Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Drafting a Comprehensive Product Development Agreement

9 Jun 2023
31 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


Product development agreements are an essential part of any product development process, providing a legal framework that ensures all parties involved understand their rights and responsibilities. Without one, disputes can arise and leave all parties exposed to potential financial and legal risks. That’s why it’s important to have the advice of an experienced professional when drafting a comprehensive agreement.

At Genie AI, we understand the importance of having a comprehensive product development agreement in place. That’s why we provide free product development agreement templates that can be used to create an agreement which meets the needs of all parties in the process. Our template library also features resources with step-by-step guidance on how best to draft such documents.

A good product development agreement should cover key elements including clear definitions of the scope and design of the product, as well as detailing milestones, deliverables and timeline for completion; budgeting considerations; intellectual property rights; and dispute resolution processes - each element is crucial for successful project completion.

The benefits are clear: with a detailed, legally-sound contract in place from the outset, any disputes that may arise can be quickly resolved without costly or time-consuming litigation. It also helps ensure projects remain on track by clearly laying out roles and responsibilities - allowing teams to identify any delays early on so they can work towards meeting agreed deadlines and standards for quality assurance. Finally but importantly it provides protection for all involved by establishing indemnification & liability provisions - safeguarding intellectual property rights & setting out realistic expectations when it comes to risk assessment amongst other matters related to project success or failure.

Ultimately there is no substitute for having a professionally-drafted, comprehensive product development agreement when embarking on such critical workflows - but with our template library you don’t need expensive law firms or expert advice either! So if you’re looking for guidance on how best to craft your own document then read on below for our step-by-step guide today - you won’t regret it!


Establishing: Creating or setting up.
Scope: Range or extent.
Agreement: An arrangement or understanding between two or more parties.
Outcome: Result or consequence.
Assumptions: Beliefs or suppositions.
Prerequisites: Requirements or conditions that must be met before something else can happen.
Terms: Words or phrases that have a specific meaning.
Concepts: Ideas or thoughts.
Laws: Rules or regulations that govern behavior.
Regulations: Official guidelines or instructions.
Identifying: Determining or recognizing.
Contact information: Data, such as an address or phone number, used to contact someone.
Legal identity: Legally recognized status.
Signing authority: Legal power to sign an agreement on behalf of another person or organization.
Timeline: Sequence of events.
Milestones: Significant points or events in a process.
Amending: Changing or modifying.
Roles: Job or function of each party in the agreement.
Responsibilities: Expectations or duties.
Payment amount: Total amount of money owed.
Payment method: Way of paying for something.
Payment schedule: Plan for when payments are due.
Taxes: Money paid to government.
Fees: Money paid for a service.
Confidential information: Private data.
Intellectual property: Creative works protected by copyright.
Ownership: Right or title to something.
Dispute: Argument or disagreement.
Bring to the parties: Present to the parties.
Termination clause: Part of an agreement that outlines the conditions for ending it.
Process: Series of actions taken to achieve a result.
Notification: Notification of something.
Consequences: Result of an action.
Draft: First version of an agreement.
Accompany: Come with.
Finalizing: Completing or making final.
Signatures: Written name or mark used to authenticate a document.
Storing: Keeping or preserving.
Copies: Duplicates.
Notification: Notification of something.


  1. Establishing the scope of the agreement
  2. Identifying the desired outcome of the agreement
  3. Listing any assumptions or prerequisites
  4. Defining any terms or concepts used
  5. Investigating any relevant laws or regulations
  6. Identifying the parties involved
  7. Gathering all relevant contact information
  8. Establishing the legal identity of each party
  9. Designating the person with signing authority
  10. Setting out the product development timeline
  11. Establishing a start and end date
  12. Defining any milestones
  13. Establishing a process for amending the timeline
  14. Defining roles and responsibilities
  15. Establishing what each party will provide
  16. Defining expectations for performance
  17. Outlining the process for addressing issues
  18. Outlining payment terms and conditions
  19. Specifying the payment amount
  20. Defining the payment method
  21. Establishing a payment schedule
  22. Defining any applicable taxes or fees
  23. Specifying confidentiality and intellectual property rights
  24. Identifying any confidential information
  25. Outlining the process for protecting confidential information
  26. Defining the ownership of any intellectual property
  27. Establishing a process for resolving disputes
  28. Defining dispute resolution protocols
  29. Establishing the process for bringing a dispute to the parties
  30. Defining the dispute resolution process
  31. Establishing the timeline for dispute resolution
  32. Specifying the governing law
  33. Establishing a termination clause
  34. Defining the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated
  35. Specifying the process for terminating the agreement
  36. Outlining the notification process
  37. Establishing any associated consequences
  38. Drafting the agreement
  39. Preparing a draft of the agreement
  40. Listing any associated documents
  41. Finalizing the language of the agreement
  42. Finalizing the agreement with signatures
  43. Obtaining the signatures of all parties
  44. Storing the agreement in a safe and secure location
  45. Sending copies of the agreement to all parties
  46. Providing notification of the agreement’s completion

