All Definitions

Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.

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Bond release

Bond release means the point when the [authority] returns a reclamation or performance bond, following satisfactory completion of stipulated work

Bond release


Massagist means any person performing or involved in the business of massage services, excluding registered physiotherapists.


Subsistence Expenses

Subsistence Expenses means costs for accommodation, meals, and non-alcoholic drinks during mandatory overnight business travel

Subsistence Expenses

Reasonable Person Standard

Reasonable Person Standard means an objective measure assessing if a typical individual, under identical circumstances and facts, would reach a logical decision

Reasonable Person Standard

National Prefix

National Prefix means the initial sequence of digits dialed by a user, for routing communication within a network or country.

National Prefix

Environmental and social considerations

Environmental and social considerations means evaluating the impact on ecosystems, human health, safety, and social conditions.

Environmental and social considerations

Industrial Building

Industrial Building means a structure used for, or associated with, manufacturing, fabricating, or processing materials

Industrial Building

Collections Account

Collections Account means an account at a bank, controlled solely by the bank, accepting and managing collateral-associated payments.

Collections Account

Reserve Order

Reserve Order means an official decision determining or defining a specific reserve, in accordance with a specified regulation or plan

Reserve Order