Alex Denne
Growth @ Genie AI | Introduction to Contracts @ UCL Faculty of Laws | Serial Founder

Streamline Your Intra Company Transfer Process

23 Mar 2023
32 min
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Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Intra company transfers are becoming ever-more important for companies today as they strive to become more agile and in order to maximize their resources. With a successful transfer process comes a number of tangible benefits: from the ability to remain competitive in an ever-changing market, to cost savings by avoiding the need for recruitment and training of new employees, through to retention of existing personnel with the opportunity for them to further grow and develop within the organization - not forgetting that it can also help improve morale and productivity too.

It’s clear then that due diligence needs to be taken when it comes to streamlining your intra company transfer process - but how? Enter Genie AI. Founded in 2017, Genie AI is the world’s largest open source legal template library which uses millions of datapoints teaching its AI what a market-standard intra company transfer looks like. Through this dataset and community template library, anyone can draft and customize high quality legal documents without paying a lawyer or needing an account with us – we just want to help!

The key is clear communication between all parties; both transferring and receiving personnel need full knowledge of expectations surrounding the process, as well as other associated procedures such as deadlines etc. Clear procedures should also be put into place by organizations in order for them to complete the transfer quickly and efficiently; providing everyone involved has been given sufficient information throughout this will make sure this happens smoothly.

To conclude then: understanding why intra company transfers matter is essential, especially if you want your organization to remain agile against changing market conditions whilst taking advantage of existing resources available - all while being able save costs. By using Genie AI’s dataset/template library you could streamline your own procedure today; so what are you waiting for? Read on below for our step-by-step guidance on how best to do this successfully - plus access our free template library now!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Intra Company Transfer: The process of transferring an employee from one company department or location to another.
Policies and Procedures: A set of rules and guidelines that must be followed by a company or its employees.
Regulatory Requirements: Rules and regulations that a company must adhere to in order to comply with the law.
Legal Counsel: A lawyer or other professional who provides advice and assistance on legal matters.
Industry Standards: Practices and procedures that are generally accepted in a particular industry.
Human Resources: The department within a company that is responsible for recruiting, hiring, and managing personnel.
Gathering Documents: Collecting and organizing documents and information related to a transfer.
Developing a Plan: Creating a plan that outlines all steps that need to be taken and who is responsible for each step.
Establishing a Timeline: Setting dates and deadlines for completing the transfer process.
Preparing and Submitting Forms: Completing and filing documents for the transfer process.
Obtaining Approvals: Getting permission from all necessary parties before beginning the transfer.
Facilitating the Transfer: Ensuring that all steps are taken and that all parties are kept informed.
Completing Final Documentation: Finishing paperwork such as contracts and employment agreements.
Finalizing the Transfer: Notifying all necessary parties that the transfer is complete.
Assessing and Evaluating the Transfer: Reviewing the transfer process to determine if it was efficient and effective.


  • Researching the Intra Company Transfer Process
  • Investigating the company’s internal policies and procedures, as well as external regulatory requirements.
  • Gathering Documents and Information
  • Collecting, organizing, and verifying all necessary documents and information related to the intra-company transfer.
  • Developing a Transfer Plan
  • Developing a plan that outlines all steps that need to be taken, who is responsible for each step, and when it needs to be completed.
  • Establishing a Timeline
  • Establishing a timeline for the transfer process and communicating this timeline to all parties involved.
  • Preparing and Submitting the Transfer Forms
  • Preparing and submitting the transfer forms to the appropriate parties.
  • Obtaining Approvals
  • Obtaining all necessary approvals prior to beginning the transfer process.
  • Facilitating the Transfer
  • Facilitating the transfer process and monitoring its progress.
  • Completing Final Documentation
  • Completing all necessary paperwork, such as contracts and employment agreements.
  • Finalizing the Transfer
  • Finalizing the transfer process and providing any necessary notifications.
  • Assessing and Evaluating the Transfer
  • Assessing and evaluating the transfer process to ensure that it was both efficient and effective.