Get started

Establishing the scope of the agreement

  • Brainstorm and document a comprehensive list of product development activities to be included in the agreement
  • List out all the deliverables that need to be included in the agreement
  • Note any specific terms or conditions related to the agreement
  • Create a timeline and budget for the development process
  • Identify any potential risks or barriers to the successful completion of the agreement
  • When you have a clear understanding of the scope and the expected deliverables, you can move on to the next step of identifying the desired outcome of the agreement.

Identifying the desired outcome of the agreement

  • Understand the goals of each party in the agreement
  • Develop a plan to ensure that all parties involved in the product development process are satisfied
  • Draft a list of deliverables that must be met in order for the agreement to be successful
  • Create a timeline for completion of the project
  • Agree on a method of dispute resolution for any issues that may arise
  • When all parties involved in the agreement have agreed on the desired outcome and expectations, the next step can begin.

Listing any assumptions or prerequisites

  • Research any relevant legal precedents or industry standards related to the agreement.
  • Identify potential issues that could arise from the agreement, such as rights, intellectual property, or liability.
  • Make a list of any assumptions that need to be taken into account when drafting the agreement.
  • Identify any prerequisites, such as obtaining necessary permits or licenses, that need to be satisfied before the agreement can be finalized.
  • Make sure all assumptions and prerequisites are clearly listed in the agreement.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: When all assumptions and prerequisites have been identified and added to the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Defining any terms or concepts used

  • Identify any terms or concepts that need to be defined in the agreement.
  • Consult any relevant sources, such as a dictionary, to ensure the definitions are accurate.
  • Write the definitions into the agreement and define each term or concept clearly and accurately.
  • Make sure to include any acronyms and abbreviations used in the agreement.
  • Once all the necessary definitions are included, you can move on to the next step.

Investigating any relevant laws or regulations

  • Research and identify any laws or regulations that are relevant to the product development agreement.
  • Consult with a lawyer, if necessary, to ensure that the agreement adheres to all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Make sure that all necessary permits or licenses have been obtained, if applicable.
  • Update the agreement to incorporate any regulations or laws that apply to the product development agreement.
  • Document the laws and regulations incorporated into the agreement.

Once these steps are completed, you can move on to the next step of identifying the parties involved.

Identifying the parties involved

  • Gather all the names and contact information of the parties involved in the agreement
  • Have each party sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to ensure that all conversations and documents that are shared remain confidential
  • Determine what roles each party will play in the agreement and the product development process
  • Outline the rights and responsibilities of each party in the agreement
  • When all the parties have signed the NDA and their roles and responsibilities have been outlined, you can proceed to the next step.

Gathering all relevant contact information

  • Collect the full legal name and address of each party involved in the agreement
  • Collect the contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) of the designated individual from each party
  • Collect the tax identification number for each party
  • Verify the accuracy of the information collected for each party
  • When all contact information for each party has been collected and verified, move on to the next step.

Establishing the legal identity of each party

  • Verify the legal name, address, and contact information of the product developer and the product recipient.
  • Obtain copies of the product developer’s and product recipient’s Articles of Incorporation, business licenses, and other documents that establish the legal identity of each party.
  • When all the documents have been verified and exchanged, you can move on to the next step.

