All Definitions

Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.

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Open Ticket

Open Ticket means a ticket without a predetermined flight number, departure date, or reserved seat.

Open Ticket

Points of ingress and egress

Points of ingress and egress means any accessible area used for entry, including locked or unlockable doors, gates, or openings

Points of ingress and egress

Game animals

Game animals means species of wild animals designated not to be hunted, unless otherwise allowed by the [relevant-authority].

Game animals

Notice of Dismissal

Notice of Dismissal means a written communication revoking a violation penalty.

Notice of Dismissal

Busy time

Busy time means a specific multi-hour segment during identical days in a [reporting period] where highest service usage is expected

Busy time

Meritorious Sportsman

Meritorious Sportsman means an athlete participating in recognized national, international, or inter-university competitions

Meritorious Sportsman

If any

If any means there is no requirement or obligation, such as a premium or fee.

If any


Student-aide means an individual under 16 involved in education or training, receiving instruction and supervised childcare experience without compensation.



Pharmacotherapeutics means the understanding and application of medications for treating ailments, including medication usage, interactions, and implications.
