Alex Denne
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Creating an Enrollment Agreement

23 Mar 2023
35 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Enrollment agreements are essential for any organization, school or business. They create a legally binding document to outline the rights and obligations of all parties involved in the agreement, providing protection against potential legal liabilities. These documents ensure that everyone involved fully understands their rights and obligations before signing so that informed decisions can be made. Furthermore, they guarantee that any agreement between entities is legally binding and enforceable.

The Genie AI team strongly believes in the importance of these agreements, providing millions of datapoints to teach its AI what a market-standard enrollment agreement looks like. With Genie AI’s dataset and community template library, anyone can easily draft and customize high quality legal documents - without having to pay for a lawyer. Our step-by-step guidance offers help every step of the way - from setting up an account and accessing our library today.

Despite being an invaluable tool for protecting both parties in any transaction, it is impossible to guarantee complete protection from potential legal claims as there will always be the possibility of unexpected circumstances arising from the agreement itself. However, by utilizing Genie AI’s comprehensive suite of resources you can ensure you have all the bases covered when creating your own enrollment agreement!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Party - A person, group, or organization involved in a contract or agreement.
Third-Party - Someone who is not a principal in a contract or agreement, but who has an interest in the outcome.
Scope - The extent or range of something, often referring to the breadth and range of a contract or agreement.
Duties - Tasks, obligations, or responsibilities that a party must complete according to the terms of an agreement.
Restrictions - Limitations on activities or rights imposed by a contract, agreement, or law.
Payment Terms - The conditions for payment of a contract or agreement.
Trademarks - A symbol, design, or phrase that identifies a product or service and is legally registered to a company or individual.
Confidentiality - Keeping information private or secret.
Data Privacy - Protecting the security, confidentiality, and integrity of personal data.
Dispute Resolution - A process for resolving disagreements between parties.
Amendment - A change or addition to a contract or agreement.
Termination - The end of a contract or agreement.


  • Establishing the parties to the agreement
  • Identifying the names and addresses of all parties
  • Identifying any third-parties that will have a role in the agreement
  • Defining the scope of the agreement
  • Outlining the purpose of the agreement
  • Defining the limitations of the agreement
  • Specifying the terms of the agreement
  • Identifying the duties and responsibilities of each party
  • Explaining any restrictions on the parties
  • Addressing the duration of the agreement
  • Specifying the start and end dates of the agreement
  • Allowing for automatic renewal or extension
  • Providing for the payment of fees
  • Establishing the fees and payment terms
  • Discussing any late fees or penalties
  • Itemizing the services to be provided
  • Listing out all services, products and/or materials to be provided
  • Specifying the quality standards for the services
  • Discussing the usage of trademarks
  • Identifying any trademarks that are subject to the agreement
  • Establishing the rights of the parties with regards to the trademarks
  • Addressing confidentiality and data privacy
  • Defining what information is to be kept confidential
  • Identifying any data privacy regulations
  • Establishing dispute resolution procedures
  • Specifying the methods for resolving disputes
  • Identifying the applicable laws and regulations
  • Outlining the process for amendment and termination
  • Discussing the process for amending the agreement
  • Explaining the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated
  • Requiring signatures from all parties involved
  • Specifying the number of originals required
  • Listing any additional documents that must be signed and returned

Get started

Establishing the parties to the agreement

  • Determine the parties involved in the enrollment agreement
  • List the names of the parties, their roles, and any other relevant information
  • Ensure all parties are aware of the enrollment agreement
  • Verify that all parties involved are properly identified
  • When all parties are identified and all relevant information has been collected, you can move on to the next step.

Identifying the names and addresses of all parties

  • Research the names and addresses of all parties to the agreement
  • Gather any relevant contact information, such as email addresses and phone numbers
  • Verify the accuracy of all information by contacting each party
  • Document the names and addresses of all parties in the agreement
  • When all names and addresses have been verified, the step is complete and you can move on to the next step.

Identifying any third-parties that will have a role in the agreement

  • Identify any third parties that will need to be included in the agreement. These could include a third-party broker, a third-party software provider, a third-party data processor, or any other organization that will have a role in the agreement.
  • Ensure that any third-party contact information is included in the agreement. This includes their name, address, and contact information.
  • Ensure that the roles and responsibilities of each third-party are clearly outlined in the agreement.
  • When all third-parties have been identified and their information included in the agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Defining the scope of the agreement

  • Identify what services will be provided by each party
  • List all the services and responsibilities that each party will be responsible for
  • Define the duration of the agreement and any renewal terms
  • Specify the geographic scope of the agreement
  • Determine the start and end dates of the agreement
  • Note any exclusions or special terms
  • Once all the services have been identified and the scope of the agreement has been outlined, this step is complete.

