Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Creating an Employee Counseling Form

23 Mar 2023
20 min
Text Link

Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Employee counseling forms are an invaluable tool for employers, Human Resources personnel and managers to ensure high performance standards and appropriate workplace behavior. Indeed, having an effective form in place is essential for employers to protect themselves and their employees. Such forms provide clarity and consistency in the workplace on expectations, rules and regulations - vital for fairness when it comes to disciplinary action. They also help managers identify issues with employees early so they can address them constructively, improving job performance, reducing turnover, and boosting morale. Plus, employee counseling forms offer employees protection against any rights violations or discriminatory practices in the workplace as well as ensuring compliance with relevant laws/regulations. Here at Genie AI we understand how important this kind of guidance is – that’s why our team has developed the world’s largest open source legal template library; a dataset providing users with access to market standard employee counseling form templates so that you don’t need to pay a lawyer. Our step-by-step guidance below provides you with even more information on how to access our template library today without having a Genie AI account - just another way we’re trying to help! So if you’re looking for clear direction on creating an employee counseling form then read on…

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Applicable Laws and Regulations: Rules and laws that must be followed when creating an employee counseling form.
Collective Bargaining Agreements: An agreement between an employer and a union which sets out the terms and conditions of employment for unionized employees.
Format: The design and structure of an employee counseling form.
Compliant: Meeting the requirements of applicable laws and regulations.
Data Processing: The manipulation of data to extract information or insights.
Benchmarks: A measure used to gauge progress towards a goal.
Milestones: A significant event or stage in the progress towards a goal.


  • Understand the purpose of an employee counseling form
  • Research applicable laws and regulations
  • Decide on the format of the form (e.g. online or paper)
  • Design the form with appropriate questions and input fields
  • Consider input from other departments and stakeholders
  • Include options for employees to provide feedback
  • Utilize digital communication methods to distribute the form
  • Ensure the form is accessible to all team members
  • Provide training on the form to ensure employees understand its purpose and usage
  • Monitor and evaluate employee performance and use the form as a tool for improvement
  • Use the form to document employee counseling sessions
  • Maintain confidentiality of all employee information collected
  • Create a follow-up plan for employees to help ensure continued success
  • Set benchmarks and milestones for employees to reach
  • Schedule regular reviews of employee performance
  • Provide resources and guidance for employees in need of improvement

Get started

Understand the purpose of an employee counseling form

  • Identify why an employee counseling form is necessary
  • Understand the purpose of the form and the goals it is designed to accomplish
  • Consider what information should be included in the form
  • Research the types of questions and fields that should be included
  • When you have a clear understanding of the purpose and content of the form, you can move on to the next step.

Research applicable laws and regulations

  • Research existing laws and regulations that relate to employee counseling forms in your state, city, and industry
  • Make sure to review the most recent laws and regulations that may affect the content and purpose of the form
  • Consult with a lawyer or legal professional to ensure the form is compliant with all applicable laws
  • Once you are confident the form complies with state, city, and industry laws, you can move on to the next step.

Decide on the format of the form (e.g. online or paper)

  • Consider the purpose of the form and the type of information you need to collect
  • Decide which format will work best for the employees and the organization
  • Evaluate the ease of use of each format, the cost of implementation, and the security of collected data
  • Check for any legal requirements that need to be met for the format of the form
  • Once you’ve chosen the best format for your form, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step

Design the form with appropriate questions and input fields

  • Brainstorm the types of questions that should be included in the form
  • Identify which questions are required and which are optional
  • Assign data types to each question, such as text, number, date, or checkbox
  • Develop input fields to capture the answers
  • Test the form to make sure it is user friendly and functions properly
  • Once the form is tested and approved, it is ready to be used

Consider input from other departments and stakeholders

  • Reach out to other departments and stakeholders to get their input on the form
  • Ask them what they think should be included in the form
  • Make sure their input is taken into account when designing the form
  • When all input has been taken into account, the step is complete and it is time to move on to the next step.

Include options for employees to provide feedback

  • Brainstorm a list of options for employees to provide feedback on the counseling form.
  • Incorporate feedback from other departments and stakeholders into the options.
  • Consider different types of feedback such as open-ended questions, multiple choice, checkboxes, and ratings.
  • Make sure the options are relevant and easy to understand.
  • Once the list of options has been finalized, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Utilize digital communication methods to distribute the form

  • Identify the most effective digital communication methods available to reach all team members
  • Decide if the form should be emailed, posted in an internal communication platform, or both
  • Draft the email or post, ensuring to include a link to the form
  • Send the email or post to the team, and follow up with them if necessary
  • Once all team members have received the form, you can check this step off your list.

