All Definitions
Genie AI's algorithm has begun to pull terms, relevant taxonomical data from legal templates and databases worldwide. Wherever possible we will cite the source of the legal definition to support your legal research needs.
Dispatch Order
Dispatch Order means the initiation of a request in a [company's] digital management system for specific services at a designated [location].
Environmental Features
Environmental Features means land hosting ecological habitats like significant woodlands, wetlands, or endangered species.
Property bond
Property bond means a legally approved bail bond executed for compensation, secured by tangible assets.
Indent Order
Indent Order means an order for goods, placed by a customer in line with agreed terms, necessitating specific acquisition from third-party entities
Child-in-law means the spouse or domestic partner of one's child.
Detached Building
Detached Building means an independent structure not physically coupled to any other buildings, encircled by open spaces.
BOM Costs
BOM Costs means total landed expenses for all items and services for a [product], excluding indirect and overhead costs.
Both Parties
Both Parties means the two main entities stated in the [contract].
NSSC means it is either a reference to neutral sulfite semi-chemical processing in the pulp industry, or it represents the National Skills Standards Council.