Get started

Researching the Intra Company Transfer Process

  • Identify the current process for intra-company transfers within your organization
  • Gather documents, reports, and memos related to current policies
  • Analyze the current process and identify any potential areas of improvement
  • Create a list of questions related to the current process
  • Ask the relevant stakeholders and employees for their input
  • When you have a clear understanding of the current process and its strengths and weaknesses, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Investigating the company’s internal policies and procedures, as well as external regulatory requirements.

  • Review company policies and procedures related to intra company transfers
  • Identify any relevant external regulations that must be adhered to
  • Consult with compliance staff to ensure all requirements will be met
  • Create a checklist of all applicable rules and regulations
  • Once you have reviewed all the applicable policies and regulations, you can move on to the next step of gathering documents and information.

Gathering Documents and Information

  • Obtain copies of the employee’s CV, certificates, and other documents related to their qualifications
  • Verify the employee’s current job title and job responsibilities
  • Collect all relevant documents related to the employee’s contract of employment
  • Gather any required documents, such as a passport, driver’s license, or visa
  • Obtain a copy of the employee’s medical records
  • Collect the employee’s salary and compensation records
  • Collect the employee’s performance reviews
  • Gather the employee’s current and past employment history

You will know you can move on to the next step when you have collected, organized, and verified all the necessary documents and information related to the intra-company transfer.

Collecting, organizing, and verifying all necessary documents and information related to the intra-company transfer.

  • Gather all necessary documents and information such as employee’s CV, current job responsibilities, and salary details.
  • Make sure all the documents are up-to-date and relevant to the transfer process.
  • Create a checklist of the documents and information required for the transfer.
  • Check and verify each document and information provided, to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  • Cross-reference all documents and information with the company’s existing database.
  • Once all the necessary documents and information have been collected, organized and verified, you can move on to the next step.

Developing a Transfer Plan

  • Identify the key stakeholders involved in the transfer process- this may include Human Resources, IT, Finance, Legal, etc.
  • Create a timeline of activities and tasks needed to complete the transfer process.
  • Assign each activity or task to the responsible party.
  • Determine any necessary resources needed to complete the transfer process.
  • Document the transfer plan in a format that can be easily shared with all stakeholders.
  • Use the transfer plan to track progress and address any issues or changes that arise.

Once you have completed this step you will have a detailed plan of all steps needed to complete the transfer process, who is responsible for each step, and when it needs to be completed.

Developing a plan that outlines all steps that need to be taken, who is responsible for each step, and when it needs to be completed.

  • Develop a list of all the steps needed in the transfer process
  • Assign a responsible party for each step
  • Establish a timeline for when each step should be completed
  • Track progress and ensure timelines are met
  • Establish a system of checks and balances to ensure that all steps are completed
  • Review and revise the plan as needed
  • Once all steps have been successfully completed, you can move on to the next step in the process.

Establishing a Timeline

  • Identify a transfer timeline that meets all deadlines and milestones required for a successful transfer, such as when documents need to be completed, when the transfer should be initiated, and when the transfer will be completed.
  • Assign tasks to individuals responsible for each step in the timeline, and communicate the timeline and tasks to all parties involved.
  • Monitor progress of tasks and ensure deadlines are met.
  • Check off this step once the timeline and tasks have been established and communicated to all parties.

Establishing a timeline for the transfer process and communicating this timeline to all parties involved.

  • Decide on the timeline for the transfer process and communicate it to all involved parties
  • This timeline should include start and end dates, as well as any deadlines needed for paperwork or other tasks
  • Make sure to include any delays or contingencies that may arise and be prepared to adjust the timeline accordingly.
  • Assign tasks and/or deadlines to each party as necessary
  • Once the timeline is established, make sure all parties involved are aware of it and agree to it
  • You can check off this step of the process once you have established the timeline and it is communicated to all parties.

