Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Draftin an Interim Agreement

23 Mar 2023
33 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Interim agreements provide an important tool for lawyers, business owners, mediators and other professionals involved in the negotiation process. By creating a clear understanding of the terms of an agreement before it is finalized, these agreements help to protect all parties’ interests and reduce the risk of misunderstandings or legal disputes arising in the future.
The Genie AI team has developed a powerful open source legal template library containing millions of datapoints that teach its AI what a market-standard interim agreement looks like. This means anyone can draft and customize high quality legal documents without paying for professional advice.
Our step-by-step guidance gives you all the information you need to access our template library today, so you can benefit from our expertise without having to commit to a Genie AI account. We want to make sure everyone has access to clear information about their rights and responsibilities when entering into negotiations, no matter their experience or qualifications - so read on below for more details.

Definitions (feel free to skip)

  1. Parties: People or organizations who are involved in a legal agreement.
  2. Obligations: Tasks or responsibilities that must be completed by each party.
  3. Agreement: A legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a transaction or arrangement.
  4. Scope: The extent of the responsibilities of each party.
  5. Criteria: Standards or conditions used to evaluate a situation.
  6. Breach: A failure to fulfill the requirements of a legal agreement.
  7. Dispute: A disagreement between two or more parties.
  8. Documentation: Records or evidence used to verify a situation.
  9. Resolution: A solution to a conflict.
  10. Timeline: A set period of time that must be followed.
  11. Payment: Money exchanged as part of an agreement.
  12. Fees: Additional costs associated with a transaction or arrangement.
  13. Draft: A preliminary version of a document.
  14. Revise: To make changes to a document.
  15. Signatures: Written names or marks that signify agreement.
  16. Distribution: The act of sending out copies of a document.
  17. Secure location: A safe place to store documents.


  • Identifying the parties involved and their roles
  • Assessing the needs of each party
  • Assigning specific roles and responsibilities to each party
  • Outlining the purpose of the agreement and the obligations of each party
  • Clarifying the goals of the agreement
  • Setting out the expectations and rights of each party
  • Establishing the duration of the agreement and the conditions for termination
  • Defining the start and end dates of the agreement
  • Identifying any conditions or triggers that could lead to termination of the agreement
  • Specifying how disputes or breaches of the agreement will be resolved
  • Establishing criteria for determining a breach of the agreement
  • Establishing a process for addressing disputes
  • Developing a clear dispute resolution process
  • Establishing a timeline for resolving disputes
  • Establishing a method for documenting disputes
  • Defining the roles and responsibilities of each party in the dispute resolution process
  • Setting out the rules for communication between the parties
  • Specifying the methods of communication
  • Establishing a timeline for responding to communications
  • Defining the terms of payment and other financial aspects of the agreement
  • Identifying the payment amount, due date, and payment method
  • Specifying any additional costs or fees associated with the agreement
  • Drafting and signing the agreement
  • Preparing a draft agreement
  • Reviewing and revising the agreement
  • Obtaining signatures from all parties to the agreement
  • Distributing copies of the agreement
  • Making sure that each party has a signed copy of the agreement
  • Storing a copy of the agreement in a secure location

Get started

Identifying the parties involved and their roles

  • Identify all of the parties involved in the interim agreement and their roles
  • Discuss and agree on the roles and responsibilities each party has in the interim agreement
  • Make sure all parties are aware of what they are responsible for in the agreement
  • Document the roles and responsibilities of each in the interim agreement
  • When all of the parties have agreed and have signed off on the roles and responsibilities, this step can be checked off the list.

Assessing the needs of each party

  • Determine what each party wants out of the interim agreement
  • Discuss and agree on the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Identify areas of potential negotiation and make sure all interests are represented
  • Create a list of requirements and negotiate to come to a mutual agreement
  • Once all parties are in agreement, move to the next step
  • All parties should be in agreement before moving on to assign specific roles and responsibilities.

Assigning specific roles and responsibilities to each party

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of each party, such as who will provide the service, who will pay for the service, who is responsible for maintenance, etc.
  • Create a list of roles and responsibilities for each party.
  • Agree on the roles and responsibilities for each party, and make sure that it is reflected in the agreement.
  • When you are done, check that all roles and responsibilities have been assigned to each party and make sure it is reflected in the agreement.

