Alex Denne
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Creating a Sublease Agreement

23 Mar 2023
29 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Creating a sublease agreement is an integral part of the process for landlords, tenants and real estate agents alike, with this legally binding contract outlining the rights and obligations of both parties. It is essential to have an experienced professional to draft the agreement in order to ensure that it is accurate, up-to-date and enforceable - which is why the Genie AI team are here to help.

For those who may not be familiar with a sublease agreement, it outlines who will be responsible for paying rent, how much rent will be due, and how long the agreement will last. The agreement also clarifies any clauses or policies regarding pets or smoking onsite if applicable; as well as specifying any rules around subletting should that become necessary. Most importantly, it provides protection for both parties in the case of disputes and potential misunderstandings.

The Genie AI team provide free open-source legal template libraries covering a whole range of documents - from employment contracts to non-disclosure agreements; but when it comes to creating a legally binding document like a sublease agreement things do get more complicated. With this in mind, seeking legal advice before entering into such an important arrangement is highly recommended - even though you don’t need a Genie AI account for us to help.

Drafting an effective agreement between landlord and tenant requires all parties involved have clarity on their rights and responsibilities specified in writing; so having access to our community template library can provide peace of mind by ensuring that no details are overlooked when putting together your sublease agreement. Furthermore using our step-by-step guidance ensures that all parties know what they’re signing up for before any commitments are made - while providing protection in the event there’s ever a disagreement down the line.

In conclusion, having an experienced lawyer draft your sublease agreements gives you security knowing that all relevant laws have been taken into consideration; while ensuring clarity on rights and responsibilities without any ambiguity present within its contents. To find out more about our guide on how best to create these essential documents as well as access our free open source library today please read on below…

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Sublease Agreement: A legal document that allows a tenant of a property to rent out all or part of their rental unit to a third party.

Subtenant: A party that is taking over the rental unit from the tenant.

Landlord: The owner of the property and the original party to the lease agreement.

Lease Agreement: A contract between a landlord and tenant that outlines the terms of the rental arrangement.

Duration: The length of time the agreement is to be in effect.

Restrictions: Rules and regulations that must be followed by the parties involved in the agreement.

Breach of Agreement: Violation of the terms of the agreement by either party.

Eviction Proceedings: Legal action taken to force a tenant out of a rental unit due to a breach of agreement.


  • Definition of a Sublease Agreement
  • Explaining the difference between a sublease agreement and a traditional lease agreement.
  • Parties Involved
  • Discussing the parties involved in the sublease agreement, such as the landlord, tenant, and subtenant.
  • Drafting the Agreement
  • Outlining the steps necessary to draft the agreement, such as including the legal and rental terms, any restrictions, and the duration of the sublease.
  • Obtaining Landlord’s Permission
  • Explaining the process of obtaining the landlord’s permission to sublease, such as submitting the sublease agreement for review.
  • Sublease Terms
  • Describing the terms of the sublease agreement, such as the length of the agreement, the rent amount, and any restrictions on the subtenant.
  • Benefits of Subleasing
  • Explaining the potential benefits of subleasing, such as allowing tenants to save money or earn additional income.
  • Potential Pitfalls
  • Discussing potential pitfalls of subleasing, such as potential conflicts between the tenant and subtenant or issues with the landlord not honoring the sublease agreement.
  • Obligations of the Tenant
  • Explaining the obligations of the tenant, such as abiding by the terms of the sublease agreement, collecting rental payments, and maintaining the property in good condition.
  • Obligations of the Subtenant
  • Describing the obligations of the subtenant, such as paying rent on time, adhering to the rental terms outlined in the agreement, and respecting the rights of the tenant.
  • Enforcement of the Agreement
  • Explaining the process for enforcing the sublease agreement, such as using eviction proceedings or taking the matter to court.

Get started

Definition of a Sublease Agreement

  • Understand the basics of a sublease agreement and its purpose
  • Define subletting and its terms
  • Learn the rights and responsibilities of both the sublessor and the sublessee
  • Become familiar with the legal implications of subletting

Once you understand the definitions of a sublease agreement and its purpose, rights, and responsibilities, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Explaining the difference between a sublease agreement and a traditional lease agreement.

