Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Creating an Installation Agreement

23 Mar 2023
35 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


From small home repairs to large-scale industrial projects, an installation agreement is a crucial document that helps protect the interests of both parties involved. By outlining expectations, terms and conditions associated with the project, it ensures that all parties are clear on their roles and responsibilities and that outcomes are satisfactory.

In my experience as a legal professional, I’ve seen cases where an installation agreement has not been in place or was poorly drafted - leading to costly disputes and unsatisfactory outcomes. It is therefore important for installers and clients alike to take the time to draft a comprehensive installation agreement prior to starting any project.

A well-crafted document should include specific details about the scope of work being carried out, such as materials required, methods of installation and safety measures that must be taken. It should also clearly outline warranties and guarantees associated with the project as well as who is responsible for any additional costs or damages incurred during the process. This allows both parties to have a clear understanding of their rights & obligations which helps reduce risk of disputes or misunderstandings down the line.

The Genie AI team understands this importance which is why we provide free access to our open source legal template library - giving anyone access to market-standard installation agreements without needing a lawyer’s input or expensive fees. As part of our commitment towards making legal documents accessible for all clients’ needs, we offer step-by-step guidance below on how best you can use our template library today - so no matter your budget size or complexity requirements you can make sure you’re protected accordingly against potential issues throughout your project lifecycle.

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Installation Agreement - A legally-binding contract between two parties outlining their responsibilities and obligations in regards to an installation or repair job.
Terms of the Agreement - A statement that outlines the conditions, responsibilities and payment details between two parties involved in an installation or repair job.
Payment Terms - The details of how money will be exchanged between two parties involved in an installation or repair job.
Performance Standards - The expectations for how the installation or repair job should be completed.
Liability Release - A clause that states that both parties involved in an installation or repair job are not responsible for any damages or losses related to the job.
Warranties - A guarantee that covers an installation or repair job that outlines what is and isn’t covered.
Termination - A clause outlining the conditions under which an installation or repair job agreement can be ended.
Dispute Resolution - A clause outlining the process for resolving conflicts between two parties involved in an installation or repair job.
Notices - A clause outlining the method and timeframe for delivering formal communication between two parties involved in an installation or repair job.
Signatures - A clause indicating where both parties involved in an installation or repair job must sign and date the agreement to make it legally binding.


  • Introduction
  • A brief overview of the purpose and scope of the installation agreement
  • Terms of the Agreement
  • A description of the terms of the agreement, including any special conditions
  • A clear delineation of the responsibilities of both parties
  • Payment Terms
  • A detailed outline of how payment will be made
  • A schedule for payments
  • A clause outlining payment timelines and late fees
  • Performance Standards
  • A set of performance standards that both parties must adhere to
  • A clause outlining the consequences for failing to meet performance standards
  • Liability Release
  • A clause stating that both parties release each other from any liability related to the installation
  • Warranties
  • A description of any warranties that cover the installation
  • A clause outlining what is and is not covered
  • Termination
  • A clause outlining the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated
  • Dispute Resolution
  • A clause outlining how disputes between the parties will be resolved
  • A clause outlining how disputes will be escalated if necessary
  • Notices
  • A clause outlining the mechanism by which notices may be served
  • A clause outlining the timeframe within which such notices must be served
  • Signatures
  • A place for both parties to sign and date the agreement
  • A clause outlining the legal effect of the signatures

Get started


  • Familiarize yourself with the purpose and scope of the installation agreement
  • Understand the responsibilities of both parties involved in the agreement
  • Research any applicable laws or regulations that may apply to the agreement
  • Decide on the applicable terms and conditions that are suitable for the agreement
  • When you have a complete understanding of the purpose and scope of the agreement, you are ready to move on to the next step.

A brief overview of the purpose and scope of the installation agreement

  • Understand what the installation agreement is and why it is needed
  • Research the terms that should be included in the agreement
  • Draft a document outlining the agreement and its terms
  • Go through the document with the other party to ensure understanding
  • Revise the document as needed
  • Finalize the document and have both parties sign it
  • Keep a copy of the agreement for both parties

Once all the points have been checked off, the step is complete and you can move on to the next step.