Ensure the form is accessible to all team members

  • Set up an online form such as a Google Form or SurveyMonkey
  • Share the link to the form with all team members via email, Slack, or any other digital communication method
  • Make sure the link is accessible to all team members who need to access the form
  • Ensure that the form is easy to use and fill out
  • Check that everyone has been able to access the form and understand how to use it
  • Once all team members have been able to access and understand the form, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Provide training on the form to ensure employees understand its purpose and usage

  • Schedule a meeting with the team to go over the form, its purpose, and how to use it
  • Have members of the team practice filling out the form and provide feedback
  • Ensure all team members understand the form and its usage
  • When all team members understand the form, check this step off your list and move on to the next step

Monitor and evaluate employee performance and use the form as a tool for improvement

  • Monitor employee performance on a routine basis
  • Make notes of areas for improvement
  • Ask employees to fill out the counseling form
  • Review the form for accuracy and completeness
  • Use the form to discuss areas for improvement and develop a plan to address them
  • Work with the employee to make sure the plan is implemented
  • Monitor the employee’s progress on the plan
  • Evaluate the progress made on the plan

You can check this off your list when you have reviewed the form and developed a plan with the employee to address any areas of improvement.

Use the form to document employee counseling sessions

  • Gather all relevant information about the employee counseling session, including the date, time, and any notes from the session.
  • Use the form to record the notes from the session and any corrective action that must be taken.
  • Ensure that all information is accurate and complete.
  • Once all the information is documented in the form, sign and date it.
  • Store the form in a secure, confidential location.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once the form is filled out, signed, dated, and stored in the correct location, you can move on to the next step.

Maintain confidentiality of all employee information collected

  • Ensure only authorized personnel have access to the employee counseling form
  • Secure all employee information that is collected on the form with a password and/or encryption
  • Create a policy and procedure that outlines how the employee counseling form is to be used and how employee confidentiality will be maintained
  • Train personnel on how to properly use the form and maintain employee confidentiality
  • Monitor and enforce the policy and procedure
  • Determine appropriate measures to take if employee confidentiality is breached

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all personnel have been trained, the policy and procedure established, and appropriate measures in place to maintain confidentiality, you can check this step off your list and move to the next step.

Create a follow-up plan for employees to help ensure continued success

  • Develop a plan that outlines the steps that should be taken in the event that an employee is having difficulty meeting the expectations set forth by their job
  • Create a timeline for when check-ins should occur with the employee to assess their progress and provide feedback
  • Outline strategies to help the employee improve their performance, such as additional training or mentorship
  • Document all conversations and follow-up plans, and keep track of the employee’s progress
  • You will know when you can check this off your list when you have created a plan that outlines clear steps for follow-up with employees and a timeline for doing so.

Set benchmarks and milestones for employees to reach

  • Identify the areas of performance that need improvement.
  • Set specific, measurable goals for each area.
  • Outline expected milestones to be achieved for each goal.
  • Make sure the goals and milestones are realistic and achievable.
  • Document each goal, milestone, and timeline and share with the employee.

When you can check this off your list:

  • When each goal, milestone, and timeline is identified and documented.
  • When the employee has been provided with and understands the goals, milestones, and timeline.

Schedule regular reviews of employee performance

  • Set a timeline for conducting reviews that works for each employee’s schedule
  • Establish a consistent procedure for conducting reviews, such as using a written employee counseling form
  • Assign a manager or supervisor to conduct the reviews
  • Make sure reviews are conducted in a private setting
  • Ensure that employees are aware of the review process and their rights before the review
  • Make sure reviews are conducted in an objective and fair manner
  • Document all reviews and any changes made to employee performance

When you have established the review timeline, procedure, and assigned a manager or supervisor for conducting the reviews, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Provide resources and guidance for employees in need of improvement

  • Have a clear list of resources available to employees, such as company policies, training materials, and counseling options.
  • Have a plan in place to ensure employees are aware of and understand these resources.
  • Identify and provide guidance from appropriate internal and external resources to help employees with areas of improvement.
  • Provide additional support, such as one-on-one meetings with supervisors or other management personnel.
  • Monitor employees’ progress and provide ongoing support and guidance as necessary.
  • Have a feedback system in place to collect and analyze employee feedback.
  • When you have provided resources and guidance for employees in need of improvement, you have completed this step. You can now move on to the next step: Implementing the Employee Counseling Form.