  • Understand the difference between a sublease agreement and a traditional lease agreement: a sublease agreement is when a tenant (the sublessor) rents out all or part of their rental unit to another tenant (the sublessee). The sublessee pays rent to the sublessor, who then pays that rent to the landlord.
  • Know that the sublessor remains responsible for the terms of the original lease agreement, including any damage caused by the sublessee.
  • Be aware that the sublessee is protected by the original lease agreement, but may be subject to additional terms in the sublease agreement.

Once you have a thorough understanding of the difference between a sublease agreement and a traditional lease agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Parties Involved

  • Reach out to the landlord to get their permission to allow subleasing.
  • Identify the original tenant and the subtenant.
  • Include the names, addresses, and contact information of both the tenant and subtenant in the agreement.
  • Make sure all parties understand their obligations and responsibilities under the sublease agreement.

Once you have the landlord’s permission, identified the tenant and subtenant, and included all necessary information in the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Discussing the parties involved in the sublease agreement, such as the landlord, tenant, and subtenant.

  • Gather the contact information of all parties involved, including landlord, tenant, and subtenant
  • Reach out to all parties to ensure they are all on board with the agreement
  • Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each party
  • Make sure the agreement is mutually beneficial for all parties involved

You will know that you have completed this step when all of the parties have agreed to the sublease agreement.

Drafting the Agreement

  • List out all the legal and rental terms that will be included in the agreement
  • Include any restrictions on usage and occupancy
  • Specify the duration of the sublease
  • Draft the agreement in a legally binding format
  • Have the parties involved in the sublease agreement review and sign the document
  • Once all parties have signed the agreement, make sure to keep a copy for your records
  • You will know that this step has been successfully completed when you have a signed and legally binding sublease agreement.

Outlining the steps necessary to draft the agreement, such as including the legal and rental terms, any restrictions, and the duration of the sublease.

  • Decide on the legal and rental terms of the agreement, and include them in the document.
  • Determine any restrictions and include them in the agreement.
  • Specify the duration of the sublease agreement.
  • Make sure all the information is clear and easy to understand.
  • Check that all the necessary details have been included in the agreement.

Once you’re confident that all the required information has been included in the agreement, you can move on to the next step of obtaining the landlord’s permission.

Obtaining Landlord’s Permission

  • Contact landlord to get permission to sublease and to review the sublease agreement
  • Submit the sublease agreement to the landlord for review
  • Wait for the landlord’s response
  • Once the landlord has agreed to the terms of the sublease agreement, proceed to the next step
  • You can check this step off your list when you receive the landlord’s approval or denial.

Explaining the process of obtaining the landlord’s permission to sublease, such as submitting the sublease agreement for review.

  • Contact the landlord to inform them of your intention to sublease and request permission.
  • Draft a sublease agreement that outlines the terms of the sublease, including the duration of the lease and the amount of rent to be paid.
  • Submit the sublease agreement to the landlord for review, along with any other requested documents.
  • Await the landlord’s response.
  • Once you receive the landlord’s approval, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Sublease Terms

  • List the start date, end date, and duration of the sublease agreement
  • Specify the rent amount and when the subtenant is responsible to pay it
  • Include any additional fees or deposits required from the subtenant
  • Identify any restrictions or rules that must be followed during the sublease period
  • Include any other terms or conditions agreed upon by both parties
  • Have both the sublessor and subtenant sign the agreement

Once you have completed this step, you can move on to the next step of describing the process of obtaining the landlord’s permission to sublease.

Describing the terms of the sublease agreement, such as the length of the agreement, the rent amount, and any restrictions on the subtenant.

  • Carefully consider the length of the sublease agreement. Are you hoping for a short-term or long-term agreement?
  • Consider the amount of rent you will charge the subtenant. Make sure you are charging a fair market price.
  • Research and understand the local laws and regulations when it comes to subletting an apartment. Make sure to include any restrictions that apply in the agreement.
  • Make sure the agreement is clear, concise, and easy to understand.