Designating the person with signing authority

  • Each party should provide the names and contact information of the individual responsible for signing the agreement.
  • If a company is identified as a party, the agreement should specify the title of the individual with signing authority, such as CEO or CFO.
  • Ensure that all parties have agreed to the terms of the agreement prior to signing.
  • Once the signing parties have been identified and the terms of the agreement have been agreed upon, the agreement can be signed and the next step in the process can be completed.

Setting out the product development timeline

  • Outline all expected steps in the product development and their respective deadlines, including the timeline for development, testing, and feedback.
  • Ensure that all stakeholders are in agreement with the timeline and that all deadlines are realistic.
  • Establish a timeline for submitting any necessary documents, such as design specifications, prototype drawings, and test plans.
  • Track the progress of the product development and periodically remind stakeholders of upcoming deadlines.
  • Once all parties have agreed on a timeline, make sure to document the timeline in the product development agreement.
  • Upon completion of this step, you can move on to the next step of establishing a start and end date.

Establishing a start and end date

  • Agree on a start date for when the project will begin
  • Identify a timeline for the project and agree on the end date for when the project will be completed
  • Include provisions for potential delay in the project timeline and agree on the end date for when the project will be completed
  • Include a clause for any extensions of the project timeline
  • Once the start and end dates are determined and agreed upon, this step can be marked as complete and the next step, defining any milestones, can begin.

Defining any milestones

  • Determine any milestones the parties want to include in the agreement.
  • Milestones should be specific and measurable.
  • Examples of milestones include a prototype completion date, a user testing date, a launch date, and a date by which the product will be ready to be sold.
  • Milestones should be achievable and have realistic deadlines.
  • After determining which milestones are important to include in the agreement, create a timeline for achieving each milestone.
  • List the milestones in the agreement and make sure the parties understand their responsibilities in achieving each milestone.
  • When you have established the milestones and timeline, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing a process for amending the timeline

• Develop a process for amending the timeline, including a procedure for making changes, and an approval process.
• Ensure that all parties are aware of the process for amending the timeline and agree to it.
• Document the process for amending the timeline in the Product Development Agreement.
• Once the process for amending the timeline is documented, approved and agreed upon by all parties, the step is complete.

Defining roles and responsibilities

  • Ensure that each party’s roles and responsibilities are clearly defined
  • Outline the specific responsibilities of each party, such as who will create the product design, who will manufacture the product, and who will be responsible for product testing
  • Document what each party will be responsible for
  • Ensure that each party agrees to the roles and responsibilities that are outlined
  • Confirm that each party understands their role and the expectations for fulfilling it
  • When the roles and responsibilities outlined in the agreement are agreed upon and understood by both parties, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing what each party will provide

  • Identify and agree on the deliverables that each party shall provide in order to complete the product development agreement
  • Outline the specific services, materials, or knowledge that each party shall provide
  • List the resources, including personnel and funding, that each party will make available to complete the agreement
  • Determine the timeline for each party to provide their deliverables
  • Create a mechanism for resolving disputes or disagreements related to the delivery of each party’s deliverables
  • Decide on a timeline for completion of the development agreement

You can check this step off the list when all of the deliverables, services, materials, knowledge, resources, timeline, and dispute resolution mechanism have been identified and agreed to by both parties.

Defining expectations for performance

  • Outline the expectations of performance for both parties in the agreement
  • Ensure that the expectations are specific and measurable, if possible
  • Describe the consequences if the parties fail to meet the expectations
  • Be sure to include the timeline for the performance expectations
  • When expectations are defined and agreed upon, you can move on to the next step in the process.

Outlining the process for addressing issues

  • Outline the process for addressing any issues that may arise in the course of product development or in the performance of the contract
  • Describe how disputes will be resolved and how often updates or progress reports will be provided
  • Specify the manner in which changes to the contract will be proposed and approved
  • Establish a timeline for resolving any issues that arise
  • When all of the above points are agreed to and included in the contract, it is time to move on to the next step of outlining payment terms and conditions.