Outlining the purpose of the agreement

  • Consider what the agreement is for, such as enrolling in a course, participating in a program, or signing up for a service
  • Outline the purpose of the agreement and make sure it is clear and concise
  • Include any other relevant information, such as a description of the services to be provided, the duration of the agreement, and any other relevant details
  • When you feel like you have outlined the purpose of the agreement, review it and make any necessary changes or edits before moving on to the next step
  • Once you have finalized the purpose of the agreement and made any necessary changes, you can move on to the next step of defining the limitations of the agreement

Defining the limitations of the agreement

  • Take the time to research any existing laws and regulations related to the agreement
  • Make sure you are aware of any limitations that may exist due to the specific nature of the agreement
  • Decide on the scope of the agreement and what should and should not be included in it
  • Draft the limitations of the agreement and review them with the relevant parties
  • Finalize the limitations of the agreement in writing and have all parties sign off on them

Once you have written and finalized the limitations of the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step of specifying the terms of the agreement.

Specifying the terms of the agreement

  • Brainstorm the elements that should be included in the agreement
  • Outline the terms and conditions that both parties must agree to
  • Consider legal ramifications of the agreement
  • Draft the agreement in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Discuss the agreement with both parties to ensure that it is fair and reasonable for all involved
  • Finalize the agreement and have both parties sign it
  • When you have the final version of the agreement signed by both parties, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying the duties and responsibilities of each party

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of each party in the agreement.
  • List the duties of each party and explain what each party is expected to provide.
  • Outline the obligations of each party and the conditions for their performance.
  • Specify any additional obligations or responsibilities for each party.

Once you have identified the duties and responsibilities of each party, you can move on to the next step - explaining any restrictions on the parties.

Explaining any restrictions on the parties

  • Review the terms of the agreement to identify any restrictions that need to be addressed
  • List the restrictions that need to be included in the enrollment agreement
  • Determine the consequences of breaching any of the restrictions
  • Draft language that specifies the restrictions and their associated consequences
  • Include this language in the enrollment agreement

Once you have drafted language that specifies the restrictions and their associated consequences and included it in the enrollment agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to Addressing the duration of the agreement.

Addressing the duration of the agreement

  • Decide on the length of the agreement: Is it a one-time agreement, or will it be renewed periodically?
  • Include the duration of the agreement in the document: Make sure to include how long the agreement will last, such as a specific date, or the duration of a particular event or season.
  • Specify any renewal or termination terms: Make sure to include any clauses regarding renewal or termination terms in the agreement.

When you are done, you should have included the duration of the agreement in the document and specified any renewal or termination terms.

Specifying the start and end dates of the agreement

  • Determine the start date for the agreement and enter it into the agreement.
  • Determine the end date for the agreement and enter it into the agreement.
  • Ensure that the dates entered into the agreement are correct, and that the start date is before the end date.
  • Once the start and end dates are added to the agreement, check them off your list and move on to the next step.

Allowing for automatic renewal or extension

  • Decide whether or not automatic renewal or extension is a feature you would like to include in the enrollment agreement.
  • If you do, then specify the conditions for an automatic renewal or extension. This should include the length of time for the extension, the period of time between extensions, and any other terms or conditions related to the renewal or extension.
  • Include any other terms or conditions related to the automatic renewal or extension, such as the cost associated with it and the process for opting in or out of the renewal or extension.
  • Make sure to include a signature block at the end of the document and have the agreement signed by both parties.
  • Once you have completed these steps, you can check off this step and move on to the next step in creating a enrollment agreement.

Providing for the payment of fees

  • Decide on the fee structure and payment terms, including any discounts and late fees
  • Include these details in the enrollment agreement
  • Specify the payment method, such as bank transfer, credit card or check
  • Make sure all parties agree to the payment structure and terms
  • Once all parties have agreed to the payment structure and terms, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing the fees and payment terms

  • Determine the amount of fees to be paid, including any deposits or installments
  • Specify when each fee is due
  • Include any additional costs that may be incurred, such as late fees or penalties
  • Use clear and precise language when writing out the fees and payment terms
  • Review the fees and payment terms with both parties to ensure they are agreed upon
  • Once the agreement is finalized, both parties should sign and date it
  • This step is complete once the fees and payment terms have been established and both parties have signed off on the agreement.

