Alex Denne
Head of Growth

Creating a Deed of Adherence

23 Mar 2023
35 min
Text Link

Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Creating a legally binding document that outlines the terms of an agreement and protects the interests of all those involved is no small feat - but with the help of Genie AI’s expert open source legal template library, it can be done.

A deed of adherence provides clarity, consistency, and protection for all parties to an agreement by spelling out in precise detail what each party is agreeing to. It also sets clear boundaries around what will happen if either party fails to adhere to the terms set out in the document. Furthermore, a deed of adherence provides legal enforcement measures, should any dispute between parties arise; it binds them legally and sets out a means for remedying breaches or disputes.

The cost-effectiveness of using a deed of adherence cannot be overstated - it is far less expensive than pursuing expensive legal action, should any dispute arise between parties. On top of this, understanding and adhering to a deed of adherence tends to be simpler than more complex contracts due to its readability and straightforwardness.

For all these reasons (and more!), utilizing a deed of adherence can be incredibly advantageous whenever transactions are taking place - such as in business or real estate deals. By understanding how they work and what they guarantee, individuals or entities entering into such agreements can ensure that their interests are protected against breaches or disputes down the line.

What’s more: Genie AI makes creating high-quality deeds simple without breaking your bank account balance! Our extensive dataset teaches our AI algorithm about market standards so anyone using our community template library can generate customised documents with ease - no lawyer required! Plus we offer free templates so you don’t need an account with us – just read on below for our step-by-step guidance on how you can get access today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Statutory Details: Details required by law that must be included in a document.
Personal Details: Personal information, such as name and address, used to identify someone.
Financial Details: Information related to money and payment, such as amounts and payment terms.
Drafting: Writing a formal document.
Legal Clauses: Statements in a document that outline legal obligations.
Proofreading: Carefully reading a document to check for errors.
Executing: Formally completing a document.
Registering: Submitting a document to an official registry.
Witnesses: People who sign a document to verify that the parties involved are in agreement.
Researching: Investigating and gathering information about a topic.
Utilizing: Taking advantage of something.
Different Types: Variations of something.
Accurate Record: Keeping track of a process with true and precise details.
Filing: Submitting a document to an official registry.
Storing Securely: Keeping a document in a safe and protected place.


  • Understanding the Purpose of a Deed of Adherence
  • Gathering the Required Information
  • Statutory Details
  • Personal Details
  • Financial Details
  • Identifying the Parties Involved
  • Drafting the Deed of Adherence
  • Defining the Parties Involved
  • Outlining the Terms of the Deed
  • Writing out the Legal Clauses
  • Making Sure the Language is Clear and Concise
  • Finalizing the Deed of Adherence
  • Proofreading the Deed
  • Having a Legal Professional Review the Document
  • Executing the Deed of Adherence
  • Obtaining Signatures from the Parties Involved
  • Having Witnesses Sign the Document
  • Registering the Deed of Adherence
  • Submitting the Document to the Appropriate Registry
  • Ensuring the Document is Registered Properly
  • Tips and Advice on Creating a Legally Binding Deed of Adherence
  • Researching Relevant Laws
  • Utilizing Expert Legal Advice
  • Understanding the Different Types of Deeds
  • Keeping an Accurate Record of the Process
  • Filing the Deed of Adherence
  • Storing the Document Securely

Get started

Understanding the Purpose of a Deed of Adherence

  • Understand what a Deed of Adherence is and why it is necessary
  • Research the requirements of a Deed of Adherence based on the state or jurisdiction in which it is being created
  • Read through the necessary documents related to the Deed of Adherence, such as the original agreement or contract
  • Ask questions to clarify any terms or conditions that are not clear

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have a clear understanding of what a Deed of Adherence is, why it is needed, and the requirements for a Deed of Adherence in the state or jurisdiction in which it is being created.

Gathering the Required Information

  • Obtain the names and details of all parties who need to be involved in the deed.
  • Identify who is the trustee and the beneficiaries of the trust.
  • Collect the date the trust was created and the date the deed is to be executed.
  • Gather the trust deed, any amendments, and any other related documents.
  • When all the required information has been collected, you can move on to the next step.

Statutory Details

  • Provide the property address, legal description, and the legal jurisdiction of the property
  • Provide the date the property was originally registered in the land titles system
  • Provide the registry or land titles office where the property is registered
  • Provide the registration number for the property
  • Provide the names of the registered owners of the property
  • Confirm that all registered owners are in agreement and are willing to sign the deed of adherence

You can check this off your list when you have provided the statutory details for the property in the deed of adherence.