You’ll know that you can move on to the next step when you have clearly outlined the terms of the sublease agreement, such as the length of the agreement, the rent amount, and any restrictions on the subtenant in the sublease agreement.

Benefits of Subleasing

  • Explain the potential financial benefits of subleasing to the tenant, such as saving money by passing on the rental cost to the subtenant or earning additional income.
  • Explain the potential benefits of subleasing to the landlord, such as avoiding vacancy, reducing the risk of tenant turnover, and maintaining cash flow.
  • Explain any potential legal benefits, such as the subtenant taking on all legal responsibility for any damages to the property.
  • Explain any other potential benefits, such as the tenant being able to leave the property temporarily while still maintaining their lease, or the tenant getting to select a more suitable subtenant.

Once you have explained the potential benefits of subleasing to both the tenant and landlord, you can move on to the next step.

Explaining the potential benefits of subleasing, such as allowing tenants to save money or earn additional income.

• Explain to the tenant the potential benefits of subleasing, such as saving money on rent or earning additional income.
• Highlight the advantages of subleasing, such as having fewer responsibilities than a traditional landlord/tenant agreement.
• Let the tenant know that subleasing can be a great way to make some extra money if they are looking for a short-term solution.
• Explain that subleasing can be a great way to make up for lost income if the tenant is unable to pay their rent.
• Make sure the tenant understands that subleasing can be a great way to give them more flexibility and freedom.

When you can check this off your list: You will know you can check this off your list when the tenant understands the potential benefits of subleasing.

Potential Pitfalls

  • Explain to tenants the potential conflicts that may arise between the tenant and subtenant, such as disagreements over the rights and responsibilities of each party.
  • Describe the potential issues that may arise with the landlord not honoring the sublease agreement, such as failing to recognize the tenant’s right to terminate the sublease.
  • Advise tenants to review their rental agreement to be aware of any restrictions on subleasing and to inform the landlord of their intention to sublease.

Checklist for this step:

  • Explained potential conflicts between tenant and subtenant
  • Described potential issues with landlords not honoring the sublease agreement
  • Advised tenants to review their rental agreement and inform the landlord of their intention to sublease

Discussing potential pitfalls of subleasing, such as potential conflicts between the tenant and subtenant or issues with the landlord not honoring the sublease agreement.

  • Discuss potential conflicts between tenant and subtenant, such as who is responsible for repairs, damages, or other issues that may arise.
  • Review any potential issues between landlord and subtenant, such as not honoring the sublease agreement or other disputes.
  • Educate both parties on their rights and responsibilities in the sublease agreement.

You’ll know when you can check this step off your list once both parties have discussed all potential pitfalls and are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Obligations of the Tenant

  • Explain to the tenant their obligations under the sublease agreement, such as abiding by the terms of the sublease agreement, collecting rental payments, and maintaining the property in good condition.
  • Review and discuss the tenant’s obligations with the tenant and subtenant to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • Include a clause in the sublease agreement that outlines the tenant’s responsibilities.

Once the tenant’s obligations have been reviewed and discussed and a clause has been included in the sublease agreement, this step can be checked off the list and the next step can be commenced.

Explaining the obligations of the tenant, such as abiding by the terms of the sublease agreement, collecting rental payments, and maintaining the property in good condition.

  • Include the tenant’s obligations in the sublease agreement, such as abiding by the terms of the sublease agreement, collecting rental payments in a timely manner, and maintaining the property in good condition
  • Stress the importance of abiding by the terms of the sublease agreement and emphasize the tenant’s responsibility to make sure the subtenant is following the agreement as well
  • Explain the tenant’s responsibility to collect rental payments from the subtenant in a timely manner and to provide a receipt for the payments
  • Explain the tenant’s responsibility to maintain the property in good condition and to repair any damages made by the subtenant
  • When you have completed the explanation of the tenant’s obligations, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Obligations of the Subtenant

  • Explain the obligations of the subtenant, such as paying rent on time, adhering to the rental terms outlined in the agreement, and respecting the rights of the tenant.
  • Include a clause requiring the subtenant to indemnify the tenant from any legal action arising out of the sublease agreement.
  • Make sure to include a clause requiring the subtenant to obtain the tenant’s written consent before making any changes to the property.
  • Make sure that the terms of the agreement comply with applicable laws and regulations in the area.