Discussing any late fees or penalties

  • Communicate to the other party what will happen if payments are not made on time
  • Determine the consequences for not paying on time, such as late fees or other penalties
  • Agree on a due date for payments and outline the fees incurred for late payments
  • Outline the details of the late fees or penalties in the enrollment agreement document
  • Once the due date and late fee or penalty details are agreed upon, and the enrollment agreement document has been signed by both parties, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Itemizing the services to be provided

  • Decide what services will be provided as part of the agreement
  • Determine the details of each service, including cost and duration
  • List out all services, products and/or materials to be provided in the agreement
  • Clarify any additional processes or procedures needed to complete the services
  • Ensure that all services and materials are clearly defined and specified in the agreement
  • Once all services, products and/or materials have been detailed and listed, the itemizing step is complete and you can move on to the next step.

Listing out all services, products and/or materials to be provided

  • Gather a list of all the services, products and materials that you plan to provide as part of the agreement
  • Reference the itemization from the previous step to ensure all the services are accounted for
  • Make sure to include any additional services, products, or materials that were not itemized
  • Once you have a complete list of services, products and materials, you can move on to the next step of specifying quality standards for the services

Specifying the quality standards for the services

  • Establish the quality standards for the services to ensure they meet all applicable standards and regulations
  • Discuss with the other party and agree to the standards that need to be followed
  • Include in the enrollment agreement the specific standards that will be met and how they will be enforced
  • Ensure that all parties understand the standards and are in agreement with them
  • Once all parties are in agreement with the standards, check this step off the list and move on to discussing the usage of trademarks

Discussing the usage of trademarks

  • Ensure that both parties have discussed the usage of any trademarks that are included in the services
  • Review any relevant documents to ensure that the usage of trademarks is compliant with the law
  • Specify the rules regarding usage of the trademarks in the agreement
  • Make sure that both parties agree on the terms and conditions for the use of the trademarks
  • Once all parties have agreed on the terms, the step can be completed and you can move on to the next step.

Identifying any trademarks that are subject to the agreement

  • Review the agreement to determine any trademarks that are specifically mentioned
  • Identify any potential trademarks that may be related to the agreement
  • Contact the trademark holder to get their permission to use the trademark in the agreement
  • Make sure that any trademarks used in the agreement are properly identified as such
  • Once all trademarks have been identified and permission has been granted, this step can be marked as complete.

Establishing the rights of the parties with regards to the trademarks

  • Clarify the scope of the agreement, including which trademarks are covered, and who owns the rights to them
  • Outline the rights of each party and the responsibilities associated with the agreement
  • Include language that details the duration of the agreement and the termination of the agreement
  • Specify the conditions under which the agreement may be amended
  • Document the procedure for dispute resolution

Once all rights and responsibilities have been established, you can move on to the next step of addressing confidentiality and data privacy.

Addressing confidentiality and data privacy

  • Agree on the scope of confidential information that is to be kept private between the two parties
  • Determine the ways in which confidential information that is disclosed must be protected, including secure storage, access, and transmission
  • Outline the responsibilities of each party in terms of protecting confidential information
  • Choose an applicable non-disclosure agreement for the parties to sign
  • Specify the length of time for which the agreement shall be in effect
  • When finished, check off this step from the list and move on to the next step: Defining what information is to be kept confidential.

Defining what information is to be kept confidential

  • Determine what information needs to remain confidential between the parties.
  • Identify the type of information that needs to be kept confidential, such as personal information, financial information, business strategies, or other sensitive information.
  • Create a list of the confidential information that needs to be kept secure.
  • Make sure to include the details of the agreement in the list of confidential information.
  • Once you have identified all of the confidential information, you can move on to the next step.

Identifying any data privacy regulations

  • Research what data privacy regulations apply to your business and its operations
  • Consult with a legal expert to ensure you understand the various regulations and how they can be applied
  • Create a list of data privacy regulations that are applicable to your business and its operations
  • When you have identified all the applicable data privacy regulations, review the list to make sure all of them have been included and that they are accurate
  • Once the list has been reviewed and all necessary data privacy regulations have been included, you can move on to the next step of establishing dispute resolution procedures.

