All Definitions

Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.

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Perishable products

Perishable products means items with inherent qualities that require use within a concise time frame due to quick value loss or deterioration.

Perishable products

Village Officer

Village Officer means a designated local leader, community planner, or administrator

Village Officer

Under the medical care and treatment of a physician

Under the medical care and treatment of a physician means consistent treatment supervised by a credentialed doctor

Under the medical care and treatment of a physician

Legal and Professional Fees

Legal and Professional Fees means reasonable charges by a hired counsel for necessary actions to protect [party]'s interests, including out-of-court costs and expert witness fees not reimbursed.

Legal and Professional Fees

Accountancy Services

Accountancy Services means the provision of financial management, including routine reports and end-of-year accounts.

Accountancy Services

Spoil Pile

Spoil Pile means excess, discarded minerals or materials, stacked or placed during excavation or mining activities

Spoil Pile

Accrued Day Off (ADO)

Accrued Day Off (ADO) means a day off earned by employees due to varying work schedules or overtime

Accrued Day Off (ADO)

Best of 5

Best of 5 means a competition format wherein a team is declared as the winner upon winning three out of five sets

Best of 5

Natural Calamity

Natural Calamity means disasters caused by natural perils including earthquakes, fires, floods, storms, cyclones, and heavy rainfall

Natural Calamity