
Act of Insolvency

The meaning of “

Act of Insolvency

” differs based on where it is used. We list many below, then combine them into one or more market-standard definitions.

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🤔 Our AI Legal Assistant has combined and improved the above descriptions to create market-standard 'Genie definitions' below, with guidance on which documents and which industry to use for each.

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Act of Insolvency

" in your document?

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What is the most popular definition of '

Act of Insolvency


any of the following:the taking of any step in connection with any voluntary arrangement or any other compromise or arrangement for the benefit of any creditors of the Licensee;the making of an application for an administration order or the making of an administration order in relation to the Licensee;the giving of any notice of intention to appoint an administrator, or the filing at court of the prescribed documents in connection with the appointment of an administrator, or the appointment of an administrator, in relation to the Licensee;the appointment of a receiver or manager or an administrative receiver in relation to any property or income of the Licensee;the commencement of a voluntary winding-up in respect of the Licensee, except a winding-up for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction of a solvent company in respect of which a statutory declaration of solvency has been filed with the Registrar of Companies;the making of a petition for a winding-up order or a winding-up order in respect of the Licensee;the striking-off of the Licensee from the Register of Companies or the making of an application for the Licensee to be struck-off;the Licensee otherwise ceasing to exist; orthe presentation of a petition for a bankruptcy order or the making of a bankruptcy order against the Licensee.The paragraphs above shall apply in relation to a partnership or limited partnership (as defined in the Partnership Act 1890 and the Limited Partnerships Act 1907 respectively) subject to the modifications referred to in the Insolvent Partnerships Order 1994 (SI 1994/2421) (as amended), and a limited liability partnership (as defined in the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000) subject to the modifications referred to in the Limited Liability Partnerships Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/1090) (as amended).Act of Insolvency includes any analogous proceedings or events that may be taken pursuant to the legislation of another jurisdiction in relation to a licensee incorporated or domiciled in such relevant jurisdiction.

License to Occupy (for Mutuals & Cooperatives)

The legal template, "License to Occupy (for Mutuals & Cooperatives) under UK law," is a document designed to formalize and regulate the occupation rights of individuals or companies within a mutual or cooperative structure in the United Kingdom.

This template establishes a license agreement, detailing the terms and conditions under which the licensee can occupy or use a property or space owned or operated by a mutual or cooperative organization. It serves as a legally binding contract between the mutual or cooperative entity and the licensee, outlining the rights, obligations, and restrictions of both parties.

The template could cover various aspects such as the duration of the license, rent or occupancy fees, maintenance responsibilities, permitted use of the premises, provisions for alterations or improvements, access and security arrangements, insurance requirements, dispute resolution mechanisms, termination conditions, and other relevant provisions.

By utilizing this legal template, mutuals and cooperatives can ensure that the occupancy arrangements are clearly defined and compliant with UK laws. The document promotes transparency, sets expectations, and protects the interests of both parties involved in the license agreement. Each party can refer to the license in case any disputes or conflicts arise during the license period, minimizing the potential for misunderstandings and legal complications.
Contract template sketch
Use this definition

The 2nd most popular definition of '

Act of Insolvency

' is:

any analogous proceedings or events that may be taken pursuant to the legislation of another jurisdiction in relation to a tenant or guarantor incorporated or domiciled in such relevant jurisdiction.

Commercial Lease (for Mutuals & Cooperatives)

The Commercial Lease (for Mutuals & Cooperatives) template under UK law is a legal document specifically designed for businesses and organizations operating as mutuals and cooperatives. This template provides a comprehensive framework for leasing commercial properties, ensuring compliance with the relevant UK laws and regulations specific to these types of entities.

The template covers various essential aspects of a commercial lease agreement, including the identification of the lessor and lessee, key lease terms and provisions, rights and obligations of both parties, and the lease duration. It carefully outlines the permitted use of the leased premises, highlighting any industry-specific considerations relevant to mutuals and cooperatives.

This template also incorporates clear guidelines regarding rental payments, security deposits, and any special considerations related to insurance or maintenance responsibilities. It may also include provisions for rent reviews, lease renewals, or termination conditions tailored to the specific needs of a mutual or cooperative enterprise.

Furthermore, the template may address additional provisions unique to mutuals and cooperatives, such as regulations related to the collective decision-making process, membership rights and responsibilities, promotion of cooperative values, or mechanisms for dispute resolution within the entity.

By utilizing this Commercial Lease template for Mutuals & Cooperatives under UK law, businesses and organizations operating in these sectors can establish a legally binding agreement that provides clarity, protection, and a solid foundation for their commercial property leases.
Contract template sketch
See templates using this definition

The 3rd most popular definition of '

Act of Insolvency

' is:

any analogous proceedings or events that may be taken pursuant to the legislation of another jurisdiction in relation to a licensee incorporated or domiciled in such relevant jurisdiction.

License to Occupy (for Mutuals & Cooperatives)

The legal template, "License to Occupy (for Mutuals & Cooperatives) under UK law," is a document designed to formalize and regulate the occupation rights of individuals or companies within a mutual or cooperative structure in the United Kingdom.

This template establishes a license agreement, detailing the terms and conditions under which the licensee can occupy or use a property or space owned or operated by a mutual or cooperative organization. It serves as a legally binding contract between the mutual or cooperative entity and the licensee, outlining the rights, obligations, and restrictions of both parties.

The template could cover various aspects such as the duration of the license, rent or occupancy fees, maintenance responsibilities, permitted use of the premises, provisions for alterations or improvements, access and security arrangements, insurance requirements, dispute resolution mechanisms, termination conditions, and other relevant provisions.

By utilizing this legal template, mutuals and cooperatives can ensure that the occupancy arrangements are clearly defined and compliant with UK laws. The document promotes transparency, sets expectations, and protects the interests of both parties involved in the license agreement. Each party can refer to the license in case any disputes or conflicts arise during the license period, minimizing the potential for misunderstandings and legal complications.
Contract template sketch
See templates using this definition

The 4th most popular definition of '

Act of Insolvency

' is:

The 5th most popular definition of '

Act of Insolvency

' is:

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