Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Creating a Merger Agreement

9 Jun 2023
25 min
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Note: Links to our free templates are at the bottom of this long guide.
Also note: This is not legal advice


Doing business deals is a complex affair and the terms of any agreement need to be clear and precise. Merger agreements are no different as they provide legal protection for both parties, outline financial obligations, set up a framework for managing the merged entity, and provide a platform for future negotiations.

Merger agreements act as an essential contract between two entities that are merging or looking to do so, setting out the details of the deal in clear terms while also providing legal protections. These documents outline how assets will be distributed, how liabilities will be divided, how tax implications will factor into the deal, and how the merged entity is to be managed.

Having an agreement in hand helps all parties involved avoid misunderstandings or confusion over financial obligations so that everyone involved is happy with the outcome of their dealings. The document also provides a framework for resolving any disputes that may arise while enabling both sides to take advantage of opportunities that may present themselves in future negotiations.

As such, it is critical to ensure that merger agreements are comprehensive yet flexible enough to change with changing conditions or circumstances down the line. To accomplish this task properly requires seeking out the expertise provided by Genie AI’s open source legal template library which features millions of datapoints teaching AI what standard market agreements look like and making it easier than ever before for anyone - even those without expertise - draft customisable high-quality legal documents without paying lawyers fees.

The Genie AI team wants to make sure everyone has access to free merger agreement templates so can confidently move forward with their business dealings knowing they have all bases covered legally speaking while having access to resources needed put together contracts quickly and correctly every single time. With our step-by-step guidance and template library available at your fingertips today you can get started on your way towards informed merger decisions right away!


Merger Agreement: A legal document that outlines the terms of a merger between two companies.
Timelines: A set of dates that specify when certain tasks need to be completed.
Deadlines: A date by which a task must be completed.
Responsibilities: Tasks that must be completed by a certain party.
Obligations: Duties that must be fulfilled by a certain party.
Disputes: Arguments or disagreements between two or more parties.
Due Diligence: The process of verifying the accuracy of financial information.
Financials: A company’s financial information, such as income and expenses.
Assets: Anything of value that is owned by a company.
Liabilities: Debts or obligations that a company owes.
Legal Documents: Documents that are drafted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Negotiations: The process of reaching an agreement between two or more parties.
Integration: The merging of two or more systems or operations.
Conflicts: Disputes or disagreements between two or more parties.
Regulations: Rules and laws that are put in place to ensure compliance.
Closing Documents: Documents that are necessary to complete a transaction.


  1. Defining the terms of the merger agreement
  2. Establishing timelines and deadlines
  3. Discussing the responsibilities and obligations of each party
  4. Outlining the process for resolving disputes
  5. Establishing the roles and responsibilities of each party
  6. Assigning tasks and setting expectations
  7. Defining the reporting structure and communication channels
  8. Completing due diligence and verifying the financials of each company
  9. Reviewing the financial statements and tax records
  10. Examining the assets, liabilities, and other liabilities
  11. Drafting the legal documents needed for the merger agreement
  12. Preparing the merger agreement and related documents
  13. Drafting any other relevant legal documents
  14. Negotiating and finalizing the merger agreement
  15. Working through any disagreements or outstanding issues
  16. Developing an action plan for moving forward
  17. Understanding and managing post-merger integration
  18. Identifying the impact on employees and cultures
  19. Establishing processes for integrating systems and operations
  20. Dealing with any potential conflicts that may arise
  21. Establishing protocols for resolving disputes
  22. Developing strategies for avoiding future conflicts
  23. Identifying and addressing tax and regulatory implications
  24. Researching applicable laws and regulations
  25. Analyzing the potential tax implications of the merger
  26. Ensuring compliance with legal and financial regulations
  27. Developing policies and procedures to ensure compliance
  28. Monitoring and verifying compliance with all applicable laws
  29. Finalizing closing documents and procedures
  30. Preparing closing documents and paperwork
  31. Finalizing any necessary filings and registrations

Get started

Defining the terms of the merger agreement

  • Understand the goals and objectives of the merger agreement
  • Identify the merging parties and their respective roles
  • Research the relevant laws and regulations for the merger
  • Determine the structure of the merger agreement
  • Establish the terms of the agreement, including the division of assets and liabilities
  • Draft the merger agreement
  • Have the agreement reviewed by legal counsel

You’ll know that you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have a finalized, legally reviewed merger agreement.