Q: What are the legal implications of creating an employee counseling form?

Asked by Mary on October 8th 2022.
A: Legally, it is important to ensure that any employee counseling form complies with relevant laws and regulations in the jurisdiction it is being used in. In the UK, for example, this would include the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998. In the USA, employers must ensure that any employee counseling form does not violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable laws. In the EU, employers must adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Q: Are employee counseling forms necessary?

Asked by John on April 3rd 2022.
A: Whether or not an employer needs to create an employee counseling form depends on a number of factors including their industry, sector or business model (SaaS, Technology or B2B for example), and their particular needs. If an employer wants to provide a formal system for employees to raise issues they may be experiencing at work then an employee counseling form could be beneficial. It could also provide employers with evidence of any issues raised and how they were dealt with.

Q: What information should be included in an employee counseling form?

Asked by Sarah on December 15th 2022.
A: An employee counseling form should include details about the employee’s identity (name, job title etc.), their contact information (email address, telephone number etc.), details about the complaint or issue they are raising (date it occurred, details of who was involved etc.), and any additional information which may be relevant to the complaint or issue. It is important to ensure that any sensitive personal data included in an employee counseling form is handled securely and in accordance with relevant data protection laws and regulations.

Q: How should employers respond to complaints raised via an employee counseling form?

Asked by David on October 14th 2022.
A: Employers should take all complaints raised via an employee counseling form seriously and respond in a timely manner. If possible, they should investigate the complaint or issue raised and take appropriate action. This could include disciplining employees who have acted inappropriately or implementing changes to policies or procedures in order to prevent similar issues occurring in future. It is also important that employers communicate regularly with employees who have raised complaints via an employee counseling form to ensure they are aware of what actions have been taken in response to their complaint or issue.

Q: What are the best practices for designing an effective employee counseling form?

Asked by Stephanie on February 4th 2022.
A: The best practices for designing an effective employee counseling form will depend on a number of factors including the size and structure of your organisation, your industry sector and any relevant laws and regulations which must be adhered to. Generally speaking, it is important to ensure that your employee counseling form is concise yet comprehensive; easy to understand; clear about what information should be provided; and secure so that any personal data included is handled in accordance with relevant data protection regulations. Additionally, it is important to provide guidance on how employees should fill out the form so that you can obtain all necessary information from them in a structured manner.

Q: What measures can employers take to encourage employees to use an employee counseling form?

Asked by Michael on June 17th 2022.
A: Employers can take a number of measures to encourage employees to use an employee counseling form including providing training and guidance on how it works; making sure employees know their rights when raising issues; ensuring confidentiality is maintained; stressing that feedback will be taken seriously; providing support during any investigation process; and offering rewards for using the form if appropriate. Additionally, employers should create a culture where employees feel comfortable raising issues without fear of retribution so that they feel supported when using the employee counseling form.

Q: What should employers consider when developing an internal policy around using an employee counseling form?

Asked by Jessica on August 19th 2022.
A: When developing an internal policy around using an employee counseling form it is important for employers to consider what types of complaints or issues should be addressed through the form; how such complaints or issues will be handled; who will handle them; how long it will take for them to be dealt with; any special considerations which must be taken into account under relevant laws; and how these policies will be communicated to employees so that they understand what is expected from them when submitting a complaint via the form. Additionally, employers should consider how they can ensure confidentiality is maintained throughout the process and any other measures which may help create a supportive environment for employees who submit complaints via the forms.

Example dispute

Suing for Unlawful Use of Employee Counseling Forms

  • Understand the relevant labor regulations and civil law that may be applicable to the case.
  • Identify any wrongful or unlawful use of employee counseling forms that has taken place.
  • Understand the information or actions taken that resulted in the suit being raised.
  • Determine if there are damages and if so, how they should be calculated.
  • Consider possible settlement options or if the case should go to trial.

Templates available (free to use)

Employee Counseling Form

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