Outlining payment terms and conditions

• Define the payment terms, including the payment schedule and payment method.
• Agree on any penalties or fees for late payments.
• Outline any interest or additional charges that may be applied to late payments.
• Specify any fees or other charges that may be incurred during the product development process.
• Outline any refunds that may be provided in the event of a product not meeting expectations.
• Identify any warranties or guarantees associated with the product.
• Include a clause outlining how disputes related to payments will be handled.
• Agree on any other payment-related details that may be pertinent to the product development agreement.

Once all payment terms and conditions have been outlined and agreed upon, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Specifying the payment amount

  • Determine the total payment amount for the services being provided by the other party in the agreement.
  • Consider the cost of materials, labor, and other factors that will contribute to the total payment amount.
  • Include any discounts or incentives that will be applied to the total payment amount.
  • Include a clear description of the payment amount in the product development agreement.
  • Once the payment amount has been specified, check this off your list and move on to the next step: defining the payment method.

Defining the payment method

  • Determine which payment method(s) will be used between the two parties (i.e. bank transfer, credit card, check, etc.)
  • Confirm that the payment method(s) is/are acceptable to both parties
  • Put the payment method agreement into the Product Development Agreement
  • When both parties agree on the payment method and it is included in the agreement, you can check off this step and move on to establishing a payment schedule.

Establishing a payment schedule

  • Determine the frequency of payment - either a one-time payment at completion or a payment schedule over the duration of the project.
  • Outline any late fees or penalties that may be applied if payment is not received in a timely manner.
  • Make sure to include any applicable taxes or fees that may be assessed.
  • Document the payment terms in the agreement.
  • Once all the payment terms have been outlined in the agreement, this step is complete.

Defining any applicable taxes or fees

  • Identify and clearly list any taxes or fees that are applicable to the agreement.
  • Determine which party is responsible for paying the taxes or fees.
  • Include a clause in the agreement that states the party responsible for the taxes or fees.
  • Once the taxes or fees have been determined, the clause should be added to the agreement and the parties can move on to the next step.

Specifying confidentiality and intellectual property rights

  • Include a clause to ensure that all parties agree to keep the information shared during the product development process confidential
  • Outline which party retains the intellectual property rights during and after the development process
  • Specify who owns the intellectual property rights to the product once it is developed
  • Agree on the conditions under which any of the parties may use the intellectual property rights
  • When finished, you should have a section in the Product Development Agreement that outlines the parties’ confidentiality and intellectual property rights. Once you have completed this step, you can move on to the next step of identifying any confidential information.

Identifying any confidential information

  • Identify any information that needs to be kept confidential
  • Analyze the information to determine what portions, if any, need to be protected
  • Depending on the type of information, consider using nondisclosure agreements for additional assurance
  • Make sure to note what information will be considered confidential in the product development agreement
  • Once all confidential information has been identified and specified, you can move on to the next step of outlining the process for protecting it.

Outlining the process for protecting confidential information

  • Establish confidentiality agreements by ensuring that all parties are required to keep confidential information private
  • Identify the scope of the confidential information and the parties who are bound by the agreement to protect it
  • Establish a process for how confidential information will be stored, accessed, and handled by all parties
  • Create a system for tracking when confidential information changes hands
  • Review and update the process for protecting confidential information regularly
  • When all of the above steps are completed, you can check this off your list and move on to defining the ownership of any intellectual property.

Defining the ownership of any intellectual property

  • Clarify ownership of intellectual property created or developed during the product development process
  • Identify who owns the intellectual property as of the date of signing the agreement
  • Specify when the ownership of intellectual property changes during the product development process
  • Define the scope of the invention and the ownership rights of each party
  • Identify any third-party intellectual property that must be used in the development process
  • Draft a written agreement that outlines the details of the ownership of intellectual property
  • Get the written agreement signed by all parties involved
  • Check off this step when all parties have signed the written agreement.

