✏️ Flexible working confirmation

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A flexible working confirmation is a document that outlines an employee's entitlement to request flexible working arrangements. The confirmation must state the employee's right to request flexible working arrangements, the employer's procedure for considering such requests, and the right of the employee to appeal any decision made by the employer.

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✏️ Flexible working confirmation


Employer Confirmation of Trial Period (Flexible Working Request)

The legal template "Employer Confirmation of Trial Period (Flexible Working Request) under UK law" is an agreement that is designed to outline the terms and conditions of a trial period granted by an employer in response to an employee's request for flexible working arrangements. In the United Kingdom, employees have the right to make such requests under specific legislations, and this template serves as a formal document to confirm the agreed trial period and define the responsibilities and expectations of both parties during this time.

The template begins by stating the parties involved, including the employer's and employee's details, and the effective date of the agreement. It then provides an overview of the flexible working request made by the employee and highlights the reasons for the request.

Next, the template sets out the duration and scope of the trial period, including the start and end dates, as well as any limitations or variations that will be applied during this period. It clarifies that the trial period is agreed to assess the suitability and feasibility of the requested flexible working arrangement and that it does not constitute a permanent change to the employee's contract.

The template further outlines the employer's responsibilities during the trial period, such as monitoring and evaluating the employee's performance and adherence to the agreed arrangement. It also establishes the expectation that both parties will engage in regular communication and review meetings to assess the progress and address any concerns or revisions required.

Additionally, the template may address matters related to pay, benefits, and any adjustments required to accommodate the flexible working arrangement. It may also contain a clause stating that either party can terminate the trial period with reasonable notice if it proves incompatible or untenable.

This legal template serves as a formal and binding document that ensures both the employer and the employee are aware of their rights and obligations during the trial period while complying with the relevant UK employment laws pertaining to flexible working requests.
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Confirm trial period

If an employer wants to change an employee's working hours, they must first confirm the trial period in writing. This is to make sure that the employee agrees to the change and understands what it means for their working hours and salary. The trial period should last for a reasonable amount of time, depending on the nature of the change, so that both the employer and employee can assess whether it is working out. If the change is not working out, the employer can revert back to the original working hours.