Alex Denne
Head of Growth

Create a Professional Event Sponsorship Agreement

23 Mar 2023
33 min
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Also note: This is not legal advice.


Definitions (feel free to skip)

Scope of Agreement: The range of the agreement that defines any limits or restrictions the parties are agreeing to.

Parties Involved: Individuals or organizations included in an agreement.

Duration of Agreement: The length of time the agreement is in effect.

Legal Obligations: Requirements that must be followed to ensure the agreement is valid.

Payment Terms: Details outlining when payments are due, what forms of payment are accepted, and other related information.

Termination Rules: Regulations that dictate when the agreement can be terminated, what happens when the agreement is terminated, and other related information.

Rights and Responsibilities: The privileges and duties of each party that are outlined in the agreement.

Dispute Resolution Process: A plan for addressing disagreements that includes details about who is involved and how the disputes are handled.

Notarize: To authenticate a document by having it signed in the presence of a notary public.


  • Establishing the scope of the agreement
  • Identifying the purpose and objectives of the agreement
  • Defining the scope of the agreement
  • Determining the parties involved
  • Identifying the parties
  • Obtaining the contact details of all parties
  • Establishing the roles and responsibilities of the parties
  • Defining the terms of the agreement
  • Specifying the duration of the agreement
  • Specifying the legal obligations of the parties
  • Establishing the payment terms
  • Setting out the rules for termination
  • Establishing the rights and responsibilities of the parties
  • Establishing a dispute resolution process
  • Identifying the potential causes of disputes
  • Establishing a process for resolving disputes
  • Drafting the agreement
  • Writing the agreement
  • Obtaining the signature of all parties
  • Finalizing the document
  • Ensuring the agreement is legally binding
  • Signing and notarizing the agreement
  • Ensuring all parties are present for signing
  • Notarizing the document
  • Distributing copies of the agreement
  • Making copies for each of the parties
  • Ensuring all parties have received a copy
  • Storing the agreement
  • Storing an original copy in a secure location
  • Ensuring the document can be easily accessed
  • Updating the agreement
  • Monitoring the agreement for changes
  • Amending the agreement as needed
  • Monitoring the agreement
  • Establishing a timeline for monitoring the agreement
  • Ensuring all parties are meeting their obligations

Get started

Establishing the scope of the agreement

  • List out the specific events, services, or products associated with the agreement
  • Identify any financial or non-financial terms that need to be addressed
  • Establish the timeframe of the agreement
  • Identify the parties involved in the agreement
  • Describe the responsibilities of each party
  • Discuss any additional clauses or conditions that need to be agreed upon

When you have listed out the specific events, services, products, and other relevant information for the agreement, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Identifying the purpose and objectives of the agreement

  • Determine what the event is and the purpose of the agreement
  • Establish the goals of the event and the agreement
  • Agree on the benefits of the partnership for each party
  • Identify the responsibilities of both parties
  • Outline any specific terms and conditions
  • Confirm that the agreement is legally binding

Once you have identified the purpose and objectives of the agreement, you can move on to the next step of defining the scope of the agreement.

Defining the scope of the agreement

  • Discuss the purpose and objectives of the event and get agreement from both parties
  • Identify the specific goals of the agreement, such as the type of exposure or promotion the sponsor will receive
  • Agree on the timeline of the agreement and any other details, such as the start and end dates of the agreement
  • Outline which activities and services the sponsor will be involved in
  • Decide which rights the sponsors will have during the event
  • Specify the responsibilities of each party
  • Define the criteria for success and any metrics for measuring the performance of the agreement

Once you have discussed, identified, agreed upon, outlined, decided, specified, and defined the scope of the agreement, you can move on to the next step of determining the parties involved.

Determining the parties involved

  • Identify the parties involved in the agreement, including any sponsors, event organizers, cosponsors, and other parties.
  • Identify the contact information for each party, including their name, address, and contact information.
  • Determine the roles and responsibilities of each party in the agreement.
  • Determine who will have the authority to sign the agreement.

Once you have determined the parties involved, their contact information and roles, and who will be signing the agreement, you can move on to the next step of Identifying the parties.

Identifying the parties

  • Get the full names of all involved parties.
  • Research the legal name of any corporations or entities involved in the agreement.
  • Ensure that all parties are accurately identified.
  • Confirm that all parties are legally capable of entering into the agreement.

Once you have identified all parties, you can move onto the next step of obtaining the contact details of all parties.