Establishing a process for resolving disputes

  • Research and identify the applicable laws for the contract agreement
  • Outline and discuss the dispute resolution process with all parties involved
  • Identify the dispute resolution forum and the applicable laws that will be used to determine the outcome
  • Specify the process that will be used to resolve disputes, including the timeline and the steps that each party must take
  • Include a clause that states that any disputes must be resolved through the dispute resolution process before they can be taken to court
  • When all parties have agreed on the dispute resolution process and have signed the agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Defining dispute resolution protocols

  • Outline the methodology for resolving disputes, such as negotiation, mediation, or arbitration
  • Specify the timeline for resolving disputes
  • Identify the process for appealing a decision
  • Specify the governing law for any disputes
  • Outline the process for bringing a dispute to the parties

Once the dispute resolution protocols have been clearly stated in the agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing the process for bringing a dispute to the parties

  • Make sure to clearly define which party has the power to bring a dispute to the other party
  • Specify the conditions and criteria that must be met in order for a party to bring a dispute
  • Outline the process for bringing the dispute to the other party, including any paperwork or other formalities that must be completed
  • Specify the timeline for bringing a dispute to the other party, including any deadlines for responding
  • Decide how disputes should be documented and managed
  • Once you have established the process for bringing a dispute to the parties, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step of defining the dispute resolution process.

Defining the dispute resolution process

  • Agree on which law will govern the agreement and the dispute resolution process
  • Decide if the parties will use arbitration, mediation, or another dispute resolution method
  • Specify the venue where the dispute will be heard
  • Establish the costs associated with dispute resolution
  • Include a clause that requires the parties to attempt to resolve the dispute in good faith prior to initiating the dispute resolution process
  • Determine the timeline for dispute resolution
  • Outline the remedies available to each party if the dispute is not resolved
  • Include a clause that requires the parties to keep confidential any information related to the dispute resolution process


  • Agreed on the governing law
  • Decided the type of dispute resolution
  • Specified the venue
  • Established the costs
  • Included a clause requiring the parties to attempt to resolve the dispute in good faith
  • Determined the timeline
  • Outlined the remedies
  • Included a clause requiring confidentiality

Once you have completed all of the above, you can check this step off your list and move on to establishing the timeline for dispute resolution.

Establishing the timeline for dispute resolution

  • Determine the timeline for dispute resolution, including when the parties must initiate the dispute resolution process and when the process should be concluded.
  • Include a clause in the agreement that requires both parties to use their best efforts to resolve the dispute within the set timeline.
  • Specify the consequences for any party failing to meet the timeline for dispute resolution.
  • When the timeline for dispute resolution is established, the agreement should be reviewed and signed by both parties.

Once the timeline for dispute resolution is established and included in the agreement, the parties can move on to the next step of specifying the governing law.

Specifying the governing law

  • Identify the governing law for the agreement: This should be the jurisdiction that contains the most applicable body of law for the agreement.
  • Specify the governing law in the agreement: This should be done in the governing law clause of the agreement.
  • Confirm that the law specified is applicable: Check with a legal professional that the law specified is applicable to the agreement.
  • Ensure that the governing law clause is compliant with the law: Check with a legal professional that the clause is compliant with the law specified in the agreement.

Once you have identified the governing law for the agreement, specified it in the agreement, confirmed that the law specified is applicable to the agreement, and ensured that the governing law clause is compliant with the law, you can move on to the next step in drafting a comprehensive product development agreement: Establishing a termination clause.

Establishing a termination clause

• Decide on the conditions under which either party may terminate the agreement, such as if the project fails to meet certain criteria or if one of the parties breaches the agreement.
• Draft a clause in the agreement outlining the conditions for termination, the process for initiating the termination and any responsibilities the parties have after termination.
• Make sure the termination clause is clear and unambiguous so there is no confusion when either party wants to terminate the agreement.
• Once the termination clause is agreed upon and included in the agreement, you can check this step off and move on to the next step.

Defining the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated

  • Identify the circumstances under which either party can terminate the agreement
  • Include circumstances such as breach of contract, failure of payment, and/or non-performance
  • Consider adding a ““cure period”” for breach of contract, which allows the violating party to make up for the breach before the agreement is terminated
  • Specify the consequences of terminating the agreement, including any applicable financial penalty
  • Both parties should agree on the terms and sign the agreement

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have clearly identified the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated and both parties have agreed to and signed the agreement.