Personal Details

  • Gather the personal details of each party to the deed - name, address and contact information
  • Ensure that all parties are of legal age and have the capacity to enter into a binding agreement
  • Include the date of execution of the deed
  • Once all of the required details are gathered, you can move on to the next step of the guide.

Financial Details

  • Gather the deed of adherence and the documents that the original deed was based on.
  • Check that the financial details in the deed of adherence match those in the original deed.
  • Make sure that all the financial details are up-to-date and accurate.
  • Sign the deed of adherence and have a witness sign it as well.

Once you have gathered the documents, checked that the details are accurate, and signed the deed, you can move on to the next step in the process.

Identifying the Parties Involved

  • Understand what parties are involved in the transaction and their roles
  • Gather necessary contact information for all parties
  • Confirm that all parties have agreed to the terms of the transaction and are willing to sign the Deed of Adherence
  • When all parties have agreed to the terms and have provided the necessary information, you can move on to the next step of drafting the Deed of Adherence.

Drafting the Deed of Adherence

  • Determine the content of the deed of adherence, such as:
  • The names of the parties
  • The date the deed is being signed
  • Reference to the underlying Agreement and date of execution
  • Any additional terms and conditions that the parties agree to
  • Draft the deed of adherence, ensuring all the necessary terms and conditions are included, and that the language is clear and unambiguous
  • Have the deed of adherence checked by a legal professional
  • Both parties should sign the deed of adherence
  • Once all parties have signed the deed of adherence, it should be filed with the relevant registry
  • You can check off this step when you have a signed and filed deed of adherence.

Defining the Parties Involved

  • Determine the names and addresses of the parties involved in the Deed of Adherence
  • Identify the roles of each party in the Deed of Adherence
  • Verify that each party is legally authorized to enter into the Deed of Adherence
  • Record the names and addresses of each party in the Deed of Adherence

You’ll know that you have completed this step when each party’s names and addresses, as well as their roles in the Deed of Adherence, have been identified and verified, and have been recorded in the Deed of Adherence.

Outlining the Terms of the Deed

  • Outline the obligations that each party is expected to fulfill
  • Specify the conditions that must be fulfilled for the deed to take effect
  • Set out the date by which each party must fulfill their obligations
  • Identify the remedies available in the event that either party fails to comply with the deed
  • When you have outlined the terms of the deed, you can move on to the next step.

Writing out the Legal Clauses

  • Start by writing out the legal clauses for the deed of adherence, including the parties involved, the date of the deed, and the terms agreed to by the parties.
  • For example, the deed of adherence should include language that clearly states the parties intend to adhere to the terms and obligations already established in the original contract.
  • Be sure to include language that indicates that all parties accept and agree to the terms and conditions of the deed of adherence.
  • Finally, make sure to include a signature line for each party involved.
  • Once all legal clauses have been written out and all parties have signed off, the deed of adherence will be complete.

Making Sure the Language is Clear and Concise

  • Read through the deed of adherence you have written to ensure that the language is clear and concise
  • The deed of adherence should be written in a way that is easily understood by all parties involved
  • Make sure that the deed of adherence does not contain any confusing or ambiguous language
  • Take the time to review the deed and make sure that it is written in a way that is legally binding
  • Once you are satisfied with the language of the deed, you can move on to the next step of finalizing the deed of adherence.

Finalizing the Deed of Adherence

  • Review the entire document to make sure all necessary information is included
  • Ensure that all parties have signed the document
  • Have the document notarized if necessary
  • Make sure that the document has been dated
  • Make sure that the document is in the right format
  • Check that the document is compliant with all necessary laws and regulations
  • You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you’ve confirmed that all the above requirements have been fulfilled.

Proofreading the Deed

  • Carefully read the deed of adherence twice to ensure all information is error-free
  • Ensure that all applicable parties have signed the deed
  • Check for typos, spelling errors, and grammar mistakes
  • Ask a colleague to review the deed to make sure it is accurate
  • Once the deed is error-free, you can move on to the next step of having a legal professional review the document.

Having a Legal Professional Review the Document

  • Have a qualified legal professional review the Deed of Adherence to ensure it meets all legal requirements
  • Make sure the legal professional checks the accuracy of the information, the legal form of the document and the signature requirements
  • Have the legal professional provide advice on any changes that need to be made to the Deed of Adherence
  • Once the legal professional has reviewed and approved the Deed of Adherence, you have completed this step and can move on to the next step of executing the Deed of Adherence.

