Alex Denne
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Don't Miss Out These Clauses From Employment Agreements

23 Mar 2023
25 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Employment agreements are vital documents that outline the rights and duties of both employer and employee. Without a well-crafted agreement, both parties can find themselves in an uncertain and potentially expensive situation. Disputes can easily arise when one party does not comprehend their responsibilities or fails to meet the conditions in the agreement.

At Genie AI, we understand why employment agreements are so important. This single document regulates the relationship between employer and employee, setting out their commitments such as duties and expectations, legal obligations and what will happen if either party fails to comply with it.

The significance of having a well-written employment agreement is not to be taken lightly - it provides employers with assurance that both sides understand each other’s rights according to the document; similarly, it guards employees from potential disagreements down the line by making sure all is clear from the outset. Furthermore, having a legally binding contract gives employers a strong legal defense in case of disputes with employees.

In order for an employment agreement to be valid, certain clauses must be included in it; such as information on job title, remuneration or wages structure, hours of work and length of contract among others - all should be stipulated clearly within this document. Then there’s also added protection for both parties: non-disclosure agreement (to protect confidential information), non-compete clause (so employees cannot work for competitors) plus probationary period clause (for evaluation). Besides these clauses there are also indemnity provisions which protect against potential liabilities arising from employees’ actions as well as limitation of liability clauses limiting possible damages that can be claimed; not forgetting termination conditions plus dispute resolution mechanisms outlining how disputes should be handled.

The importance of including these vital clauses in an employment agreement is undeniable; they elucidate everyone’s rights while protecting everybody concerned from any future disagreements or misunderstandings - something our team at Genie AI deeply understands! As experts we highly recommend getting professional advice when drafting any Employment Agreement so that you are fully aware of your position before signing anything off; though fortunately our community template library allows people to draft up high quality legal documents without professional help completely free - so do make sure you check us out today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

General Clauses: Rules and regulations that provide the foundation of an employment agreement.
Specific Clauses: Clauses that provide more detail on the specifics of the agreement, such as rules about the employee not working for a competitor or disclosing confidential information.
Non-compete Clause: A clause that prohibits the employee from working for a competitor or starting their own business in the same industry.
Non-disclosure Clause: A clause that protects confidential information of the employer, such as trade secrets, customer lists, and financial records.
Confidentiality Clause: A clause that protects the employee’s personal information, such as salary and other benefits.
Legal Binding: A process that makes an agreement legally enforceable.
Enforceable: Capable of being enforced, meaning that an agreement can be legally enforced in a court of law.
Negotiation: A process of communication between two or more parties in order to reach an agreement.
Plain Language: Writing that is easy to understand and free of complicated legal terms.
Legally Compliant: Meeting the requirements of the law.
Disputes: A disagreement between two or more parties.
Revise: To make changes to an existing document.
Review: To look at something again in order to check it or evaluate it.
Execute: To sign a document, making it legally binding.


  • Overview of the different types of clauses that should be included in an employment agreement
  • Discussion of the importance of ensuring that both parties are adequately protected in the agreement
  • Explanation of the various clauses that should be included in an employment agreement, such as non-compete, non-disclosure, and confidentiality clauses
  • Information on how to ensure that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable
  • Tips on how to negotiate an agreement that is beneficial to both parties
  • Guidance on how to ensure that the agreement is legally compliant with state and federal laws
  • Advice on what to do if there are disputes or disagreements between the parties
  • Discussion of how to review and revise an employment agreement if necessary
  • Reviewing the terms of the agreement with legal counsel to ensure accuracy and legality
  • Developing a plan for the implementation and enforcement of the agreement
  • Identifying potential risks associated with the agreement and how to address them
  • Establishing a timeline for the negotiation process and setting deadlines for any revisions or updates
  • Instruction on how to sign and execute the agreement in accordance with applicable laws
  • Outlining the consequences for violations of the agreement
  • Establishing a plan for periodic reviews of the agreement and any applicable changes in the law

Get started

Overview of the different types of clauses that should be included in an employment agreement

  • Identify the key clauses that should be included in the employment agreement, such as terms of employment, confidentiality, non-compete, and dispute resolution.
  • Research the relevant laws and regulations that should be taken into account when drafting the agreement.
  • Consider adding additional clauses such as non-solicitation, intellectual property, and termination clauses.
  • Check with a trusted legal advisor to make sure that the clauses you’ve included are valid and enforceable.

