All Definitions

Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.

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Private Security

Private Security means a safeguarding service provided by a non-public servant entity, protecting individuals and properties, inclusive of armored car services.

Private Security

Overnight mail

Overnight mail means express, priority or certified mail with delivery confirmation or an authorized overnight delivery service with online tracking

Overnight mail

Collective Rights

Collective Rights means privileges held by communities to preserve, manage, and regulate their diverse systems, creating biological variance and promoting conservation.

Collective Rights

Substantiated report

Substantiated report means a valid report of confirmed abuse or inappropriate sexual behaviour.

Substantiated report

Multiple Day Event

Multiple Day Event means a licensed, regular or consecutive day gathering at the same timings and location.

Multiple Day Event

Degree Program

Degree Program means a curriculum leading to an academic degree within a specific discipline

Degree Program

If the Company

If the Company means [Organization] is not obligated to file a new demand registration until 180 days after the original registration's effectiveness or sale completion

If the Company


Billability means the fraction of total working hours billable to customers, considering direct labour charges and total available labour excluding leave time.


Investee Companies

Investee Companies means entities or subsidiaries where [organization] holds debt, equity, or interest.

Investee Companies