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England and Wales

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📁 AGM requisition

Business activity

Include matter in AGM

Why use a 📁 AGM requisition?

A requisition is a formal, written request, typically one that is signed and dated. In law, a requisition is often used as a means of requesting documents or other items from another party. In corporate governance, a requisition is a demand made by shareholders for a meeting of the shareholders or for the board of directors to take some action.

This legal template refers to Section 338A under UK law, which pertains to the rights and powers of members (shareholders) of a traded company to request the inclusion of a particular matter in the business agenda of an Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The template outlines the specific procedure and requirements for members to submit a requisition, formally requesting the inclusion of their proposed matter for discussion and potential decision-making at the AGM. This section of UK law ensures that shareholders have a voice and the ability to influence the company's decision-making process by raising important issues or proposing resolutions that they believe should be addressed by the company.

The template could include details about the necessary information that must be provided in the requisition, such as the member's name, contact information, and shareholding details. It may also outline the specific information required regarding the matter to be included, such as a concise description and rationale for the proposal. Additionally, the template might highlight the deadline by which the requisition must be submitted to ensure adequate review and inclusion in the AGM's agenda.

By using this legal template, members of a traded company in the UK can exercise their rights and actively participate in shaping the company's direction and decision-making processes through the inclusion of their proposed matters in the AGM agenda.

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Genie AI


England and Wales

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Genie AI


England and Wales

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Genie AI


England and Wales