All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Estate Lot
Estate Lot means an unimproved, designated plot for a standalone residential unit
General Provisions
General Provisions means specific sections within a contract outlining broad regulations and guidelines
Trade-in Value
Trade-in Value means the stated cost in the [bill of sale] of a [vehicle] that's being substituted for a new one.
Certificate of Construction Completion
Certificate of Construction Completion means a document, submitted by an engineer or a construction contractor, indicating the achieved conformity of a constructed project to predefined performance measures
Credit Securities
Credit Securities means fixed-income or debt securities, corporate bonds, loans, asset-backed or mortgage-backed securities, and convertible securities
Adequate consideration
Adequate consideration means fair exchange of property or services at a customary or reasonable rate
Null and void
Null and void means an action or request has no legal force, making it invalid.
Salary Adjustment
Salary Adjustment means a change, either an increase or decrease, in an individual's salary.
Available Rooms
Available Rooms means total rooms open for rent to the public daily, excluding those used for internal or commercial purposes.