๐Ÿ“ Flexible working request rejection letter

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A flexible working request rejection letter covers an employer's decision to refuse an employee's request to work flexibly. The letter must set out the business reasons for the refusal and explain the right of appeal. The law on flexible working requests is contained in the Employment Rights Act 1996 and the Flexible Working Regulations 2014.

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๐Ÿ“ Flexible working request rejection letter


Employer Rejection Letter (Flexible Working Request)

The Employer Rejection Letter (Flexible Working Request) under UK law is a legal template designed to guide employers in responding to a request made by an employee for flexible working arrangements. In the United Kingdom, employees have the right to formally request flexible working, such as part-time hours, job sharing, or remote work, after completing 26 weeks of continuous employment.

This template enables employers to properly address and reject a flexible working request if it cannot be accommodated within the organization due to specific reasons specified under UK law. The letter allows employers to clearly communicate the grounds for the decision, ensuring compliance with the statutory requirements and avoiding potential legal disputes or claims.

The template typically provides a pre-drafted text that outlines the reasons for rejecting the request, which may include operational implications, inability to reassign work, negative impact on customer service, detrimental effects on the business, cost implications, or any other valid justification that aligns with the laws and regulations governing flexible working in the UK.

Employers can use this template as a tool to ensure consistent and legally compliant communication with employees who have submitted a request for flexible working arrangements. By providing a clear and detailed response, the employer can maintain transparency and demonstrate that the request was genuinely considered, even if it was ultimately declined for valid reasons.
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Reject flexible working request

1. The law does not require employers to grant flexible working requests. 2. An employer may reject a flexible working request if they have a legitimate business reason for doing so. 3. Some examples of legitimate business reasons for rejecting a flexible working request include: the request would negatively impact the business, the business cannot accommodate the request, or the individual has not been employed with the company for long enough.