Establishing timelines and deadlines

  • Set a timeline for when the transaction should be completed and when any additional documents should be provided or submitted.
  • Agree on deadline for the completion of the merger agreement.
  • Decide on a date for when the agreement will become effective.
  • Agree on when the parties will sign the agreement and when they will exchange it.
  • Set dates for when the parties will provide any additional documents or information necessary for the completion of the merger agreement.
  • Set a timeline for when the merger will be completed and when any additional documents should be provided or submitted.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • All the timelines and deadlines have been discussed and agreed upon by both parties.
  • All the timelines and deadlines have been written into the merger agreement.

Discussing the responsibilities and obligations of each party

  • Create a list of the roles and responsibilities of each party in the merger agreement
  • Discuss the expectations of each party and document them in the merger agreement
  • Outline the legal obligations each party has to the other
  • Specify the timeframe the obligations remain in effect
  • Agree on the consequences of not fulfilling the obligations
  • Draft the merger agreement and have both parties sign it
  • Once both parties have signed the merger agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Outlining the process for resolving disputes

  • Research and identify the potential dispute resolution methods, such as arbitration, mediation, or litigation
  • Consider and discuss the pros and cons of each dispute resolution method and decide on the best approach
  • Specify the details of the dispute resolution process, such as the duration, fees, and applicable laws
  • Draft a dispute resolution clause in the merger agreement
  • Obtain advice from a legal counsel or other professionals, if necessary
  • Once all parties agree to the dispute resolution clause, it can be included in the merger agreement
  • Check off this step and move on to the next step: Establishing the roles and responsibilities of each party

Establishing the roles and responsibilities of each party

  • Review the organizational structure of both parties to ensure each party has a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each.
  • Discuss the roles and responsibilities of each party, including how decisions will be made, and document them in the merger agreement.
  • Ensure that the roles and responsibilities of each party are specific, clear, and realistic.
  • When all roles and responsibilities have been agreed upon, the parties can move to the next step in the merger process.

Assigning tasks and setting expectations

  • Identify the tasks that each party needs to complete for the merger agreement to be successful.
  • Discuss and agree upon the expectations for the completion of each task.
  • Outline a timeline for the completion of each task.
  • Establish a system of accountability for each party, such as deadlines and progress reports.
  • Once the tasks and expectations have been agreed upon, document them in a written agreement.
  • You’ll know that this step is complete when all tasks and expectations have been documented and agreed upon.

Defining the reporting structure and communication channels

  • Establish a reporting structure between both companies, outlining the roles and responsibilities of each team.
  • Decide who will be responsible for leading the integration process and overseeing the merger.
  • Create a communication plan that outlines how information will be shared between both companies.
  • Set up effective channels of communication between all parties involved in the merger.
  • Ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the reporting structure and communication channels.

Once you have established the reporting structure and communication channels, you can move on to the next step of the merger agreement.

Completing due diligence and verifying the financials of each company

  • Gather financial statements for both companies, including balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements
  • Verify that the financial statements are accurate and up-to-date
  • Analyze the financials to determine whether the merger is viable
  • Ensure that the financials of each company match the information provided in their respective merger agreements
  • Have a qualified accountant review the financials and issue an opinion on the accuracy of the financials
  • Satisfy any additional due diligence requests from either party

Once all of the above steps have been completed, you can move on to the next step of reviewing the financial statements and tax records.