Preparing and Submitting the Transfer Forms

  • Collect all necessary forms that need to be completed, such as the transfer request form, the employee’s resume, and any additional forms required by the receiving organization.
  • Ensure that all forms are completed in a timely manner and that all required information is included.
  • Submit the forms to the receiving organization, along with any required documentation.
  • Follow up with the receiving organization to ensure that they have received the forms and that they are being processed.
  • Once you have received confirmation that the forms have been received and are being processed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Preparing and submitting the transfer forms to the appropriate parties.

  • Collect all the necessary forms, such as the employee transfer form, residence information form, and income tax forms
  • Fill out the forms completely and accurately
  • Submit the forms to the appropriate parties, such as the human resources department, the finance department, and the tax authorities
  • Follow up with the parties to ensure that the forms have been received and that the process is moving forward
  • When you have received confirmation that the forms have been received and the process is moving forward, check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Obtaining Approvals

  • Contact the relevant people in the respective departments to obtain approval for the transfer
  • Prepare any additional documents required to gain approval
  • Submit the required documents to the decision-makers
  • Follow up with the decision-makers to ensure your request is reviewed
  • Once you have received the necessary approvals, make a note of them and move on to the next step in the process

Obtaining all necessary approvals prior to beginning the transfer process.

  • Identify all stakeholders who need to approve the transfer process.
  • Reach out to each stakeholder and explain the process and the reasons for the transfer.
  • Gather all necessary documents and paperwork required for approval.
  • Submit the documentation to each stakeholder for approval.
  • Follow up with stakeholders regularly to ensure approval is not delayed.

Once all approvals have been obtained, you can move on to the next step of facilitating the transfer.

Facilitating the Transfer

• Identify and coordinate with the necessary parties to facilitate the transfer process. This will include the employee, the current and new supervisors, HR, and any other relevant contacts.
• Ensure all paperwork and documentation is complete and accurate.
• Arrange for transportation and any necessary visas or permits.
• Schedule a start date for the new assignment and provide the employee with all relevant information.
• Monitor the transfer process and address any issues that may arise.

Once the transfer process has been facilitated and the employee is ready to begin their new assignment, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Facilitating the transfer process and monitoring its progress.

  • Set up regular meetings with the transferring employee and their manager to review progress and provide feedback
  • Review the employee’s progress and provide feedback
  • Monitor the progress of the transfer and make sure that all tasks are being completed in a timely manner
  • Ensure that any changes to the transfer process are documented
  • Keep track of any changes that need to be made to the transfer process
  • Ensure that all documents related to the transfer are up to date
  • When all tasks related to the transfer process have been completed, check off this step and move onto completing final documentation.

Completing Final Documentation

  • Collect all necessary documentation from the employee that is transferring, such as a copy of their passport, visa or work permit if necessary, and paperwork related to their position and duties
  • Ensure all final documents are signed and filed correctly
  • Submit any applicable forms to government agencies, such as tax, immigration or labour authorities
  • Notify the employee’s home country of the transfer, the new country and any other relevant agencies
  • Create a file of all relevant documentation related to the transfer process
  • Update the company’s HR, payroll and other systems to reflect the employee’s new role and location
  • You will know you have completed this step when all necessary documentation is collected, filed and all relevant authorities have been notified.

Completing all necessary paperwork, such as contracts and employment agreements.

  • Obtain a copy of the company’s standard employment agreement
  • Ensure that all necessary fields are filled out correctly
  • Have the agreement signed by the employee and relevant representatives from both the transferring and receiving company
  • Ensure that all other paperwork required for the transfer is completed, such as visa applications and tax documents
  • Make sure all of the paperwork is filed properly with the appropriate departments
  • Confirm that all paperwork has been submitted to the necessary parties
  • You will know that you are finished with this step when all paperwork has been submitted and filed correctly.

Finalizing the Transfer

  • Notify all necessary parties: Let the current and new departments know that the transfer is complete.
  • Inform HR: Ensure that all personnel files are updated to reflect the change.
  • Ensure proper access: Make sure the employee has the necessary access to their new workplace.
  • Finalize documentation: Sign and date any documents that need to be finalized for the transfer.
  • How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step: Once all parties have been notified, the personnel files have been updated, the employee has the necessary access to their new workplace and all documents have been signed and dated, you can check this step off the list and move on to the next step.