Executing the Deed of Adherence

  • Have the deed of adherence document printed for signing
  • Prepare the original and two copies of the deed of adherence document
  • Ensure all details mentioned in the deed of adherence document are accurate and exact
  • Have the parties involved in the deed of adherence sign each of the copies of the deed of adherence
  • Have the signatures of the parties involved in the deed of adherence document attested by a Notary Public
  • Make sure all copies of the deed of adherence document are signed and stamped by the Notary Public
  • The person executing the deed of adherence will also need to sign and stamp the original deed of adherence document
  • Upon completion of the signing and stamping process, make sure all signed copies of the deed of adherence document are delivered to the parties involved

You’ll know you can check this step off your list when all copies of the deed of adherence document have been signed and stamped by the Notary Public.

Obtaining Signatures from the Parties Involved

  • Ensure that all parties involved in the Deed of Adherence have read and understand the document.
  • Ask each of them to sign the document in their own handwriting.
  • If any of the parties involved requires a witness to sign the document, ask a credible third-party witness to sign the document.

When you have obtained all the signatures from the parties involved, you can move on to the next step.

Having Witnesses Sign the Document

  • Ensure each witness has read and understood the document
  • Ask each witness to sign the deed in the presence of the other witness and parties involved
  • Each witness should provide their full name, address, and signature
  • Witnesses should also print their name
  • After all parties have signed the document, have the witnesses date the document
  • Check that each witness has signed and dated the deed and all details are correct
  • You know you can check this step off your list when each witness has provided their signature, name, address, and date
  • You can then move on to the next step of registering the deed of adherence.

Registering the Deed of Adherence

  • Provide the Deed of Adherence to the appropriate registry office, typically the county or district office
  • The registry office will register the deed and provide a copy of the registered deed
  • The registered deed should be kept in a safe place for future reference
  • You will know that this step is complete when you have the copy of the registered deed in hand

Submitting the Document to the Appropriate Registry

  • Gather all documents and information required to register the Deed of Adherence.
  • Contact the appropriate registry and inquire about the process for submitting a Deed of Adherence.
  • Fill out the forms and documents as required by the registry.
  • Submit the Deed of Adherence and all required forms and documents to the registry.
  • Confirm with the registry that the Deed of Adherence has been received and is being processed.
  • You will know this step is complete when you have received confirmation from the registry that the Deed of Adherence has been received and is being processed.

Ensuring the Document is Registered Properly

  • Check the registry to verify that the document has been submitted
  • Make sure the document has been properly filed and accepted by the registry
  • Check the status of the document to ensure it is registered
  • If the document has been accepted, then you can move on to the next step

Tips and Advice on Creating a Legally Binding Deed of Adherence

  • Familiarize yourself with the legal requirements for creating a legally binding Deed of Adherence. This will include understanding the relevant laws and regulations applicable to the document.
  • Consult a lawyer to ensure that the document is legally binding and that you are not missing any important details.
  • Make sure to include all necessary information in the Deed of Adherence, such as the parties involved in the agreement, the purpose of the agreement, and the terms and conditions of the agreement.
  • Ensure that the document is signed and dated properly by all parties involved.
  • Once you have completed all the necessary steps and verified that all required information is included in the Deed of Adherence, you can be certain that the document is legally binding.

Researching Relevant Laws

  • Understand the local laws and regulations that apply to your deed of adherence.
  • Consult with a lawyer or other legal professional to make sure you are aware of any relevant statutes or regulations.
  • Research case law to identify any relevant precedents that could be helpful in understanding how the law might apply to your situation.
  • Check with state and local agencies to find out if any additional regulations or laws apply to your deed of adherence.
  • Look into any relevant industry codes or standards that might provide additional guidance.
  • When you have completed this step, you should have a good understanding of the relevant laws and regulations that apply to your deed of adherence.

Utilizing Expert Legal Advice

  • Contact a qualified lawyer or legal advisor who can help you understand the legal requirements of creating a Deed of Adherence
  • Ask the legal advisor to provide you with a comprehensive explanation of the deed and what must be included in it
  • Discuss any questions or concerns you have with the lawyer or legal advisor
  • Receive any necessary documents (e.g. the text of the deed) from the lawyer or legal advisor
  • When you have received the necessary documents and information, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Understanding the Different Types of Deeds

  • Familiarize yourself with the different types of deeds, such as a deed of trust, deed of covenant, and deed of adherence.
  • Research the legal requirements in your jurisdiction to ensure that whichever type of deed you choose is valid.
  • Understand how each type of deed works, and how they may be used in your situation.
  • When you have a good understanding of the different types of deeds, you can move on to the next step.