Obtaining the contact details of all parties

  • Send an email to the contact person of each party to obtain their contact details.
  • Ask each party to provide their name, address, email address, and phone number.
  • Once all contact details have been received, check off this step and move on to the next.

Establishing the roles and responsibilities of the parties

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of each party in the agreement
  • Clarify who will be responsible for any expenses related to the event
  • Outline which party will be responsible for providing goods and services
  • Determine which party will be responsible for organizing the event
  • Establish the timeline of deadlines and any other expectations for each party
  • Discuss any additional tasks or duties expected from each party
  • Create a document that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each party

You will know when you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step when you have a signed agreement with all parties outlining the roles and responsibilities of each.

Defining the terms of the agreement

  • Take inventory of the services and/or products that the sponsor will be providing in exchange for their sponsorship
  • Outline the amount of money that the sponsor will be contributing
  • Determine any additional benefits or incentives the sponsor will receive for their sponsorship
  • Define any requirements or conditions that must be met for the sponsorship to remain active
  • Establish guidelines for how and when the sponsored event will be promoted
  • Agree on the timeline for when payments are due
  • Include any other details that may be relevant to the agreement

Once all of the terms of the agreement have been outlined and agreed upon, you can move on to the next step.

Specifying the duration of the agreement

  • Determine the start and end dates of the agreement
  • If the agreement is to cover a specific event, determine the event’s start and end dates
  • Specify the exact length of the agreement
  • Clarify how extensions (if applicable) will be handled
  • Once the duration of the agreement is specified, move on to the next step of specifying the legal obligations of the parties.

Specifying the legal obligations of the parties

  • Outline any legal obligations that the sponsor and event host have to each other.
  • These should include any tasks or actions that each party will take, such as the number of event tickets that the sponsor will purchase or the amount of advertising that the event host will provide.
  • Include a clause that stipulates that both parties must act in good faith and hold up their end of the agreement.
  • Once all legal obligations are written down and agreed upon, you can check this step off your list and move onto the next step.

Establishing the payment terms

  • Agree on the amount of payment to be made and when it should be made
  • Determine whether the payment should be in a lump sum or in installments
  • Establish what is meant by the payment in terms of goods and services
  • Agree on any additional incentives or bonuses to be provided to the sponsor
  • Include any conditions attached to the payment
  • When all the details have been established, document the payment terms in the event sponsorship agreement
  • When the payment terms have been clearly outlined in the agreement, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Setting out the rules for termination

  • Define the conditions that must be met for either party to terminate the agreement.
  • Outline the process for terminating the agreement, such as notification requirements and timelines.
  • Specify the consequences of a party terminating the agreement.
  • Include a dispute resolution clause in the agreement.
  • Once all of the above have been addressed, you can move on to the next step.

Establishing the rights and responsibilities of the parties

  • Create a section outlining the rights and responsibilities of both the sponsoring party and the event organizer
  • Make sure to include the obligations of each party, such as any financial or promotional commitments
  • Address any other relevant matters that may arise, such as the ability to transfer or assign rights to a third party
  • Ensure that each party is aware of their potential liabilities
  • Include any other specific details that are agreed upon by both parties
  • Once both parties have agreed on the rights and responsibilities and have signed the agreement, you can check off this step and move on to the next one.

Establishing a dispute resolution process

• Outline the process by which disputes will be handled, including any applicable deadlines
• Decide on a conflict resolution method – arbitration, mediation, or litigation
• Agree on a choice of law and venue for resolving disputes
• Include a clause that requires all parties to look for ways to resolve disputes amicably before going to court
• Specify who will pay the legal costs associated with resolving disputes
• Decide on an applicable language for resolving disputes

You’ll know you can check this off your list and move on to the next step when a dispute resolution process has been established, outlined and agreed upon by all parties.

Identifying the potential causes of disputes

  • Analyze any potential sources of disputes that may arise in the sponsorship agreement, including but not limited to payment issues, last-minute changes, inadequate resources, and unclear instructions.
  • Consider the consequences of each dispute and how they may impact the agreement.
  • Create a list of possible disputes, including their causes and potential resolutions, that you can refer to when necessary.
  • Once you have a comprehensive list of possible causes of disputes, you can check off this step and move on to establishing a process for resolving disputes.

