Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Deal with Distributors

23 Mar 2023
28 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Having a well-defined relationship with a distributor is essential for the success of any business. Without one, businesses risk poor customer service, costly disputes, and underperformance. To ensure an effective relationship with a distributor, the Genie AI team recommends taking several steps to define and protect both parties.

Firstly, it is important to clearly outline roles and responsibilities for each party; including expectations for customer service, product delivery and payment terms. Additionally, understanding the distributor’s pricing and discount structure is also integral in order to have an effective agreement in place.

Moreover, clockwork communication between both parties is key – providing feedback on product performance and customer service while discussing changes in pricing or discounts should be part of your routine dialogue. Furthermore, having clear contracts that protect each side from potential conflicts is essential; these must be adhered to in order to maintain trust between both sides of the partnership.

Finally – leveraging the expertise of your distributor can help businesses remain competitive by giving insights into customer behavior and trends in the marketplace which can ultimately increase sales and profitability. Genie AI provides free templates that anyone can use to draft high quality legal documents without paying a lawyer - read on below for our step-by-step guidance on how you can access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Goals and Objectives: A set of results that an organization or individual hopes to achieve.
Plan: A plan is a detailed outline of how to reach a goal.
Relationship: The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.
Check-ins: A meeting or conversation to assess the status of a project or relationship.
Trust: Belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.
Dialogue: A conversation or discussion between two or more groups or people.
Negotiation: A discussion between two or more people intended to reach an agreement.
Training and Education: A process of providing knowledge and skills to individuals.
Performance Measurement: The process of assessing how well an individual or organization is meeting specific goals.
Rewards and Incentives: Something given or received in exchange for effort or achievement.
Problem Resolution: A process of addressing and resolving issues.
Reporting: The process of providing information about a situation, activity, or progress.
Evaluation and Refinement: The process of assessing the effectiveness of a plan or process and making changes as necessary.


  • Establishing Goals and Objectives
  • Identifying specific goals and objectives of the relationship
  • Developing a plan to ensure that both parties are working towards the same goals
  • Building Relationships
  • Scheduling regular meetings and check-ins with the distributor
  • Investing the time to build trust and understanding between the business and the distributor
  • Communication
  • Developing a clear communication strategy
  • Establishing an effective communication system that allows for two-way dialogue between the two parties
  • Negotiation
  • Discussing and agreeing on terms that benefit both parties
  • Training and Education
  • Determining the knowledge and skills needed by distributors
  • Giving distributors the knowledge and skills needed to be successful
  • Performance Measurement
  • Regularly assessing the performance and success of the relationship
  • Rewards and Incentives
  • Creating a system of rewards and incentives to motivate distributors to reach their goals
  • Problem Resolution
  • Establishing protocols for addressing any issues that arise within the relationship
  • Developing strategies to address any issues that arise within the relationship
  • Reporting
  • Establishing a process for regular reporting on performance and progress
  • Evaluation and Refinement
  • Assessing the success of the relationship on a regular basis and making adjustments as necessary

Get started

Establishing Goals and Objectives

  • Make a list of what you want to achieve with your distributor relationship
  • Consider what you need from the distributor and what the distributor needs from you
  • Establish mutual goals and objectives that you both can agree upon
  • Ensure that these objectives are measurable, realistic and achievable
  • Document the goals and objectives in a formal agreement
  • When you have a formal agreement outlining the goals and objectives, you have established the basis for a successful partnership and can move on to the next step.

Identifying specific goals and objectives of the relationship

  • Identify the company’s goals and objectives in working with the distributor
  • Clarify the desired outcome of the partnership
  • Determine what resources need to be put in place to achieve the desired outcome
  • Discuss how success will be measured
  • Establish clear communication expectations
  • When all goals, objectives, and expectations are identified, documented, and agreed upon, then this step is complete.

Developing a plan to ensure that both parties are working towards the same goals

  • Clarify responsibilities and expectations for both parties
  • Create a timeline and deadlines for specific tasks
  • Discuss a resolution process for any potential issues
  • Set up a meeting schedule for check-ins and progress updates
  • Draft an agreement outlining the points discussed
  • When both parties agree to the plan and sign the agreement, you can check this off your list and move onto the next step.

