All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Statutory Compliance
Statutory Compliance means the adherence to all relevant laws, rules, regulations, and governmental restrictions applicable to a business.
High quality materials
High quality materials means durable, authentic materials designed with thoughtful detail
Referral Laboratory
Referral Laboratory means a laboratory recognized by [organization] for specific testing purposes
48 hours
48 hours means a consecutive duration of two business days
Referral Laboratory
Referral Laboratory means a laboratory recognized by [organization] for specific testing purposes
Place of Business
Place of Business means a primary, assigned location where an [organization] consistently conducts economic activities
Schedule Date
Schedule Date means the agreed upon date for initiation or execution of a [specific item or task] as stated within the governing provisions of this agreement
Payment Confirmation
Payment Confirmation means a written, transactional document displaying all vital details of a payment, including confirmation or order number
Extended Price
Extended Price means the result of multiplying the unit price per [unit of time or item] by the estimated amount of [time or items].