All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Ancillary Industry
Ancillary Industry means an enterprise creating parts or services, and supplying at least half its output to other industries.
Incurred Debt
Incurred Debt means any debt taken on and distributed by [organization], not exceeding an agreed [number] and [currency].
Home Gardening
Home Gardening means the cultivation of fruits, vegetables or flowers primarily for personal use, secondary to a residence on the same plot.
Mumty means a structure, built on a staircase's top landing or the building's roof, to protect the staircase from weather.
Incident number
Incident number means a unique number assigned during a defined detaining period or for a specific referral.
Family Medical Emergency
Family Medical Emergency means the death of an employee's spouse or severe health issue affecting either their spouse or dependent child
Office Closure
Office Closure means the specified period when an office is not open for business due to a public holiday or other reasons.
Labor Contractor
Labor Contractor means an entity providing a workforce, contracted or otherwise, for a client's standard operations.
Data Message
Data Message means information or data generated, sent, received, or stored electronically