Terms of the Agreement

  • Brainstorm a list of terms and conditions that should be included in the installation agreement, such as payment terms, delivery terms, warranties, and restrictions on use.
  • Consider any special conditions that may apply, such as specific geographic restrictions or industry-specific requirements.
  • Draft the terms of the agreement and have it reviewed by legal counsel to make sure all necessary points are included and that it complies with applicable laws.
  • Finalize the agreement and have both parties sign it to make it legally binding.
  • Once the installation agreement has been finalized, you can move on to the next step of the guide.

A description of the terms of the agreement, including any special conditions

  • Draft a description that outlines the terms of the agreement, such as payment terms, the scope and duration of the project, and any special conditions that need to be met
  • Include how the parties will interact with each other during the installation, such as whether one party will provide materials, or if the other will provide services
  • Make sure to include any applicable warranties and liabilities that are applicable to the agreement
  • When complete, review the agreement for accuracy and make any necessary changes before signing
  • Once finalized, both parties should sign the agreement for it to take effect
  • After both parties have signed the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step

A clear delineation of the responsibilities of both parties

• Draft a section in the agreement that outlines the responsibilities of each party. This should include a description of what each party is expected to do and how they will cooperate with the other.
• Ensure that each party is obligated to carry out the activities that are outlined in the agreement.
• Make sure that the delineation of responsibilities is clear and unambiguous.
• Make sure that the delineation of responsibilities allows for any future modifications to the agreement.
• When you are satisfied with the delineation of responsibilities, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Payment Terms

  • Set up a payment plan between the two parties
  • Outline the amount that needs to be paid and the timeline for making the payments
  • Agree on the payment method, including cash, check, credit card, etc.
  • Include any applicable taxes and fees
  • Specify any late payment penalties
  • Both parties should sign off on the payment terms
  • Once the payment plan is agreed upon, both parties can move on to the next step in the installation agreement

A detailed outline of how payment will be made

  • Determine the total cost of the installation and agree on the payment details with the customer.
  • Outline any applicable taxes and fees associated with the installation.
  • Specify payment deadlines and a timeline for payment installments, if applicable.
  • Establish the payment method and include instructions on how to complete the payment.
  • Include a clause which states that if payments are not received on time, the installation agreement will be deemed void.
  • Include a clause to specify when the customer will receive a full refund if the agreement is terminated before the installation is completed.

Once all of these points are outlined in the installation agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

A schedule for payments

  • List out the payment amounts and when they are due
  • Identify any interest rates or late fees that will be applied
  • Specify the payment methods accepted (e.g. cash, check, credit card, etc.)
  • Include the total amount due for the project
  • Ensure that the payment schedule is agreed upon by both parties
  • Once the payment schedule is agreed upon and signed, move onto the next step.

A clause outlining payment timelines and late fees

  • Identify the payment due dates and the late fees associated with each payment.
  • Specify the payment method, such as cash, check, or credit card.
  • Include the late fee amount and any other penalties that may apply.
  • Specify a grace period before late fees are applied.
  • Detail the process for any disputes related to payments.

Once you’ve successfully outlined the payment timelines and late fees in your installation agreement, you can move on to the next step: Performance Standards.

Performance Standards

  • Establish what is expected from each party to ensure that the installation process is successful
  • Include clear performance standards that the parties need to comply with
  • Ensure that the performance standards are measurable and achievable
  • Specify any penalties for not meeting the performance standards
  • Include any relevant regulatory requirements in the agreement
  • Provide a timeline for both parties to adhere to
  • Make sure the performance standards are detailed enough for both parties to understand
  • Once all of the performance standards have been included in the agreement and agreed upon by both parties, you can move on to the next step.

A set of performance standards that both parties must adhere to

  • List the performance standards that both parties must adhere to
  • Ensure the performance standards are clear and easy to understand
  • Make sure the performance standards are legally binding
  • Take into account the needs of both parties when establishing the performance standards
  • Have each party sign the agreement once the performance standards have been established
  • You can check this step off your list once both parties have signed the agreement.

A clause outlining the consequences for failing to meet performance standards

  • Set out the specific consequences for not meeting the performance standards that have been agreed by both parties including any legal remedies that may be available
  • Determine the level of severity of the breach and the relevant consequences for each level
  • Outline the notice period that the breaching party must be given before the consequences for the breach will take effect
  • Create a process for dealing with disputes related to the breach including any timelines and mediation
  • Check that the clause is in compliance with relevant laws and regulations in the jurisdiction of the agreement
  • When the clause is complete, you can check it off your list and move on to the next step.

