All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Low balance account
Low balance account means a deposit account not linked to primary transactions or loans, keeping within an agreed monetary limit.
Urban Local Body (ULB)
Urban Local Body (ULB) means an officially recognized municipal body
Deinstallation means removing all equipment from a device and returning the device to its original condition, excluding normal wear and tear.
Costs in Excess of Billings
Costs in Excess of Billings means the revenue earned and not billed in a contract, following GAAP and recorded in the latest balance sheet.
Micrograms per Liter (µg/l)
Micrograms per Liter (µg/l) means a unit measuring the presence of a constituent in water or wastewater, equivalent to one millionth of a gram per liter of solution.
Flex leave
Flex leave means an approved period of absence during which an employee's accumulated work time remains unchanged
Convicted of a felony
Convicted of a felony means a person has been judged guilty of a serious crime and a legal judgment has been entered.
Frequency of Use
Frequency of Use means an individual's recorded usage rate for a certain supply, be it daily, weekly, or monthly. This rate justifies the total quantity of supplies ordered.
Existing Product
Existing Product means a formulation that has been previously sold, supplied, or manufactured