All Definitions

Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.

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Malfeasance in office

Malfeasance in office means an intentional act, or failure to act, related to executive responsibilities.

Malfeasance in office

F.O.B. Destination Freight Prepaid and Allowed

F.O.B. Destination Freight Prepaid and Allowed means the seller, owning goods while in transit, ensures delivery to [destination] and pays any freight charges

F.O.B. Destination Freight Prepaid and Allowed

Energy Saving

Energy Saving means reduction in energy consumption as a result of improvement in energy efficiency in the system or in the process utilizing the system.

Energy Saving

How is Recruitment Year defined in a legal contract?Recruitment Year

How is Recruitment Year defined in a legal contract?Recruitment Year means the specific calendar year in which a recruitment drive or action is initiated or executed.Seen in 22 SEC filings

How is Recruitment Year defined in a legal contract?Recruitment Year

Go-Live Date

Go-Live Date means the date services meet agreed functional, technical and security requirements and are first used by a user.

Go-Live Date

Academic Services

Academic Services means activities provided to assist someone in gaining general information and skills for future knowledge application.

Academic Services


Manifestation means a detected physical or medical condition informed by a medical professional or individual awareness



Offtaker means the party involved in an Offtake Agreement or Power Purchase Agreement


Host Company

Host Company means an incorporated entity providing platform for a business interaction

Host Company