Liability Release

  • Draft a clause for the installation agreement that outlines the release of liability for both parties related to the installation
  • Make sure to include language that states that the installation agreement does not guarantee any specific outcome or performance
  • Be sure to include language that states that neither party shall be liable to the other for any form of damages or loss related to the installation
  • Once both parties have agreed to the clause, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

A clause stating that both parties release each other from any liability related to the installation

  • Draft a clause stating that both parties release each other from any liability related to the installation.
  • Make sure to include any and all potential liabilities related to the installation, such as physical harm and financial loss.
  • Include language that the agreement is not intended to limit the liability of either party for any intentional or willful misconduct.
  • Once the clause is written, both parties should review, sign, and date the agreement.
  • You can check this step off your list once the installation agreement has been reviewed, signed, and dated by both parties.


  • Determine if any warranties will cover the installation.
  • If so, describe the warranties in detail.
  • Include any time limits, conditions, or restrictions of the warranties in the agreement.
  • Include information on who is responsible for any damages or repairs should the warranty be invoked.
  • Make sure both parties sign off on the warranties and the agreement.

Once you have written out the warranties and both parties have signed off on them, you can move on to the next step.

A description of any warranties that cover the installation

  • Review the product documentation to determine what warranties are provided by the manufacturer.
  • If necessary, consult with the manufacturer regarding specific terms and conditions of the warranty.
  • Draft a clause outlining the warranties provided by the manufacturer.
  • Include the clause in the installation agreement.
  • When the clause is included in the agreement, it is complete and you can move on to the next step.

A clause outlining what is and is not covered

  • Draft a list of the services and materials that are included in the agreement.
  • Specify services and materials that are excluded from the agreement.
  • Ensure that the clause is clear and easy to understand.
  • Once you feel confident in the clause, you have completed this step and can move on to the next step.


  • Clearly outline the conditions under which either party may terminate the agreement.
  • Include a clause that outlines the consequences of terminating the agreement.
  • Include a clause that outlines what will happen when the agreement is terminated.
  • Add a clause that outlines the procedures for terminating the agreement, including the necessary notifications.
  • You will know when you have completed this step when you have written all of the clauses in the Termination section of the agreement.

A clause outlining the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated

  • Start by outlining the conditions where either party may terminate the agreement.
  • This clause should include termination for breach of contract, or for convenience, or for any other reason.
  • Determine who will be responsible for any costs associated with the termination of the agreement.
  • Make sure to provide notice of termination.
  • Outline the process and time frame for the return of any property associated with the agreement.
  • Make sure to include language that all clauses of the agreement remain in force until the termination is complete.

You’ll know you can check this off your list when you have a clause outlining the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated included in the agreement.

Dispute Resolution

  • Identify a method of dispute resolution that works for both parties, such as mediation or arbitration
  • Include a clause that states that any disputes must be brought to an agreed-upon third party for resolution
  • State that all parties must abide by the decision of the third party
  • Include a clause that states that all parties must bear their own costs for the dispute resolution process
  • Specify the jurisdiction in which the dispute resolution will take place
  • When the dispute resolution clause is complete, check it off your list and move on to the next step.

A clause outlining how disputes between the parties will be resolved

• Include a clause outlining the process of dispute resolution, such as arbitration or mediation.
• Specify who will be responsible for covering any costs associated with the dispute resolution process.
• Include a clause that allows either party to mutually agree to escalate the dispute to a court of law.
• Make sure to include a clause that specifies the governing law that will be applied to any disputes.
• When you are finished, make sure to review the entire agreement for accuracy and completeness. Once you are satisfied, this step is complete and you can move on to the next step.

A clause outlining how disputes will be escalated if necessary

  • Outline the process for escalating disputes if resolution at the initial level is not achieved
  • This should include details on how the parties will communicate in the event of a dispute, and the process for escalating the dispute to a higher level, if necessary
  • Include details on who will be responsible for escalating the dispute and how long each stage in the process will take
  • Check off this step when both parties have agreed to the dispute escalation process outlined in the installation agreement
  • This will ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of how any disputes between them will be handled and resolved


  • Create a clause outlining how notices can be served between the parties
  • Notices should include the name and address of both parties, date of service, and an accurate description of the notice
  • The parties must agree upon a method of service, such as email, fax, or mail
  • Notices must be served to the last known address of the other party
  • Once the notice has been served, the party sending the notice must provide proof of service
  • Once all of these elements have been satisfied, you can check off this step and move on to the next step.