Specifying the process for terminating the agreement

  • Agree on the process for terminating the agreement.
  • Set out the circumstances in which either party can terminate the agreement and the notification process for each.
  • Outline the procedures for winding down the project and any obligations that exist after the termination.
  • Include the form of written notice that either party must use to terminate the agreement, and the process for terminating the agreement.
  • Ensure that all parties have a clear understanding of the process and are in agreement.
  • Once you have documented the process and all parties have agreed, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Outlining the notification process

  • Outline a notification process that both parties must follow in the event of any changes or amendments to the agreement
  • Include the timeline for when notifications must be sent and received
  • Specify who is responsible for delivering notifications
  • Detail any associated penalties for failure to comply with the notification process
  • Check this off your list when you have outlined the notification process and both parties have agreed to the terms.

Establishing any associated consequences

  • Consider any consequences or penalties that may be associated with the product development agreement
  • Decide if any consequences should be included in the agreement and in what detail
  • Draft any necessary clauses for the agreement that outline the consequences for non-compliance
  • Have all parties involved in the agreement review and sign off on the drafted clauses
  • Once the agreement has been accepted and signed, move on to the next step: drafting the agreement

Drafting the agreement

• Gather all relevant contracts, documents, and other relevant information that may be necessary for drafting the agreement.
• Identify the parties to the agreement, their roles and responsibilities.
• Review the applicable laws and regulations that govern the product development agreement.
• Draft the agreement using appropriate terminology and wording that will be legally enforceable.
• Include all the necessary clauses, including payment terms, ownership of intellectual property rights, warranties and liabilities, among others.
• Review the agreement thoroughly to ensure accuracy and completeness.
• Have the agreement reviewed by a qualified legal professional.

When you have completed this step, you will have a draft of the product development agreement ready to present to the parties involved.

Preparing a draft of the agreement

  • Begin by gathering all relevant documents relating to the product development agreement, such as any prior drafts, research, and/or contracts.
  • Carefully review all documents to ensure all relevant information is included.
  • Draft the agreement based on the documents gathered, making sure all necessary information is covered.
  • Include all essential provisions and any necessary waivers or exceptions.
  • Have the agreement reviewed by an attorney to ensure that the document meets all legal requirements.
  • When the review is complete and all necessary changes are made, the draft is ready to be sent to the other party for review.

Listing any associated documents

• Identify any documents that are associated with the product development agreement and make a list of them.
• This list may include documents such as nondisclosure agreements, product warranties, and software licenses.
• Make sure that all documents are included in the agreement and that each document is accessible to both parties.
• Once the list is complete, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Finalizing the language of the agreement

  • Review the document and ensure that all the product development terms are clearly stated, including the scope of work, timeline, payment terms, etc.
  • Have both parties review the document and make necessary changes and additions.
  • Ensure that all language is legally binding, and that all parties are aware of their roles and responsibilities.
  • Once both parties have agreed on the language of the agreement and are satisfied with the content, move on to the next step.

Finalizing the agreement with signatures

  • Gather all the necessary parties to the agreement, both in person or virtual, for signature
  • Have each party sign the agreement and place their signature on all the necessary documents
  • Make sure to keep copies of signed documents for all parties
  • Once all signatures have been obtained and all documents have been signed, the agreement is finalized and you can move onto the next step.

Obtaining the signatures of all parties

  • Ensure that each party involved has read through the product development agreement and is informed of the details and obligations of their role.
  • Ask each party to provide their signature to confirm their acceptance of the agreement.
  • If one of the parties is a company, ensure that the document is signed by an authorized representative.
  • Have a witness sign the agreement as well.
  • Check that all signatures are legible and properly dated.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You will know that you can move on to the next step of the guide when all the parties involved have signed the product development agreement and the document has been properly witnessed and dated.

Storing the agreement in a safe and secure location

  • Create a secure folder for all documents related to the product development agreement
  • Save a copy of the agreement in the secure folder
  • Ensure the folder is password protected to keep the documents secure
  • If necessary, use a cloud storage system, such as Dropbox, to store the agreement
  • Once you have stored the agreement in a secure location, you can check this step off your list and move onto sending copies of the agreement to all parties.

Sending copies of the agreement to all parties

  • Make copies of the agreement and send them to all parties involved in the agreement
  • Distribute the copies to each party in whatever way you prefer (email, mail, fax, etc.)
  • Once the copies have been distributed, check off the step as complete and move on to the next step.

