All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Intrastate commerce
Intrastate commerce means the full cycle of trade, transport, or traffic within the borders of a [state], excluding interstate or international interactions
Medical Emergency
Medical Emergency means a condition presenting severe symptoms from an injury or illness which requires immediate medical attention to avoid harmful consequences.
Delivery Schedule
Delivery Schedule means a definitive timeline detailing the provision and receipt of specified services or products.
Service Workers
Service Workers means individuals performing tasks in food, cleaning, personal, or protective service roles
Educational Course
Educational Course means a program or course, focused on improving the skill and knowledge of a participant, offered by an accredited institution.
Scope of Business
Scope of Business means the specialization and activities performed within a particular industry
Credit Value
Credit Value means the potential total of credits that an entity can accumulate based on rules connected with a given service
Authenticated Copy
Authenticated Copy means a self-attested duplicate of any requisite document, certified by a notary public under [governing law].
Solid fence
Solid fence means a sturdy, visibly opaque barrier constructed from substantial materials such as wood, metal, or pre-approved by [entity]