Reviewing the financial statements and tax records

  • Thoroughly review the financial statements and tax records of each company involved in the merger
  • Make sure to check for discrepancies, inaccuracies, and any potential liabilities
  • Make sure to check for any potential claims that may arise from the merger
  • Ensure that the financial statements and tax records are up to date and accurate
  • Compare the financial statements and tax records of each company to make sure the information is correct
  • Make sure you have all the documents needed to provide a complete picture of the financials for each company
  • Once you have thoroughly reviewed the financial statements and tax records, you can move on to the next step.

Examining the assets, liabilities, and other liabilities

  • Review the financial statements and tax records to gain an overview of the financial situation of the business
  • Analyze the assets, liabilities, and other liabilities of the business to determine their value
  • Review any existing contracts to ascertain the terms and conditions and any future liabilities associated with them
  • Examine the current and potential markets in which the business operates
  • Review the intellectual property rights of the business
  • Identify any potential risks associated with the existing assets, liabilities, and other liabilities

Once you have completed this step, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the business you are merging with and its financial situation. This knowledge will be essential in drafting the legal documents needed for the merger agreement.

Drafting the legal documents needed for the merger agreement

  • Contact an attorney specializing in mergers and acquisitions to draft the documents
  • Have the attorney review the assets, liabilities, and other liabilities from the previous step
  • Draft the merger agreement, disclosure schedule, and other documents needed for the transaction
  • Request and review any additional documents required for the merger agreement
  • Make any necessary revisions to the merger agreement and related documents
  • Have the merger agreement and related documents reviewed and approved by the parties
  • When the merger agreement and related documents are finalized, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Preparing the merger agreement and related documents

  • Obtain a copy of the merger agreement and related documents from the other party
  • Review the documents carefully, taking note of any changes that need to be made
  • Make any necessary changes to the documents, including any updates or amendments
  • Prepare a set of signed copies of the merger agreement and related documents
  • Exchange signed copies of the merger agreement and related documents
  • Verify both parties have received and signed the merger agreement and related documents

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when both parties have exchanged and verified the signed merger agreement and related documents.

Drafting any other relevant legal documents

  • Research any applicable state or federal laws that may impact the merger agreement
  • Consult with a qualified legal advisor to determine if there are any other documents that may need to be drafted in addition to the merger agreement
  • Create and draft any other documents that may be needed, including an assignment agreement, stock purchase agreement, or any other documents that may be required for the merger
  • Ensure any additional documents are properly edited and finalized before presenting them to the other party
  • Once all documents are drafted and finalized, you can move on to the next step of negotiating and finalizing the merger agreement.

Negotiating and finalizing the merger agreement

  • Reach out to both parties and begin the negotiations for the merger agreement - understand their expectations and goals and build a mutual agreement.
  • Make sure to include all the relevant information for both parties and that the agreement is legally binding.
  • Incorporate any additional documents that are necessary for the agreement.
  • Have both parties agree to the merger agreement and sign the document.
  • Finalize the merger agreement, making sure it meets the expectations of both parties.
  • You can check this off your list when the merger agreement is signed by both parties.

Working through any disagreements or outstanding issues

  • Identify any potential disagreements or issues that need to be addressed prior to completion of the merger agreement
  • Work with both parties to explore solutions to the disagreements or issues
  • Reach a mutual agreement on how to handle any disagreements or issues
  • Document any agreements made in the merger agreement
  • Ensure all parties involved have signed off on the merger agreement
  • You have successfully worked through any disagreements or outstanding issues when all parties have signed off on the merger agreement.

Developing an action plan for moving forward

  • Identify and document the key objectives of the merger
  • Identify and document the key tasks that need to be completed to achieve the objectives
  • Develop a timeline for each task
  • Assign a responsible party for each task
  • Identify and document any potential risks associated with the merger
  • Establish a system of communication to ensure that all parties are kept informed of progress
  • Establish a system of reporting to ensure that tasks are being completed on time

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When all tasks have been identified, assigned, and placed on a timeline
  • When a system of communication and reporting has been established
  • When any potential risks associated with the merger have been identified and documented

Understanding and managing post-merger integration

  • Identify the key stakeholders affected by the merger, both internally and externally.
  • Develop a timeline of activities for the integration process.
  • Determine the goals and objectives for the post-merger integration process.
  • Assess the organizational structure and processes of both companies to determine the best way to combine them.
  • Identify any potential areas of conflict between the two companies and develop strategies to resolve them.
  • Create a communication plan for all stakeholders involved in the merger.
  • Monitor and evaluate the post-merger integration process to ensure it is successful.

