All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Higher Educational Institution (HEI)
Higher Educational Institution (HEI) means a recognized university, college, or other institution offering [clause]-determined higher education
HD Zone
HD Zone means the formally adopted and approved housing development area, validated by a [Certificate of Approval].
Form MU4
Form MU4 means a standardized licensing format for individual mortgages from a recognized registry.
Captive Animal
Captive Animal means a non-domestic or wild creature, confined permanently or temporarily, including those injured or restrained.
Initiation Fees
Initiation Fees means one-time payments made to attain membership in a [club], not including payments for goods or services.
Order Number
Order Number means a unique identifier associated with a purchase order.
Producing broker
Producing broker means a licensed broker or agent who directly interacts with the party seeking insurance.
Current Employment
Current Employment means employment embarked on less than a year before an information request.
Dutiable Goods
Dutiable Goods means items subjected to compulsory financial charges like cess, levy, imposition, tax, or surtax.