Outlining the purpose of the agreement and the obligations of each party

  • Identify the purpose of the agreement and the obligations of each party
  • Outline the purpose of the agreement, the parties involved, and the obligations of each party
  • List any specific details that are important to the agreement
  • Specify the roles and responsibilities of each party
  • Discuss any potential consequences of not fulfilling the obligations of the agreement
  • Make sure all parties understand the terms of the agreement
  • When all parties have agreed to the terms of the agreement and the obligations of each party, you can move on to the next step.

Clarifying the goals of the agreement

  • Identify the purpose of the agreement and the objectives of each party
  • Discuss and agree on the specific goals that the agreement should achieve
  • Make sure that the goals are realistic and achievable within the set timeframe
  • Agree on how the goals are to be measured to evaluate the success of the agreement
  • Document the goals in writing and sign the agreement once all goals have been agreed upon

Once you have agreed on the goals of the agreement and documented them in writing, you have completed this step and can move on to the next step.

Setting out the expectations and rights of each party

  • Identify what each party expects from the agreement and what rights each party will have
  • Outline individual and collective responsibilities and expectations in the agreement
  • Make sure to include any and all conditions you or the other party would like to impose on the agreement
  • Have both parties sign the agreement to make it legally binding
  • Once both parties have agreed and signed the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing the duration of the agreement and the conditions for termination

• Discuss and agree on the length of the agreement, taking into account the needs of both parties.
• Determine the start and end dates of the agreement.
• Set out any conditions or clauses that will allow either party to terminate the agreement.
• Include a clause that outlines the consequences of early termination of the agreement.
• Make sure the agreement is clear and understandable to both parties.

Once you have discussed and agreed on the length of the agreement, determined the start and end dates of the agreement, set out the conditions or clauses for termination, and included a clause outlining the consequences of early termination of the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Defining the start and end dates of the agreement

  • Estimate how long the agreement will need to remain in effect and then set the start and end dates accordingly
  • Consider any existing contracts or timelines that could impact your start and end dates
  • Record the start and end dates in writing
  • Double-check with all parties involved that the dates are acceptable
  • Once the start and end dates have been agreed upon and recorded in writing, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying any conditions or triggers that could lead to termination of the agreement

  • Review the interim agreement to identify any potential conditions or triggers that could lead to termination of the agreement
  • Consider any potential events that might lead to termination of the agreement and identify them in the agreement
  • Outline any conditions or triggers that can lead to termination, such as performance issues or failure to comply with a set of terms and conditions
  • Ensure that the conditions or triggers are clearly defined in the agreement
  • Once all conditions or triggers have been identified and outlined in the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Specifying how disputes or breaches of the agreement will be resolved

  • Outline the procedures for resolving disagreements or disputes
  • Describe the process and timeline for resolving any disputes that may arise
  • Specify which party will be responsible for initiating the dispute resolution process
  • Identify the type of dispute resolution that will be used (e.g. mediation, arbitration)
  • Note that either party may be entitled to seek injunctive relief
  • List any other remedy or relief that is available to either party

Once all the information has been included in the agreement regarding how disputes and breaches of the agreement will be resolved, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing criteria for determining a breach of the agreement

  • Identify the specific behaviors and actions that are considered a breach of the agreement
  • Create a list of “red flags” that will help the parties easily identify a breach
  • Ensure that the criteria is clear and can be easily understood by both parties
  • Establish a timeline for resolving a breach when it occurs
  • When done, check off this step and move on to the next step: Establishing a process for addressing disputes.

Establishing a process for addressing disputes

  • Identify the types of disputes that may arise under the interim agreement
  • Research the most appropriate dispute resolution mechanisms for each type of dispute
  • Consider the costs and benefits associated with each dispute resolution option
  • Decide on the dispute resolution mechanisms that make the most sense for the interim agreement
  • Outline the dispute resolution process in the interim agreement
  • Check for any applicable state or federal laws that may require a specific dispute resolution process
  • When all of these steps are complete, you can move on to developing a clear dispute resolution process.

Developing a clear dispute resolution process

  • Identify the type of dispute resolution process that will be used: negotiation, mediation, or arbitration
  • Outline the process for initiating a dispute resolution process, including who will initiate it and when
  • Outline the criteria by which disputes will be determined
  • Identify the parties responsible for the dispute resolution process
  • Establish a timeline for resolving the dispute
  • When the dispute resolution process is complete, add it as a clause to the Interim Agreement

You can check this off your list when you have a dispute resolution process outlined, including the type of process, the criteria for determining the dispute, the parties responsible for it, and the timeline for resolving it.

