All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Complainee means the party, member, or person against whom a complaint has been lodged or an investigation initiated.
Deeded Access
Deeded Access means the right conveyed in relation to a subdivided not-fronting buffer strip lot, enabling crossing to reach the buffer strip.
Main Event
Main Event means the principal match, bout or contest, drawing the most attention and typically offering the largest [reward]
Sales Ratio
Sales Ratio means the percentage derived from [Item A] divided by [Item B].
Disposal of waste
Disposal of waste means the action of eliminating waste scientifically, primarily through landfill depositing, incineration, or other equivalent operations not contributing to recovery.
Court Proceedings
Court Proceedings means child protective measures which focus on the safety of a child, determining if the child is mistreated or neglected and deciding the suitable course of action.Court Proceedings means any lawful action conducted that relates to the adjudication of a case from a child's first appearance in court for a criminal offense or from the start of a civil action concerning a child until a final judgment.Court Proceedings means any court-related action, application, appeal, or motion, regardless of who initiated it and regardless of the type of request or plan in question.Court Proceedings means any proceeding conducted during the course of the prosecution of a criminal act committed against a child victim, which includes pretrial hearings, trial, and appellate proceedings.Court Proceedings means a proceeding before any court including a Grand Jury hearing.
Residential Housing
Residential Housing means any building or structure designed primarily for living accommodations, including associated land and improvements.
Disciplinary Measure
Disciplinary Measure means the application of a punitive action such as a reprimand, suspension, layoff, or dismissal.
Medically Stable
Medically Stable means a person's physical or mental health is constant, effectively managed by routine care and does not frequently fluctuate