Providing notification of the agreement’s completion

  • Send an email to all parties informing them that the agreement is complete, and that they should keep a copy for reference
  • Confirm that all parties received their copies and are aware of the agreement’s completion
  • Once all parties have acknowledged receipt of the email and confirm that they have a copy of the agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: What is a draft product development agreement?

Asked by Sarah on April 5, 2022.
A: A draft product development agreement is a document outlining the terms and conditions between a business (the developer) and another party (the client). This agreement usually outlines the scope of the project, who has rights to the finished product, deliverables, payment terms and other details to ensure that both parties are clear on their obligations.

Q: What are the key elements of a product development agreement?

Asked by Jessica on August 8, 2022.
A: The key elements of a product development agreement include defining the scope of the project, who owns or has rights to the finished product, timelines for delivery and payment terms. The agreement should also provide for confidentiality and dispute resolution provisions. In addition, it should include language to protect both parties from any potential copyright, patent or trademark issues that may arise.

Q: How do I make sure my product development agreement is legally binding?

Asked by John on February 19, 2022.
A: To make sure your product development agreement is legally binding you will need to ensure that all parties involved have signed it and that it meets the local laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which it is being made. It is also important to make sure that all relevant information is included in the agreement such as payment terms and timelines, as well as language protecting both parties from potential copyright, patent or trademark issues.

Q: Is there any way to protect my intellectual property rights in a product development agreement?

Asked by Michael on March 27, 2022.
A: Yes, there are several ways to protect your intellectual property rights in a product development agreement. Firstly, you should include language in your agreement that states clearly who owns the intellectual property rights for any products developed under the agreement. Secondly, you should consider including confidentiality or non-disclosure language that prohibits either party from disclosing or using any confidential information shared between them during the project. Finally, you should also consider including language that states who has the right to use or modify any code or designs produced during the project.

Q: How do I ensure that my product development agreement covers all eventualities?

Asked by Emily on June 9, 2022.
A: To ensure that your product development agreement covers all eventualities it is important to be as comprehensive as possible when drafting it. First of all you should make sure that all relevant information is included such as payment terms and timelines, as well as language protecting both parties from potential copyright, patent or trademark issues. Secondly, you should consider including provisions for dispute resolution such as mediation or arbitration clauses in case of any disagreements between the two parties. Finally, you should make sure that your agreement allows for modifications if necessary so that it can be updated over time if needed.

Q: How do I ensure compliance with UK laws when drafting a product development agreement?

Asked by David on October 12, 2022.
A: When drafting a product development agreement for use in the UK it is important to ensure compliance with UK laws such as those relating to intellectual property rights and data protection. When drafting such an agreement you should consider including language stating who owns any intellectual property rights for any products developed under the agreement and also include provisions for confidentiality between both parties regarding any confidential information shared during the project. Additionally you should consider incorporating data protection laws into your agreement by including clauses regarding how any personal data will be used or stored in accordance with applicable UK law.

Q: What are some common pitfalls when drafting a product development agreement?

Asked by Amanda on July 15, 2022.
A: One of the most common pitfalls when drafting a product development agreement is not being clear enough about who owns any intellectual property rights for any products developed under the agreement. Additionally, not including provisions for dispute resolution such as mediation or arbitration clauses can be problematic if disagreements arise between parties during a project. Finally, failing to incorporate local laws relating to data protection can lead to legal issues down the line if personal data is mishandled or misused during a project without proper consent from users or customers.

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Breach of a Product Development Agreement:

  • Establish that a product development agreement was created between the plaintiff and the defendant.
  • Show that the defendant breached the agreement in some way, and that the breach was material and caused the plaintiff harm.
  • Identify the specific provisions of the agreement that the defendant breached.
  • Show that the plaintiff suffered damages as a result of the defendant’s breach.
  • Prove the damages using evidence such as lost profits, increased costs, or other financial losses.
  • Calculate the amount of damages the plaintiff is owed.
  • Present the facts to the court in a compelling manner.
  • Seek an appropriate remedy through the court, such as an injunction, compensatory damages, or punitive damages.

Templates available (free to use)

Product Development Agreement

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