All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Domestic Water
Domestic Water means any water supplied through a piping system for personal or household uses such as, but not limited to, drinking, cooking, and sanitation
Trade Value
Trade Value means the total worth computed by multiplying quantity with individual unit price
Human rights abuse
Human rights abuse means causing harm that interferes with internationally accepted human rights or environmental rights, through actions or failures in a company's operations.
Gram Sabha
Gram Sabha means a group inclusive of people on the electoral rolls of a village, under the jurisdiction of a Panchayat.
Parental Responsibility
Parental Responsibility means all legal duties, rights, and authority a parent has concerning a child.
Research Findings
Research Findings means the data and results generated, and any new methods or innovations that are established, as a result of a research activity.
Tandem axle
Tandem axle means two or more consecutive axles spaced and interconnected to evenly distribute load, with centers a certain number of inches apart
Block hours
Block hours means the period of time an aircraft operates, from departure to arrival at its destination
Electricity Supply
Electricity Supply means the provision of electric energy, capacity, and related services from a power network to premises for use