All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Term Date
Term Date means the predetermined day a specified contract or agreement concludes.
Life Partner
Life Partner means a person living with another in a resemblance of marriage, mutually intended to be permanent, without the formality of a legal marriage.
Offshore Work
Offshore Work means work performed from or on offshore installations related to exploration or extraction of resources, including transport and transit duties
Delivery Docket
Delivery Docket means a document, issued by a supplier, accompanying goods, listing description and quantity of items, and recording delivery details
Telephone Solicitation
Telephone Solicitation means initiating a phone conversation to encourage the receiver to trade in goods, services or property.
Price Reduction
Price Reduction means a deliberate decrease in cost when pre-established criteria or purchase thresholds are achieved.
Covered Account
Covered Account means an account established by a [financial intermediary] for conducting transactions, holding [covered securities], or beneficial ownership.
Order of the Court
Order of the Court means a judge-issued written directive, outlining the legal steps or actions in a proceeding under [governing law]
A Certificate
A Certificate means a validated authorization or consent, indicating a certain status or certification of a required condition