Once you have identified and added the necessary clauses, you can move on to the next step in the guide.

Discussion of the importance of ensuring that both parties are adequately protected in the agreement

  • Understand the importance of both parties being adequately protected in an employment agreement
  • Know the different types of clauses that can be included in the agreement, such as non-compete, non-disclosure, and confidentiality agreements
  • Review the agreement to ensure that both parties are adequately protected
  • Work with an experienced lawyer or other professional to ensure that the provisions are legally binding and enforceable
  • Check off this step when both parties are satisfied that the agreement adequately protects their interests.

Explanation of the various clauses that should be included in an employment agreement, such as non-compete, non-disclosure, and confidentiality clauses

  • Understand the purpose and implications of each clause: Non-compete clauses limit the ability of an employee to work for a competitor, Non-disclosure clauses protect confidential information, and Confidentiality clauses protect the company’s trade secrets.
  • Explore the options available: Non-compete clauses should be tailored to the employee’s role and responsibilities and should consider their geographic range, duration, and scope. Non-disclosure and confidentiality clauses should be tailored to the needs of the company and the types of information that should be protected.
  • Research relevant case law: To ensure enforceability, research any case law related to the types of clauses you are including in the agreement.
  • Draft the clauses: Once you have a good understanding of the purpose and implications of the clauses, draft them into the agreement.

You will know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have a comprehensive understanding of the purpose and implications of the clauses, have explored the options available, researched relevant case law, and drafted the clauses into the agreement.

Information on how to ensure that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable

• Ensure that both parties have signed the agreement, and that each party has a signed copy.
• Make sure that the agreement is in writing and is comprehensive enough to cover all the relevant issues.
• Check that the agreement is clear and unambiguous and that all relevant details are included in the agreement including the date of commencement, duration, and nature of the employment.
• Have the agreement reviewed by a qualified legal professional to ensure that it is legally enforceable and that it complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
• When you are ready to move on to the next step, you will know that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable.

Tips on how to negotiate an agreement that is beneficial to both parties

  • Compile a list of key points to address during negotiations
  • Research the relevant laws and regulations related to the agreement
  • Establish the main goals and objectives of both parties
  • Draft the agreement so that it is mutually beneficial
  • Make sure that all terms, conditions, and expectations are clearly articulated in the agreement
  • Exchange, review, and negotiate the agreement until both parties are satisfied
  • Have the agreement reviewed by a lawyer or other professional
  • Sign and date the agreement when all parties have agreed to the terms

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
Once both parties have agreed to and signed the agreement, you can move on to the next step in the guide.

Guidance on how to ensure that the agreement is legally compliant with state and federal laws

  • Familiarize yourself with the applicable state and federal laws that are relevant to the agreement.
  • Make sure that all of the clauses in the agreement are compliant with state and federal laws.
  • Make sure that the agreement does not contain any language that is contrary to applicable state and federal laws.
  • Have the agreement reviewed by an attorney to ensure that the agreement is legally compliant with state and federal laws.

Once the agreement is reviewed and all of the clauses are compliant with state and federal laws, you can check it off your list and move on to the next step.