A clause outlining the mechanism by which notices may be served

  • Determine how notices may be served, such as via email, regular mail, or through a messenger service
  • Agree on a specific address to which notices should be sent
  • Draft language to include in the agreement that outlines the agreed upon method of service
  • Include this language in the installation agreement
  • Once all the language is included, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

A clause outlining the timeframe within which such notices must be served

  • Decide how long the other party has to respond to any notices you issue – this can be a number of days, weeks or months
  • Specify this in the installation agreement by including a clause that outlines the timeframe within which such notices must be served
  • This will ensure that you and the other party are both aware of when responses are due and can avoid any potential disputes
  • Once you have included this clause in the installation agreement, you can mark this step as complete and move on to the next step.


  • Have each party involved in the agreement sign and date the agreement.
  • Ensure that the signatures are properly witnessed.
  • Keep a copy of the signed agreement for your records.
  • Once all the necessary signatures have been obtained, you can move on to the next step.

A place for both parties to sign and date the agreement

  • Provide two lines for signatures and dates for each party
  • Have each party sign and date the agreement on the provided lines
  • Once both parties have signed and dated the agreement, you can move on to the next step

A clause outlining the legal effect of the signatures

  • Include a clause to the agreement that outlines the legal effect of the signatures of both parties. This clause should be in plain language that is easy to understand.
  • Make sure to include the phrase ““The parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above”” to make the agreement legally binding.
  • Make sure to list any additional legal effects of the signatures in the agreement.
  • Once the clause is added and the legal effects of the signatures are fully outlined, you can check off this step and move on to the next one.


Q: How enforceable are installation agreements? Asked by Elizabeth on April 21, 2022

A: Installation agreements are generally considered to be legally binding contracts, provided that all the standard conditions for a valid contract are met. This means that the installation agreement should include an offer, acceptance of the offer and an exchange of something of value (such as money or goods). If these conditions are met, then the installation agreement should be enforceable in court.

Q: What happens if the installation agreement is breached? Asked by Jacob on October 12, 2022

A: If either party breaches the terms of the installation agreement then they may be liable for damages. The other party may seek compensation for any direct losses they have suffered, as well as any indirect losses such as lost profits. In some cases, the court may also order specific performance of the contract, which means that the breaching party must carry out their obligations under the agreement.

Q: Are there any limitations on what can be included in an installation agreement? Asked by Mason on June 7, 2022

A: Generally speaking, there are no hard and fast rules as to what can and cannot be included in an installation agreement. However, it is important to make sure that any terms and conditions included in the agreement do not conflict with applicable laws or regulations. Furthermore, it is important to make sure that any terms and conditions comply with good commercial practice, particularly when dealing with consumer contracts.

Q: What type of information should be included in an installation agreement? Asked by Sophia on February 14, 2022

A: Generally speaking, an installation agreement should include details such as the names and contact details of both parties involved in the contract, a description of the goods or services being provided, payment terms and conditions, and any warranties or guarantees offered by either party. Depending on the type of project being undertaken, it may also be necessary to include other information such as health and safety requirements or insurance provisions.

Q: Are there specific requirements for installation agreements in different jurisdictions? Asked by William on August 10, 2022

A: Yes, different jurisdictions may have different requirements for installation agreements. For example, some jurisdictions may require certain information to be included in a legally binding contract or require certain language to be used. It is important to check with a lawyer or legal advisor familiar with local laws before entering into any binding contracts.

Q: Are there different types of installation agreements? Asked by Olivia on December 3, 2022

A: Yes, there are different types of installation agreements depending on the nature of the project being undertaken. For example, a construction contractor may enter into a ‘turnkey’ contract which requires them to provide all materials and services necessary to complete a project; whereas an IT contractor may enter into a ‘time-and-materials’ contract which requires them to provide specified services at a specified rate for a specified period of time.

Q: Is it possible to vary an existing installation agreement? Asked by James on May 26, 2022

A: Yes, it is possible to vary an existing installation agreement provided both parties agree to such variations. Any such variations should be documented in writing and signed by both parties before they become effective. It is also important to make sure that any variations made do not conflict with applicable laws or regulations.