When you have identified the key stakeholders, developed a timeline and objectives, assessed the organizational structure and processes, identified potential conflicts, created a communication plan, and are monitoring and evaluating the post-merger integration process, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying the impact on employees and cultures

  • Assess how the merger will impact the employees and cultures of the two companies
  • Identify any potential issues that may arise due to the merger, such as differences in working practices and cultures, and plan how to effectively address them
  • Consider any potential redundancies and plan how to manage these in a fair and ethical manner
  • Establish a communication plan with employees to ensure they are aware of any changes that may be happening as a result of the merger
  • Develop a strategy to ensure the two cultures can integrate successfully

You will know that you have completed this step when you have identified the potential impacts the merger will have on employees and cultures, and identified strategies to address any issues that may arise.

Establishing processes for integrating systems and operations

  • List out any systems and operations that must be integrated
  • Identify any IT, operational, or other technical requirements that need to be addressed in order to facilitate the integration
  • Develop a timeline for integrating systems and operations
  • Establish a plan to ensure the smooth transition of the integration process
  • Create a document to track and monitor the progress of the integration process
  • Schedule regular meetings with all stakeholders to review the progress of the integration process
  • Identify any potential roadblocks that could prevent the successful integration of systems and operations
  • When all systems and operations have been integrated and the transition is complete, check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Dealing with any potential conflicts that may arise

• Identify any potential areas of conflict between the two entities, such as overlapping markets, customer base, or services.
• Analyze the potential conflicts to determine the best way to manage them.
• Consider alternative solutions to managing conflicts, such as divesting certain assets or restructuring certain operations.
• Develop a plan to resolve any potential conflicts that may arise.
• Establish protocols to monitor the merger and identify areas of potential conflict.
• Document any agreements reached in the merger agreement.

You will know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have identified any potential conflicts, analyzed them, developed a plan to resolve them, established protocols to monitor the merger, and documented any agreements reached in the merger agreement.

Establishing protocols for resolving disputes

  • Identify any potential areas of disagreement and how these disagreements can be resolved
  • Establish an agreed-upon process for how potential disputes can be quickly and amicably resolved
  • Create a set of protocols for how to address any disputes that arise in the future
  • Ensure that all protocols are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Once the protocols have been established, ensure that all parties involved understand and agree to them
  • Document the protocols and have each party involved sign the document

You’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when all parties have agreed to the protocols and have signed the document documenting the protocols.

Developing strategies for avoiding future conflicts

  • Identify areas where conflict could arise and develop strategies to prevent it from occurring.
  • Consider introducing a “no surprises” policy for both parties to ensure that any changes in the agreement are discussed and agreed upon.
  • Create a code of conduct to ensure the parties behave ethically and that their respective duties are clearly defined.
  • Develop a process for the parties to communicate openly and honestly with each other.
  • Establish a set of policies and procedures that the parties must adhere to.
  • Define the roles and responsibilities of each party and how they will interact with each other.
  • Discuss any potential conflicts of interest.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • When both parties have agreed to the strategies and policies outlined, and there is a clear understanding of how to prevent future conflicts and how to address them when they occur.

Identifying and addressing tax and regulatory implications

  • Research applicable corporate tax laws and regulations in the jurisdiction of the merger
  • Determine the effects of the merger on the tax obligations of the merging companies
  • Consider the impact of the merger on employees’ taxes
  • Identify any regulatory requirements that need to be met to complete the merger
  • Draft any necessary clauses or provisions to comply with the relevant tax and regulatory laws

When you have completed the research, identified the applicable laws and regulations, and drafted the necessary clauses or provisions, you can move on to the next step.

