All Definitions

Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.

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Services Requirement

Services Requirement means the current needs of an [authority] or [other body] regarding specific services

Services Requirement

Income derived from personal exertion

Income derived from personal exertion means taxable income earned from business proceedings, salaries, wages, bonuses, pensions, or retirement.

Income derived from personal exertion

Individual Company

Individual Company means a member of an affiliated group that has assumed the obligations of a plan concerning its employees by signing an agreement of participation with the principal entity and the trustee.

Individual Company

Sub-trade contractor

Sub-trade contractor means a business that focuses on specialized tasks within larger construction projects

Sub-trade contractor

Industrial Personnel

Industrial Personnel means all persons moved or accommodated on a vessel to perform offshore industrial tasks on other vessels or facilities.

Industrial Personnel

Construction Works

Construction Works means all necessary activities and tasks, inclusive of goods and services, towards the completion of a project

Construction Works

Credit Redemption

Credit Redemption means converting accumulated credits to meet requirements for awards in an [organization]

Credit Redemption

Market Dwellings

Market Dwellings means units intended for residential use that are not classified as affordable.

Market Dwellings

BT Licence

BT Licence means a permit granted under a specific law to BT to operate a specified system

BT Licence