Building Relationships

  • Establishing a good rapport with the distributor by getting to know their team and understanding their goals
  • Explaining your goals, mission and strategy to the distributor so they have a clear understanding of what you’re aiming for
  • Making sure that the distributor understands their role and duties in the relationship and are willing to work to achieve the same goals
  • Having regular conversations with the distributor and being open to feedback and suggestions

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When the distributor is on board and understands their role in the relationship
  • When you have a good working relationship with the distributor and they are willing to work towards the same goals
  • When you have a mutual understanding of the expectations and responsibilities of each party.

Scheduling regular meetings and check-ins with the distributor

  • Reach out to the distributor to schedule regular meetings
  • Set expectations on what will be discussed at the meetings
  • Establish a timeline for when the meetings will occur
  • Make sure to involve the right people from both organizations
  • Use the meetings to review business goals and objectives
  • Identify any potential issues or concerns and address them
  • Track progress and make necessary adjustments
  • Use the meetings to ensure that the relationship is strong
  • When the meetings are consistently scheduled and held, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Investing the time to build trust and understanding between the business and the distributor

  • Take time to get to know the distributor’s business, values, and goals
  • Look for commonalities in your interests and objectives
  • Demonstrate a genuine interest in the distributor’s success
  • Establish a level of trust and understanding in the relationship
  • Be willing to compromise and find a middle ground
  • Be open and honest about the goals and objectives of your business
  • Show appreciation for their work and time

You will know when you have built trust and understanding with the distributor when there is a level of mutual trust and respect in the relationship. Additionally, there should be a mutual understanding of the goals and objectives of each party.


  • Establish a process for communication between the business and the distributor. This could include a regular check-in call, emails, or a designated contact person.
  • Set expectations for how often the communication should take place (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).
  • Ensure that the communication is effective and professional.
  • Document the communication process and discussion points for future reference.

Once the communication process is established and the expectations are set, you can move on to the next step.

Developing a clear communication strategy

  • Establish regular meetings with distributors to discuss strategies, goals, and objectives
  • Set clear expectations for your distributors, including response times and expectations for customer service
  • Develop clear communication protocols that both parties agree to in order to ensure that communication is efficient and effective
  • Create a system for tracking conversations and responses
  • Document any agreements and decisions that are made during meetings
  • Develop a process for addressing any disputes or misunderstandings

Once these protocols have been put into place, you can move on to establishing an effective communication system that allows for two-way dialogue between the two parties.

Establishing an effective communication system that allows for two-way dialogue between the two parties

  • Determine the best way to establish communication between the two parties, such as in-person meetings, phone calls, emails, video conferences, etc.
  • Set up methods which both parties can use to effectively communicate, such as a shared email folder or group chat.
  • Encourage two-way dialogue by inviting feedback, ideas and solutions from both parties.
  • Identify and agree on the communication protocols that both parties should adhere to.
  • Take the necessary steps to ensure that all communication is secure, private, and confidential.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You have established an effective communication system which allows for two-way dialogue between the two parties.
  • All communication protocols have been agreed upon and are being adhered to.
  • Both parties are actively engaging in two-way dialogue and providing feedback, ideas, and solutions.


  • Prepare a list of points you’d like to negotiate with the distributor
  • Establish the boundaries of the negotiation and have a clear understanding of what you both expect
  • Consider the distributor’s perspective when negotiating and be prepared to compromise
  • Take notes during the negotiation, so all points are documented
  • Reach an agreement that is satisfactory to both parties
  • Get the agreement in writing
  • When both parties sign off on the agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Discussing and agreeing on terms that benefit both parties

  • Identify the key terms and conditions that should be included in the agreement
  • Examine any legal and regulatory requirements that are applicable to the agreement
  • Draft the agreement using the key terms and conditions identified
  • Negotiate the agreement with the distributor to ensure that both parties understand and agree to the terms
  • Ask questions and raise any issues that arise during negotiations
  • Make any necessary changes to the agreement to ensure that both parties are satisfied
  • Sign and finalize the agreement
  • Once both parties have signed the agreement, you can move on to the next step of training and education.