When you have completed the step on outlining the obligations of the subtenant, you can check it off your list and move on to the next step.

Describing the obligations of the subtenant, such as paying rent on time, adhering to the rental terms outlined in the agreement, and respecting the rights of the tenant.

  • Include the subtenant’s obligation to pay rent on time
  • Outline the rental terms in the agreement
  • Explain the subtenant’s obligation to respect the rights of the tenant
  • Make sure that the language in the agreement is clear and easy to understand

When you have completed this step, you should have a clear understanding of the obligations of the subtenant as outlined in the agreement.

Enforcement of the Agreement

  • Outline the process for enforcing the sublease agreement, such as legal action or eviction proceedings
  • Include a clause that specifies the tenant is responsible for any legal fees related to enforcing the agreement
  • Specify any additional fees or costs associated with enforcing the agreement
  • Define the appropriate remedies for non-compliance

Once you have outlined the process for enforcing the sublease agreement and specified any additional costs or fees associated with doing so, you can move on to the next step.

Explaining the process for enforcing the sublease agreement, such as using eviction proceedings or taking the matter to court.

  • Explain to the subtenant any consequences they may incur if they fail to adhere to the terms of the agreement, including potential eviction proceedings
  • Explain the tenant’s rights under local landlord-tenant laws that may apply
  • Explain the tenant’s right to take the subtenant to court to enforce the agreement, if necessary
  • Explain that the tenant will be responsible for any legal fees associated with enforcement of the agreement
  • When you have finished explaining the enforcement process, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: How does a sublease agreement differ from a rental agreement?

Asked by David on August 4th 2022.
A: Sublease agreements are used when one person (the sublessor) has an existing lease agreement with a landlord and wants to rent out the same space to someone else (the sublessee). The existing lease agreement remains in place and the sublessor is still responsible for the terms of the agreement. The sublessee pays rent directly to the sublessor and is responsible for meeting the obligations of the sublease agreement.

Q: What are the legal implications of creating a sublease agreement?

Asked by Emily on June 17th 2022.
A: When creating a sublease agreement, it is important to draft a legally enforceable document that meets the needs of both parties. Depending on your jurisdiction, there may be specific requirements for what must be included in the document, such as information about the parties involved, details of the property, rental amounts and payment terms, length of term, and termination rights. It is important to consult with a lawyer before creating a sublease agreement to ensure that it meets all legal requirements and that it is enforceable.

Q: Is there any way to protect myself as a sublessor if the sublessee fails to meet their obligations?

Asked by John on March 12th 2022.
A: Yes, there are several ways to protect yourself as a sublessor when creating a sublease agreement. First, you should clearly outline in the document all of the obligations of both parties and include remedies if either party fails to meet their obligations. You can also include clauses such as security deposits or late fees in order to further protect yourself. Finally, you can also require that any payments made by the sublessee are paid directly into your bank account or via an online payment system such as PayPal in order to ensure that you receive payment on time.

Q: What happens if either party breaches the terms of the agreement?

Asked by Mary on May 5th 2022.
A: If either party breaches terms of the agreement, they may be liable for damages or other remedies as outlined in the document. Depending on your jurisdiction, these remedies may include requiring that the breaching party cover any costs incurred as a result of their breach or compensating another party for any losses incurred due to their breach. It is important to consult with a lawyer before creating a sublease agreement to ensure that all potential remedies are included in the document.

Q: Is it necessary to have a written sublease agreement?