Establishing dispute resolution procedures

  • Determine the type of dispute resolution procedure that will be used in the agreement (i.e., arbitration, mediation, or litigation)
  • Identify which state or federal laws will govern the dispute resolution procedure
  • Draft the language for the dispute resolution procedure to be included in the agreement
  • Make sure to include a timeline for when the dispute resolution will take place

Once you have taken the steps to establish a dispute resolution procedure, you can move on to the next step: Specifying the methods for resolving disputes.

Specifying the methods for resolving disputes

  • Research and decide which methods of dispute resolution are best for the situation (e.g. mediation, arbitration, litigation, etc.).
  • Make sure to include details on the process to select a mediator/arbitrator, the timeline for resolution, and any other relevant specifics.
  • Consider whether the parties are willing to waive certain rights, such as the right to trial by jury.
  • Draft the dispute resolution clause and include it in the agreement.
  • When the dispute resolution clause is finalized, the step can be checked off and you can move on to the next step of identifying the applicable laws and regulations.

Identifying the applicable laws and regulations

  • Research the federal, state and local laws and regulations that apply to the enrollment agreement
  • Consult with a legal professional to ensure that the agreement is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations
  • Document the applicable laws and regulations in the agreement
  • Once all applicable laws and regulations have been identified, documented and confirmed as compliant, this step can be completed and the next step can be begun.

Outlining the process for amendment and termination

  • Draft a section of the agreement that specifies the process for amending and terminating the agreement.
  • This should include details such as how the amendment process works and how notices of amendment or termination will be served.
  • Make sure to specify the date that any amendments take effect and the date the agreement will terminate.
  • Once you have finished drafting the amendment and termination process for the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Discussing the process for amending the agreement

  • Establish who is responsible for amending the agreement and under what circumstances
  • Discuss the process for amending the agreement, including any necessary paperwork
  • Agree on the timeline for making changes to the agreement
  • Make sure all parties understand how the agreement can be amended and the conditions under which it can be changed
  • Once all parties have agreed to the process for amending the agreement, document the changes and update the document
  • Check off this step when all parties are in agreement and the amendment process has been documented.

Explaining the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated

  • Clearly outline in the agreement the conditions under which it can be terminated
  • Include a timeline for termination, as well as notice requirements
  • Specify any fees that may be associated with terminating the agreement
  • Identify any liabilities or obligations that will remain even after termination
  • Once you have included all of the necessary information, you will know that this step is complete and you can move on to the next step, which is requiring signatures from all parties involved.

Requiring signatures from all parties involved

  • Request signatures from all parties involved in the agreement
  • Confirm that all parties understand the terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Make sure all parties sign on the designated signatory line of the agreement
  • Obtain a witness for each signature, if applicable
  • When all parties have signed and initialed the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Specifying the number of originals required

  • Decide how many copies of the Enrollment Agreement you need. Generally, one original is sufficient, but you may need to make additional copies depending on the situation.
  • Ensure that all parties involved sign each copy.
  • Keep in mind that your state may require additional copies of the Enrollment Agreement to be submitted to the state or other relevant agencies.
  • You will know that you have completed this step when all copies of the Enrollment Agreement are signed by the relevant parties.

Listing any additional documents that must be signed and returned

  • Check the school’s policy to determine if there are any documents that need to be signed in addition to the Enrollment Agreement - such as a student handbook or a code of conduct.
  • Make a note of any documents that need to be signed and returned to you by the student.
  • Include a list of these documents in the Enrollment Agreement.
  • Verify with the student that they have received, read, and understood all of the documents that need to be signed and returned.
  • Once the student has signed and returned all of the documents, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: How does an enrollment agreement differ from a contract?

Asked by Mason on 14th March 2022.
A: An enrollment agreement is a type of contract that is typically used by schools, universities, and other educational institutions to set the terms of a student’s enrollment. It usually outlines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both the student and the school. It can also include information about tuition fees, grades, and other details related to the student’s enrollment. On the other hand, contracts are agreements between two or more parties that set out the rights and responsibilities of each party involved. Contracts can cover a variety of topics, and they can be used in both business and personal contexts.

Q: What should I include in an enrollment agreement?

Asked by Ella on 7th April 2022.
A: An enrollment agreement should include detailed information about the terms of enrollment for the student, such as tuition fees, grades, attendance policies, academic performance standards, and more. It should also include information about any additional services that may be provided to the student and any applicable fees. Additionally, an enrollment agreement should clearly outline the rights and responsibilities of both parties involved—the school or educational institution and the student—and any applicable laws or regulations which must be followed.