Finalizing the transfer process and providing any necessary notifications.

  • Notify all relevant stakeholders and departments of the transfer, including any external parties involved.
  • Send out a formal announcement for the transfer.
  • Confirm that all necessary paperwork and documents for the transfer have been completed.
  • Follow up with all necessary parties to ensure that the transfer is complete.
  • Ensure that the transferred employee has received all necessary information regarding their new job and the transfer process.
  • Once all of the above have been completed, the transfer process will have been finalized.

Assessing and Evaluating the Transfer

  • Assess the transfer process to determine if it was efficient and effective.
  • Evaluate the transfer from the point of view of the employee, manager, and organization.
  • Consider the employee’s feedback and any issues that arose during the transfer.
  • Utilize surveys and questionnaires to gain further insight.
  • Compile and analyze the data collected to identify areas for improvement.
  • Once the assessment and evaluation is complete, you can move on to the next step.

Assessing and evaluating the transfer process to ensure that it was both efficient and effective.

  • Establish a system for measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the transfer process
  • Identify any areas of the process that could be improved
  • Analyze the results to determine what is working and what needs to be improved
  • Make changes to the process as needed to ensure it is as efficient and effective as possible
  • Re-evaluate the process regularly to ensure that it remains effective and efficient
  • When you are satisfied with the results, you can move on to the next step.


Q: What is the difference between EU and USA transfer processes?

Asked by Samantha on November 19th 2022.
A: The main difference between EU and USA transfer processes is that the EU process is largely based on the principle of free movement of services, goods, people, and capital between member states, meaning that intra-company transfers are relatively straightforward. In the USA, however, there are more restrictions on the free movement of services and goods between states, making intra-company transfers more complicated. It’s important to note that when it comes to international transfers, additional regulations may apply depending on the specific countries involved.

Q: Are there any specific industry considerations when streamlining my intra-company transfer process?

Asked by Benjamin on May 5th 2022.
A: Yes, depending on your industry, sector or business model there may be specific considerations when streamlining your intra-company transfer process. For example, if you are in the technology sector, you may need to take into account data protection regulations and their implications for the transfer of data between jurisdictions. Similarly, if you are a SaaS (Software as a Service) business you may need to consider taxation rules across different jurisdictions when transferring services.

Q: What are the potential risks associated with streamlining my intra-company transfer process?

Asked by Victoria on October 2nd 2022.
A: The potential risks associated with streamlining your intra-company transfer process include legal risks such as breaching applicable laws or regulations; financial risks such as fluctuating exchange rates; reputational risks such as potential damage to your brand or image; operational risks such as potential delays in completing transfers; and data security risks such as unauthorized access to personal data. It’s important to consider all of these potential risks when making decisions about streamlining your intra-company transfer process.

Q: What are the tax implications of streamlining my intra-company transfer process?

Asked by Evan on April 17th 2022.
A: Tax implications can vary depending on the jurisdiction in which your company operates, so it’s important to understand how local taxation laws may affect your intra-company transfer process. Generally speaking, in order to minimize tax liabilities it’s important to ensure that all required documents are completed correctly and that all necessary taxes are paid in a timely manner. Additionally, it’s important to keep track of any changes in taxation laws or regulations that may apply to your company’s intra-company transfers.

Q: Are there any other legal considerations I should take into account when streamlining my intra-company transfer process?

Asked by Aiden on December 15th 2022.
A: Yes, there are a number of other legal considerations you should take into account when streamlining your intra-company transfer process. These include but are not limited to: compliance with applicable labor laws; intellectual property rights; antitrust and competition laws; privacy and data protection regulations; anti-bribery laws; employment contracts; foreign investment laws; and export control laws. It’s important to take all of these legal considerations into account when streamlining your intra-company transfer process to ensure that you comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Q: What kind of documentation do I need for an intra-company transfer?

