All Definitions

Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.

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Individual Activity

Individual Activity means ongoing autonomous endeavors undertaken with a target of producing income or economical gains.

Individual Activity

Enrolment Form

Enrolment Form means document used by individuals to register for a scheme, completed upon initiation

Enrolment Form

Total Enrollment

Total Enrollment means the count of qualified students across all grade levels and programs at a given point in time.

Total Enrollment

Direct Recruitment

Direct Recruitment means hiring an individual externally, not by promoting or transferring within an [organization].

Direct Recruitment

Household Assets

Household Assets means all monetary and non-monetary assets of a household, excluding retirement plan assets.

Household Assets

Performing Asset

Performing Asset means an asset that is not a non-performing asset.

Performing Asset

Adverse Report

Adverse Report means a declaration marking significant issues in a system, policy or individual's conduct.

Adverse Report

Computer Devices

Computer Devices means any device such as laptops, desktops, mobiles, tablets, wearable tech, that connects to the internet or distributes files.

Computer Devices


Conduent means a service solution providing [organization]