Establishing a timeline for resolving disputes

  • Determine the length of time allowed for each party to respond to a dispute
  • Establish a timeline for responding to disputes, including deadlines for each step of the process
  • Make sure the timeline is included in the interim agreement
  • Check that all parties have agreed to and understand the timeline before signing the agreement
  • When the timeline is established and agreed upon, the step can be checked off the list and the next step can be taken.

Establishing a method for documenting disputes

  • Establish a written document that outlines the dispute resolution process, including the timeline, roles, and responsibilities of each party
  • Determine the format for the written document, such as a contract, memorandum of understanding (MOU), or other document
  • Draft the document in accordance with the agreed-upon format, including any necessary legal language
  • Make sure to reference the method for documenting disputes in the document
  • Review the document with both parties to ensure that it is accurate and comprehensive
  • When both parties have agreed on the document, have each party execute the document
  • You can check off this step when the document is completed, reviewed, and executed by both parties.

Defining the roles and responsibilities of each party in the dispute resolution process

  • Create a list of the specific roles and responsibilities for each party in the dispute resolution process
  • Identify who will be responsible for filing the documentation, providing feedback, attending meetings, and any other tasks related to the dispute resolution process
  • Make sure to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each party in the agreement so there is no confusion about who is expected to do what
  • Once all of the roles and responsibilities have been outlined in the agreement and both parties have agreed to them, you can check this step off and move on to the next one.

Setting out the rules for communication between the parties

  • Agree on the primary form of communication between the parties, such as email, telephone, or in-person meetings
  • Specify the language to be used for communication
  • Decide whether any documents need to be exchanged and, if so, the format for exchange
  • Establish a timeline for when communications should take place, such as deadlines for responses
  • Agree on the type of documents to be exchanged, such as signed documents, emails, or faxes
  • Put in place procedures for sending and receiving documents
  • Set out rules and expectations on the frequency of communication
  • Decide who is the primary contact for each party and how they should be addressed
  • Agree on a procedure for notifying each party if the other fails to respond

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once all the rules for communication between the parties have been agreed upon and documented.

Specifying the methods of communication

  • Decide what methods of communication will be used in the interim agreement, such as email, phone call, text, or video conference
  • Outline the details of each method (e.g. who will initiate the communication, how long they will wait to receive a response, etc.)
  • Include the contact information of each party
  • Establish a timeline for when each party must respond to the other
  • Agree that any communication sent or received via these methods will be considered valid
  • Include a clause that any disputes regarding communication methods or responses must be resolved through negotiation, not litigation

Once you have specified the methods of communication and outlined the details of each, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step of establishing a timeline for responding to communications.

Establishing a timeline for responding to communications

  • Discuss with the other party and agree on a timeline for when responses should be sent and received.
  • Agree on the length of time each party has to respond to the other’s communication, such as 48 hours.
  • Consider what happens if a response is late and agree on a suitable consequence.
  • Include the agreed timeline in the interim agreement.
  • Once the timeline is established and included in the agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step of defining the terms of payment and other financial aspects of the agreement.

Defining the terms of payment and other financial aspects of the agreement

  • Determine the payment amount, due date, and payment method
  • Specify any additional fees or costs associated with the agreement
  • List any potential penalties for late payments or non-payment
  • Outline any additional payment terms, such as payment schedules
  • Agree to a method of payment, such as a bank transfer or check
  • Include details regarding the currency in which payment will be made

Once these financial aspects have been determined, you can move on to the next step of identifying the payment amount, due date, and payment method.

Identifying the payment amount, due date, and payment method

  • Determine the payment amount: Consider the cost of goods/services provided, any additional fees, and/or interest, if applicable.
  • Establish the payment due date: Determine when the payment should be made to ensure both parties are clear on the timeline.
  • Identify the payment method: Consider any preferences either party may have on the payment method, such as cash, check, or online payment.
  • When you have finished identifying the payment amount, due date, and payment method, you can move on to the next step.