Training and Education

  • Set up a training program for distributors
  • Include topics such as product knowledge and sales techniques
  • Make sure that the training is comprehensive and up-to-date
  • Provide materials such as marketing collateral and product information
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the training program by conducting regular assessments
  • Offer incentives for distributors who complete the training program

Once the training program has been established and the distributors have been trained, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Determining the knowledge and skills needed by distributors

  • Talk to existing distributors to find out what knowledge and skills are needed for success
  • Research the industry to identify the knowledge and skills needed to be successful
  • Make a list of the knowledge and skills needed to be successful
  • Assess the current knowledge and skills of existing distributors
  • Compare the knowledge and skills needed to the current knowledge and skills of existing distributors

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When you have identified the knowledge and skills needed by distributors and have compared it to the current knowledge and skills of existing distributors, you can proceed to the next step.

Giving distributors the knowledge and skills needed to be successful

  • Identify the key knowledge and skills needed for success, such as product knowledge, customer service skills, and sales techniques
  • Develop and implement training programs to ensure your distributors are equipped with the skills and knowledge to be successful
  • Measure the effectiveness of the training program and track the progress of each distributor
  • Provide ongoing support to help ensure the success of each distributor

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once the training program has been implemented and each distributor has been trained, and the effectiveness of the program has been measured, you can move on to the next step of Performance Measurement.

Performance Measurement

  • Establish performance goals with each distributor and create metrics to measure performance
  • Regularly check in with distributors to review performance metrics and goals
  • Identify areas of improvement and provide feedback to distributors
  • Make adjustments to goals, metrics, and feedback as needed
  • Celebrate success and reward distributors for meeting or exceeding goals
  • Once performance goals have been established and performance is regularly assessed, you can move on to the next step.

Regularly assessing the performance and success of the relationship

  • Set up regular performance reviews with your distributors to measure the success of the relationship
  • Use qualitative and quantitative metrics to assess the distributor’s performance
  • Identify areas of improvement and discuss strategies with the distributor
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies implemented
  • Monitor the progress of the distributor and make sure that goals are being met
  • When you are satisfied with the performance of the distributor, you can move on to the next step of assessing the rewards and incentives.

Rewards and Incentives

  • Develop a rewards and incentives system tailored to individual performance
  • Design rewards or incentives that are relevant to distributors’ goals and motivate them to reach their targets
  • Provide rewards and incentives in the form of monetary or non-monetary awards
  • Analyze what motivates distributors and create incentives accordingly
  • Track and measure the impact of the rewards and incentives system

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • You have created a rewards and incentives system tailored to individual performance
  • Distributors are actively motivated and engaged through the rewards and incentives system
  • You have tracked and measured the impact of the rewards and incentives system

Creating a system of rewards and incentives to motivate distributors to reach their goals

  • Identify key goals that distributors need to reach, as well as any other incentives that will help them reach those goals
  • Create a system of rewards and incentives that will help motivate distributors to reach their goals
  • Monitor progress and provide feedback to distributors on their performance
  • Adjust the system as needed to ensure that the rewards and incentives are still motivating distributors to reach their goals
  • When you can see that distributors are consistently reaching their goals, you can move on to the next step: Problem Resolution.

Problem Resolution

  • Set up regular meetings with distributors to discuss any issues that arise
  • Hold brainstorming sessions on how to address any problems
  • Listen to any feedback and suggestions from distributors to help identify potential solutions
  • Establish protocols for how to proceed if a problem occurs
  • Have clear guidelines on how to address problems so that everyone involved knows how to proceed
  • Document any resolutions agreed upon and ensure that everyone is aware and compliant with the protocols
  • Monitor the resolution process to ensure that any issues are addressed in a timely manner

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When protocols for addressing any issues that arise within the relationship have been established and documented.

Establishing protocols for addressing any issues that arise within the relationship

  • Set up a procedure for how both sides will handle any issues that arise during the relationship.
  • Develop a system for tracking and documenting any issues that arise.
  • Create a protocol to be followed when addressing any issues, including a timeline for addressing them.
  • Agree on how each side will communicate any issues that arise.
  • Decide on a process for escalating any unresolved issues.
  • Determine a system for resolving any disagreements that may arise.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When both sides have agreed to the protocols and strategies for addressing any issues that may arise.