Asked by Emma on July 28th 2022.
A: Generally speaking, you will need a range of documents for an intra-company transfer including but not limited to: corporate registration documents; employment contracts; invoices/bills/receipts; company policies and procedures; any applicable licenses or permits; tax returns/financial statements; proof of identification for both sender and recipient; proof of address for both sender and recipient; and proof of payment (e.g., bank statements). Additionally, if the transfer involves international jurisdiction it is important to check whether additional documentation is required (e.g., export/import licenses).

Q: How can I ensure that my data remains secure during an intra-company transfer?

Asked by Isabella on June 6th 2022.
A: Ensuring that your data remains secure during an intra-company transfer is essential in order to protect yourself from potential cyber threats or data breaches. To help ensure data security during an intra-company transfer you should use secure methods for sharing files (e.g., encryption methods) as well as regularly updating software/firmware versions and implementing strong access controls (e.g., user authentication). Additionally, it’s important to keep detailed records of all transactions so that any suspicious activity can be quickly identified and addressed accordingly.

Q: How can I ensure that my company complies with applicable labor laws during an intra-company transfer?

Asked by Noah on August 11th 2022.
A: Ensuring compliance with applicable labor laws during an intra-company transfer is essential in order to protect both your company and its employees from potential legal action or fines due to noncompliance with local labor laws or regulations. To help ensure compliance with applicable labor laws during an intra-company transfer you should familiarize yourself with local labor law requirements (including minimum wage requirements) as well as any special regulations related to transferring employees within a company (e.g., job descriptions). Additionally, it’s important to ensure that any relevant documents (e.g., employment contracts) are updated accordingly prior to the commencement of any transfers in order to avoid potential legal issues down the line.

Example dispute

Intra Company Transfer Lawsuits

  • Plaintiffs may raise a lawsuit which references an intra company transfer if they believe they have been the victim of a breach of contract, negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, or fraud.
  • Common examples of these lawsuits might include a company transferring assets between divisions without proper authorization, or an employee transferring funds without proper authorization.
  • The plaintiff might also allege that the intra company transfer was not done in good faith or was done with the intent to defraud.
  • Plaintiffs may also raise a lawsuit if they believe that the intra company transfer resulted in a financial loss to the plaintiff, such as a decrease in the value of the company’s shares or the loss of a job due to the transfer.
  • Plaintiffs may also seek damages if they believe that the transfer resulted in a loss of profits or other economic losses.
  • Plaintiffs may also seek damages for emotional distress or other non-economic losses.
  • If the plaintiff is successful in their lawsuit, they may be awarded damages or other forms of compensation, such as the return of any funds which were transferred without authorization.
  • Settlement may also be reached through negotiation between the parties, or through arbitration or mediation.
  • Damages may be calculated based on the amount of financial losses suffered, or based on the amount of emotional distress or other non-economic losses suffered as a result of the transfer.

Templates available (free to use)

Application Form And Appointment Booking Letter To Migrant Switching From Intra Company Transfer To Skilled Worker Uk
Biometric Appointment Letter To Migrant Switching From Intra Company Transfer To Skilled Worker Uk
Legal Letter To Migrant Entering Uk On Intra Company Transfer Visa
Legal Letter To Migrant Entering Uk On Intra Company Transfer Visa 5
Migrant Application Cover Letter For Intra Company Transfer Visa
Migrant Biometric Appointment Letter For Intra Company Transfer Visa
Migrant Biometric Appointment Letter For Intra Company Transfer Visa E
Migrant Permission To Enter For Intra Company Transfer Visa
Migrant Post Approval Notice Letter For Intra Company Transfer Visa
Migrant Post Approval Notice Letter For Intra Company Transfer Visa D
Post Approval Advice Letter To Migrant Switching From Intra Company Transfer To Skilled Worker Uk
Standard Application For Intra Company Transfer Switch To Skilled Worker Letter To Home Office
Standard Application For Intra Company Transfer Switch To Skilled Worker Letter To Home Office A

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