Q: What happens if I breach my enrollment agreement?

Asked by Logan on 2nd June 2022.
A: Breaching an enrollment agreement can have serious consequences. Depending on the terms of the agreement, you may be required to pay a penalty or fee for breaching it. In some cases, you may also be required to reimburse any expenses incurred by the school or educational institution due to your breach. Additionally, depending on the severity of the breach, you may face disciplinary action or even expulsion from your program. It is important to understand all of the terms of your enrollment agreement so that you can avoid unintentionally breaching it.

Q: How do I create an enforceable enrollment agreement?

Asked by Ethan on 6th July 2022.
A: In order for an enrollment agreement to be legally enforceable, it must meet certain criteria. First and foremost, it must be in writing so that all parties involved understand their rights and obligations under it. Additionally, all parties must agree to its terms and sign it in order for it to be legally binding. The agreement should also contain provisions for dispute resolution in case a dispute arises between the parties involved. Finally, an enforceable enrollment agreement must be created with consideration for applicable laws or regulations in your jurisdiction.

Q: What is the difference between an international enrollment agreement and one within my own country?

Asked by Noah on 11th August 2022.
A: International enrollment agreements are those that involve two parties in different countries. These agreements typically contain provisions related to jurisdiction (which country’s laws will apply), dispute resolution (how disputes will be handled), currency (which currency will be used), taxes (which taxes will apply), intellectual property (which party owns what intellectual property), and more. On the other hand, domestic enrollment agreements involve two parties located within one country; these agreements usually have fewer provisions related to international issues such as jurisdiction or currency but still contain provisions related to rights and responsibilities of both parties involved as well as applicable laws or regulations in your jurisdiction.

Q: How do I ensure my enrollment agreement is compliant with laws from different jurisdictions?

Asked by Emma on 15th September 2022.
A: Ensuring your enrollment agreement is compliant with laws from different jurisdictions can be a complicated process but it is essential for ensuring that your agreement is legally enforceable across multiple countries. The first step is to research applicable laws in each jurisdiction; this includes researching local court precedents as well as international treaties that may apply in certain cases. Additionally, you should consult with legal professionals who are knowledgeable about laws in each jurisdiction to ensure that your agreement meets all legal requirements before signing it into effect. Finally, you should consider hiring a lawyer who is certified in all relevant jurisdictions to advise you on how best to draft an enforceable international enrollment agreement that meets all legal requirements.

Q: What documents might be included with an enrollment agreement?

Asked by Liam on 19th October 2022.
A: Depending on the type of program for which you are enrolling in, there may be several documents included with your enrollment agreement such as course descriptions or syllabi, financial aid forms or loan documents, health insurance paperwork, residence forms or housing contracts, parental consent forms if applicable, academic policies or procedures documents, disciplinary policies or procedures documents, refund policies or procedures documents, release of liability forms or waivers of liability forms if applicable, and more. It is important to read through all documents carefully before signing your enrollment agreement so that you understand what rights and responsibilities you have under it as well as any other applicable legal requirements in your jurisdiction before signing into effect.

Q: What happens if I need to modify my enrollment agreement after signing?

Asked by Ava on 23rd November 2022.
A: Modifying an already signed enrollment agreement can be difficult but it is possible depending on the circumstances involved; however it is best practice to try to avoid needing to modify an already signed agreement if at all possible since doing so can create legal complications down the line if not done properly. If modifications are necessary after signing an already signed agreement however then both parties involved must agree upon them in writing; this includes specifying exactly what changes are being made as well as when they take effect before signing into effect again so that everyone involved understands their rights and obligations under the modified version of the contract before entering into effect again legally binding both parties involved once more under its new terms once more once signed into effect again accordingly accordingly afterward afterward afterward afterward afterward afterward accordingly accordingly accordingly accordingly accordingly accordingly accordingly accordingly

Example dispute

How to Win a Lawsuit Referencing an Enrollment Agreement

  • Understand the applicable civil law and regulations that apply to the enrollment agreement in question.
  • Understand the specific information or actions that resulted in the lawsuit being raised.
  • Determine if there are any damages associated with the lawsuit and, if so, how they should be calculated.
  • Consider settlement options if they could be more beneficial than continuing with the lawsuit.
  • Gather evidence that supports the claim being made in the lawsuit, such as witness accounts, documents, or other forms of proof.
  • Represent oneself in court or hire a lawyer to represent them, depending on the complexity of the case.

Templates available (free to use)

Enrollment Agreement

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