Asked by Joseph on January 1st 2022.
A: Yes, it is usually necessary to have a written sublease agreement in order for it to be legally enforceable. Verbal agreements are not generally enforceable in court so having everything in writing is important for both parties’ protection. In addition, having everything in writing ensures that both parties are aware of all terms and conditions of the agreement so there can be no confusion about expectations or responsibilities going forward.

Q: Are there different types of sublease agreements?

Asked by Sarah on April 15th 2022.
A: Yes, there are different types of sublease agreements depending on your jurisdiction and specific needs. For example, some jurisdictions may have specific laws governing commercial vs residential leases or tenant vs landlord responsibilities that must be taken into account when drafting an agreement. In addition, some jurisdictions may require additional clauses such as pet policies or access rights that must be included in order for an agreement to be legally enforceable. It is important to consult with a lawyer when creating any type of lease agreement to ensure that your document meets all legal requirements for your jurisdiction.

Q: Do I need permission from my landlord if I want to create a sublease agreement?

Asked by Joseph on July 8th 2022.
A: Generally speaking, yes you will need permission from your landlord before creating a sublease agreement as they have ultimate authority over who can occupy their property and will need to approve any changes in occupancy arrangements. In some cases, they may require that you provide them with details about your potential tenant such as credit history or rental history before they will agree to allow them to occupy your space under a sublease arrangement. It is important to check with your landlord before creating any type of lease arrangement in order to ensure that you remain compliant with their rules and regulations regarding occupancy arrangements at their property.

Q: Are there special considerations when creating a sublease agreement for commercial property?

Asked by David on February 15th 2022.
A: Yes, when creating a sublease agreement for commercial property there are several special considerations to take into account depending on your jurisdiction and specific needs. Generally speaking, commercial leases tend to be more complex than residential leases due to increased risk associated with business operations and ownership structure variations (e.g., LLCs). As such, it is important to consult with an experienced lawyer prior to drafting any type of commercial lease arrangement so that all legal requirements can be met and risks minimized accordingly.

Q: What should I do if I have questions while creating my own sublease agreement?

Asked by Emily on August 25th 2022.
A: If you have questions while creating your own sublease agreement it is always best practice to consult with an experienced lawyer who can provide advice tailored specifically towards your situation and jurisdiction’s laws regarding tenancy agreements and leases of property. In addition, many websites offer template documents which can provide guidance when drafting your own documents but again it is recommended that you consult with an experienced lawyer prior to using these templates in order ensure accuracy and compliance with local laws where applicable.

Example dispute

Suing a Landlord Over a Sublease Agreement

  • Plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant (landlord) has violated the sublease agreement. This may include breach of contract, failure to perform obligations as stated in the agreement, or any other action which violated the terms of the sublease agreement.
  • Plaintiff must prove that the defendant’s breach of the agreement has caused them damages. This may include lost rent, decreased property values, or any other financial losses.
  • Plaintiff must show that the defendant was aware of their obligations under the sublease agreement and failed to fulfill them.
  • Plaintiff must prove that the defendant’s breach of the agreement was not caused by the plaintiff.
  • Plaintiff must demonstrate that they attempted to mitigate their damages, such as attempting to find a new tenant or other ways to reduce the financial losses.
  • Plaintiff must demonstrate that they have suffered financial losses as a result of the defendant’s breach of the agreement.
  • Plaintiff must prove that they suffered damages greater than the amount of rent they are due under the sublease agreement.
  • Plaintiff must prove that they properly served the defendant with notice of the suit.
  • Plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant was given a reasonable amount of time to remedy the breach of the agreement before the lawsuit was filed.
  • Plaintiff may be able to recover any legal fees incurred in pursuing the lawsuit.
  • Plaintiff may be able to receive damages for any emotional distress or inconvenience caused by the defendant’s breach of the agreement.

Templates available (free to use)

Landlord Consent To Office Sublease Simple
Office Sub Sublease Sub Friendly Sublandlord Simple
Office Sublease Sub Friendlylandlord Simple
Standard Sublease Agreement
Sublease Termination Agreement

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