All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
No Stopping
No Stopping means you are forbidden from temporarily halting any vehicle at a designated area, regardless of the occupant's presence in the vehicle.
Collegiate-level work
Collegiate-level work means a course or program providing knowledge and skills exceeding secondary education, incorporating critical thinking and skill integration.
Duly Authorised
Duly Authorised means sanctioned by relevant [organisation] or a person entitled on its behalf.
Commercial Parking
Commercial Parking means a place where any vehicle can be parked for a fee.
PG (Payment Gateway) Fee
PG (Payment Gateway) Fee means fees for third-party gateway services for collecting end-user revenue within a set territory. Rate capped at specified percentage of transaction revenue. Higher fees require a written amendment to agreement conditions. Changes must be communicated in writing.
Laboratory Attendant
Laboratory Attendant means an employee, not otherwise specified, engaged in a laboratory with duties that include cleaning equipment and assisting in projects
Private Property Impound (PPI)
Private Property Impound (PPI) means the act of removing a vehicle from private property without the vehicle owner's consent at the request of the property owner or manager.
Sales Financing
Sales Financing means acting on behalf of sellers, transferring or funding consumer sales or leases, and ensuring direct payment collection.
External Site
External Site means websites and materials not hosted on an [organization]'s web server.