Establishing a process for resolving disputes

  • Research available dispute resolution options to determine which will best fit the needs of the parties involved
  • Consider the costs associated with each option and any applicable time limits
  • Discuss the options with the other parties and negotiate until an agreement is reached
  • Draft an agreement that outlines the dispute resolution process, including the option chosen, the associated costs, and any applicable time limits
  • Each party should sign and date the agreement to make it official
  • Once the dispute resolution process agreement is signed and dated by all parties, the step is complete and the parties can begin drafting the event sponsorship agreement.

Drafting the agreement

  • Determine the required information and clauses necessary for the agreement
  • Outline the format of the agreement, such as the introduction section, terms and conditions, and any termination clauses
  • Research relevant legal information, such as relevant laws and regulations
  • Create a first draft of the agreement
  • Have the agreement reviewed by a legal professional
  • Make any necessary changes to the agreement
  • Once the agreement is finalized, both parties will sign it

When you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

  • Once the agreement is finalized and both parties have signed it, you can move on to the next step.

Writing the agreement

  • Use the draft agreement you created in the previous step to write out the final agreement.
  • Include all relevant details such as date, names and contacts of all parties, event details, and sponsorships details.
  • Make sure to include all necessary legal language including any disclaimers or waivers.
  • Check and double-check to make sure all information is accurate.
  • Once the agreement is complete, you can move on to the next step.

Obtaining the signature of all parties

  • Ensure that all parties have read and understand the agreement before obtaining their signature
  • Have the representatives for each organization sign the agreement
  • Have witnesses sign the agreement if requested by any party
  • Make sure all signatures are date-stamped
  • Have all parties keep a copy of the agreement for their records
  • You can check this off your list when all parties have signed the agreement and the document is complete with all necessary signatures and date-stamps.

Finalizing the document

  • Create a digital and/or paper copy of the agreement
  • Have each party sign and date the agreement
  • Have the agreement notarized if necessary
  • Ensure that each party keeps a copy of the agreement for their records
  • Once all parties have signed and dated the agreement, it is officially finalized
  • Check off this step on your list and move on to the next step of ensuring the agreement is legally binding.

Ensuring the agreement is legally binding

  • Have a qualified lawyer review the agreement.
  • Make sure the document is formatted properly, with all information included.
  • Include the full legal name of all parties involved in the agreement.
  • Ensure all required signatures are included.
  • Make sure all terms and conditions are outlined clearly and concisely.
  • Double-check that the document is valid in the state or jurisdiction where it will be signed.

Once you have completed these steps, you can be confident that the agreement is legally binding, and you can move on to the next step which is signing and notarizing the agreement.

Signing and notarizing the agreement

  • Have both parties sign the agreement in the presence of a notary
  • Make sure the notary is present to witness the signing of the agreement
  • Have each party present a valid form of identification to the notary
  • Have the notary verify the identity of each party
  • Have the notary stamp and sign the agreement
  • Collect a copy of the signed and notarized agreement from the notary
  • Once the agreement has been signed and notarized, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Ensuring all parties are present for signing

  • Verify that all parties involved in the event sponsorship agreement are present at the time of signing.
  • Have all parties sign the agreement as witnesses of the signing.
  • You can check off this step when all parties have signed the agreement as witnesses.

Notarizing the document

  • Have all parties present sign the original document in front of a Notary Public
  • Notarize each signature using the Notary Public’s seal and signature
  • Make sure all parties have a copy of the document with the Notary Public’s signature
  • Once all signatures have been notarized, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Distributing copies of the agreement

  • Make sure that all parties involved have a copy of the agreement.
  • Make copies of the agreement for each party.
  • Make sure each agreement is signed by both parties.
  • Once all parties have a signed copy of the agreement, this step is complete.

Making copies for each of the parties

  • Obtain a physical or digital copy of the sponsorship agreement
  • Make copies of the agreement for each party involved: Sponsor, Event Organizer, and any other parties that may be involved
  • Make sure all copies are complete, legible, and accurate
  • Check that each copy has been signed, dated, and notarized if needed
  • Confirm that each party has received their copy of the agreement
  • Once all parties have received and signed their copy, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Ensuring all parties have received a copy

  • Ensure that each party has received a copy of the agreement.
  • Reach out to each party to confirm receipt of the agreement.
  • Ask each party to sign off on the agreement and return a copy to you.
  • Once all parties have received a copy and signed off on the agreement, you can move on to the next step.

