All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Lessor Permits
Lessor Permits means permits found in [Appendix], inclusive of all existing and future obligations bound by the lease agreement.
Possession of the Property
Possession of the Property means having actual, physical, indisputable control and occupancy of the property
Digital Communication
Digital Communication means exchanging information electronically between parties using an electronic device, excluding public service broadcasts.
Artistic Work
Artistic Work means any product of creativity, regardless of its artistic quality or form
Third-party Seller
Third-party Seller means a person or entity, independent of the operator of a transaction or marketplace, engaged in selling goods or services
Program Accessibility
Program Accessibility means services, in their entirety, consistently available and usable by qualified individuals with disabilities.
Period of Cover
Period of Cover means the duration of coverage as outlined in your policy documents.
Record Sheet
Record Sheet means a sheet explicitly designed to accept, retain, and continuously record specific information through designated marking devices.
Letting means the act of accepting bids to grant a lease for a specified term under a defined agreement, covering any extensions thereof