Developing strategies to address any issues that arise within the relationship

  • Establish a formal problem-solving process that both parties agree to follow
  • Develop a collaborative approach to resolving issues that focuses on finding common ground
  • Identify and prioritize any potential areas of conflict in the relationship
  • Develop an action plan that outlines specific steps for addressing and resolving any issues that arise
  • Monitor the progress of the plan and make adjustments as needed
  • When the plan has been successfully implemented and any issues are resolved, check this off your list and move on to the next step.


  • Establish a process for regular reporting on performance and progress with the distributor
  • Determine which metrics to use to measure success of the relationship
  • Create a reporting schedule that works for both parties
  • Identify a reporting format that is easy to review and understand
  • Discuss and agree on the frequency of the reports
  • Ensure both parties understand the process and expectations
  • Once reporting process is established, measure and monitor performance
  • Make sure to share any changes in the reporting process with the distributor
  • Keep track of performance and progress and make updates as needed
  • Make sure to review the reports regularly to assess the success of the relationship

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once the reporting process is established and agreed upon.

Establishing a process for regular reporting on performance and progress

  • Develop measurable goals that you and the distributor can work towards
  • Set regular reporting periods (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc)
  • Determine which metrics you’ll use to measure performance, like sales, customer satisfaction, etc.
  • Decide how you’ll collect and organize data for the reports
  • Create a template for the reports or use software to automate reporting
  • Make sure you and the distributor understand what the report will look like
  • Discuss how you’ll use the reports to inform decisions and adjust tactics
  • When you and the distributor have agreed on a process for regular reporting, check it off your list and move on to the next step (Evaluation and Refinement)

Evaluation and Refinement

  • Set up a system to regularly review and evaluate performance of the distributor
  • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success of the relationship
  • Monitor progress towards these KPIs on a regular basis
  • Track progress on an ongoing basis to identify areas of improvement
  • Collect feedback from both parties to further refine the relationship and identify areas of opportunity
  • Analyze performance data to identify trends and areas for improvement
  • Make adjustments to the process as necessary to ensure maximum effectiveness

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have established a system for regularly reviewing and evaluating performance of the distributor, set up key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success of the relationship, and monitored progress towards these KPIs on a regular basis.

Assessing the success of the relationship on a regular basis and making adjustments as necessary

  • Track business metrics across all distributors (e.g. sales, profitability, customer satisfaction)
  • Analyze data to identify trends, successes and areas of improvement
  • Schedule regular check-ins with distributors to discuss progress
  • Make necessary adjustments to the relationship in order to ensure success
  • Ensure that both parties are satisfied with the relationship
  • When you’re confident that the relationship is successful and both parties are satisfied, you can move on to the next step.


Example dispute

Lawsuit Against Distributor

  • Plaintiff may raise a lawsuit against a distributor for a variety of reasons, such as breach of contract, failure to deliver goods/services, false advertising, or breach of warranties.
  • In order to win a lawsuit against a distributor, the plaintiff must present sufficient evidence to support their claim. This can include documents such as contracts, invoices, or evidence of the distributor’s failure to fulfill their obligations.
  • The plaintiff must also prove that they suffered damages as a result of the distributor’s actions. This could include lost profits, physical damage, or other types of harm.
  • The plaintiff may seek monetary damages, or they may seek an injunction to prevent the distributor from engaging in future actions that harm the plaintiff.
  • If the plaintiff is successful, the court may award damages to the plaintiff. In addition, the court may order the distributor to take steps to rectify the situation and make whole the plaintiff.

Templates available (free to use)

Distribution Contract Distributor Friendly
Distribution Contract Distributor Friendly Simple
Distribution Contract Distributor Friendly Simple California
Distribution Contract Distributor Friendly Simple New York
Distribution Contract Distributor Friendly Simple Texas
Exclusive Distribution Contract Distributor Friendly Short Form
Exclusive Distribution Contract Distributor Friendly Simple Texas
Master Distributor Agreement
Policy On Purchases From Physician Owned Distributors Pods
Pro Producer Distributor Agreement
Standard Distribution Agreement To Appoint Non Exclusive Distributor
Standard Selective Distribution Contract For Appointing A Distributor
Terms Conditions For Online Sales By Distributors Or Resellers To Businesses

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