All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Earnings Release
Earnings Release means a mandatory public announcement by a corporation disclosing its financial or operational results for a specified period.
Loan Financing
Loan Financing means any funds borrowed from a [financial institution] or an entity specialized in lending and investing in loans.
Rated Power
Rated Power means the maximum constant power output of an engine or system, as specified in its technical documentation
A fair wage
A fair wage means justly earned compensation that is reasonable and proportionate to the value of services rendered.
Submission Date
Submission Date means the specific date on which a contribution, transaction or application is provided or registered
Retail Partner
Retail Partner means an appointed agent who sells goods, services or subscriptions for another business.
Parking Sign
Parking Sign means a sign regulated by a governing body, guiding vehicular traffic to parking facilities.
Commencement of Commercial Operations
Commencement of Commercial Operations means the marked date when operations or services have started.
Special Law
Special Law means: a legal rule or Act of Parliament made for a distinctive subject or a local area.