All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Joint Director
Joint Director means a role assigned by [clause] or [organization] within a selected [organization] or agreement, held jointly by one or more members.
Statutory Requirement
Statutory Requirement means a requirement enforced under any applicable legislation
Plant Production
Plant Production means the cultivation and harvesting of agricultural crops, including wild plants, for commercial use.
Private Road Easement
Private Road Easement means private access permission given to property owners over a piece of adjacent land intersecting a street, recorded in [organization]'s files.
POC Employees
POC Employees means workers of an organization on a specific date, excluding key personnel retained by a seller and anyone receiving long-term disability benefits.
Indecent Liberties
Indecent Liberties means intentionally creating unwelcome intimate contact, either forcefully or exploiting physical or mental incapacity.
Covered Period
Covered Period means the timeframe starting [number] months before a change of control, and ending [number] months after it.
Capital Gains Dividends
Capital Gains Dividends means dividends a [type of entity] chooses to distribute from its capital gains
Outgoing Call
Outgoing Call means a call transferred at a [point of interconnection] by the [operator]