Researching applicable laws and regulations

  • Research the specific laws and regulations governing the potential merger in the relevant jurisdiction, such as tax regulations, corporate and securities laws, and other relevant laws.
  • Understand the process and procedures for filing the necessary paperwork required by law, such as the Form 8-K.
  • Research the disclosure requirements for the merger under the applicable law.
  • Identify any restrictions or limitations that may apply and how they could impact the merger.
  • Determine the required steps for obtaining regulatory approval for the merger, if applicable.
  • When you have a thorough understanding of the applicable laws and regulations and have identified any potential restrictions or limitations, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Analyzing the potential tax implications of the merger

  • Check the tax regulations of the countries involved in the merger and compare them to the regulations in the countries where the merged entity will operate
  • Assess the potential tax implications associated with the merger, including potential capital gains taxes, corporate income taxes, and other applicable taxes
  • Consult a tax professional for guidance on the specifics and any potential tax savings or liabilities associated with the merger
  • Document the findings of the tax implications analysis and include a summary of the findings in the merger agreement
  • Once the analysis has been completed and documented, the step can be checked off the list and the merger agreement can be finalized.

Ensuring compliance with legal and financial regulations

  • Understanding the most current legal and financial regulations related to the merger
  • Ensuring all parties involved in the merger are aware of and compliant with the regulations
  • Creating an audit checklist to document compliance with the regulations
  • Having an outside legal counsel review the merger agreement for compliance
  • Documenting any non-compliance that is found and creating an action plan for resolving it
  • Once all parties involved in the merger are compliant with the regulations, and any non-compliance is resolved, the step can be checked off and the next step can be started.

Developing policies and procedures to ensure compliance

  • Consult with legal counsel to ensure that all policies and procedures are compliant with the applicable laws, regulations, and other statutory requirements.
  • Make sure to include a detailed description of the procedures to be followed for all relevant compliance-related activities, such as financial reporting and disclosure, regulatory filings, and internal audits.
  • Develop a system for tracking and reporting all compliance activities, including any changes in the policies and procedures.
  • Establish a process for regularly updating the policies and procedures to ensure they remain compliant with relevant laws, regulations, and other requirements.
  • Create a checklist for all compliance-related activities, and make sure to provide clear instructions on how to comply with each item.
  • Establish a system for monitoring and verifying compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and other requirements.
  • Once all policies and procedures have been developed and implemented, they should be reviewed and updated regularly.

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • After all policies and procedures have been developed and implemented, you can move on to the next step of monitoring and verifying compliance with all applicable laws.

Monitoring and verifying compliance with all applicable laws

  • Conduct research of all applicable laws and regulations related to the merger.
  • Draft a compliance policy that outlines the specific rules and regulations that must be followed.
  • Develop a plan for monitoring compliance with the laws and regulations.
  • Implement procedures for verifying that the company is in compliance with the laws and regulations.
  • Monitor and review performance regularly to ensure that the company is in compliance.
  • Document any non-compliance and take swift action to remedy the situation.

Once you have conducted research, drafted the policy, developed a plan for monitoring, implemented procedures for verifying, and monitored and reviewed performance, you can check this step off your list and move on to finalizing closing documents and procedures.

Finalizing closing documents and procedures

  • Review the closing documents prepared by the lawyers for both parties
  • Verify that all the documents are properly signed, dated, and notarized
  • Ensure that all fees, taxes, and dues related to the merger are paid and settled
  • Obtain all the necessary clearances, approvals, and licenses from government authorities and/or third parties
  • Review and approve the closing statement
  • Make sure the documents are delivered to the other party
  • Make sure all the post-closing documents are in order
  • Once all of the above steps are completed, you can proceed to the next step of preparing closing documents and paperwork.

