefully read and review the Hold Harmless Agreement Form
  • Consider any potential risks or liabilities associated with the agreement
  • Consult with a lawyer or legal advisor if any questions or concerns arise
  • Update the form to reflect any changes or adjustments necessary
  • Ensure the form is in compliance with local, state, and federal laws
  • Verify that the form is comprehensive and covers all relevant topics and information
  • When satisfied with the form, sign and date it
  • Make a copy of the agreement for all parties involved
  • When completed, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Scheduling regular reviews of the agreement

  • Set up a timeline for when the agreement should be reviewed and updated
  • Decide who will be responsible for leading the review process
  • Make sure everyone involved in the agreement is aware of the review timeline
  • Schedule regular meetings to review the agreement
  • Make any necessary changes or updates to the agreement during the review process
  • Once the review is complete and all necessary changes have been made, check off this step from the list and move on to updating the agreement as needed.

Updating the agreement as needed

  • Assess the agreement for any changes in the law or jurisdiction that may require updating
  • Review the agreement regularly and make any necessary changes to reflect those changes in law or jurisdiction
  • Have an attorney review the agreement to ensure it remains legally compliant
  • Update the agreement as needed to keep it up-to-date
  • Make sure to get any necessary signatures and approvals from all parties involved
  • Keep a record of the updated agreement

Once all of the above steps have been completed, you can mark this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Ensuring that the agreement remains up-to-date and legally compliant

  • Review the agreement on an annual basis to ensure that it is still in compliance with applicable laws
  • Consult with a qualified attorney to review the agreement and make any necessary changes or updates
  • Make sure that any changes made to the agreement are consistent with your business objectives and properly reflect the intent of the agreement
  • Amend the agreement as needed in order to reflect any changes or updates
  • Sign off on the revised agreement
  • You can check this step off your list after you have reviewed and amended the agreement as needed, and have signed off on the revised agreement.


Q: What is the difference between a Hold Harmless Agreement Form and a Release of Liability Form?

Asked by John on April 12, 2022.
A: The two forms are similar in that both are legal documents that protect one party from being held liable for the actions of another. However, the key difference between a Hold Harmless Agreement Form and a Release of Liability Form is that a Hold Harmless Agreement Form generally applies when both parties are actively involved in the agreement and acknowledges that one party is providing some form of service or benefit for the other. Whereas, a Release of Liability Form applies when only one party is involved and releases the other party from any potential liability.

Q: Are there any specific circumstances where a Hold Harmless Agreement Form is required?

Asked by James on August 18, 2022.
A: Yes, there are specific circumstances where it may be necessary to have a Hold Harmless Agreement Form in place. For example, if you own a business and are hiring an independent contractor to work on your premises, you may require them to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement Form to protect you from potential lawsuits related to their activities. Additionally, if you are entering into an agreement with another business or individual that involves potentially risky activities or circumstances, such as working with hazardous materials or providing financial services, it would be wise to have a Hold Harmless Agreement Form in place.

Q: Do Hold Harmless Agreement Forms need to be in writing?

Asked by Mary on December 5, 2022.
A: Generally speaking, yes. In order for an agreement to be valid and legally binding it needs to be in writing and signed by both parties. This is important because it ensures that both parties understand the terms of the agreement and can refer back to it in case of any disputes or misunderstandings. Additionally, written agreements are also more likely to hold up in court if necessary.

Q: Are there any legal requirements for drafting a Hold Harmless Agreement Form?

Asked by Joseph on January 1, 2022.
A: Yes, there are certain legal requirements that must be met when drafting a Hold Harmless Agreement Form in order for it to be valid and enforceable. Generally speaking, these requirements include providing clear language so that both parties understand the terms and conditions of the agreement; specifying what type of liability will be waived; including an indemnification clause; specifying who will be liable for damages; and including a signature page for both parties to sign.

Q: Does a Hold Harmless Agreement Form need to be registered with the government?

Asked by Sarah on May 8, 2022.
A: No, most Hold Harmless Agreement Forms do not need to be registered with the government in order for them to be valid and enforceable. However, depending on the type of activity or transaction being undertaken as part of the agreement, there may be additional registration requirements that need to be met before the agreement can take effect. For example, if you are entering into an agreement involving intellectual property rights, you may need to register the agreement with the relevant government agency or court before it can take effect.

Q: Are there any differences between UK vs USA vs EU jurisdictions when drafting a Hold Harmless Agreement Form?

Asked by David on September 27, 2022.
A: Yes, there can be differences between UK vs USA vs EU jurisdictions when drafting a Hold Harmless Agreement Form. Generally speaking, UK laws tend to focus more on protecting individual rights whereas US laws tend to focus more on protecting corporate interests. Additionally, EU laws tend focus more on protecting consumer rights than either UK or US laws do. As such, it is important to ensure that the language used in your agreement reflects your local jurisdiction’s laws and regulations so that your agreement remains legally enforceable in all applicable countries or regions.

Q: What should I consider when drafting my own Hold Harmless Agreement Form?

Asked by Susan on March 20, 2022.
A: When drafting your own Hold Harmless Agreement Form it is important to consider all potential risks associated with your situation or activity so that you can adequately protect yourself from potential liabilities down the road. Some things you should think about include what type of liability will be waived; who will be liable for damages; how long the agreement will last; what types of activities or transactions are covered under the agreement; what kind of dispute resolution clauses should be included; and which jurisdiction’s laws apply should any disputes arise down the road. Additionally, it is also important to ensure that all relevant parties sign off on the agreement before it takes effect so that everyone involved understands their responsibilities under the terms of the contract.

Q: Are there any additional contractual clauses I should consider including in my own Hold Harmless Agreement Form?

Asked by Robert on July 3rd 2022.
A: Yes, depending on your particular situation or industry sector you may want to consider adding additional contractual clauses when drafting your own Hold Harmless Agreement Form in order to provide further protection against liabilities down the road. For example, if you operate within a technology sector then you may want to consider including clauses related to intellectual property rights so that your rights are protected should any disputes arise down the road related to ownership of software code or content created as part of the contract execution process. Additionally, if you operate within an industry sector where data privacy laws apply then you may want to consider adding clauses related to data protection as well as clauses related to indemnification should any privacy violations occur down the road due to actions taken by either party under this contract.

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Breach of Hold Harmless Agreement

  • Plaintiff must prove that the defendant breached the hold harmless agreement by failing to comply with its terms and conditions.
  • Plaintiff must show that they suffered damages as a result of the breach.
  • Plaintiff may be able to collect damages, such as lost wages, medical expenses, or other costs, that resulted from the breach.
  • Plaintiff may be able to recover attorney’s fees and court costs if they prevail in the case.
  • Settlement of the suit may be possible if the defendant agrees to pay a certain amount of money in exchange for the plaintiff dropping the suit.
  • If the suit goes to trial, the judge or jury will determine the amount of damages to be awarded, if any.

Templates available (free to use)

Hold Harmless Agreement Form

Related templates available

Hold Harmless Agreement
Hold Harmless Indemnity Agreement
Indemnification And Hold Harmless Agreement
Indemnity And Hold Harmless Agreement
Release And Hold Harmless Agreement
Release Of Liability And Hold Harmless Agreement

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