Advice on what to do if there are disputes or disagreements between the parties

  • Consult with a lawyer to make sure you understand the legal requirements for resolving any disputes or disagreements between the parties.
  • Make sure that the employment agreement clearly outlines the process for resolving any disputes or disagreements between the parties.
  • Put provisions in the agreement that provide the parties with the right to go to mediation or arbitration to resolve any disputes or disagreements.
  • Include an agreement on how to handle any damages or costs that may arise from any disputes or disagreements.
  • Include a clause in the agreement that states that any disputes or disagreements must be handled in a certain jurisdiction or court.

Once you have considered these points and included any relevant clauses in the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Discussion of how to review and revise an employment agreement if necessary

  • Carefully read through the proposed employment agreement and make sure all the details are correct
  • Check for any omissions or discrepancies that need to be addressed
  • Revise the agreement to address any issues that arise
  • Make sure the agreement is legally compliant and that both parties are satisfied with its contents
  • When all revisions have been made and both parties have agreed on the terms, the agreement is ready to be signed
  • You will know when you have completed this step when all parties have agreed on the contents of the agreement and it is ready to be signed.

Reviewing the terms of the agreement with legal counsel to ensure accuracy and legality

  • Schedule a meeting with a legal professional to review and discuss the terms of the employment agreement
  • Bring all hardcopy and digital documents related to the agreement to the meeting
  • Discuss any concerns or possible modifications to the agreement with the legal counsel
  • Ask the legal professional to point out any clauses in the agreement that may need to be altered for legal reasons
  • Make sure to have the legal professional sign off on the agreement once all modifications have been completed

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You will know that you have completed this step when the legal professional has signed off on the agreement and all modifications have been made according to their recommendations.

Developing a plan for the implementation and enforcement of the agreement

  • Determine what steps need to be taken to ensure the agreement is being implemented and enforced
  • Identify any potential risks associated with the agreement, such as non-compliance or breach of contract
  • Develop a plan for how to address any potential risks that may arise
  • Create a timeline for the implementation and enforcement of the agreement
  • Establish a system for monitoring and tracking compliance with the agreement
  • When the plan is complete, review it with legal counsel and make any necessary changes
  • When the plan has been thoroughly reviewed and approved, it is ready for implementation and enforcement

Identifying potential risks associated with the agreement and how to address them

  • Review the agreement to identify any potential risks (i.e. legal, financial and reputational risks).
  • Identify any clauses that could adversely impact the company, and analyze how to address them in the agreement.
  • Consider any potential clauses that could protect the company, such as indemnity and limitation of liability provisions.
  • Speak to a legal expert to ensure that the risks have been fully assessed.

Once you have identified, analyzed and addressed all the potential risks, you can move on to the next step, which is establishing a timeline for the negotiation process and setting deadlines for any revisions or updates.

Establishing a timeline for the negotiation process and setting deadlines for any revisions or updates

  • Decide on a timeline for the negotiations and a deadline for any revisions or updates
  • Create a timeline of events to track the progress of the negotiations
  • Set a timeline for the completion of the negotiations, including a deadline for any revisions or updates
  • Establish a timeline for the completion of the agreement, including a deadline for any revisions or updates
  • Once the timeline and deadlines have been established, the parties should move forward with the negotiations
  • Check off this step when the timeline and deadlines have been agreed upon and the parties are ready to move on to the next step.

Instruction on how to sign and execute the agreement in accordance with applicable laws

  • Determine where the agreement should be executed and signed: Depending on the jurisdiction, the agreement may need to be signed and executed in front of a notary public or witnessed by at least two people.
  • Collect all the necessary signatures: Make sure to get all the required signatures from the parties involved in the agreement.
  • Obtain multiple copies: After the signing process is complete, make sure to obtain multiple copies of the agreement for all the parties involved.
  • File the agreement: Depending on the jurisdiction, you may need to file the agreement with the relevant authorities.
  • Check this off your list: Once all the parties involved have signed the agreement and all the necessary copies have been obtained, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Outlining the consequences for violations of the agreement

  • Draft a clause that outlines the specific consequences for any violations of the agreement.
  • Include a statement that makes clear the consequences for any breach of the agreement, including any legal action that may be taken.
  • Consider and specify any damages that may be incurred by either party in the event of a breach.
  • Once the clause has been completed and agreed upon by both parties, the step is complete.