Storing the agreement

  • Check with all parties that they have received a copy of the finalized agreement
  • Ensure the agreement is kept securely in a locked filing cabinet or other secure location
  • File a digital copy of the agreement in a secure folder on a computer or cloud storage
  • Make sure all copies are labeled correctly and have the same version number
  • Keep track of the agreement expiration date
  • When all of the above steps have been completed, you can move on to the next step.

Storing an original copy in a secure location

  • Ensure that the original copy of the agreement is stored in a secure location, such as a physical filing cabinet, a locked office drawer, or a secure cloud-based document storage system
  • Make multiple copies of the original agreement and store them in other secure places
  • Create a backup of the original agreement and store it in a secure place
  • When you have ensured that the original agreement is stored securely, check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Ensuring the document can be easily accessed

  • Post the document to your company’s intranet
  • Upload the document to a cloud storage platform, such as Dropbox or Google Drive
  • Share a copy of the document with all relevant stakeholders
  • Save a copy of the document on a USB drive or external hard drive
  • Make sure all stakeholders have access to the document
  • You can check this off your list once all stakeholders have access to the document.

Updating the agreement

  • Read through the agreement and check for any inaccuracies or changes that need to be made
  • Check that all terms and conditions are up to date and in compliance with local laws and regulations
  • Make any necessary adjustments to the agreement that may be required due to changes in the event or sponsorship
  • Get approval from all parties involved in the agreement before making any changes
  • After the agreement has been updated, store it in a secure location so it can be easily accessed in the future
  • You will know that you have completed this step when all changes have been made and the agreement has been approved by all parties involved.

Monitoring the agreement for changes

  • Monitor the agreement regularly to ensure that all the terms and conditions continue to be met
  • Keep track of any changes to the agreement and update it accordingly
  • Make sure that all parties involved in the agreement are following the terms
  • When changes are necessary, document them in writing
  • Check in with all parties involved in the agreement on a regular basis to ensure that they are still in compliance

When you have completed this step, you will have monitored the agreement for changes and have a record of any changes that were made.

Amending the agreement as needed

  • Review the agreement to determine if any changes need to be made.
  • If changes are needed, discuss them with the sponsor to ensure that both parties are in agreement.
  • Make the necessary amendments to the agreement, ensuring that both parties sign off on any changes.
  • Once the amendments are completed, both parties should store a copy of the amended agreement for their records.

You can check this off your list once the amendments to the agreement have been completed, both parties have signed off on the changes, and a copy of the amended agreement has been stored.

Monitoring the agreement

  • Review the agreement regularly to ensure all parties are meeting their obligations
  • Ensure that all sponsors are receiving the benefits specified in the agreement
  • Track spending and evaluate the success of the agreement through metrics and reporting
  • Monitor any changes to the agreement, such as extending the timeline or adjusting the budget
  • Communicate any changes to all parties involved
  • When all parties are fulfilling their obligations and the event is successful, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Establishing a timeline for monitoring the agreement

  • Outline a timeline for when to check in on the agreement and make sure all parties are meeting their obligations
  • Decide when and how often the agreement should be reviewed (monthly, quarterly, etc.)
  • Set milestones for when the agreement should be reviewed for evaluation and potential renewal
  • Determine who will be responsible for monitoring the agreement and when
  • Ensure everyone involved in the agreement is aware of the monitoring timeline

Once the timeline for monitoring the agreement has been established, you can move on to the next step: Ensuring all parties are meeting their obligations.

Ensuring all parties are meeting their obligations

  • Regularly review the agreement to make sure all parties are meeting their obligations
  • Make sure all sponsors are providing the agreed-upon services and products
  • Ensure that all sponsors are abiding by the terms of the agreement
  • Make sure all sponsors are providing the agreed-upon financial and in-kind contributions
  • Monitor the agreement to make sure that all sponsors are providing their services on time
  • Keep track of all payments and contributions to make sure they are paid in full
  • Check in with sponsors and beneficiaries regularly to ensure all parties are satisfied with the agreement

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:
When all parties are consistently meeting their obligations and you can verify that all payments and contributions have been made on time, you can move on to the next step in the guide.


Q: What are the differences between UK, US and EU event sponsorship agreement laws?

Asked by Melissa on March 22nd 2022.
A: When it comes to event sponsorship agreements, there are several differences between the UK, US, and EU. In the UK, event sponsorship is governed by the Gambling Act of 2005 and the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). The US has no specific legislation in place for event sponsorship, however, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has guidelines in place to protect consumers from deceptive advertising practices. In the EU, event sponsorship is governed by the European Union’s Unfair Commercial Practices Directive (UCPD). This directive applies to all Member States of the European Union and sets out a number of principles that must be followed when advertising or promoting a product or service.