Keeping an Accurate Record of the Process

  • Gather all relevant documents, such as the deed of adherence, land title documents, and survey certificates
  • Ensure that all documents are up-to-date
  • Make sure all parties sign the deed of adherence and that their signatures are witnessed
  • Have a solicitor or conveyancer review the deed to make sure it is legally binding
  • Keep a copy of the signed deed of adherence and all related documents in a secure place

Once you have gathered all relevant documents, ensured all documents are up-to-date, had all parties sign the deed of adherence, had a solicitor or conveyancer review the deed, and kept a copy of the signed deed and all related documents in a secure place, you can check this step off your list and move on to filing the deed of adherence.

Filing the Deed of Adherence

  • Obtain the necessary copies of the Deed of Adherence, which includes a copy for each party.
  • Ensure the Deed of Adherence is signed by each party and dated.
  • File the Deed of Adherence with the court where the original contract was filed.
  • Submit the necessary filing fee to the court.
  • Receive a stamped copy of the filed Deed of Adherence from the court.
  • You have successfully completed the filing of the Deed of Adherence and can now move on to the next step of securely storing the document.

Storing the Document Securely

  • Store the Deed of Adherence in a safe, secure location.
  • Make sure to keep the document in an easily accessible place.
  • If you need to access the document in the future, you should have no trouble locating it.
  • When you have stored the document securely, you can check this step off your list.


Q: What is a deed of adherence?

Asked by Jessica on April 17th 2022.
A: A deed of adherence is a binding document which sets out the terms and conditions of an agreement between two or more parties. It provides evidence of the parties’ intention to enter into an agreement and is legally enforceable. The deed of adherence outlines the roles and responsibilities of each party, and can be used to amend existing agreements or create new ones.

Q: What is the purpose of creating a deed of adherence?

Asked by John on August 17th 2022.
A: The primary purpose of creating a deed of adherence is to amend existing agreements or create new ones. It provides a legally binding document that sets out the terms and conditions of an agreement between parties, which can then be enforced by law. This ensures that all parties involved are fully aware of their obligations and have agreed to them in writing.

Q: How do I go about creating a deed of adherence?

Asked by Ashley on December 20th 2022.
A: Creating a deed of adherence requires careful consideration and preparation, as it must be legally enforceable. It should include details such as the identities of the parties involved, their respective roles, what each party is responsible for, and any other relevant information such as dates, payment details, or any other relevant terms or conditions. You should also ensure that all parties involved sign the document before it can be made legally binding.

Q: What are some important considerations when creating a deed of adherence?

Asked by Michael on July 15th 2022.
A: When creating a deed of adherence, it is important to consider all relevant factors such as the identities of the parties involved, their respective roles and responsibilities, any other relevant information such as dates, payment details, or any other relevant terms or conditions. You should also ensure that all parties sign the document before it can be made legally binding so that each party has agreed to its terms. Additionally, you should make sure that all necessary legal documents are in place before signing a deed of adherence, such as contracts, agreements, and any other relevant documents.

Q: What are the benefits of having a deed of adherence?

Asked by Sarah on November 5th 2022.
A: A deed of adherence provides several benefits for both parties involved in an agreement. Firstly, it provides evidence that both parties have agreed to its terms in writing and have signed it accordingly. This makes it easier for both parties to enforce their rights under the agreement if necessary. Additionally, it helps to avoid disputes by providing clear guidelines on how an agreement should be carried out and enforced if necessary. Lastly, it helps to protect both parties’ interests by ensuring that they are not taken advantage of during the course of their agreement.

Q: Are there any risks associated with creating a deed of adherence?

Asked by David on February 2nd 2022.
A: Although there are several benefits associated with creating a deed of adherence, there are also some risks associated with this process. Firstly, if any information included in the document is incorrect or incomplete then this could lead to disputes between the parties in future. Additionally, if either party fails to fulfill their obligations under the agreement then this could lead to legal action being taken against them or financial penalties being imposed upon them. For these reasons it is important to ensure that all information included in the document is accurate and complete before signing it in order for it to be legally enforceable.

Q: Are there any differences between UK vs USA vs EU jurisdictions when creating a deed of adherence?

Asked by Jennifer on June 10th 2022.
A: Although there may be some minor differences between UK vs USA vs EU jurisdictions when creating a deed of adherence, generally speaking they should all follow similar legal principles when it comes to drafting and signing documents such as deeds of adherence. For example, all three jurisdictions will require both parties involved in an agreement to sign documents before they become legally binding and will require certain information such as dates, payment details etc to be included in order for them to be valid and enforceable. However some jurisdictions may have specific requirements which need to be fulfilled in order for an agreement to be legally binding so you may wish to seek advice from a lawyer for further information about this depending on your particular needs and situation.