Q: Is it possible to terminate an existing installation agreement? Asked by Emma on July 18, 2022

A: Yes, it is possible for either party to terminate an existing installation agreement provided they follow the correct procedure for doing so. This will normally involve giving written notice of termination and ensuring that all outstanding obligations have been met before termination takes effect. It is also important to make sure that any termination does not conflict with applicable laws or regulations.

Q: What happens if one party fails to perform their obligations under an installation agreement? Asked by Noah on September 5, 2022

A: If one party fails to perform their obligations under an installation agreement then they may be liable for damages suffered by the other party as a result of their breach of contract. The other party may seek compensation for any direct losses they have suffered as well as any indirect losses such as lost profits. In some cases, the court may also order specific performance of the contract which requires the breaching party to carry out their obligations under the agreement.

Q: Are there any specific rules relating to dispute resolution under an installation agreement? Asked by Ava on November 17, 2022

A: It is possible for parties entering into an installation agreement to specify how disputes arising from their contract should be resolved. This could involve using mediation or arbitration rather than going through court proceedings. Alternatively parties could specify that disputes should be referred directly to court proceedings instead (or in addition). It is important to ensure that any dispute resolution provisions comply with applicable laws and regulations before entering into a binding contract containing them.

Q: Who is liable if something goes wrong during an installation project? Asked by Liam on January 9 2022

A: The exact details will depend upon the terms and conditions contained within the specific installation agreement entered into between both parties involved in the project but generally speaking liability will fall upon whichever party was responsible for performing certain services or providing certain materials as part of their contractual obligations under the agreement. In some cases liability may be shared between multiple parties depending upon their respective roles within the project and so it is important to check all relevant documents carefully before entering into a binding contract involving multiple parties.

Q: Is it necessary for both parties involved in an installation project to sign a separate contract? Asked by Isabella on March 21 2022

A: Generally speaking it is not necessary for both parties involved in an installation project to sign a separate contract although this will depend upon whether either party wishes to limit their liability under certain circumstances or whether they wish to ensure that certain provisions are upheld even if one party terminates their involvement in the project prior to completion (such as payment obligations). In these cases it would be advisable for each party involved in the project to sign a separate contract outlining their respective roles and responsibilities within it so that each is aware of their rights and obligations under applicable law at all times throughout its duration.

Q: Can I use standard terms and conditions when creating my own installation agreement? Asked by Michael on June 5 2022

A: Yes you can use standard terms and conditions when creating your own installation agreement but it is important that you make sure all such terms comply with applicable laws and regulations (including those relating specifically to consumer contracts) before signing off on them. Furthermore you should always tailor your standard terms and conditions so that they reflect your own particular business model or industry sector since these could have implications for how your business operates going forward if you ever find yourself facing legal action from customers due to contractual disputes down the line.

Q: How do I know if my own proposed terms are fair? Asked by Emily on August 27 2022

A: Generally speaking it is best practice when creating your own proposed terms for an installation agreement (or indeed any other kind of contract) that you consult with someone who has expertise in this area (such as a lawyer) so that you can ensure your proposed terms are fair both from your perspective as well as from that of your customers/clients/third-parties etc… This way you can ensure there will be no scope for misunderstandings further down the line when entering into a binding contractual arrangement with another party since everyone will know exactly where they stand right from day one

Example dispute

Possible Lawsuit Involving Installation Agreement:

  • A plaintiff may raise a lawsuit referencing an installation agreement if they believe that a company has failed to abide by the terms of the agreement.
  • The lawsuit may seek damages or other forms of relief if the plaintiff can show that they suffered a financial or other loss due to the breach of the installation agreement.
  • The plaintiff may be able to prove that the company failed to properly install the product or service in accordance with the agreement, which led to their loss.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to demonstrate that the company was in breach of any warranties or guarantees promised in the agreement.
  • The plaintiff may be able to seek damages for any losses suffered as a result of the company’s breach of the installation agreement, such as the cost of repair or replacement of the product or service.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to seek punitive damages if they can demonstrate that the company was grossly negligent or acted with reckless disregard for the plaintiff’s rights.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to seek injunctive relief, such as an order requiring the company to cease any further violation of the installation agreement.
  • If the plaintiff can demonstrate that the company acted in bad faith or in violation of the law, they may also be able to seek punitive damages.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to seek attorney’s fees, costs and other expenses incurred as a result of the lawsuit.

Templates available (free to use)

Installation Agreement

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