All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Political Speech
Political Speech means public statements about state policy-making, including candidate expressions and social issue discussions.
Personal Record
Personal Record means a document identifying an individual, detailing relevant information as per stipulated guidelines
Contractual Adjustment
Contractual Adjustment means a reduction in the billed amount of a receivable due to policy requirements or set agreements.
Related Content
Related Content means digital material, owned or controlled by an [organization], employed in line with their proprietary identifiers
Cost of Service
Cost of Service means the total financial burden to an organization, reflecting all direct and indirect expenses of providing a service or product.
Property Marks
Property Marks means any trade names, logos, domain names, designs, or visual representations owned by [entity].
Lease Area
Lease Area means the predetermined section of a property to which a lease applies
Service Code
Service Code means a unique identifier for a service, charge, procedure, or authorization, used in various systems.
Date of Acquisition
Date of Acquisition means the earliest provable date when ownership was formally transferred for necessary purposes.