Q: What is the difference between an ordinary contract and a deed of adherence?

Asked by Matthew on May 1st 2022.
A: The main difference between an ordinary contract and a deed of adherence lies in their purpose and how they are enforced in court if necessary; an ordinary contract generally outlines an arrangement between two or more people which can then be enforced through legal action if necessary whereas a deed of adherence binds two or more parties together under one single document which can then be enforced through legal action if necessary. Additionally, while ordinary contracts can often be amended with relative ease through mutual consent between both parties involved in an agreement; deeds of adherence cannot usually be amended without first obtaining consent from all parties involved due to their binding nature under law.

Q: How can I ensure my deed of adherence is legally binding?

Asked by Elizabeth on March 25th 2022.
A: In order for your deed of adherence to be considered legally binding you must ensure that certain criteria are met; namely that you include all relevant information regarding dates, payment details etc., that you obtain consent from all parties involved before signing the document and that each party signs it accordingly before submitting it for enforcement through legal action if necessary. Additionally you should ensure that you seek legal advice from an appropriate professional if necessary so that you can make sure your document meets all applicable legal requirements for its jurisdiction (UK vs USA vs EU).

Q: What happens if one party does not comply with the terms outlined in my deed of adherence?

Asked by Joseph on October 30th 2022.
A: If one party fails to comply with the terms outlined in your deed of adherence then they could face legal action from either yourself or other parties involved in the agreement depending on what has been outlined in your document itself; this could involve financial penalties being imposed upon them or possibly even criminal prosecution where appropriate depending upon what has been outlined within your original agreement itself (which should have been discussed between both/all parties prior to signing). It is therefore important that all those involved understand their respective roles fully before committing themselves to any kind of legal arrangement such as this one which would involve multiple persons/entities who would need to agree upon its content prior to signing off on anything related to it.

Q: Is there any particular sector or business model where creating a deed of adherence might be beneficial?

Asked by Thomas on September 15th 2022.
A: Creating a deed of adherence might be particularly beneficial for businesses operating within sectors such as technology or SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) due to their reliance upon digital contracts which are often subject to changes over time; having a clearly defined set of rules which outline how changes should occur within these kinds contracts (in accordance with applicable laws) could help prevent disputes arising out of disagreements which could arise from miscommunication/misunderstanding over time as technology evolves at ever increasing speeds today compared with days gone past when physical contracts were more prevalent than digital ones ever will be today (and into future). Additionally businesses operating within B2B sectors might find this kind document particularly beneficial due to its ability to help protect both sides’ interests as well as helping clarify how any disagreements/disputes might arise from miscommunication/misunderstanding over time too - something which could become increasingly common within these kinds sectors depending upon how quickly technology evolves going forward into future too (especially given how interconnected our world has become since digital communication first became mainstream within modern society).

Q: Is there anyone I can speak with if I need advice about creating a deed of adherence?

Asked by Jessica on January 13th 2022.
A: If you need advice about creating a deed of adherences then you should speak with someone who is qualified and experienced enough in handling matters related to this kind documents such as lawyers who specialize in this kind area - they will often have extensive knowledge regarding relevant laws (such as those regarding UK vs USA vs EU jurisdictions) as well as experience dealing with similar agreements over time too which would help make sure your particular needs are met accurately and efficiently too regardless whether you need help amending existing agreements or creating new ones altogether (or anything else related therein).

Example dispute

Lawsuit Involving a Deed of Adherence:

  • A deed of adherence is a legal document that binds the signatory to certain conditions and agreements.
  • In a lawsuit involving a deed of adherence, the plaintiff may argue that the signatory failed to comply with the terms of the deed, or that the deed was invalid or unenforceable.
  • The plaintiff may attempt to prove that the signatory was aware of the conditions and agreements stated in the deed, and that the signatory failed to adhere to them.
  • The plaintiff may also argue that the signatory breached the deed or that the signatory was negligent in their duties under the deed.
  • The plaintiff may seek damages for any losses or harm caused by the signatory’s breach of the deed.
  • The plaintiff may also seek an injunction or other equitable relief to prevent the signatory from continuing to breach the deed.
  • Settlement may be reached through negotiation or mediation, or a court may order a judgement if the parties are unable to reach an agreement.

Templates available (free to use)

Deed Of Adherence
Deed Of Adherence For Non Leveraged Investment Agreement
Deed Of Adherence For Unequal Joint Venture Agreements
Deed Of Adherence To A Partnership Agreement To Admit A New Partner Existing General Partnership
Deed Of Adherence To A Standard Limited Liability Partnership Agreement

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