Preparing closing documents and paperwork

  • Prepare all closing documents and paperwork for the merger, such as the merger agreement, board resolutions, articles of merger, shareholder consents, and other related documents.
  • Make sure all documents are properly signed and dated by all the parties involved in the merger.
  • Have the merger agreement and other documents reviewed and approved by the attorneys of both companies.
  • Make sure all the closing documents and paperwork are complete and accurate before submitting them for final review and approval.
  • Once all the documents are finalized and approved, you can move on to the next step of the process.

Finalizing any necessary filings and registrations

  • Research applicable state and federal laws to ensure the agreement adheres to all legal requirements
  • Determine the appropriate filing fees and forms needed to register the merger agreement
  • Gather information and documents necessary to complete the filing forms
  • Submit the filing forms and accompanying documents to the state and federal government
  • Pay any necessary filing fees
  • Follow up with government agencies to ensure the filings were accepted
  • Once the government agencies have accepted the filing forms, the process of finalizing any necessary filings and registrations is complete.


Q: What’s the difference between a merger and an acquisition?

Asked by Ashley on 27th April 2022.
A: A merger is when two companies combine to form one company, while an acquisition is when one company takes over the majority of ownership shares of another company. The result in both cases is that one company is able to control the other, though the process for each are slightly different. Mergers tend to be negotiated between the two companies and require shareholder approval, while acquisitions require only the approval of the target company’s board of directors and shareholders.

Q: How is a merger agreement different from other legal documents?

Asked by Emily on 13th June 2022.
A: A merger agreement is a legally binding document which outlines the terms and conditions of a merger between two or more companies. It covers issues such as how ownership will be split, how assets will be divided, and what obligations each party has to another. It also includes provisions for disputes and how they will be resolved. Unlike other legal documents such as contracts or leases, a merger agreement governs the entire process of the merger, from beginning to end.

Q: What is a reverse triangular merger?

Asked by Matthew on 3rd August 2022.
A: A reverse triangular merger is a type of corporate restructuring in which one company (the subsidiary) acquires another (the target) through a third company (the parent). This is done to achieve certain tax benefits for all parties involved in the transaction. In a reverse triangular merger, the target company’s assets are transferred to the parent company, which then combines with the subsidiary under its control. The subsidiary then emerges as the surviving entity, with all liabilities belonging to it, and all assets belonging to the parent company.

Q: What are some possible consequences of not having a solid merger agreement?

Asked by Emma on 25th October 2022.
A: Not having a solid merger agreement can lead to significant financial and legal risks for all parties involved in the transaction. Without an agreement in place, there will be no clear guidelines for how assets should be divided or how disputes should be handled if they arise during or after the merger. Additionally, without an agreement in place it can be difficult to prove that certain rights or obligations were agreed upon at the time of the deal, resulting in costly litigation down the line. Finally, without an agreement there may be no protection from unexpected costs or liabilities that may arise from the transaction.

Example dispute

Suing over Breach of Merger Agreement

  • Plaintiff can file a lawsuit if they believe the defendant has breached a merger agreement.
  • Plaintiff must prove that the defendant did not honor the terms of the merger agreement, such as failing to comply with the closing conditions.
  • Plaintiff must also prove that they suffered damages as a result of the defendant’s breach.
  • Plaintiff may be able to recover any costs incurred due to the breach, including attorney’s fees, court costs, and other related expenses.
  • Plaintiff may be able to recover lost income, profits, or other damages depending on the specifics of the case.
  • The court may also award punitive damages if the breach was particularly egregious.
  • Settlement may be reached prior to trial if both parties can agree on an appropriate amount of damages.
  • If the case goes to trial, the court will decide on the damages due to the plaintiff and any other legal remedies.

Templates available (free to use)

Merger Contract All Cash Buyer Friendly
Merger Contract All Shares Buyer Friendly
Merger Contract Committed Debt Financing Strategic Buyer
Merger Contract Mixed Consideration Buyer Friendly
Merger Contract Private Company Buyer Friendly
Merger Contract Private Company Seller Friendly
Merger Contract Statutory Delaware
Merger Contract Tender Offer Buyer Friendly
Sharesholder Joinder And Release To Merger Contract Private Company

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