Establishing a plan for periodic reviews of the agreement and any applicable changes in the law

  • Put together a plan that includes regular reviews of the agreement as well as any changes in the law that may affect the agreement
  • Identify the frequency at which the reviews should take place and how to ensure that the reviews take place
  • Include the date of the last review and the date of the next review in the agreement
  • Ensure that the agreement is updated according to any changes in the law
  • Check off this step when you have established the plan for periodic reviews of the agreement and any applicable changes in the law.


Q: How does the jurisdiction in the UK differ from the USA and EU when it comes to clauses in employment agreements?

Asked by Valerie on 26th April 2022.
A: The UK, USA and EU all have different legal systems and frameworks which govern the rights and obligations of employers and employees. Generally speaking, the UK has a more employee-friendly approach than the US or EU. In terms of clauses in employment agreements, there are more restrictions on employers in the UK than in the US or EU. For example, in the UK it is generally not permissible to include clauses that limit an employee’s right to claim unfair dismissal or breach of contract. There are also more restrictions on employers when it comes to restrictive covenants such as non-compete clauses. In the US, such clauses are commonplace and generally enforceable, whereas in the UK they are much more restricted and only enforceable if certain conditions are met.

Q: What should I do if I’m unsure whether I need an employment agreement?

Asked by Steven on 13th June 2022.
A: Whether or not you need an employment agreement depends on a number of factors including your industry, sector and business model (SaaS, Technology or B2B for example). Generally speaking, it is always a good idea to enter into an employment agreement with your employees as this will provide you with legal protection should any disputes arise between you and your employee. An employment agreement can also help to clarify both parties’ rights and responsibilities in relation to their employment. If you are unsure whether you need an employment agreement, it is recommended that you speak to a lawyer who specialises in employment law for advice on what is best for your particular situation.

Q: How can I ensure my employment agreement is tailored to my specific needs?

Asked by Janet on 8th August 2022.
A: It is important to ensure that any employment agreements you enter into are tailored to your specific needs. To do this, you should consult with a lawyer who specialises in employment law and has experience in drafting contracts which are tailored to your particular industry and business model (SaaS, Technology or B2B for example). Your lawyer will be able to advise you on what provisions should be included in your agreement and how these should be worded to protect both you and your employee. Once your agreement has been drafted, it is also important that you regularly review it to ensure that it continues to reflect any changes in your business or industry.

Example dispute

Lawsuit Regarding Employment Agreement

  • Plaintiff may raise a lawsuit referencing an employment agreement if they feel that the agreement has been violated, or if there was an issue with how the agreement was entered into.
  • The plaintiff would need to demonstrate that the employment agreement was valid and legally binding, and that the employer failed to abide by the terms of the agreement.
  • Common issues that could lead to a lawsuit include non-payment of wages, wrongful termination, or not providing the stated benefits outlined in the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may be able to seek damages for any losses due to the breach of the employment agreement.
  • The court may also order the employer to comply with the terms of the agreement, or may set aside the contract if it finds that it is invalid.
  • Settlement may be reached through negotiation or mediation, or a judgment may be issued by the court.
  • If damages are awarded, they might be calculated based on the amount of wages and benefits the plaintiff was entitled to under the agreement.

Templates available (free to use)

Contingent Employment Agreement
Director Employment Agreement
Employment Agreement
Employment Agreement Amendment
Employment Agreement Extension
Executive Employment Agreement
Executive Employment Agreements
Individual Employment Agreement
Letter Employment Agreement
New Employment Agreement
Physician Employment Agreement
Senior Employment Agreement Genie
Separation Of Employment Agreement And General Release
Temporary Employment Agreement
Termination Of Employment Agreement
Vice President Employment Agreement

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