All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Government Order
Government Order means an official ruling, judgement, decree, or issuance from a relevant authority
Client Work
Client Work means any services or products produced for a client, including but not limited to existing technology or intellectual property provided or owned by the client. All rights relating to the work are transferred to the client.
Passing Score
Passing Score means the minimum acceptable score set by an entity, board or commission and required to successfully complete an exam.
Private Sale
Private Sale means a privately arranged transaction, outside of public markets, involving two parties transferring ownership of an item, asset or security, without any necessary permits
E-Commerce Transaction
E-Commerce Transaction means a transaction initiated online, including through a mobile device, to purchase goods or services
Resignation in lieu of dismissal
Resignation in lieu of dismissal means voluntary departure post-notification of impending termination due to serious causes or related actions by the [organization].
Net Taxes
Net Taxes means the Gross Taxes less Administrative Expenses
Technical Knowledge
Technical Knowledge means the expertise and specialized information necessary in the context of [organization's] specific operations and subject matter
Moderate bodily injury
Moderate bodily injury means a physical impairment causing established unconsciousness, disfigurement, or temporary organ function failure.