Specifying any additional costs or fees associated with the agreement

  • Determine if there are any additional costs or fees associated with the agreement.
  • If there are, create a list of all the costs and fees that are to be included.
  • Make sure to include details such as the amount of each cost or fee, when they need to be paid, and how.
  • Once the list of additional costs or fees has been created, add it to the agreement.
  • After this step is complete, you can move on to the next step which is drafting and signing the agreement.

Drafting and signing the agreement

  • Gather all the parties involved in the agreement and have them review the details of the agreement.
  • Ensure that all parties agree with the details of the agreement and that they are comfortable signing off on it.
  • Once all parties agree to the details of the agreement, prepare the interim agreement document.
  • Have each party review and sign the agreement.
  • File a copy of the agreement in a secure location.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all parties have reviewed and signed the agreement, you can move on to the next step of preparing a draft agreement.

Preparing a draft agreement

  • Gather all relevant information, documents and data related to the agreement
  • Identify the parties involved and the terms of the agreement
  • Research and review existing precedents and the applicable laws that must be taken into consideration
  • Draft the initial agreement, taking into account the parties’ interests, rights, obligations and expectations
  • Once the initial draft is ready, have each party review it and provide feedback
  • Make necessary revisions and adjustments to the draft agreement
  • When all parties are in agreement with the revised draft, you will have successfully completed this step.

Reviewing and revising the agreement

  • Carefully read through the draft agreement and make any necessary changes that are required
  • Ask any relevant parties to review the agreement and provide feedback on what changes should be made
  • Incorporate any changes that have been agreed upon by all parties
  • Make sure that you understand the agreement and that all parties agree to the terms
  • Check the agreement for any errors, typos, or inconsistencies
  • When all the changes have been made and all parties have agreed on the terms, you can move on to the next step.

Obtaining signatures from all parties to the agreement

  • Have all parties to the agreement review and sign the interim agreement.
  • Obtain a digital or physical copy of the signature from all parties.
  • Ensure that all signatures are witnessed and notarized if necessary.
  • Keep a copy of the agreement signed by all parties for your records.
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Distributing copies of the agreement

  • Ensure that each party to the agreement has a signed copy of the agreement
  • Allocate a copy of the agreement to each party and have them sign it
  • Once each party has signed the agreement, make sure that they have a copy of it
  • Check off this step when each party has a signed copy of the agreement

Making sure that each party has a signed copy of the agreement

  • Collect signed copies of the agreement from each party involved
  • Ensure all parties have their own copy of the agreement with their signature
  • Compare each signature to the original copy of the agreement to make sure they are valid
  • When all signatures have been matched and verified, you can move on to the next step
  • Store a copy of the agreement in a secure location.

Storing a copy of the agreement in a secure location

  • Keep a copy of the agreement in a safe, secure location, such as a locked filing cabinet, a safe, or a secure storage facility.
  • Double-check that all parties have signed the agreement before placing it in a secure location.
  • Make sure that all copies of the agreement are kept in a secure location.
  • Once you have securely stored a copy of the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: What is the purpose of an interim agreement?

Asked by Abigail on June 8th 2022.
A: An interim agreement is a contract used to formalise a business relationship between two or more parties on a temporary basis. It documents the terms, conditions and responsibilities of each party and allows them to operate and collaborate until a more permanent arrangement can be made. Interim agreements are often used when establishing joint ventures, business partnerships or other collaborative arrangements that require further negotiation or due diligence before a longer-term agreement can be agreed upon.

Q: Is an interim agreement legally binding?

Asked by Liam on April 27th 2022.
A: Yes, an interim agreement is a legally binding contract, so it is important that all parties involved understand their rights and obligations as defined in the document. Although the document may be temporary, it should still include all relevant terms and conditions that would be found in a regular contract. All parties must abide by these terms until a mutually satisfactory longer-term agreement can be negotiated and signed.

Q: What should I include in an interim agreement?

Asked by Ava on September 12th 2022.
A: An interim agreement should include all of the key elements of any contract, including the identification of each party involved, the purpose of the agreement, detailed provisions for how each party should act during the term of the agreement, any applicable laws or regulations that must be followed and any other relevant provisions. Additionally, it should contain information about how and when the agreement will end, such as expiration dates or conditions that must be met before it can be terminated.

Q: What are the differences between UK, USA and EU laws regarding interim agreements?