Q: Is it necessary to create a professional event sponsorship agreement for my business?

Asked by Joshua on October 20th 2022.
A: Whether or not you need a professional event sponsorship agreement for your business will depend on the nature of your business and the type of events you are sponsoring. If you are simply sponsoring an event as a one-off, then it may not be necessary to create an agreement as you may not need to enter into any contractual obligations with the organizer of the event. However, if you are planning to become a regular sponsor of events, then it may be beneficial to have an agreement in place that outlines your rights and responsibilities as a sponsor. This will help protect both you and your business from any potential issues that may arise during or after the event.

Q: What information should be included in a professional event sponsorship agreement?

Asked by Nicole on August 4th 2022.
A: A professional event sponsorship agreement should include all relevant information relevant to both parties involved in the agreement. This should include a description of what services or products are being sponsored, how long the sponsorship will last, and any other conditions that must be fulfilled by either party in order for the agreement to remain valid. It should also include details such as payment terms, cancellation policies, indemnification clauses, and any other applicable legal terms or conditions. Additionally, it is important that both parties have a clear understanding of their respective obligations under the agreement so that both parties can be confident that their rights will be respected and upheld throughout the duration of their partnership.

Q: How should I structure my professional event sponsorship agreement?

Asked by Ashley on December 19th 2022.
A: When structuring your professional event sponsorship agreement, it is important to ensure that all relevant information is clearly outlined and agreed upon by both parties involved in order to avoid any potential disputes or misunderstandings down the line. You should start by outlining all details related to your sponsorship such as what services/products are being sponsored and how much you are paying for them. You should also outline any other conditions such as payment terms and cancellation policies. Finally, make sure that both parties agree on all aspects of the agreement before signing so that there is no confusion about what is expected from each party once the agreement is put into effect.

Q: How do I protect my business interests when entering into a professional event sponsorship agreement?

Asked by Ryan on May 30th 2022.
A: When entering into a professional event sponsorship agreement, it is important to ensure that all of your business interests are protected in order to avoid any potential disputes or misunderstandings down the line. One way to do this is by ensuring that all terms and conditions outlined in the agreement are clearly communicated between both parties involved so that everyone understands what they are agreeing to before signing anything. Additionally, you should consider including an indemnification clause which states that either party can’t hold each other liable for any losses they incur due to events outside their control during or after the term of their partnership. Finally, make sure that all payment terms are clearly outlined so that both parties understand when payments need to be made and who will be responsible for those payments if they aren’t received within an agreed timeframe.

Q: What legal considerations do I need to take into account when creating a professional event sponsorship agreement?

Asked by Sarah on July 14th 2022.
A: When creating a professional event sponsorship agreement there are several legal considerations which need to be taken into account in order for it to be legally binding and valid. The most important consideration is ensuring that all relevant information such as payment terms and cancellation policies are clearly outlined in order for both parties involved to fully understand what they are agreeing to before signing anything. Additionally, it is important that you include clauses which protect both parties from any potential losses incurred due to events outside their control during or after their partnership has ended such as an indemnification clause or liability waiver clause. Finally, make sure that you have consulted with appropriate legal professionals before signing anything so that they can review your contract and provide advice if necessary.

Example dispute

Suing for Breach of Event Sponsorship Agreement:

  • The plaintiff could claim that the defendant has breached their event sponsorship agreement by failing to abide by their contractual obligations outlined in the agreement.
  • The plaintiff would need to provide evidence and proof of the defendant’s breach, such as failing to provide the agreed upon goods or services, or not paying the agreed upon amount.
  • The damages that the plaintiff may be able to seek would include any financial losses incurred by the plaintiff due to the defendant’s breach.
  • The plaintiff may also be able to seek compensation for any other damages, such as damage to their reputation or lost opportunities.
  • The court may order the defendant to pay restitution or other damages, or they may order the defendant to perform the contractual obligations as agreed upon in the event sponsorship agreement.
  • The court may also order the defendant to pay legal fees and other costs associated with the lawsuit.

Templates available (free to use)

Music Or Sports Event Sponsorship Agreement Single Venue
Sponsorship Agreement For Uk Football Club Kit
Sponsorship Agreement Form

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