Asked by Noah on November 25th 2022.
A: Depending on which jurisdiction you are located in (UK, USA or EU), there may be some differences in terms of how an interim agreement is legally binding. In general, however, all three jurisdictions recognize that an interim agreement is a legally binding document and must be treated as such. In some cases, there may be additional requirements for specific provisions to be included in an interim agreement depending on where it is being executed. It is important to ensure that any document you sign meets the legal requirements for your jurisdiction.

Q: Can I make changes to an interim agreement after signing?

Asked by Emma on August 14th 2022.
A: Generally speaking, changes to an interim agreement can only be made if both parties agree to them in writing. This means that if one party wishes to make changes to the document after signing it they will need to get approval from all other parties involved before doing so. Additionally, changes made after signing may have unforeseen legal consequences and should only be done with guidance from a qualified lawyer who understands both your jurisdiction’s laws and the specific terms of your interim agreement.

Q: How long should an interim agreement last?

Asked by Logan on October 28th 2022.
A: The length of time that an interim agreement should last depends on several factors including the purpose of the document and the nature of the relationship between both parties involved. Generally speaking, an interim agreement should last no longer than one year unless there are extenuating circumstances that warrant a longer term. The length of time should also take into consideration any applicable laws or regulations governing how long such agreements can last in your jurisdiction.

Q: Does an interim agreement need to be signed by witnesses?

Asked by Olivia on March 17th 2022.
A: Generally speaking, an interim agreement does not need to be signed by witnesses unless it is being executed in a jurisdiction where this is required by law (such as certain states in the United States). Even if witnesses are not required, it may still be beneficial to have them present during signing as they can help provide additional evidence in case there are ever questions about the validity of the document later on down the line.

Q: Can I use digital signatures for my interim agreement?

Asked by Elijah on July 5th 2022.
A: Yes, digital signatures are becoming increasingly popular for signing contracts including interim agreements as they provide a secure way to authenticate documents without having to physically meet up with other parties involved in order to sign them. When using digital signatures for an interim agreement it is important to ensure that both parties have access to reliable internet connections as well as valid accounts with approved providers who offer digital signature services (such as DocuSign). It is also worth noting that not all jurisdictions recognize digital signatures for legal documents so it is important to check your local laws before proceeding with this option.

Q: How do I ensure my rights are protected under an interim agreement?

Asked by Benjamin on January 3rd 2022.
A: It is important to ensure that your rights are protected under any contract you sign, including an interim agreement, which means thoroughly reading through all relevant provisions before signing and making sure that any disputes or disagreements can be resolved quickly and fairly without either party suffering undue hardship or financial loss as a result of misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the document’s contents. Additionally, if possible it can also help to have a qualified lawyer review any documents you sign before they become legally binding so they can advise you on any areas where your rights could potentially be at risk or compromised due to ambiguous wording or other issues with the document’s contents.

Q: How do I know if my industry requires specific provisions in my interim agreement?

Asked by Michael on May 21st 2022.
A: Depending on what industry you work in there may be additional rules and regulations governing how business relationships should be documented which could require specific provisions to be included in your interim agreements (such as data protection clauses). It is important to research these requirements thoroughly before drafting your document so you can ensure you are compliant with all applicable laws while also protecting yourself from any potential risks associated with not meeting those requirements (such as fines or other legal penalties). Additionally, consulting with a qualified lawyer who has experience working with businesses in your sector may also help provide additional insight into what provisions might need to be included in order for your document to meet all necessary standards and regulations.

Example dispute

Possible Interim Agreement Lawsuits

  • A plaintiff might bring a lawsuit against a company that breaches the terms of an interim agreement. The plaintiff can request damages for breach of contract, loss of profits, or the return of any goods or services that were provided under the agreement.
  • If the agreement does not have a dispute resolution clause, the plaintiff may be able to sue in court. The plaintiff must prove that the defendant breached the terms of the agreement and that the plaintiff suffered damages as a result.
  • Damages may include compensation for direct losses, such as money paid under the agreement, as well as indirect losses, such as lost profits. The plaintiff may also be able to request attorneys’ fees, interest and other costs associated with the suit.
  • The plaintiff may be able to win if they can prove that the defendant breached the terms of the agreement, that the breach caused the plaintiff to suffer damages, and that the plaintiff is entitled to damages under the terms of the agreement.

Templates available (free to use)

Interim Agreement

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